The Chief Designer Of The Aircraft Carrier Was Dismissed By The University?

Chapter 280 The Terrifying Electronic Jamming System Of The J1030, The Fx 22 That Was Hit By Dimensi

Chapter 280 The terrifying electronic jamming system of the JX-30, the FX-22 that was hit by dimensionality reduction

Twenty SAM anti-aircraft missiles are extremely fast, disappearing in front of everyone almost in the blink of an eye, and every second is a moving distance of more than 800 meters.

This speed is terrifying for a mortal person.

860 meters per second, what is the situation?

In the blink of an eye, I have already flown a little more than two laps around the 400-meter-long playground~.

If there is enough fuel to push it, it will only take more than an hour to travel from the extreme south to the extreme north of the Eastern God Alliance.

The speed of 3000 kilometers per hour, in the past, is simply unimaginable.

However, the flight speed is as high as Mach 2.5, there is no need to worry about the overload problem at all, and it can enter the Sam-6 air defense with an overload of more than 15G

The missile, at this moment, seemed to wither like an eggplant hit by frost.

Can't catch up with a fighter jet, can you believe it?

It's not just that they can't catch up, but now, they are getting farther and farther away, and the distance between the two sides is spreading at a gap of almost 300 meters per second.

If it wasn't for the Sam air defense missile just launched, both of them would have to wonder if it had been too long. The fuel of the Sam air defense missile was seriously insufficient, and the flight speed was dropping rapidly.

No, not at all.

How long did it take for the SAM missile to launch?

Are there thirty seconds?

No, it's far less than thirty seconds.

In less than 30 seconds, there is no lack of driving force at all. It can even be said that at this moment, it is the peak speed of the Sam air defense missile.

degrees, and this peak speed will remain for a while before the flight speed begins to decrease.

But at the peak of the Sam air defense missile, it was dumped!

Who dares to believe it?

And it was thrown away by a fighter of the Eastern God Alliance.

The Sam air defense missile, let alone the fighter of the Eastern God Alliance, is the FX-22 fighter with the strongest performance in the Star Alliance today, and it is impossible to throw away the Sam air defense missile.

By their J-20 fighter jets?

The performance of the JX-20 fighter is really good. Even as a top ace pilot of the Star Alliance, he has to admit one thing from the bottom of his heart, that is, the overall performance of the JX-20 fighter is definitely not weak. The kind that can also be ranked in the top five among fighters.

But even so, it is impossible to fly faster than the Sam anti-aircraft missile!

In the air, Shinigami, who was circling the FX-22, glared at the size of copper bells, and roared angrily: "Aurora, why? Why is this? Tell me, why is this?"

"Why does this fighter of the Eastern God Alliance fly faster than the Sam anti-aircraft missile?"

He can't figure it out!

Really can't figure it out!

The scene in front of me is not that the fighter jets are flying faster than the Sam air defense missiles, but that the Sam air defense missiles are almost completely killed in seconds at this moment. This gap is not a little bit at all.

The peak speed of the Sam air defense missile reached Mach 2.5, and what about this fighter?

What time is two o'clock?

Or, has it entered a new field, reaching the level of three points?

It is unimaginable that this speed cannot be seen just by looking at it with the eyes.

something wrong!

There's something wrong with this fighter!

Huge question!

Shinigami had a vague problem in his mind, and the fighter they saw today, in a way, definitely had a big problem.

Recently, the Covenant's strategy has frequently gone wrong, which has made Shinigami somewhat uneasy.

Coupled with the previous speculation of General Mons, Shinigami's doubts intensified.

If it was only 90% of the doubts before, then now it is 100%. The Black Mamba is definitely defeated by the pilot of the fighter below, and the strategy of the Star Alliance in the land of Canaan may be because of the Eastern God Alliance. The name suddenly appeared, and until now, no one knows what the pilot with the code name did.

Eastern God Alliance, what happened?

Where did this fighter jet, which may have entered Mach 3.0, come from?

And this strange pilot, when did he rise?

The Star Alliance is not without spies. It can even be said that the Star Alliance has almost a thousand senior spies operating in the Eastern God Alliance, but no one has ever reported that the Eastern God Alliance has a new ace pilot emerging.

In general, it takes time for an ace pilot to become famous, and no one can do it overnight.

No information was found, unless the other party's decisive time from super pilot to ace pilot was short enough that their spies had no time to find out.

However, it is true that the situation is dire right now.

Shinigami was circling high in the sky, when he saw Qin Xiao suddenly slow down and let the Sam missiles behind him catch up, he was stunned for a moment,

The next moment, his face changed drastically: "Aurora, hurry, he wants to bring all these Sam air defense missiles to the base. He may have discovered us, and he must not be allowed to succeed."

Shinigami couldn't help but want to curse.

He hadn't determined the other party's intention just now, but when he reacted, Qin Xiao had already completed the turn in the air, and rushed towards the Star Alliance air base in the Wild Wolf Mountains with twenty Sam anti-aircraft missiles.

At this moment, Jiguang's eyes are also blood red, and his face is full of killing intent: "Kill!"

If they do not act at this moment, I am afraid that the entire air force base will be finished.

Twenty SAM anti-aircraft missiles, enough to raze the entire base to the ground.

