Chapter 1406, wine, weakness

This poor Daoist from the 4 point in the early morning, smashed to the 6 point, and then placed on the warm water, I don’t know if it can be made, eat dumplings today! ! !


Some Common Persons lie directly on the ground, completely ignoring the threat of distant snakes. Some Common Persons are pointing at the giant snakes yelling, like madmen, and even some Common Person down to the river, fishing Out of some crush snake egg shells and the like.

In the face of the challenges of the Common Person, the giant snakes in the distance could not help.

They are not ordinary snakes without wisdom!

As descendants of the Eight Diagrams Serpents, they possess the wisdom far beyond ordinary snakes, and this wisdom will continue to increase as the years grow!

Soon, hundreds of giant snakes moved from the foot of the Giant volcano. The speed was not slow. The huge body slid quickly on the riverside, pressing the gravel and squeaking. The goal was to target these Common Persons.

Part of it is because these humans dare to provoke themselves, and the other part may be trying to taste the fresh flesh.

After all, in the eyes of the giant snakes, the Common Person, which is less than two meters long, should be one of the best foods for you.

It’s not too hard to swallow.

Seeing the serpent swimming, the Common Persons began to show a slightly panicked look and began to flee at the speed of ordinary people.

Seeing the escape of the Common Persons, the giant snakes were anxious, for fear that the food would escape, and even speed up, like a sharp arrow flying on the ground!

Of course, the use of sharp arrows to describe these giant snakes is still exaggerated, but they are indeed much faster than ordinary humans.

Not long after, the serpent chased the arrived Common Person less than 50 meters behind him.

However, at this time, those Common Persons began to accelerate, so that the giant snakes had an illusion that they would catch up and eat fast, but in fact the distance between the two sides has never been closer since then.

The two sides chased each other and quickly escaped the vision of the giant snakes of the Giant Volcano.

But the serpents that stayed near the Giant volcano are not worried about their brother.

After all, those Common Persons didn’t show anything powerful and only escaped.

When the Giant Volcano was far enough away, the Common Person removed the cans hanging from the body and the giant snakes behind the move towards were lost.


A series of cans hit the crush, and the giant snakes that are catching up are smelling the fascinating rich wine.

In an instant, the speed of the giant snakes was slow, and the weaknesses buried in the depths of the bloodline were quickly seduce by the wine.

Many serpents immediately stopped and stretched out the snake letter to pick up the drinks that flowed around on the ground.

The other part of the giant snake had no time to stop, and it suddenly collided with other giant snakes.

In the twinkling of an eye, the group of giant snakes can be described as people turning over and chaos, their attention is completely attracted by the scent of wine, and even when the impact tumbling, they did not give up to drink.

Wei Xiaobei, who was lurking on the side, saw her face smiling.

The effect of the wine is very obvious!

This is also normal.

Here is the Dust World, although the samurai castles are not weak, but their level of civilization is still a thousand years ago, not the reality.

Do not say anything else, just brewing wine, their level is almost the extent of making bad.

Adding the harvested rice to the koji fermentation, it becomes the original wine. After the filter press, the clear one is called sake, and the turbid below is called turbid wine.

In the ancient times of Dongpu, the price of sake was high, and the price of turbid wine was low. The ordinary warriors could only drink some turbid wine. They could drink the sake at least, but at least the lower part of the big name.

And the warriors used to deal with the serpent’s drinks, I am afraid it is a defective product in the turbid wine.

But those in the turbid wine can make these giant snakes more than 30%.

And the wine bottles thrown by these Common Persons are filled with distilled wine, and the alcohol content is more than 55 degrees!

It can be said that its attraction to the giant snake is more than 100 times that of the turbid wine!

At the same time, its impact on the fighting power of the giant snake is probably quite Giant.

In fact, when the Common Person took out the big knife and rushed to the front of the giant snakes, many of the giant snakes had been drunk and soft on the ground, and they could not move.

This is exactly a bare nude massacre.

After the drunkenness, the most sober of the giant snakes, the combat power has also been weakened by more than 90%!

In the face of the big knife lifted by the Common Person, these giant snakes have no power at all.

The battle soon ended, and hundreds of giant snake bodies were dragged into the Common Person and piled up.

Wei Xiaobei stretched out his left hand, and the shredded pork spurted out from the palm of his hand. They plunged into the bodies of these giant snakes and quickly swallowed them up.

Before the Xiongnu camp, on the Blue Cotton Island, Wei Xiaobei consumed a lot of material to cultivate Common Person, and here, it has cultivated hundreds of Common Persons. The material reserve in Life Altar consumes a lot, now it is just right. Supplementary supplement.

