Chapter 1438, Deep Sea Giant

Yesterday’s password red envelope did not know what was going on, it could not be sent out until the evening was successful……….


The kindness and love of King Arthur is for his own people, not for the descendants of the foreign barbarian!

To be honest, at that time, if it was not an armored brigade stationed near the rim city that cooperated with the air force, in addition to a burst of artillery bombardment, the rim city would probably have to flow into a river.

But even so, the number of people who were killed at the time exceeded 3,000.

To this end, the Eagle State military was greatly annoyed, sending fighters to chase Arthur Wang Haoyuan. If it wasn’t for the Merlin Master’s take action to shoot down several fighters, King Arthur might not lose much.

Of course, this may be that King Arthur has just come to reality, is not familiar with the weapons of reality, and has to escape.

But even if the King Arthur is not very powerful, it seems to have a Special Ability that can summon a longbow soldier.

Taking advantage of this means, in the next few months, King Arthur really made the Eagle Country become overwhelmed.

Although the longbowmen will die when they are shot, the strength is the degree of the 1-Star elite, but when they gather together, the Arrows that are constantly thrown out can still cause the Eagle State armed with modern firearms. Quite a big casualty!

The most headache for the Eagle Kingdom is that King Arthur has not been suppressed yet, and a red dragon has appeared!

The first appearance of the red dragon destroyed a naval base in the city of Talasi, bringing two destroyers docked here and a keep it up boat in a series of boats to be fed into the seabed. .

Although the fighters that arrived after the emergency arrived, the missile gave the Red Dragon a lesson, but the red dragon still managed to escape, but the body was blown up dozens of scales.

The Eagle State has added several reports of loss of fighter jets.

As for the rest of the time, the people of the Eagle Kingdom can be described as three times a day, from time to time there are TV news such as longbow soldiers, red dragons and so on.

Through this chaotic situation, many dynamic social groups and dynamic social scums have taken the opportunity to develop their own power.

Cases such as robbery, murder, etc. have increased by dozens of times compared to the previous ones!

Most of the British Isles are completely in chaos and disorder.

Except for the rim city and several large military bases all around, the rest of the area is either occupied by His Majesty King Arthur, or destroyed by the Red Dragon, and then it is ruled by a group of dynamic social groups.

It can be said that the dragon and the snake are together!

In short, in the current situation, the eagle country wants to rely on its own strength to rectify the chaos, to settle the chaos, and to eliminate the Dust World forces headed by King Arthur and Red Dragon, which is completely impossible.

No way, although this eagle country is also one of the world’s major powers, it once occupied more than one-third of the world’s colonies, claiming that the Japanese empire, the warship owned by it 100 years ago, It is the sum of the world’s second, third, and fourth powers!

In other words, the warships it owns can fight the world!

The problem is that with the two world wars, the colonies have become independent, in addition to the so-called de-industrialization process, making this powerful empire ruined, thus becoming a second-rate power.

Today, this country cannot guarantee even its own aircraft carrier.

Now King Arthur and the Red Dragon are doing this, the economy is directly bankrupt, the most of the industrial eagle country is lost, and it is too difficult to gather material and quickly develop armaments against the Dust World Monster.

To this end, the Eagle State had to ask for help.

But now, there are not many countries that have time to spare, and have the strength to reach out to the Eagles.

Most of the countries are self-sufficient, and there is still time to pay attention to the broken things happening on a lonely island in Europa.

Take Gaul, the country closest to Eagle State, the experience of this period is a surprise!

To put it simply, at the beginning, several ancient knights appeared in the territory of Gaul. After the people of Gauluo contacted them, they found that the other party turned out to be the twelve paladin under Charlemagne!

Although it was not Charlemagne’s personal appearance, it was only a few paladins, but it has already made Gaolu’s country extremely excited.

It is important to know that Charlemagne is the greatest emperor in the history of Gaul. It once established a large empire occupying most of the Europa, which is a rare achievement in the history of Gaul.

The most important issue is that it defends Christ’s right to shepherd on the earth. It is said that when he started, there was an angel guiding the clouds.

In any case, the paladin of Charlemagne’s majesty is still good-willing to Gaul.

Therefore, Gao Luguo thinks that it is time to work.

You know, these paladins are not the bachelor commanders. They come from Dust World. They are surrounded by two hundred noble knights, three thousand long contradictory cavalry, eight thousand sword shields, and one thousand three thousand spearmen. !

