The Chief Designer Of The Aircraft Carrier Was Dismissed By The University?

Chapter 277 The Speculation Of General Mons, The 5 Star General Of The Star Alliance, The Strategy O

Chapter 277 The speculation of the five-star general of the Star Alliance, General Mons, and the strategy of the Star Alliance were all destroyed by one person


How to run?

The other party, what are you running with?

By virtue of the other party being an ace pilot?

Sorry, he and Shinigami are both the top ace pilots in the Star Alliance, and the two are ranked third and fourth in strength.

It can be said that the five top ace pilots of the Star Alliance, Black Mamba died, and two of the remaining four came at once. This lineup is enough to look down on each other. And, not only that, in order to be able to trap the Eastern God Alliance who defeated the Black Mamba in a one-on-one aerial battle, the Covenant this time will be wild

The wolf mercenary group directly abandoned it, the purpose was to let the ace pilots from the Eastern God Alliance come to rescue people.

Moreover, the difficulty of the rescue mission is not necessarily feasible for ordinary ace pilots.

With such a setup, doesn't it mean that the Eastern God Alliance has a pilot who can defeat the Black Mamba in a one-on-one air battle?

Now, people have been trapped to the Wild Wolf Mountains, which are nearly 4,000 kilometers away from the Eastern God. How can people run away?


How to run?

In front of two FX-22 fighter jets, and the FX-22 fighter jet piloted by the top ace pilots, it is almost the same.

Even, just in case, the Sam-6 air defense missile was prepared this time. Under such a configuration, if the other party can still run away, then the two of them are not worthy of being called top ace pilots. Just call the trash.

The two said this, and at this moment, the 12-1 communication directly bypassed the encryption system, connected with the airborne communication system, and connected to the secret of the two.

in a secret communication channel.

"Call Shinigami, this is the Covenant Air Combat Command Center, General Mons has something to say, please answer when you receive it!"

Shinigami and Jiguang were stunned for a moment, and then responded quickly: "Shinigami received, General Mons, please say."

As soon as Shinigami finished speaking, General Mons's voice came from the headset in his ear: "How is the situation?"

General Mons's tone was very calm, neither happy nor sad, and he couldn't bear his current mood at all.

And Shinigami, although the top ace of the Star Alliance, was in front of General Mons, but he didn't dare to make any mistakes, and said happily: "If you go back to General, you can expect things like God, the Eastern God Alliance really sent someone to rescue. Now, he is still a big fish, at least an ace pilot."

"Ace pilot?"

Mons still said calmly: "This is a big fish, but it is also expected that the Eastern God Alliance will not give up any of the people of the Eastern God Alliance, what's more, there is one who has obtained the military secrets of our Star Alliance. A senior spy, how could he give up so easily."

"Send an ace pilot to rescue, as expected."

General Mons said it very calmly, but Shinigami and Jiguang were stunned after hearing it, and then their faces showed a look of horror: "Senior spy?"

"General Mons, then this man can't let him go."

How can a senior spy who has obtained the military secrets of the Star Alliance let him leave?

Whether it was Shinigami or Aurora, their faces were instantly filled with murderous intent. At this moment, a senior spy who had obtained military secrets was their first priority.

However, in the murderous voices of the two of them, Mengs said calmly: "Why don't you let him go? If you really want to kill him, you've already killed him. How can you wait until now, doesn't he think he has got military secrets? Then let him take it back, if we don't take it back, how can we let the people of the Eastern God Alliance know about our recent military operations?"

Hearing this, the two reacted instantly, "General Mons, did you do this on purpose?"

"It's not intentional. Do you think it's so easy for a senior spy of the Eastern God Alliance to leave the Covenant with military secrets? Don't underestimate our intelligence organization. In the entire Covenant, our intelligence organization is the real eye-witness. Existence, a high-level spy, has been found out long ago, but he just wanted to bring something back with his hand."

General Mons laughed in a low voice, his tone full of casualness and indifference, as if a high-level spy was like a chicken and a mouse to him, and was completely unworthy of mention.

With this kind of mind and confidence, both Shinigami couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Compared to General Mons, the two of them were not so calm just now.

If it wasn't for General Mons to stop them, the two would probably have taken off with their FX-22 fighter jets and went straight to the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group's station to kill.

When the two were shocked, they heard Mons continue: "Let you go this time, not for a senior spy of the Eastern God Alliance, a senior spy whose identity has been exposed, for us, it is more difficult than ordinary people. U, what you have to do is to deal with the Air Force pilots who carried out this rescue mission."

"The pilot who was able to break through so many blockades and quietly approached the camp of the Wolf Mercenary Corps may be the one who defeated the Black Mamba, and even, I suspect..."

