The Chief Designer Of The Aircraft Carrier Was Dismissed By The University?

Chapter 247 Driving The J 15, By The Way, Airborne To The Land Of Canaan As An Instructor?

Chapter 247 Driving the J-15, by the way, airborne to the land of Canaan as an Instructor?


The sudden confession caught Qin Xiao by surprise and unprepared.

If you are here, you are the only one who will not marry in this life! If you sacrifice, you will not be a wife in this life!

What a firm oath!

Firm enough, Qin Xiao could only stretch out his hand, hug the girl from someone else's house in front of him, hug him tightly, and then whisper in her ear: "For you, I will protect myself well and not let myself suffer in the slightest. s damage."

He stood on tiptoe and touched Qin Xiao's red lips, Xia Qiange immediately smiled and said, "Go, I want to watch you take off in a fighter jet here.

Without hesitation, Qin Xiao let go of the other girl, nodded heavily, then turned and walked towards the Hu City Air Force Base.

Xia Qiange stood beside the car and didn't leave, watching Qin Xiao's back disappear from his eyes little by little, then raised his head and looked at the sky not far away, waiting for a fighter jet from this heavily guarded place. Take off from the Air Force Base.

Wait until Qin Xiao is in the No. 1 secret hangar? The crew has already prepared the JX-30 test aircraft that has been stored here for a month.

Board the plane, contact the tower, slide out of the hangar, and enter the runway as fast as you can.

A girl from someone else's family wants to see him take off in a fighter jet. How can she make the beautiful woman wait for a long time?

"Call the tower, A01 applies for take-off!" After making all preparations, Qin Xiao quickly sent a take-off application to the tower.

"The tower received, the weather is fine today, the temperature is 19, the wind is level 2, the field pressure is 1400, and takeoff is allowed."

"Number 001 received!"

"No. 001, on behalf of the Hu City Air Force Base, I wish you a smooth arrival and a safe journey!"


The voice fell, representing that the unique engine sound of the pulse detonation engine was resounding on the airstrip, and the loud and high voice swept the entire Hu City Air Force Base.

Many people came out to wait and see, watching the black-gray fighter jet with a full sci-fi atmosphere gliding at extreme speed on the runway. It broke away from the shackles of the ground and went straight to the top of the blue sky.

accelerate! accelerate!

The JX-30 fighter, the invincible falcon, raises your proud head, heads towards the top of the sky, and rushes towards the highest point in the field of flight.


The roar of the engine radiated around the JX-30 fighter.

Between the mountains and forests, the birds were startled.

Thousands of birds and beasts were stunned by this high and powerful sound that almost spread for dozens of miles around.

The JX-30 fighter, this black-gray war eagle that has only been developed for a month, dominates the sky with a domineering attitude.

Everyone looked up and looked at the JX-30 flying towards the sky with an extremely terrifying rate of climb, with shocking expressions on their faces.

Only one person.

At the moment of seeing the black-gray fighter take off, there was no shock on his face, and tears fell unsatisfactorily.

Looking at the black-gray fighter jets that were getting farther and farther away from him and getting closer to the sky, Xia Qiange raised his hands abruptly and shouted towards the black-gray fighter jets that were gradually receding: "Qin Xiao, thank you, Thank you for flying the fighter jet with me all over the country, watching Mount Everest, and seeing the scenery of the desert grassland. That was my happiest day."

"and also……"

"Qin Xiao, the way you drive a fighter jet is really handsome!"

"Safe journey, be sure to be fine!"

After shouting, Xia Qiange was in tears.

On the JX-30 fighter jet, Qin Xiao, who seemed to be sensing something, through the transparent cockpit glass, his eyes fell on the face of a girl who was about ten kilometers away from him. After seeing the tears that kept falling on the faces of other girls' faces, it was also a pain in my heart.

"It's good to be strong..."

Tone, slightly low.

Then, without looking at it, the throttle valve was pushed to the maximum, and the black-gray fighter plane under it accelerated again and flew towards the 20,000-meter sky with a terrifying rate of climb.

