Chapter 1401, huge spear evolution

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Well, to be honest, both the overseas Chinese and the officers and men on the frigate were shocked by the sudden appearance of the cement dock.

But obviously, this time is not the time to discuss what this cement dock is all about.

The first frigate steadily leaned on the dock and then lowered the gangway.

The overseas Chinese were supported by the excitement that emerged, and they began to board the ship. To be honest, if they were not excited, they would not have the strength to board the ship.

Looking at the Chinese overseas Chinese who boarded the ship, the indigenous and foreigners who were able to get to the beach suddenly became excited. They rushed to the dock and wanted to board the ship in front of others.

It must be said that the inferiority of human nature is revealed at this time.

But soon, those Common Person let them know what is called discipline.

After a series of punches and kicks, the indigenous and foreigners were honestly kneeling on the beach, staring at the Chinese overseas Chinese who were boarding the ship with envious eyes.

These Chinese people are so lucky that their motherland will send troops to protect them!

When the frigates were full and started to leave the dock, the indigenous and foreigners became fearful. They thought the fleet was leaving and their last hopes were cut off.

This almost caused a big riot.

Fortunately, at this time, the main force of the fleet led by the aircraft carrier was also arrested, and moved toward the dock to occupy the position of those frigates, so that the chaos subsided.

Of course, some of the leading indigenous people, foreigners have not been better, by the Common Person to mention the crowd, hanging on a simple wooden shelf.

As troublemakers, they can only get on the boat at the end and have to take the treatment of wooden scorpions to prevent them from causing new chaos after they board the ship.

When the Chinese overseas Chinese went to the boat, the indigenous and foreigners received the notice of the ship, and they were excited and inexplicably shouting strange words. Of course, if you listen carefully, you can still recognize that it should be China Long live and so on. Praise words of the class.

Undoubtedly, the arrival of the China aircraft carrier fleet gave them a way to live.

Otherwise, stay on the Blue Cotton Island and their final end will only die.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei has not paid attention to the process of evacuating the Chinese aircraft carrier fleet. His eyes are fixed on the northern island, and the right hand is holding the ink ghost spear. The body has been suspended at a height of 100 meters. Thin light and heat are emitted, like the same sun that is about to fall into the sea!

Wei Xiaobei This is a warning!

Warn those indigenous gods not to act rashly!

In fact, when the main carrier of the aircraft carrier arrived at the Blue Cotton Island, the indigenous gods hiding on the northern islands had some changes. They seemed to want to attack the main force of the aircraft carrier fleet!

At that time, Wei Xiaobei began to glow with heat.

Obviously, suddenly, the strong enemy of Wei Xiaobei entered this state, and the whole body radiated heat, which made those indigenous gods feel greatly threatened!

This feeling is like the feeling they had when they encountered those powerful natural gods.

In this way, the violent indigenous gods gave up their actions and became honest.

They know that if they take action on the steel fleet, then this strong enemy not far away will probably Eruption their most powerful strength!

By that time, it would be impossible for them to avoid fighting.

For the indigenous gods who have not fully recovered the strength, at this time, it is undoubtedly stupid to fight against a strong enemy Eruption!

It was not until the aircraft carrier fleet began to evacuate the dock, move towards the distant sea, Wei Xiaobei slowly turned to block the attitude between the aircraft carrier fleet and the northern island, move towards the beach.

After arriving at the beach, the mutant dock began to shrink rapidly and was taken back by Wei Xiaobei.

Next, Wei Xiaobei did not rush to the aircraft carrier fleet, but was always suspended more than 10 kilometers behind the aircraft carrier fleet, secretly protecting the fleet.

In the end, when the aircraft carrier fleet was more than 30 kilometers away from the Blue Cotton Island, the northern island had an angry soul wave!

Wei Xiaobei arrived At this moment, he was relieved.

He knows that even those indigenous gods who want to attack the aircraft carrier fleet have no choice. The distance here is beyond the scope of the indigenous gods.

Of course, if those indigenous gods are bold enough, they can catch up, but the problem is that Wei Xiaobei is here, are they dare?

The aircraft carrier fleet regrouped in small groups near the island more than 30 kilometers away, forming a defense circle centered on the aircraft carrier.

Of course, how much combat power the aircraft carrier fleet has at this time is undoubtedly a question mark.

After carrying a large number of ordinary people, the impact on the combat fleet of the aircraft carrier is undoubtedly great.

To this end, Wei Xiaobei had to keep up with the aircraft carrier fleet to prevent some accidents.

Fortunately, after two days of continuous sailing, the special mixed aircraft carrier that came to meet it met.

