Chapter 1435, the strength of the wind

Today is the fourth day? Suddenly I feel that the Spring Festival is going so fast, and the feeling of ending in the blink of an eye.


However, next, to improve what attributes, Wei Xiaobei must think about it.

After the previous series of upgrades, there are now 136,630 points in Evolution Points!

The increase of the attribute from the 120 point to the 140 point requires 640,000 Evolution Points. That is, Wei Xiaobei will only be able to raise the two attributes to the 140 point.

Strength 140, Agility 140, Vitality 120, Intelligence 120, Awareness 120, Charm 120.

As can be seen from the above attributes, Wei Xiaobei needs to select two items from Vitality, Intelligence, Awareness and Charisma to improve.

Ok, Vitality is a must.

Needless to say, the benefits of the Vitality attribute are not too much to say. Just look at how the country is often stunned by Wei Xiaobei, and you will know the Terror after the Vitality attribute is raised.

Then the remaining attribute, choose Intelligence?

Not to mention, the choice to upgrade Intelligence, the benefits are indeed quite a lot, can make Wei Xiaobei’s spirit more powerful, and even can once again be multi-purpose, cut your mind once again!

I have to say that the six minds are very helpful to Wei Xiaobei. If you don’t have six minds, it is absolutely impossible for Wei Xiaobei to create Qing Mu Paradise in such a short period of time, and it is even more impossible to completely complete those genes. Analyzed out, in short, after having six minds, Wei Xiaobei has saved a lot of time in Learning, research!

It is conceivable that if you cut your mind once again and form twelve minds, how big is the help of Wei Xiaobei!

And Awareness, this attribute determines Wei Xiaobei’s Willpower, the determination of everything in the world, the investigation of Awareness to the outside world, and even the hunch, Intuition and so on.

For example, Wei Xiaobei’s temperament, Myriad Things Thoroughly Understand, Heaven People, and Intuition reproduce these abilities, all of which are hidden under the Awareness attribute.

Being tempted can make Wei Xiaobei unaffected by illusion and refuse temptation. Myriad Things Thoroughly Understand needless to say about Wei Xiaobei. Without Myriad Things Thoroughly Understand, Wei Xiaobei wants to quickly gain enemy strength, weaknesses, etc. Such a situation is impossible.

As for the Heaven People sensor, you can feel the Life Form and all hostility within a certain range, which makes Wei Xiaobei very vulnerable to being ambushed by the enemy. The final Intuition reproduction can make Wei Xiaobei not make many mistakes in the fierce high-speed battle. .

At this point, it seems that upgrading the Awareness attribute is also a good choice.

The last is the charm attribute.

Compared to the other five attributes, the glamour attribute is ostensibly determined by one’s Courage, persuasion, Character Attraction, leadership, and Attractive Appearance.

To put it bluntly, a person is handsome and handsome, has no temperament, has no so-called gas field, etc., is a matter determined by the charm attribute.

Of course, if you look at this, the charm attribute is really a bit slag among many attributes.

To put it simply, for strength, the help of combat power is not great, and it is far from the attributes of strength, Agility, Vitality, etc.

But the charm attribute is another very mysterious attribute.

Destiny Reverse, Pestering Endlessly, fatal attraction, cronyism, skin copying, etc. are affiliated with glamour attributes.

Among them, this Destiny Reverse is undoubtedly one of Wei Xiaobei’s biggest cards!

As long as you have enough Evolution Points, Wei Xiaobei can turn Destiny Reverse of a certain existence or thing, so that its future changes!

In other words, Wei Xiaobei is able to master the fate of a god with this ability!

Of course, in view of the unpredictability of this ability to consume Evolution Points, Wei Xiaobei has not used it since it was acquired.

Who knows how many Evolution Points do you need to reverse the fate of a god?

You know, if the Evolution Points are not enough when you reverse the fate of the other party, then the fate of Wei Xiaobei will be affected!

This is not a joke.

Once the fate is affected, perhaps the original smooth sailing will become extremely difficult. The original happy life has undergone great changes, and even if it encounters an irresistible danger, it is possible to hang directly.

As for Pestering Endlessly, fatal attraction, cronyism, skin copying and so on, although it is more magical, but it is always only the auxiliary ability, there is no hammering effect, compared with the Destiny Reverse ability, the value is very low.

In comparison, Wei Xiaobei suddenly found that these three attributes seem to be very good, any one of the attributes can be used for promotion.

But Evolution Points are not enough, Wei Xiaobei can only continue to pick.

Since the advantages of these three attributes seem to be more powerful, then we can only talk about the disadvantages.