It was not until the plane reached an altitude of 21,000 kilometers that Qin Xiao took a deep breath, lowered the nose, and changed to level flight.

But the speed has not changed much, and it is still improving.

In just a few breaths, he entered a subsonic state.



Sonic Boom!

A sonic boom from the JX-30 fighter jet.


The black-gray fighter jet was surrounded by milky white sonic boom clouds at this moment.

Speed, improvement, continuous improvement.

After reaching the speed of 3,500 kilometers per hour, Qin Xiao kept the fighter at this speed and galloped straight to the Fifth Generation Fighter R&D Center.

At ten o'clock in the morning, in less than half an hour, the JX-30 fighter jet appeared over the Fifth Generation Fighter R&D Center.

The nose of the aircraft, aiming at the secret airfield of the R&D center, descended rapidly.

The fifth generation fighter aircraft research and development center, Chen Qi and others are looking forward to it.

Looking at the familiar black-gray JX-30 fighter jet that was already descending, a group of people couldn't help but wipe the tears from the corners of their eyes.

It's not easy!

It's really not easy!

Promised to help them test the test machine, who would have thought that after the commander Qin drove the JX-30 fighter to leave, he would be completely silent. The JX-30 fighter jet has also been parked in the secret hangar of the Hushi Air Force Base.

What about the test flight test machine?

Do you still have time to write a test flight report with your girlfriend?

Chen Qi and others expressed deep doubts in their hearts.

However, when Qin Xiao got off the JX-30 fighter, a group of people rushed up.

"Master Qin, you are back!"

"Master Qin, welcome back!"

"Master Qin, you are finally back!"

A group of hundreds of people swarmed up and asked for warmth.

Qin Xiao was a little frightened by this kind of battle, so without saying a word, he took out the USB flash drive that he had written nearly 30,000 words in Qin Village's test flight report of the J-30 fighter jet, and gave it to Chen Qi directly. Shang said: "Stop, this is for you, I sent you back the JX-30 test machine,

The mission is completed, and then I should also retire and return to the front line of the Air Force. "

Hearing this, Chen Qi and others changed their expressions: "Chief Qin really doesn't stay? If you stay in the front line of scientific research, you will definitely play a much bigger role than staying in the Air Force."

"Not only is it much larger, at least it can play a role that is dozens of times more."

"Master Qin, stay here, we need you!"

"I'm used to working under you. I only need to do the assembly work. I'm not used to other people. It's still easy for you! Don't use too many brains!"

"If you leave, where can we find such a good chief designer! It's very tiring to work with this other person, and there may not be any progress, so how can it be refreshing to follow you! I'm not tired, I don't talk about it, and the progress is fast. , don't use your brain, get things out according to the design drawings, and then assemble them."

"Chief Master Qin? After following you, I realized that scientific research would be so easy."


Hearing these words, Qin Xiao almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

The heart that had been hesitant at first was firmed up immediately.

If you don't leave, you can't be exhausted if you stay and engage in scientific research?

No, absolutely cannot stay.

His face suddenly became very firm: "I'm sorry, everyone, although I really want to stay, but my dream is in the air force, on the top of the sky.

Sure enough, there is still no way to keep Chief Qin!

Everyone showed a face that was not unexpected, and there was no more persuasion and retention.

I have long known in my heart that it is impossible to stay. If I mention it again, it will only make Chief Qin feel bored. It is better to be generous. It is better to let Chief Qin go to the front line of the Air Force. In the future, I want to ask Chief Qin for help. Speak up.

Seeing that everyone didn't speak, Qin Xiao directly shoved the USB flash drive into Chen Qi's hand: "I gave you the things, you can see for yourself, I will leave for Nankong tomorrow."

Chen Qi's eyes fell on the USB flash drive Qin Xiao placed in his palm, and he couldn't help but ask, "Master Qin, what is this?"

Qin Xiao said word by word: "The 30,000-word JX-30 fighter flight test report, inside..."

Before Qin Xiao could speak, he found that nearly a hundred people around him had disappeared.

