The Chief Designer Of The Aircraft Carrier Was Dismissed By The University?

Chapter 306 Learn To Kill, Just To Repay The Country! Holy Crap, Have You Even Learned The Trick Of

Chapter 306 Acquire killing skills just to repay the country! Holy crap, have you even learned the trick of the god-tier in the sky?


Climb at high speed!

This is the JX-20. Before the JX-30 fighter was put into use, the most advanced Fourth Generation fighter of the Eastern God Alliance. The excellent performance made both fighters move towards the high altitude at an extremely terrifying speed. advance.

The JX-20, painted with the Air Force pattern of the Eastern God Alliance, is like an incomparably sharp arrow, not afraid of the scorching sun at noon, like a divine arrow shot by Hou Yi, tearing the invisible air and heading straight to the sky where the clouds are fading. .

After dozens of seconds, the two Falcons, which symbolize the top of the Eastern God Alliance, climbed directly to an altitude of 8,000 meters where the air is thin. This height will not affect the performance of the JX-20 fighter too much, or even have almost no effect. Really want to fly above meters, even if it is as strong as a fighter

The X-20 fighter, whether in terms of maneuverability or comprehensive flight performance, will decline a lot.

If it is a free performance, it doesn't matter if it is higher or lower.

But this kind of free air combat, the height that can exert the maximum performance, is the best choice.

8000 meters altitude.

The two silver-gray JX-20 fighter jets were no more than 10 kilometers apart, circling constantly under the sky, looking at each other.

The sound of the turbofan engine exploded in the sky and spread out around.

"Although it's a free air battle, tell me how to compete."

Qin Xiao held the joystick in his right hand and looked up, admiring the scorching sun with a halo.

The altitude of nearly 10,000 meters, for pilots, even if they have admired it countless times, but can see it again, they still can't get tired of watching it. Even like a constantly changing picture, every moment has a beauty that is different from the last moment.

The beauty of the sky is intoxicating.

Then he lowered his head and looked into the distance, more than 30 kilometers beyond the visual distance, so that he could clearly see the change in Liu Yang's expression at this moment.

Yan "one forty zero" is serious, extremely serious, and meticulous.

But not the slightest nervousness.

It can be seen from the other party's expression that Liu Yang attaches great importance to this free air combat competition, even to the point where it cannot be added. It seems that he heard Qin Xiao's voice. At this time, Liu Yang's unusually serious expression changed slightly, and his brows slightly wrinkled. He seemed to be thinking about something. After a while, Liu Yang's voice containing complex emotions came out from the encrypted radio channel, with fighting intent, already resentful, and a deep breathing sound:

"To be honest, the previous test was not for myself, only today's test is for myself, it's a bit complicated, but in any case, I will do my best, even if you have already decided, but I still want to To tell everyone, I'm great."

Qin Xiao restrained the smile on his face and thought carefully.

Liu Yang's words were difficult to understand, and even for ordinary people, I'm afraid they wouldn't understand either.

But as an Air Force pilot, and a top ace pilot who has participated in many real air battles, Qin Xiao knew very well what Liu Yang meant in his words.

Not for yourself, but for whom?

For the Eastern God Alliance, for everyone in this alliance.

Learning killing skills is only to serve the country.

Join the army, join the army, become an Air Force pilot of the Eastern God Alliance, for whom?

In addition to gaining a future, it is more for the sake of many strangers, for the Eastern God Alliance that is in turmoil, for the Eastern God Alliance to stand in the forest of the world, for the continuous inheritance of the Eastern God Alliance, for the sake of the Eastern God Alliance. The culture of the Eastern God Alliance can still influence the world

In order not to be bullied by the Eastern God Alliance, not to be invaded by other powerful forces, in order not to let the billions of compatriots of the Eastern God Alliance not become slaves, for too much.

From the moment of enlisting in the army, it has already meant that as a soldier, you have less chance to fight for yourself, and more for billions of strangers.

At this moment, in this competition, Liu Yang is only for himself.

Fight for honor.

The Alliance's Bicentennial Daqing military parade is a great honor for any soldier, and no one will give it up.

Qin Xiao was moved by Liu Yang's firmness, but he soon responded in a deep voice: "For any soldier, being able to participate in the Alliance's two-hundred-year Daqing military parade is the greatest honor in life, you will not give up, I do not know either."

"This is a duel. There is no distinction between life and death, only the winner and the loser. It's all just for the purpose of participating in the Alliance's 200-year Daqing military parade."

"You win, the spot belongs to you!"

"I win, the spot belongs to me!"

"As for Guo Instructor, you don't have to worry, as long as you can win, I will naturally take care of other things."

"it is good!"

