The Chief Designer Of The Aircraft Carrier Was Dismissed By The University?

Chapter 304 Are You Dissatisfied? It Seems That Col1l Guo Did Not Explain It To You.

Chapter 304 Are you dissatisfied? It seems that Colonel Guo did not explain it to you.

When they were selected for the Daqing flight formation in the alliance's 200-year-old, they heard Guo Instructor mention that the mysterious Air Force pilot would occupy a position directly. In the past few months of training, the entire Dongshendu Air Force has been trained. Everyone at the base heard about his reputation.

"If what you are talking about is one of the five places in the alliance's two-hundred-year Daqing J-20 flying formation, who has not passed any training and has not passed any selection, then it should be me." Qin Xiao pointed Liu Yang, who was also surprised and ugly, spread out.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for this "big celebrity" to appear, and they want to see who is the person who can occupy a place in the JX-20 without any selection.

It's just human nature.

"If I win by chance..."

So arrogant! ! !

"To be honest, as a soldier, I should have agreed with the decision above, but I don't want to give up this opportunity."

This kind of thing, let alone Liu Yang's heart, is irrelevant, and they are all grievances for the pilots who have gone through several selections.

Is this purely self-confidence in one's own strength, or is Yelang arrogant? .

,so, knowing that you came here today, I have been waiting here, waiting for you to come, I have no other requirements, I have a competition with me, lose, the last place in the JX-20 flight formation, I will no longer Think about it and be your own backup. "

The opportunity to form a formation, not to mention the people like Liu Yang, is already well-known among the people in the ground staff of the base.

Hearing this, Liu Yang's expression suddenly changed, and he said: "JX-20 flight formation? Are you the one who did not participate in any training and selection, but was able to get a position in the JX-20 flight formation? ?"

Especially when he thinks that he has passed through layers of selection, from Beikong to this Air Force training base, even he himself does not know how many layers of selection he has gone through before he has come to this day and this moment, let him be like this It is completely unwilling to give up the 200-year Daqing Air Force Parade of the Alliance. "I know, this should be the decision above. No one dares to mess with the alliance's two-hundred-year Daqing military parade. If you can be determined by default, you must have strength. There is no doubt about this, but I will also make it clear to you here. Others We all know how long we have been preparing and how much effort we have put in for this day, and now, it should be my place, but you have stepped in, I am not convinced."

Qin Xiao nodded lightly.

A tall building... the tower.

Qin Xiao thought for a while and said, "Participate in the selection of the alliance's two-hundred-year Daqing J-20 flight formation."

But compared to the one he picked up from the airport, the major is probably a lot worse. Thinking of this, Xiao Li stretched out his head, frowned and said, "Comrade, don't block the car, if you have something to do, You can wait until I hear the car well."

The military vehicle stopped under the city gate, Qin Xiao faintly heard Xiao Li say a few words to the soldiers who came forward, but after 140 the military vehicle Qin Xiao was sitting in was released, not stopped, let alone Routine inspection, but approaching the Kaitianmen.

"Mr. S, the destination Air Force training base is ahead." Xiao Li reminded aloud while driving.

Liu Yang's eyes fell on the co-pilot, took a deep breath, and expelled the dissatisfaction in his heart, ignoring Xiao Li's somewhat angry gaze, and after a while, he stepped aside and let the military vehicle pass by. Only then did he quickly catch up with the military vehicle that was slowly driving towards the apron.

hand, smiled.

Qin Xiao's heart was full of a wry smile, but he was not unhappy. After all, if he was one of Liu Yang's people, and learned that a spot was directly taken by a person who did not participate in any selection at all, I'm afraid he would also There will be such a mind.

After introducing himself, Liu Yang shook his head and nodded again: "I don't know if I'm looking for you, if possible, can you tell me the purpose of your coming to the Air Force training base, I'll know if you know the purpose of your visit. Did he come to see you?"

"How is that possible!" Qin Xiao felt a little funny in his heart. How could Xiao Li understand the excitement in his heart at the moment? Blessed to see its majesty.

Qin Xiao nodded and continued: "But I don't know much about the situation. It seems that Colonel Guo didn't make it clear to everyone, and today's scene happened."

Liu Yang may have the most complicated expression among them, but the eyes of others looking at him are not right. Although he is not as resentful as Liu Yang, it is not much better.

Xiao Li looked at Qin Xiao who was trembling all over in a strange way, slowed down the car slightly, couldn't help but glanced at Qin Xiao's excited face, "What's wrong with Mr. S? It's not that he doesn't suit the Eastern Gods. Is it the weather?"

No wonder, I can only blame Guo Shengfeng for not making it clear, otherwise there wouldn't be so many things.

As soon as the two finished speaking, the car had already arrived at the gate of the Air Force training base.

Unlike now, although it is surrounded by high-rise buildings and traffic flow, the Qitianmen in front of you, when you look at the city wall,

Qin Xiao got out of the car, looked at Liu Yang for a while, and frowned, "Is this comrade looking for me?"