The strength of the Paladin is unknown, but those spearmen are probably the 1-Star elite close to the 2-Star common level, the sword shield is 2-Star ordinary, the long contradictory cavalry is the 2-Star elite, the aristocratic knight strength Jagged, 2-Star Terror, 3-Star elite.

In any case, the army led by these paladins is enough to make the country of Gaul excited.

This is a friendly army! The army led by the Paladin helped the Gaolu country sweep around the Dust World Monster.

Many newspapers in the Gallic countries even called the army led by these paladins the gift of heaven.

Indeed, due to the emergence of these Paladin army, the Dust World Monster in the Gaul State has been greatly reduced, and even people feel the illusion of returning to the Dust World Monster invasion.

But soon, the trouble is coming.

The coastal area of ​​Gaul is quickly attacked by the arrived deep sea Giant!

This deep sea is the legendary species in Celtic mythology.

They live in the deep sea, ruled a large ocean, built a magnificent crystal palace on the seabed, and their king Barroll called the evil eye demon king, it is said that as long as someone is seen by his eyes, then it will die!

Deep Sea Giant is a deadly enemy of humanity in Celtic mythology. They want to defeat the Danu Protoss who rule the land all the time, rule everything on the earth, and destroy all life forms that stand upright!

It is conceivable that with the appearance of such a Monster, what kind of disaster the Gaul Congress suffered.

In this way, the country of Gaul was not safe for a few days, and once again fell into the deep sea Giant’s Terror.

No way, even if the Paladins led the army to block these deep-sea Giants, the entire Gaul country has too many coastlines for deep seas.

The deep sea Giant can easily go deep into the land for hundreds of kilometers, burn and kill and then return to the sea.

Even the most powerful paladin can’t chase the ocean and fight with these deep sea Giants.

Encounters like the Eagle Kingdom and Gaul are everywhere in the Europa range.

Countries with stronger strengths can still maintain in such a Monster wave, and those countries with weak strength will directly destroy the country.

It can be said that after these weak countries were destroyed, their nationals even wanted to escape, and they could not find a place to accommodate them.

In the two major regions of the North and the South, in addition to the colonial army in history and the emergence of pirates such as the Caribbean, this time there have been some indigenous gods enshrined in the past Indians!

Although these indigenous gods are also in a relatively weak position in the Indian gods, they have all kinds of strange and magical strengths, which makes the two countries in the Americas have a headache!

For example, a wide range of plagues, or let the groundwater source in a certain area dry up, and even there will be a large number of marching ants, poisonous insects, poisonous snakes and various wild beasts frequently attacking some small cities.

Within these two Americas, a slightly smaller country is also destroying the country.

As for the Asian region, many new countries have seen the invasion of the Dust World Monster. Some are the gods that have appeared in the history of the country, the evil spirits, some are the tyrants of some dynasties, and some are in some myths and legends. Monster and so on.

Even China has seen a lot of Dust World Monster, the most famous of which is probably the Xuejun of Genghis Khan.

Qi Xuejun is a Yulin army established by Genghis Khan in order to stabilize its rule. It has specially established a hundred households, thousands of households, thousands of households, etc. Official sergeants. The sergeants are powerful, with a total of up to 10,000, but they are the sole power of Genghis Khan. Made a great contribution.

It can be said that the status of any soldier will not be lower than that of a thousand households.

In addition, there are Qidan cavalry, Jinfu’s Tiefutu, the kidnapped horse, and the Wuguo military force such as the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the Five Kingdoms.

Once these ancient alien military forces appeared, they would harm one side and make smoke in China.

Fortunately, there are these alien military forces, and there are also the military forces of the Chinese Orthodox dynasty. What are the military forces such as Daqin, Dahan, Datang, Dasong, etc., once they appear, members of the investigation team of the China Special Committee It will risk your life to come into contact with it.

To say, at this time, China’s previous contract with Yue Yun and other ancient generals has been used for erupts.

As long as it is determined that it is the military force of Daqin, Datang, and Da Song, then Yue Yun and others will send people to accompany the members of the investigation team to convince the other party.

The only trouble is that the great man, Da Ming and the like did not sign the ancient forces of the contract before.

However, Zhu Xinyi and others are not white mixed, with a team of Bai Mayi, a visit, although the Muscle may not be the role of the involved Intimidate, but at least let the other party can listen to their own opinions.

As a result, the military forces of these ancient dynasties also reluctantly signed a contract with the China Parliament and began to cope with those alien military forces.

Of course, the think tank of the China Parliament has raised a question.

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