To say that these giant snakes don’t look at the Creature Rank is not high, but their body type is huge, and it is still very powerful to add material.

When the body of the giant snake was replenished, the Common Person set off again.

By the time the body of the giant snake was absorbed, the material reserves in Life Altar recovered more than half.

And not long after, Common Person came back with a Large group snake.

Compared with the last time, the number of giant snakes will be much more than this time, exceeding 1,000.

Obviously, the last batch of giant snakes to smash the Common Person has not returned, has attracted the attention of the giant snake, so the number of giant snakes this time has more than doubled.

The weakness of the giant snake has been firmly grasped by Wei Xiaobei.

Don’t say thousands of giant snakes, as long as the wine cans that are carried by Common Person are not used up, and more giant snakes are dead ends.

After repeated several times, the piled up giant snake bodies formed a hill.

At this time, near the Giant volcano, the number of giant snakes has dropped to less than a thousand, and these giant snakes are three or four meters long, and the young snakes that soon lay out the snake eggs!

It can be said that if the gossip snake does not show up again, these giant snakes will be completely destroyed.

Of course, for the breeding ability of the gossip snake, the giant snake will be completely destroyed, and its population will quickly rise again after the next spawning.

But for the gossip snake, if you let the giant snakes go out, it will be too much.

So when the young snakes faced the approaching Common Person and screamed, the magma in the Giant volcano rolled up.

Giant’s snake heads rose from the crater, with huge eyes of cold light, and instantly stared at the Common Person.

The huge power of seawater swept out in a moment, and moved towards those Common Persons.

Wei Xiaobei disconnected the mind connection with Common Person in the first place.

But after the power of the Common Person, the Common Person still insisted that the wine cans had been broken, and then they fell down under the suppression of the power.

It must be said that the gossip snake at this time has been violently extreme, and its rare one does not spray the Fireball, but hovered from above the Giant volcano, opening a huge mouth move towards those Common Person.

Giant’s suction is instantly generated, and the Common Person who is soft on the ground is sucked up and put into the mouth.

Under the suction of this Giant, not only the Common Person was sucked into the gossip, but even the wine bottles of the crush and even the drinks flowing on the ground were sucked in.


The gossip snake closed its mouth and stood in the same place, seemingly awkward.

Not long after, when the gossip snake returned to God, he even lowered his head and stretched out the snake letter and smashed it on the ground.

Undoubtedly, those drinks are very appetizing for it, but unfortunately it is too little.

The drinks carried by more than 50 Common Persons are only two hundred and fifty pounds of wine for it.

For the gossip snakes with a body length of more than a kilometer, this is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket.

Seeing that its actions are still the same as Agility, Wei Xiaobei knows that this wine can’t work at all.

But very quickly, under the order of Wei Xiaobei, the remaining Common Person appeared in the view of the gossip snake with a large tank.

Every big wine tank is open with a lid, and the smell of the wine that floats out from the inside suddenly attracts the attention of the gossip snake.

Seeing that the gossip snake turned his eyes, the Common Person put the big tank on the ground and turned and fled, without hesitation.

At this time, where the gossip snakes have the time to chase down the Common Person, more than 50 large wine tanks are scented with the smell of the wine, filling its nostrils and making it drool.


The huge mouth opened, the huge suction formed, and a strand of wine was spurred out of the big tank, turned into a stock backgrou, move towards the huge mouth.


In the blink of an eye, more than 30,000 kilograms of alcohol was sucked out, and the gossip snake screamed with satisfaction, and then began to move towards the Giant Volcano.

In the eyes of the gossip, it is worthwhile to be able to drink in this drink. As for the hatred of those descendants, nothing is lost after the brain.

It can be seen that after the gossip snake swallowed more than 30,000 kilograms of wine, the speed of returning slowed down a lot, and a trace of silk red began to appear in the eyeballs.

The wine has begun to work on it.

Well, of course, for the gossip snake, drinking more than 30,000 kilograms of wine is equivalent to a human drink a small glass of wine forget it.

But this wine is far more effective for the gossip snake than for humans to drink a pound or even three pounds of white wine!

In fact, the gossip snake returned to the Giant volcano just halfway through the journey, and the huge body began to shake. It even ran off the road, and the move towards a small hill was crushed.

Not waiting for the gossip snake to get close to the hill, a group of wood charms living in the hills, mountain children, and even the Yin Moro ghosts rushed out from the hills.

Undoubtedly, in the face of the body type Giant’s incomparable gossip snake, these cowardly ghosts did not even have the courage to resist, and fled.

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