Of course, the reason why Qin Xiao's reputation can be so "penetrating into the hearts of the people" in the Dongshendu Air Force Training Base is naturally that it has much to do with Guo Shengfeng's words...

A person who is in a relationship and has not passed any training, any selection, any competition and assessment, just occupies a JX-20 flight

Good guy, what did Colonel Guo Shengfeng say? what did you do?

Mighty and majestic..

Qin Xiao was amazed by the majestic city wall and city gate, and it was not until a long time later that the excitement in Qin Xiao's heart slowly dissipated.

"Really you? The one who can get a spot in the J-X-20 flight formation without participating in any selection?" After a few young people were stunned for a while, the eyes that looked at Qin Xiao were a little more inexplicable. It means that Qin Xiao has seen this look many times before.

The car was still driving smoothly, and after a while, it turned a corner and could see the gate of the Air Force training base in the distance.

He also never thought that before his own people reported to the Air Force training base, he had already provoked the dislike of a group of people.

The carriage gradually drove towards Qitianmen, which was very close to Qitianmen.

The two rows of people wearing military uniforms and holding rifles standing under the Qitianmen gate made Qin Xiao admire their eyes full of determination.

Such a young Air Force super pilot is really rare, even Qin Xiao couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard it.

Not staying at Qitianmen for too long, ten minutes later, under Qin Xiao's signal, Xiao Li drove the military vehicle straight to the Dongshendu Air Force Training Base.

When the car stopped, Liu Yang strode to the front of the car.

However, as soon as the door opened, Qin Xiao was stunned for a moment, because in front of the military vehicle, there was a young man wearing an anti-Japanese uniform, and the young man directly blocked the way of the car.

This is how Qin Xiao feels about this Heaven-Opening Gate…

It really is……

This city gate alone is probably two stories high... Look at the width, tsk tsk, five or six cars can run in parallel...

"Long S?"

Liu Yang shook his head: "Whether Guo Instructor made it clear to us or not, the fact is that you did get a spot without going through any selection. This is fair to me and others."

The soldiers who can guard Kaitianmen are by no means ordinary soldiers, but elites selected through layers.

If it weren't for his unique identity, I am afraid that at this time, like everyone else, he could only see the majesty of Qitianmen from a distance. Feel the heavy sense of history right at hand.

Qin Xiao really doesn't matter, the big deal is a written test, just to see how the strength of these people participating in the flight formation is.

"I mentioned this not only with you, but also with Guo Instructor. Guo Instructor only told me one thing that I can't understand.

Hearing this, Qin Xiao nodded solemnly: "I know, so, you decide, I don't care."

As soon as he raised his head, two big characters were sternly carved in the sky above the city gate... Dongshen... Of course, this is what Qin Xiao thinks, although he does not know the traditional characters very well, but the two characters above the city gate, Think about it with your head and know what it means.

Looking at the young man standing at the door, although Xiao Li was not familiar with it, at this moment he could also see the opponent's military rank from the opponent's anti-G suit.

Even though Xiao Li is an acquaintance and has been in and out of this air force training base, the soldiers on duty at this moment are still very strict in checking the documents, checking whether there is any alcohol or anything in the back of the car before letting them go.

Liu Yang's loss of voice caused some onlookers to be stunned for a while, and then they all looked at Qin Xiao with a strange look.

Speaking of this, Liu Yang suddenly changed the conversation, with a firm look on his face: "Even if you are determined by the above and cannot be replaced, I will use my own way to represent everyone participating in the selection, let me Give me justice from above, justice for everyone, and justice for everyone here who has gone through untold hardships."

"Hey, this Colonel Guo... I haven't come to the Air Force training base yet, and I ended up creating these inexplicable enemies for me?" Seeing the expressions in the eyes of the young people, Qin Xiao suddenly Ichiraku, not knowing whether to laugh or cry in his heart shook his head.

Major, not a low rank.

The Dongshendu Air Force Training Base is located on the outskirts of Dongshendu. About an hour later, the Dongshendu Air Force Training Base, which is not far away, can be seen faintly.

Looking at the people who could only watch from a distance, Qin Xiao, who was sitting on the carriage, had mixed feelings in his heart, privilege...

"Liu Yang, affiliated to Beikong, with the rank of major, a special pilot of the Air Force."

"If you are stronger than us and occupy a place, no one will say anything, but if you are weaker than us and forcibly occupy a place, then don't blame me for doing this."

, That city gate, all make Qin Xiao emotional.

Today, he can be said to be the first time he has truly seen the brilliance of Qitianmen. This ancient building is not like the ancient city scenery in some cities. Like those ancient cities, although it still retains the aftertaste of the ancient city, it is somewhat difficult. Get the world excited.

However, Qin Xiao's casual appearance made Liu Yang and the others frown.

Hearing this, Liu Yang's face suddenly became extremely ugly, especially the faint smile on Qin Xiao's face, which made him frown and clench his hands slowly.

Even the legendary special forces are probably not their opponents.

Antique and antique are all nonsense. How can this pure ancient atmosphere be imitated?

I just arrived, and I feel like I have offended everyone at once.

"I can understand."

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