The intelligence attribute’s multi-purpose is really strong, it can split the mind, but every time you split your mind, there is a great risk!

I said before, when I split my mind, I was slightly careless. Wei Xiaobei’s end was very miserable, but it became an idiot, and it was a life-threatening call!

To be honest, if it’s not that the benefits of splitting my mind are really great, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t risk taking the risk again and again.

Now, to say that the six minds are enough for the time being, let alone the acceleration of the Intelligence attribute 120 point to Wei Xiaobei’s thinking problem is already quite powerful.

If there is no choice, Wei Xiaobei may still be willing to take risks, and now that Evolution Points is not enough to raise all attributes to 140 points, then Intelligence attribute can only reluctantly cut love and temporarily give up.

After giving up the Intelligence attribute, Wei Xiaobei sighed in relief, leaving only two attributes.

To improve the sense attribute, Wei Xiaobei feels that it is still a very good choice. As the induction attribute is upgraded to 140, several of the abilities that belong to it must be improved, which is also beneficial to the improvement of their own combat power.

In other words, boosting the sense attribute is a very robust option.

Conversely, upgrading charisma is a risky option.

Perhaps after the enhancement of the charm attribute, the ability to strengthen Destiny Reverse and so on is very poor, or it will be very good.

This made Wei Xiaobei feel a little hesitant.

If you change to something else, based on robust considerations, you will probably choose to enhance the sense attribute.

After all, choosing this attribute will add value and will not be as lossy as the charm attribute.

Well, for this, the charm attribute is pre-existing.

Wei Xiaobei remembers once to enhance the charm attribute, adding a power, called the appearance of the handsome, let yourself become fascinating, and even have the chance to activate a so-called toss fruits onto a full cart.

Charm, who doesn’t like it?

It can be said that if this looks, Wei Xiaobei seems to be a troublesome attractor.

Especially when going to the streets, those women, no matter how old or young, like a madman, when they move towards Wei Xiaobei, it makes Wei Xiaobei feel a headache.

To this end, Wei Xiaobei tried to avoid going to the streets and going to places where people were concentrated.

If you think about it, you will know, attracting a group of beautiful women to move towards yourself, but it’s not too bad. A group of old women, a group of fat aunts move towards themselves, the scene is too beautiful, Wei Xiaobei has not dared to imagine too much until now. .

But if the charm attribute is increased and added, there will be some Terror.

Just like the ability of Destiny Reverse, although Wei Xiaobei has never been used, it can’t erase its Terror value as a card!

In other words, if the charm attribute is added, it is like two dollars to buy a million million lottery tickets!

Besides, even if the charm attribute is devalued, Wei Xiaobei will not be too bad, and it will be a little more troublesome, but at least it will not be life-threatening.

At this point, Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate more, and decisively chose the charm attribute.

The choice of life was originally a gamble. If the gambling loss is a ruin, there is no life, but it can be considered. At most, it is 600,000 Evolution Points, which does not affect the safety of Wei Xiaobei. What else can hesitate? of?

Of course, improving attributes also needs to be orderly.

Wei Xiaobei then focused on the Vitality attribute, and Evolution Points quickly began to consume.

As with the promotion of the Agility attribute, Wei Xiaobei will stop for every lift, and the mind will sink and the internal view will observe the changes in the body.

But then again, Wei Xiaobei did it too much this time, and almost every time he upgraded Vitality he would stop watching.

Of course, such a move will not affect anything.

Wei Xiaobei observed several times and found that the Vitality attribute was improved, and the main changes in the body were in the blood, bones, other internal organs and even various connective tissues.

It must be said that the change in Vitality should be the biggest.

Numerous golden tiny lines emerge in the blood, bones, internal organs, connective tissue, and a little bit of a golden rune of the size of the fly with the Vitality attribute.

This makes a trace of gold under the skin of Wei Xiaobei.

The golden rune in Muscle, heart, ligaments, etc., continues to shrink and increase as usual.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei could not help but have some clear comprehension.

It can be seen that in fact, various attributes interact with each other.

When the attribute is low, the effect of this interaction is not easy to see. At most, after the Agility attribute is promoted, it is easier to grasp the strength.

But now, as the attribute rises to such a high level, the effect of the attribute enters the rule level, the effect of this interaction is obvious.

The increase in the Agility attribute promotes Muscle, and the golden rune on the heart increases and shrinks, while the Vitality attribute promotes the golden rune on the Muscle, heart, and ligaments to further increase and shrink.

So repeatedly, Wei Xiaobei suspects that what happens when I raise all the attributes to the 140 point?

keep an eye on.

Wei Xiaobei continues to upgrade the Vitality attribute.

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