The special mixed aircraft carrier fleet is even larger. The core of the aircraft carrier is two aircraft carriers, and even more auxiliary ships.

The arrival of this special aircraft carrier fleet allowed the officers and men of the first aircraft carrier fleet to sighed in relief.

You know, in just two days, the food stocks carried by the first aircraft carrier fleet are tight.

If there is no ad hoc aircraft carrier fleet, the food of the first aircraft carrier fleet can be eaten when it is docked. It is really a question mark.

Of course, this special mixed carrier fleet is not just for the first aircraft carrier fleet. Their main task is to evacuate the overseas Chinese in the normal range.

Well, to put it bluntly, even if the overseas Chinese who are still under the control of the Claw States are evacuated.

This also indicates that China is not optimistic about whether the Cavaliers can control the situation in the future.

In fact, this kind of optimism is not just the attitude of China. After the China, several major powers in the world have sent fleets to the country to carry out evacuation operations. Even some small countries with insufficient strength have entrusted these powerful countries to help. Retreat yourself.

After the logistics of the Special Mixed Carrier Fleet and the material replenishment of the first aircraft carrier fleet, the two aircraft carrier fleets parted ways and each continued their mission.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei had to escort the first aircraft carrier fleet to the shore.

Seeing the huge body of that warship slowly entering the port, Wei Xiaobei sighed in relief.

The nanny action like this, to be honest, is not tired on the body, but my heart is very tired.

Wei Xiaobei needs to slowly follow the aircraft carrier fleet and help them to eliminate some possible dangers in advance.

After all, after the aircraft carrier fleet has carried more than 50,000 people, the combat power is probably reduced by more than half.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is also equivalent to throwing a big bag to the China Parliament.

The more than 10,000 indigenous and foreigners, Wei Qinbei originally planned to put them on other islands in the country of the claws, but considering that the current state of the claws does not seem to welcome the aircraft carrier fleet in the past, in order to avoid accidents, the aircraft carrier fleet I have to bring back more than 10,000 people to China.

Of course, a large number of foreigners will find their way back to their home country, and the remaining 3,000 indigenous people will only temporarily let the Chinese Parliament find a way to resettle.

Wei Xiaobei This trip to the Blue Cotton Island is coming to an end.

The only thing that made Wei Xiaobei less satisfied was that he could not catch a god.

But Wei Xiaobei can’t run a blue cotton island alone because of this.

This time I went back to the Blue Cotton Island and escorted the aircraft carrier formation and consumed Wei Xiaobei for half a month.

And when calculating the time, the statue of Dongpu can be harvested again.

After a slight trade-off, Wei Xiaobei turned around and stepped on the sea, moving towards the east.

This time, Wei Xiaobei did not have a fast delivery service for eMule.

I ran all day on the sea and rested on the reef on the sea for a while.

Wei Xiaobei once again boarded the Kyushu Island in Dongpu when the morning light shone through the sea.

However, when Wei Xiaobei ate and drank, filled his stomach and prepared to go to the human gathering place in Kyushu Island to harvest the Divine Attribute, he suddenly stopped.

He felt a strange wave of volatility in the Storage Ring.

This strange fluctuation makes Wei Xiaobei very familiar.

Is the ink giant spear evolution completed?

Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate to think about it, and then took the ink capsule spear out of the Storage Ring.

Well, what appears in Wei Xiaobei is not the familiar shape of the ink ghost spear, but a golden glow.

This is the ink ghost spear, but it is the form of forget it when it evolved to the end.

Often this time, you need to shape it.

The golden light that appeared in his hand gave Wei Xiaobei the feeling of being flawed, even with some hunger for strength.

Wei Xiaobei used Myriad Things Thoroughly Understand to look at this golden yellow light. The description is very clear. It has evolved to the last minute and requires a lot of Advanced energy to complete the final evolution!

That’s it!

After understanding this point, Wei Xiaobei immediately started the rules of light and heat, and in a flash, a layer of hot light bloomed on him.

The golden light that changed by the ink spear was in contact with the light and heat, and even with a suction, the light and heat generated by Wei Xiaobei was continuously absorbed.

But this does not seem to be enough?

Wei Xiaobei The next moment is to push the real mercury in the body to the golden light.

This golden yellow light can be said to be the one who refuses to come. Whether it is light or hot, it is a mixture of thunder and lightning.

Time and bit by bit, from the beginning of the abundance, Wei Xiaobei feels that as time goes by, his body begins to become empty.

Activating the rules of light and heat requires the consumption of Wei Xiaobei, and true mercury is limited in the body, even though Wei Xiaobei also allows true mercury to operate in the meridians in order to produce more real mercury, but as time goes by, It also began to dry up.

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