"The Black Mamba and Jiguang both have doubts in this regard. After all, only the top ace pilots who can pass the blockade can do it. The only top ace in the Eastern God Alliance, and now he is older, I'm afraid I don't have that power anymore."

"Only this new ace pilot who has no information yet can do it."

"It's just that General Mons still suspects something. Aurora and I are a little unclear."

Shinigami looked puzzled.

Mons said in a deep voice: Darrow bought the JX-15 fighter jet from Dongshen some time ago, you know, we sent someone to go, but it was stopped by an Instructor who was dispatched to Darrow at that time, not only stopped , and even solved twenty of our fighter planes by himself. I suspect that our air force base in Canaan, and the clowns who sent past support, all died at his hands. "

"Yesterday, I received news that the Eastern God Alliance pilot who went to Darrow to serve as a flight instructor has left, and today, the Eastern God Alliance, which has been silent for a while, has finally moved. I think that the pilot who came today, It should be the one who served as the flight instructor at Darrow."

"The opponent's strength may reach the level of the stars, or even stronger."

Hearing this, Shinigami and Jiguang couldn't sit still, and exclaimed: "General Mons, what do you mean, what happened during this time was all from the Eastern God Alliance who came to perform the rescue mission this time. What did the pilot do?"

"I'm not sure, but it may be as high as 90%, right? You'll know after you try it."

"This time to establish communication with you, there is no other meaning, I just hope you will do your best to deal with it, don't let it go, others can leave it alone, run away, but this pilot of the Eastern God Alliance must die, he is alive, right The influence of my Covenant is too great."

"In order to be safe, the first thing is to use the Sam-6 surface-to-air missiles, all missiles are fired at the same time, to ensure the first time to solve each other, the two of you are swept in the air, once you do not solve each other, your task is to intercept him. Let him have no way to escape."

"Remember, this is a death order, and he must be buried in Wild Wolf Mountain!"

At the end of the day, there was already a strong killing intent in Mons's words.

There is a 90% chance that an ace pilot will destroy the Covenant's strategy in the land of Canaan, and a top pilot who can quietly solve the clown, solve a flying brigade, and raze the Covenant Air Force Base in Canaan to the ground. The ace pilot, remaining in the world, is too much of a threat to the Covenant.

So big that Mengs, a five-star general, is also very chilled at this moment, and he can't wait to kill him immediately.

The murderous intent that came out of Mons' words made Shinigami and Aurora feel a chill in their hearts. That murderous intent, even through wireless signals, can make people's scalps troublesome.

But at the same time, the two also instantly understood how deep General Mons's killing intent was towards the pilot. The two looked serious and responded quickly and loudly: "Yes, we promise to complete the mission!"

"It's up to you, don't let me down."

"I hope the next time you contact me, it's good news, not with more than twenty Sam-6 anti-aircraft missiles, two FX-2

2 fighter jets, two top ace pilots, let him run away even if he had no intention of calculating. "

"In that case, don't come back! 110"


The hearts of the two were cold, and this time, General Mons really wanted to kill.

Communication will end soon.

However, Shinigami and Jiguang were not as relaxed and freehand as before, but were full of enormous pressure, and there was a faint sweat on their foreheads.


If what General Mons said is true, then the strength of the other party is really no weaker than that of the ace leader of the Covenant Alliance, the one codenamed Xingkong, and even more faintly stronger, facing such a leader Opponent, if the two of them are as casual as before, I am afraid it is really possible that they will meet.

let the opponent escape.

Even at this moment, the two of them were a little fortunate. They were flying FX-22 fighter jets at that time. Otherwise, if they flew FX-35 fighter jets, there might be some problems.

After all, compared to the overall performance, the FX-22 fighter is the strongest fighter of the Covenant.

"Shinigami, what should I do now?"

After a while, Ji Guang asked.

Shinigami didn't say brush, but asked a question, nodded slightly, and then said: "The battle over there should be over by this time, let's take off first, hide in the clouds, and use Sam-6 missiles to deal with him first, All 20 rounds of Sam-6 missiles were fired, not a single one was left, once...?

"I mean that once, once he gets away with it, you and I will take action directly, and we must not let him escape from here."

Aurora was stunned, all twenty Sam-6 missiles were launched?

Can this escape?

That is the Sam-6 anti-aircraft tracking bomb, not to mention the JX-20 fighter, it is the FX-22 fighter under them, which is known as the world's number one fighter, facing twenty rounds of Sam-6 missiles. , and can only abandon the plane to parachute, otherwise he can only be buried in the sea of ​​​​fire with the fighter under him.

If there is one Sam-6 air defense missile, they still have the confidence to solve it, and there is a solution for two, but twenty, such a terrifying scene, just thinking about it makes one's scalp tingle.

So... run away? .

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