The Chief Designer Of The Aircraft Carrier Was Dismissed By The University?

Chapter 273 Lin Shun's Shock Comes From The Crushing Of The Technological Level, The Dimensiona

Chapter 273 The shock of Lin Shun, the crushing from the technological level, the blow of dimensionality reduction!

Qin Xiao's face was slightly stunned. Even he did not expect to meet Lin Shun, a flight instructor at the Dongshen Air Force Military Flight Command Academy.

I never knew that the flight instructor who taught him back then was dispatched to the Ardang flight instructor after not seeing him for more than a year.

Yaer Qin Xiao knows that it is a small force located around the Wild Wolf Mountains, with a population of tens of millions. It has maintained a very good relationship with the Eastern God Alliance since its establishment, even compared to Darrow. Not bad.

Therefore, every few years, the Eastern God Alliance will send a fairly good pilot to serve as the Instructor of the Yar Air Force, and this type of Instructor is usually selected from the flight academy. After all, it is better than teaching people. , or the flight instructor of the flight school will teach people more.

Really let an ace pilot teach flying skills, really not necessarily a first-level pilot's flight Instructor is more professional.

This is what the profession has specialized in.

Compared with actual combat, ace pilots are definitely crushing first-class pilots.

When it comes to preaching and getting rid of doubts, the Instructor of the Flight Academy is more suitable.

It is also with this in mind that every time the person dispatched is selected from the flight academy.

What Qin Xiao didn't expect was that this time, Lin Shun would be dispatched to Ya'er.

Laughing dumbly, the next moment, when I heard the man named Guy Li in the public channel calling continuously, his eyes became completely cold.

Those who dare to deal with the Eastern God Alliance, this Yar's Guy power is really courageous!

Not to mention that Lin Shun was his Instructor when he was at the Dongshen Air Force Military Flight Command Academy, even if not, this is not the idea that this guy called Guy Force can have.

in the public channel.

"Haha, well, since I was awarded the qualification of a super pilot, I have never fought against anyone, and I have never had any aerial combat. I will try it with you today, even if I die in your hands in the end, it will be considered It's not a loss, but your Guy's ambitions will only die in the womb!"

"Kill me, my Eastern God Alliance will not give up, do you think you are hiding it? Unless you kill everyone here today, otherwise, do you think they will be able to face the Eastern God Alliance's interrogation when they are interrogated. Can you keep this secret?"

Hearing the murderous intent in Guy Li's voice and the several fighter planes that attacked and killed, Lin Shun was also aroused with fighting intent, although he knew that it was absolutely impossible for the opponent to be so many opponents, but in this situation Come on, even dying in battle is better than surrendering!

Soldiers of the Eastern God Alliance, never surrender!

Soldiers, pretend to be shrouded in horse leather!

Air Force pilots only die when they fly high in the sky with fighter jets.

He and Lin Shun even more so.

I would rather die standing than live on my knees!

This is the belief as an Eastern God Alliance Air Force pilot!

Hearing Lin Shun's words on the public channel, Guy couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly, but his face became more and more cold, the next moment,? No matter how many, he flew out from the circling flying team, his eyes flashing with killing intent: "Let's go together, we can't escape the matter of today, even if the people from the Eastern God Alliance come to interrogate, as long as we insist that we don't know. , who knows that we killed him Lin Shun?"

"Everyone, die together!"

Facing Guy's sure-kill momentum and the roar of the engine resounding through the sky, Lin Shun's face gradually became solemn, and the throttle valve was pushed to the maximum to speed up his escape.

Here, not far from the border of the Eastern God Alliance, it is not that he has no chance to escape.

However, the speed of the higher education machine under him made him helpless even if he roared in his heart.

Compared with the real fighter, the performance of the higher education machine is too poor, a lot of a star and a half.

Even so, the performance of the fighter jets driven by Guy Li and others is actually not that much, but it is still much stronger than the higher education fighter jets.

Even if Lin Shun chose to flee the first time, the gap in performance made the distance between the two shots continue to shorten.

However, just when the tense atmosphere was broken, the fighter jets driven by Guy Li and others were about to catch up with Lin Shun, and the missiles under him were about to lock onto Lin Shun...

A clear laughter, but it slowly came out from the public channel, directly into the ears of no one, and it didn't disappear for a long time.

"Hehe, Yar's rebels? You are really brave, even the air force of my Eastern God Alliance dares to kill, and the ambition is not small...~〃Ding

In the public channel, the sudden laughter directly broke the atmosphere of the original assault, and many people were stunned. Who is it? Who is it?

Guy's face gradually turned gloomy, and he slowly raised his head, looking at the sky through the transparent cockpit of the fighter plane under him, just like everyone else.

However, in the next moment, when their eyes looked at the white sonic boom cloud condensed in the sky, everyone's expressions changed slightly, and they instantly entered a sonic boom state. Where did this black-gray fighter plane come from?

Lin Shun, who was fleeing, also stared at the black-gray fighter plane in the sky with a sonic boom. He still fled quickly, taking advantage of Guy Li, who was shocked by the sudden sound, and did not escape now. When will you run away again?

Moreover, this unfamiliar black-gray fighter plane is not a fighter of the Eastern God Alliance at all. If it is an air force pilot of the Eastern God Alliance, he would not believe it if he was killed.

"Who are you?" Guy looked gloomily at the surprise attack in the sky, but it was a black-gray fighter jet that entered a slow level flight after approaching, and said coldly, "I'm afraid your fighter jet is not the Eastern God Alliance. fighter plane, right? My friend, this is my Yar's internal affairs, I hope you don't mind your own business!"

