Chapter 122, Sacred Beetle (seeking a monthly pass)

Ps: Please brothers sisters stretch out an arm, chrysanthemum is dying! Drop a monthly ticket and save a chrysanthemum! This poor Daoist washes your knees cleanly, and asks your friends to have a pity!

Affected by this blow, the body of the black giant has still maintained a certain vitality, but it is indeed dead.

In the past, Wei Xiaobei killed six black giant pythons before returning to the flaming mountain range.

If Wei Xiaobei spends some time near the dune trough, then Evolution Points will get more.

But Wei Xiaobei remembered the cockroach’s body in an attempt to find more benefits from it, and for the time being gave up the plan to brush Evolution Points.

However, when Wei Xiaobei returned to the original place, some depressed discoveries, the body type of more than five meters, has become a fragile skeleton, only need to touch the hand gently, the skeleton suddenly fell The ground collapsed and turned into a pile of bone slag that could be easily blown away by the wind.

There is no value in bone residue like this.

I don’t know, this is because of the changes made in Dust World, or what Monster has made the body like this.

Didn’t wait for Wei Xiaobei to go to the flaming mountain range to explore, or return to the sand dune low valley to brush Evolution Points, and see a sand dune that collapsed a kilometer suddenly collapsed, followed by a bronze move towards the flaming mountain range.


When the bronze color approached more than 500 meters, Wei Xiaobei had identified that the bronze color was composed of countless bugs.

Is it the kind of beetle that emerges from the green lake?

If it is the kind of black beetle, Wei Xiaobei is not too worried. After all, the individual combat power of these black beetles is too weak. To be honest, if it is not too many, Wei Xiaobei is not worried at all.

But Wei Xiaobei didn’t dare to take it lightly. Reverse move towards those bronze bugs rushed over, after all, the color between the two is not the same, until the two sides are less than two hundred meters, Wei Xiaobei finally saw the appearance of the bug clearly.

Compared with the black beetles that emerged from the green lake, these insects are still in the form of beetles. The whole body is wrapped in a layer of light and shiny bronze carapace. The six short legs look strong and strong, and the head is paired with a pair of pliers. The mouthparts, but the body type is much bigger than the black beetles of the size of the fingers.

The size of each beetle exceeds the size of two human fists!

Wei Xiaobei gently wrestles in the insect tide with huge spear in his hand. Hit a beetle, the beetle bursts open, and Wei Xiaobei passes the Battlelog to get the names of these bugs.

Battlelog :….you have encountered 1-Star Elite Creature Sacred Beetle descendants…. Killing the descendants of Sacred Beetle….

Sacred Beetle descendants!

Wei Xiaobei thought in an instant and found the origin of this Sacred Beetle.

Whether it is reality or myths and legends, there is the existence of Sacred Beetle.

In reality, the so-called Sacred Beetle is the famous clam shell lang. They feed on feces all the time and make their own Giant contribution to the cyclical renewal of nature. Needless to say.

In the myths and legends of Egypt and even other places. Sacred Beetle is a Life Form born out of death.

In ancient times, when Egyptian pharaohs were buried, their hearts would be replaced by mysterious stones inlaid with Sacred Beetle. It is hoped that the pharaohs will be born again from death like Sacred Beetle.

In the sacred object of Christianity, Christ Sacred Beetle is also a very high-end sacred object. It is said that the crucifixion of Jesus was crucified, and a small beetle held in his hand was contaminated with holy blood, thus having a powerful Holy Power!

In short, being able to be crowned with a holy word is not ordinary.

These beetles, which are like surges in the tide, can be seen from the name. It is the descendant of Sacred Beetle.

1-Star Elite Creature, Wei Xiaobei got 5Evolution Points after killing!

Don’t underestimate this 5Evolution Points, and don’t think that 1-Star Elite Creature is worthless for 5Evolution Points.

To know that this Sacred Beetle descendant is 1-Star Elite Creature, but it is still a bug. The black beetle that emerges from the green lake will earn 0.25Evolution Points for every dry one. This shows how high the income of this Sacred Beetle descendant is. It is.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei can feel it. The previous shot, although not very hard, but when hit the descendants of Sacred Beetle, feel the elasticity of the arrived Giant.

To know that Wei Xiaobei’s strength of the shot is not too small for ordinary people, at least it is a full blow.

In other words. If you switch to an ordinary adult, you will kill a descendant of Sacred Beetle with a full blow.

Relative to the black beetle that emerged from the green lake. These Sacred Beetle descendants are too powerful.

However, Wei Xiaobei didn’t have time to think about more questions at this time.

After the strike of Wei Xiaobei, the descendants of Sacred Beetle suddenly speeded up, and the slow crawling speed accelerated several times. The distance between the interests of Wei Weibei was climbed, and even several descendants of Sacred Beetle had Wei Xiaobei’s smashed trousers climbed up. One of the descendants of Sacred Beetle came into contact with Wei Xiaobei’s skin without hesitation. Opening the move towards the big scorpion was a bite.


Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air, and he would retire from the sand of the descendants of Sacred Beetle more than 20 meters, while his hands slammed and slammed the eight Sacred Beetle descendants of the calf. Kill as many as you can.

Slightly examined the wound, but fortunately, due to the limitations of the descendants of Sacred Beetle, the wound was just a cracked mouth, leaching some blood, but it had coagulated and closed, and there was no swelling and poisoning.

Of course, if you give this Sacred Beetle time, then it is not a problem to tear off a piece of meat from the calf.

Well, as far as the current situation is concerned, Wei Xiaobei’s slow-moving Sacred Beetle descendants are a good opportunity for Evolution Points.

But after Wei Xiaobei looked around, he immediately gave up on this idea.

This piece of Sacred Beetle’s descendant of the trapeze growth towards the red mountain area is forced to pass, and the length of the striker is more than three kilometers! The width is also more than three hundred meters.

In other words, if Wei Xiaobei is now fleeing, there may be a chance, but if you are entangled with these Sacred Beetle descendants, then you are dead.

Wei Xiaobei is not a person without a decision. When he made a decision, he turned into a slash and moved towards the red mountain range.

According to Wei Xiaobei’s calculations, this line can be interspersed between the two before the insect tide reaches the red mountain range, if nothing unexpected.

Of course, the dangers and accidents here are not small. After all, there is Monster in addition to the Red Bi near the red mountain range, Wei Xiaobei does not know.

Hey, Shashasha, Wei Xiaobei dragged the huge spear and rushed forward. The light from the visual point of view is extremely thrilling.

A distance of twenty or thirty meters from Wei Xiaobei, a piece of bronze tidal water swept over, and the sand was covered.

A rare black giant in this area was stunned from the gravel. Soon after it broke out of the gravel, it was covered in a bronze color. A bite of crunch came from a blink of an eye. The towering tail suddenly fell down and waited. In the past, the sands only left some scattered back shell fragments forget it, and the rest were smashed by the insects.

Although the black giant python can only be regarded as a mustard in front of Wei Xiaobei, it can be regarded as a fierce thing in the real world. It is a small matter to kill seven or eight people in one breath.

But such a fierce thing, in front of the overwhelming descendants of Sacred Beetle, it became a scum, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei knows that even if he falls into the insect tide, the consequences may be unimaginable.

These Sacred Beetle descendants are not unusual, they are extremely aggressive, and the black python’s back shell is almost equivalent to a thin layer of iron, which is lighted by them, showing its strong attack power.

And it is not afraid of poison, and after the black python, there is no descendant of Sacred Beetle.

However, Wei Xiaobei didn’t have time to consider the power of the descendants of the Sacred Beetle. He didn’t dare to stay at the foot, and even a little sand, he raised a series of gravel behind him.

The distance of the kilometer is at the foot of Wei Xiaobei, which is less than a minute. The closer to the red mountain range, the higher the temperature of the ground air is.

When Wei Xiaobei is less than 50 meters away from the flaming mountain range, the air temperature has risen to about 60.

This temperature is enough for most people to feel hot.

Even Wei Xiaobei can feel the air in the lungs of the inhaled throat is like boiling water.

It can also be known that the former mercenary is indeed elite, and the normal human body can endure such a high-temperature, and also attempts to make a move to the red-hot mountain range crack. Of course, it is for survival, Eruption is not available to ordinary people. The potential is also normal.

One step, two steps, three steps!

Just before the insect tide was about to hit the red mountain range, Wei Xiaobei rushed to the red mountain range, the body vacated, and the legs were connected on the mountain wall. With a strong balance, he rushed hundreds of meters on the mountain wall. When it landed, it eventually rushed out of the scope of the insect tide.

After landing, Wei Xiaobei noticed a stinging pain in her footboard, and some of the sneakers had a stinking smell.

Wei Xiaobei just took off the sneakers, and the insects that started moving towards the mountain wall also divided a small branch, move towards Wei Xiaobei.

The injury to the sole of the foot is not serious. It is just a bunch of small blisters. After being cut by Wei Xiaobei with a dagger, it quickly closes. It only takes an hour or two, and the wound left by the blisters will disappear.

The temperature of the mountain wall has exceeded the guess of Wei Xiaobei, at least two Baidu or more. Otherwise, the sneakers will be broken and it will not be melted by the high-temperature attached to the mountain wall.

However, Wei Xiaobei didn’t have the heart to pay attention to these minor injuries. Thousands of Sacred Beetles were divided into a series of move towards Wei Xiaobei.

Undoubtedly, in this desert of desert, the ferocious man like Wei Xiaobei is a rare dish in their eyes, and it is impossible to let go. (To be continued~^~)

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