Qin Xiao was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "If I knew you were like this, I would have said it!"

Seeing Chen Qi's group of people walking away with a USB flash drive, Qin Xiao shrugged his shoulders without caring, and then quickly walked towards the dormitory.

After a year here, it's time to say goodbye and get back on the front lines of the Air Force.

Compared with the loneliness of scientific research, the front-line air force is dangerous but full of passion.

Qin Xiao left, left the Fifth Generation Fighter R&D Center on Air Force 2, and went straight to the South Air Command.

At 11:00 noon, Air Force 2 arrived at the military airport of the South Air Force Command on time.

Although the entire Nankong was equally surprised by this special plane of Air Force 2, which symbolized power and status, it was no longer as shocking as before.

After getting off Air Force 2, he thanked the pilot of Air Force 2, Qin Xiao didn't even go to his dormitory, and went straight to Xiao Wanjun's office with his bag on his back.

Knowing that Qin Xiao went straight to him as soon as he came back, Xiao Wanjun couldn't help it at the moment.

He knew from Yun Jintian that Qin Xiao was planning to go to the land of Canaan, and thinking about the unspoken request made by Qin Xiao a year ago, how could Xiao Wanjun not think of it, Qin Xiao was afraid that he wanted to help That request was to go to the land of Canaan.

In the Eastern God Alliance, no matter how dangerous the mission, he dared to let Qin Xiao carry it out. After all, within his sphere of influence, no matter how dangerous it was, he could do it.

With timely support, there will be no major events, or even sacrifices.

But when you go to the land of Canaan, you can't help yourself, and you can't help them.

Let Chief Master Qin, and even Qin Xiao, who is about to be the vice president of the Xia Academy of Sciences, go to the land of Canaan, where there are four dead people almost every day. 093 is too dangerous.

But he still knew Qin Xiao's temperament. If he didn't agree, he wouldn't let it go.

For a time, Xiao Wanjun also frowned, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Xiao Zhao, tell me, how can I refuse a request made by someone who is not excessive but doesn't want to agree to his request?" Xiao Wanjun suddenly raised his head and looked at the assistant who just came in with the document.

Assistant Zhao was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "You are the minister, who can force you to agree if you don't agree?"

Xiao Wanjun shook his head: "The person I'm talking about is different, and I can't stop what he wants to do."

Assistant Zhao was stunned. Is there anyone in Nankong who could make Minister Xiao so embarrassed?

Just thinking about it, a figure appeared in my mind: "Does the minister mean Colonel Qin?"

"Yes, he's going to the land of Canaan, I don't want him to go, it's too dangerous, but I know his temper very well, it's unlikely that he wants to stop it forcibly, unless I leave the Nankong headquarters directly and hide for a while. I haven't come back for half a year, and this matter may still be delayed."

A minister with real power, can't come out after hiding for a year and a half?

how is this possible!

Assistant Zhao frowned, then looked at the document in his hand, and quickly handed it to Xiao Wanjun: "Minister, maybe you have made a decision after reading this!"

Xiao Wanjun frowned, took the document with doubts, looked at it carefully for a while, then looked up at the assistant for a long time, and said in a low voice, "You mean to take this opportunity to let Qin Xiao go to Canaan. Be an Instructor?"

"? Didn't Darrow buy ten JX-15 fighter jets from us? And I hope we can arrange an Instructor for them. Luo is the flight Instructor, even if Darrow is in constant wars, he is more trustworthy than other forces. With Colonel Qin's ability, I don't think there will be too many problems." The assistant thought about it and explained his thoughts. come out.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock at the door, and Qin Xiao's voice came: "Old Xiao, are you there?"

Old Xiao?

Assistant Zhao, his pupils shrank suddenly, his face sluggish.

Then, he turned his head to look at Xiao Wanjun, and saw that Xiao Wanjun not only did not look angry, but had such an expression on his face, it was even more shocking. good guy!

In Nankong, this is the one who dared to call Minister Xiao so, and Minister Xiao is not angry, even smiling, it seems...

a little more...


Am I... dreaming? .

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