"Also, this is my Yar's line, you have already crossed the line."

"Hehe, crossing the line? If you want to say crossing the line, then you rebels have crossed the line!"

After Guy's voice fell, there was also a faint smile from the black-gray falcon hanging in the sky.

"Don't want to go?"

"Originally, I didn't really want to take care of Yar's internal affairs, but if you want to take action against my Eastern God Alliance, then..."

"You can't blame me for being rude!"

With the warning sound that was almost like an ultimatum sounding in his ears, he maintained his highly concentrated Guy force. The next moment, he saw the black-gray color that was still flying slowly and level, and even hovering less than five kilometers above. The fighter jets suddenly came at high speed.

At this moment, Guy's eyes widened, and he made a furious voice full of roar: "Damn, ****, supersonic dive, are you crazy?"

Almost subconsciously pulling the lever and stepping on the rudder, it is necessary to make a maneuvering evasive action.

However, it was too late. In the next second, the JX-30 fighter jet, showing an attacking stance like a black eagle, attacked from above everyone along an elegant, almost perfect arc.

The two long eddies are like milky white silk threads swaying down under the night sky, and then, in the middle and rear of the fuselage, in the endless darkness, under the shroud of the moonlight, a milky white and beautiful sonic boom blooms again. .

White clouds!


It is more attractive than any white cloud in the sky, and people can't help but be intoxicated.

This is not a white cloud, it is the most romantic milky white sonic boom cloud for any Air Force pilot, for any military enthusiast!

Supersonic dive!



A thousand X-30 fighter jets!

The second time, it showed its sharpest minions in front of the enemy, in a posture of tearing the enemy to pieces, from the top of his many fighter planes, when the pilot of the title looked up, in an instant, it sounded like a A thunderous explosion.

This explosion seemed to appear out of thin air, resounding through the heavens and the earth, covering the night.

Physically powerful sonic boom!

Weapons and features unique to supersonic fighters!

This sonic boom is anything but simple.

If it is in the case of ultra-low altitude, enter this? The sonic boom state is super lethal to any creature, if the distance is close enough

, and can even achieve a powerful effect of killing organisms.

The JX-30 fighter jet that passed by at super high speed directly gave Guy the power of everyone? An almost lethal sonic boom, dragging a blazing blue tail flame, quickly falling back to speed.

Guy Li and others, who were attacked by the almost fatal sonic boom, bleed directly from the seven orifices, and their heads fell into dizziness. Not only that, the fighters under them seemed to be unable to withstand this terrifying sonic boom, and all the instruments appeared. Malfunction, inside the fighter plane, a rapid red alarm sounded continuously.

When several fighter planes broke down and the pilots could not recover in a short period of time, the fuselage lost its stability, and immediately began to rush to the ground at a speed faster than free landing.

Qin Xiao, on the other hand, raised the nose of the JX-30 fighter and climbed at a high speed, preparing for the next attack.

Once any of these fighter planes have crashed, what is waiting is his next more aggressive attack.

Although, at this time, it can be solved with aerial cannons or even missiles, but to deal with unknown fighter jets that are not as good as the J-X-9 fighter jets, it is still necessary to use them.

Cannons and missiles?

Driving this JX-30 fighter, as long as a pilot with a little bit of strength, facing the group of Guy Force, it will be ruthless crushing.

This has nothing to do with strength, but from the crushing of technology.

This kind of crushing often makes a pilot even more helpless or even desperate.

Strength, hard work is okay, but technology is not something that can be achieved by hard work, and it is not something that can be acquired in a short period of time.

Tens of millions of people can always find a person who has a very high talent in the field of flight, but there is almost no possibility for tens of millions of people to find a scientist who can build the JX-30 fighter.

Driving the JX-30 fighter to deal with this group of people, for Qin Xiao, is tantamount to a dimensionality reduction attack.

There is no difficulty.

Looking at just one accelerating sonic boom, Guy forced all of these people's fighters to fall to the ground. Lin Shun looked back? become instantly

His eyes widened, his face was incredulous, but at the same time, he was vigilant in his heart. The so-called bad people come and good people don't come. Today's affairs may not be easy to solve.

Although (you got it) said, from what was said in the public channel just now, the pilot of this black-gray fighter spoke the language of the East God, as if it was the Air Force pilot of the East God, but this black-gray fighter jet, It's not from the Eastern God Alliance, or even, in my impression, in the world? In a faction, there has never been such a fighter jet.

Eyes, cautiously looking at the black-gray war eagle hovering high in the sky, vigilant below.

At the same time, a voice sounded from his ear: "Lin Instructor, I haven't seen you in the past two years, stay safe!"

Staring at the unfamiliar fighter jet, Lin Shun was slightly startled when he heard the sound coming from his ear, feeling vaguely familiar, but for a while it was difficult to remember when he had interacted with the pilot of the black-gray fighter jet. , while thinking in my heart, the familiar voice sounded again:

"Hehe, Lin Instructor, don't be nervous, you haven't heard my voice until now, have you?"

Looking at the nervous Lin Shun in the higher education machine, Qin Xiao smiled softly, and the words that he said made Lin Shun immediately stunned.

After a while, the scene from a year ago suddenly sounded in my mind. The memory that had been covered up for more than a year, almost two years, was finally caught by him. The figure of the Air Force Military Flight Command Academy, who had only stayed for more than half a year, slowly emerged in his mind.

" Are you Qin Xiao?!"

The shock was mixed with an unbelievable voice, which came out of Lin Shun's mouth, and under his stunned face, the higher education machine driving under him was almost unsteady.

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