This is a military base that the Star Alliance took several years to build. If it is razed to the ground by the other party like this, and it is still in front of their eyes, if it is really done by the opponent, the two of them have no face to go back.

Aurora attacked first, diving down from an altitude of 7,000 meters.

From the rear, Shinigami was also chasing after him quickly, and the voice spread through the channel: "Aurora, in any case, take advantage of the opportunity that he plans to use missiles to attack our base, take him down, no matter how dead or alive, even if it destroys the base, it doesn't matter, Kill him, shoot down this fighter below him, and maybe we'll know what's wrong."

Aurora also dived while frowning.

This is indeed a big problem. If we don’t solve it, who can guarantee that the Covenant’s strategy will not be destroyed by the other party and the strange fighter plane under the other party in the future?

Moreover, if you don't kill the other party, many fighter pilots in the Star Alliance will be scared because of this in the future. Even, until the pilot is solved and the secret of the other party's strange fighter plane is known, this matter can't be publicized everywhere. Gou Ze will definitely be in the Concussions were caused throughout the Covenant Air Force.

After all, an ace pilot who hunts down the top trump cards, a fighter who can enter a whole new field, is too scary.

Either way, this fighter and that pilot are going to be destroyed.

If you don't win the other party and don't figure it out, everyone in the Star Alliance may not be able to feel at ease.


Seeing that the two fighter planes hiding in the clouds also started to move in the dark, diving down at the fastest speed, Qin Xiao smiled lightly and didn't care too much.

There is no doubt that the two Covenant fighters, even the FX-22 fighters, cannot catch up with the J-30 fighters whose speed has surpassed the Sam anti-aircraft missiles.

The only thing to worry about is the lock on the opponent's air-to-air missiles.

Without thinking much, when the two FX-22 fighter jets were getting closer and closer to him, Qin Xiao quickly turned on the electronic jamming system, and then let the two FX-22 fighter jets attack.

And he, with twenty rounds of Sam missiles, attacked the lighted base.

???Ask for flowers.........

A distance of tens of kilometers is only tens of seconds for a fighter jet that has reached nearly 900 meters in seconds.

In the blink of an eye, in the dense forest, an air force base came into view.

"As expected of the Star Alliance, even a place like this can build an air force base. It's no wonder that you want to devour the world, but the power is scattered so much that it can't be done in a short period of time."

Qin Xiao smiled.

The idea of ​​the Star Alliance can be seen from the layout, and it intends to complete the great cause of embezzling the world in a short period of time.

However, the Star Alliance values ​​its own strength too highly.

Yes, the Star Alliance is indeed the only super-large force today, the only force that occupies a continent, but even if the Eastern God Alliance is like this

Even if it is not as powerful as the Star Alliance, it is not an easy task for the Star Alliance to solve it in a short time.

Even Qin Xiao has no doubt that if there is no crushing combat power, it is impossible for the Star Alliance to defeat the Eastern God Alliance and devour this few major forces without ten or eight years.

Unless everyone uses nuclear weapons.

But nuclear weapons are not only available in the Star Alliance. Whether it is the Eastern God Alliance, the God Alliance, or another major force, there are nuclear bombs. This kind of deterrent force is just talking about it, and no one will really dare to use it. of weapons.

Dropping nuclear bombs on each other is just a way to perish together.

Driving the J-X-30 fighter jet, he turned his head to look at the Sam missiles that followed closely behind him, Qin Xiao sneered, "I'll give you back what's yours!"


At this time, the people at the Star Alliance Air Force Base also discovered this scene, and when they saw a black-gray fighter jet flying towards them with twenty Sam missiles, everyone was shocked. With a terrified look on his face, his face turned pale.

In the air, on the two FX-22 fighter jets that were swooping in, Shinigami and Jiguang were full of anger at the moment. Although there was a slight guess in their hearts, when they saw Qin Xiao really approaching the base with the Sam missile, they still Feeling an almost suffocating horror, the impact of the scene in front of them almost made their brains crash.

"You... you dare!?"

Shinigami's grinning roar came out. The next moment, he held the joystick in his right hand and turned on the missile launch system. His eagle-like eyes were firmly aimed at the black-gray fighter plane that was less than 10 kilometers below him.

Just when he was about to press the red launch button without hesitation, a scene popped up on the screen that made him stunned.

Can't... lock! ?

The airborne satellite positioning system and combat data link, as well as the friend and foe data provided by the avionics system, have all disappeared at this moment, and it is impossible to give relevant marks at all.

Green is friendly, red is enemy.

But at the moment, no... red!

"Unable to lock! Unable to lock!? The Eastern God Alliance has actually created a fighter that cannot be locked at all? Besides, it's not as simple as an ordinary fighter?"

"How is it possible!? How is this possible?"

"The Fifth Generation fighter developed by the Eastern God Alliance?"

Those present, when they saw that the missile could not lock on to the enemy plane, whether it was Shinigami or Aurora, countless thoughts flashed in their minds.

Almost all are shocked and unbelievable, however, the facts speak louder than words, the fighter plane in front of them really cannot be locked.

When all these thoughts were straightened out, for a while, the two fell into shock almost instantly.

And almost at the next moment, the two made a decision almost at the same time.


In my mind, there is only one word "escape"!

If they don't run away, they will be out of luck when the other party deals with those Sam air defense missiles! 100 million.

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