Liu Yang is very clear about the influence of a person who can make the above decision, and Qin Xiao himself can say that as long as he can win, the quota to participate in the alliance's two-hundred-year Daqing military parade is naturally his.

Soldiers, especially talented Air Force pilots like them, disdain lying.

"It's a word!"

Qin Xiao is willing to say such words to this excellent pilot, but, if he wants to win him, let alone a super pilot, the so-called ace leader of the general aviation, the one with the code name Lei Ting. Not his opponent.

The reason for saying these words is only to allow Liu Yang to see hope.

Only when there is hope can we have the determination to fight and we can play a stronger role.

Among the JX-20 fighter planes, Liu Yang looked at the silver-gray fighter plane that was less than ten kilometers away from him, and said in a deep voice: "For our Air Force pilots, the only thing to judge the strength of the air force is in the case of overload and Master maneuvering, that is The performance when pursuing and being pursued by enemy aircraft in real air combat."

"Free air combat is good, but I prefer you and I to chase each other once, based on the time to play and shoot down the enemy plane."

"If you have similar performance on this, and you can't judge the level, then try overloading and Master maneuver to judge the winner..."



Qin Xiao readily agreed. For him, it doesn't matter what method is used in this competition. The key is Liu Yang's strength.


"You come first." Qin Xiao motioned.

"it is good."

Liu Yang responded politely. Whoever acts as the attacker first will naturally have a certain advantage. After all, once the attacker wins, as the defender, he will naturally have a suppressing force on the loser.

However, since the other party is so confident, he did not intend to let it come and go.

If Qin Xiao's strength is really strong, this advantage is nothing, it can only prove that he is not as good as the opponent.

"Then... let's start!"

Qin Xiao's voice contained a trace of anticipation.

With the roar of the engine resounding through the sky, the two JX-20 fighters were getting faster and faster in the thin air, and it didn't take long for them to reach a supersonic speed of 1,200 kilometers per hour, milky white. The sonic boom cloud wound up directly from the fuselage tail of the fighter, covering the two JX-20 fighters with white armor that is unique to supersonic fighters.

Behind the milky white sonic boom cloud, there are two special tail fins, white trail clouds that are as silky as silk and satin, dragging a long eddy current, forming an unparalleled picture scroll in the air.

On the huge photoelectric display, when it symbolized that the two fighter planes entered the supersonic speed, the expressions of Liu Pan and others also seemed solemn and full of expectations at this moment.

Among the crowd, Gu Yi'an, who was the first batch of official candidates to be selected as the official members of the JX-20 fighter flight formation, and the only one who reached the rank of colonel at the Dongshendu Air Force Training Base, murmured at this time: "It seems that they The duel has been decided."

As his voice fell, other people's gazes followed. Liu Pan also glanced at Gu Yian, knowing that this monster-like maintenance crew leader Liu Pan responded in a low voice: "Pursue and counterattack. Pursuit, indeed, this is the best example of what an Air Force pilot can do in real combat.

force, which requires less time than free air combat. "

"Colonel Gu, who do you think will win?"

Gu Yi'an was stunned for a moment, then thought about it: "It's hard to say, I haven't seen his strength, but from the previous take-off situation, he is not weak, and should even be strong, but Liu Yang's strength is very good to me. It is clear that he is younger than me, and when he reaches my age, he must be stronger than me."

Liu Pan understood in an instant.

Gu Yi'an is more optimistic about Liu Yang.

In fact, in this kind of pursuit battle, Liu Yang as the attacker has a huge advantage. If he can't win this, it can only be said that Qin Xiao's strength is too strong.

The others, although they didn't say anything, nodded their heads in agreement with Gu Yi'an's words at the moment.

The next moment, everyone's eyes fell on the huge photoelectric display again. The two fighter planes, one after the other, showed the attitude of attacking and escaping.

Looking at the silver-gray fighter plane in front, Liu Yang gritted his teeth and pushed the throttle valve to the maximum. Then, the JX-20 fighter plane under him suddenly accelerated at this moment, and the distance between the two fighter planes was also Under Liu Yang's behavior, they got closer and closer, and soon, the distance between the two sides was already less than 3 kilometers.

3 kilometers, for a fighter jet flying nearly 600 meters per second, less than 6 seconds, almost the blink of an eye.

The fire control radar was turned on, instantly locking the JX-20 fighter in front.

The red frame representing the missile lock directly locked Qin Xiao's J-X-20 fighter in it, and he couldn't escape no matter how he flew.

Liu Yang, on the other hand, pressed the missile launch button ruthlessly at this moment.

In fact, it could be fired a little closer, but Liu Yang, who felt that Qin Xiao could escape the lock, knew in his heart that the arrow was on the string and had to be fired.

Even in the face of a completely unfamiliar opponent, Liu Yang is proud of his strength. He firmly believes that he is driving the most advanced fighter of the Eastern God Alliance, and he will not lose to anyone. The three-kilometer silver-gray fighter jet fell off the horse...

Forward, short-range air-to-air missiles, directly out of the shackles of the J-20 fighter, with an overload of more than 50 G per second, directly accelerated to the limit speed of Mach 2.5, and rushed out of more than 2,000 meters in the blink of an eye. distance.

On the photoelectric screen, a single shot meant that the light spot of the air-to-air missile appeared instantly, and attacked the JX-20 fighter jet driven by Qin Xiao at a very fast speed.

"How similar this scene is!"

Taking a look, he seemed to have thought of something, and Liu Pan murmured.

His words made Gu Yi'an and others stunned for a moment, and then showed a sudden realization.

Gu Yi'an turned his head and said to Liu Pan, "Leader Liu is referring to the one posted on the Air Force's intranet more than a year ago, our Eastern God Alliance.

The scene where the ace pilot Sky is being pursued by the top ace of the Star Alliance, the Black Mamba? "


Liu Pan nodded lightly: "It's too similar."

Gu Yi'an also nodded, it was too similar indeed.

It was also pursued by missiles, and even if the other party launched a missile, but just in case, they still drove the fighter to follow.

I can't say it's too similar, I can only say that it's almost exactly the same.


Liu Pan said with a hint of pity in his tone.


What a pity?

Gu Yi'an laughed: "It's really a pity, if...if he can also have the ultimate maneuverability of the sky, maybe he can turn defeat into victory, but..."

"That maneuver, not everyone can show it."

"You can't either?" Liu Pan was puzzled and surprised. He knew Gu Yi'an's strength. He was very strong. He was really strong. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been awarded the rank of colonel at such a young age.

How old is Gu Yi'an?

Obviously no more than 28 years old, just 27 years old. Colonel flight officers of this age are extremely rare in the entire Eastern God Alliance. Even if they are placed in the world, they can still be ranked in the top 30. That kind of thing is enough to show how good Gu Yi'an is.

Liu Pan is not a pilot. Although he knows that the small radius and large loop maneuver is not easy, he can't believe it. Even Gu Yi'an can't believe that maneuver.


No matter how difficult it is, it will not be impossible to show it at all, not to mention every time, it is always possible once.

Seeing the look of disbelief on Liu Pan's face, Gu Yi'an shook his head helplessly and said, "Leader Liu may not believe it, but what I said is the truth. These people should know, and must know, but to be honest, there are very few who can fully demonstrate the maneuvers of the sky boss, and can also be applied to actual combat.

Liu Pan's eyes widened: "How come?"

He couldn't believe it, the ace pilot couldn't show that maneuver.

Gu Yi'an said: "If the speed is relatively slow, the movement can basically be shown, after all, it is not difficult, but if it is in a supersonic or even extreme speed state, it is too difficult to fully show the movement. already."

4.5 "On the one hand, when the missile is approaching, it is necessary to slow down, avoid the missile with a great deceleration overload, and then have to avoid the missile after

, and accelerated with a very high overload, and appeared behind the enemy plane at the fastest speed to complete the counter-kill, this..."

"Perhaps, it can only be done if it can adapt to an overload of more than 9G."

Liu Pan took a deep breath, "Doesn't that mean that only the big guy in the sky can do that maneuver?"

Gu Yi'an shrugged: "Maybe."

"However, Liu Yang won the first chase, unless..."

Before Gu Yian's words were finished, suddenly, on the photoelectric display screen, the cursor representing the fighter being pursued suddenly decelerated and raised the nose to decelerate to climb, and then instantly accelerated with a great overload. The posture of the fighter appeared in an instant behind the fighter plane driven by Liu Yang.

This sudden scene made everyone's eyes, including Gu Yi'an, instantly zoom in to the Ultimate state, and they looked at the J-20 fighter plane representing Qin Xiao's flight, behind Liu Yang, with an incredible expression. , with a surface-to-air missile, it still hasn't reacted in Liuyang

time to knock it down completely.

With a bang, the JX-20 fighter jet driven by Liu Yang instantly disappeared from the photoelectric screen.

Nearly a hundred people stood in front of the photoelectric screen, but at this moment, it became extremely silent in an instant.

A group of people was extremely shocked.

"That is……"

"The astonishing maneuver shown by the Skylord in the one-on-one aerial battle to hunt down the top ace of the Covenant, the Black Mamba?"

"Fuck! Who is this, even learned the trick of the god-tier in the sky?"

"This all?"

"I suddenly feel that it makes sense to make an internal decision above. This is too strong!"

One by one Air Force pilots at least at the first level, at this moment, is extremely shocking.

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