The Chief Designer Of The Aircraft Carrier Was Dismissed By The University?

Chapter 234 Xia Qiange: If I Remember Correctly, You Were Still A Big Soldier More Than A Year Ago,

Chapter 234 Xia Qiange: If I remember correctly, you were still a big soldier more than a year ago, right?

Xia Qiange's eyes were full of incredible colors.

There are many, many ways a couple can be romantic.

Two people, driving a car to travel by car, traveled all over the mountains and rivers, traveled thousands of mountains and rivers, left their traces in every passing place, and left their romance.

Two people, go to the Ferris wheel together, go to the roller coaster together, go to the jumping machine, go crazy in the amusement park.

She thought about it a lot, but she never thought that Qin Xiao would say these words and take her to the J-20 fighter jet.

Even if she is not a pilot, does not belong to the Air Force series, or even is just an ordinary girl, she understands what the JX-20 fighter represents and what it means.

The most advanced fighter jet of the Eastern God Alliance is usually seen as nothing, but once the camouflage is torn off, it can be turned into an ultimate weapon that can destroy everything at any time, giving the enemy a devastating blow.

How can such an advanced fighter be used by a private person to have a romantic relationship with a lover?

Not to mention Qin Xiao, an ordinary pilot, even those top bigwigs, would not dare to use a JX-20 fighter for private use.

However, even if he understood this, Xia Qiange was still shocked.

Someone else's boyfriend, the romance for his girlfriend may just be a crazy romance in an amusement park, or a room full of roses, only Qin Xiao, his romantic way is different, and belongs to the air force pilots only. Romance, which belongs to Qin Xiao's romance alone.

Like it?

She had to admit that she had indeed been teased.

This nerd turned out to be romantic, but he didn't think about it before tearing the white veil.

"Is this ok?"

When the words fell, Xia Qiange's arm couldn't help trembling, and the white hand clenched slightly, looking a little expectant, but more nervous.

What could be more romantic than taking the most advanced JX-20 fighter jet of Dongshen into the sky?

What could be more memorable than this?

Want to?

Naturally thought.

A man has a heart that flies to the sky, and a girl has no dream of yearning for the blue sky.

080 felt the nervousness of the girl in front of him, Qin Xiao smiled slightly, raised his hand to help Xia Qiange straighten the hair that was blown by the breeze, and smiled: "Yes, trust me, it will be fine."

He knew what Xia Qiange was worried about.

So, the next moment, Qin Xiao continued: "Is there a secret place? That is, only you and me."

Xia Qiange's face was slightly rosy, not because she thought too much, but because she was caught off guard by the sudden report of White Hits, but after a while, she still nodded: "Yes, but there are many people in the group, and there is a hotel nearby... "

"Forget the hotel? There are so many people."

Having said this, Qin Xiao buried his head and whispered in Xia Qiange's ear: "Some things involve secrets."

Xia Qiange gritted her teeth: "Then go to my house, but it will take some time."


Xia Qiange turned around and picked up the phone with the crack on the screen. She didn't care, she pinched it in her hand, and then smiled like a flower: "Let's go, go to the parking lot!"

Then, the two of them, ignoring the surprised gazes of dozens of people, went straight to the elevator, from the elevator to the parking lot.

After the two left, an uproar broke out at the scene.

One of the employees of Qianqin Technology Group counted as one, and looked at the elevator that showed that it had reached the second floor with a dull expression.

"My God! That's President Xia? Is that the President Xia I always thought?"

"President Bingshan?... It turns out that President Xia is not the female president of Bingshan at all, but her gentleness and smile are never easy to show. Her gentleness will only be revealed in front of the man she loves."

"My God, who the hell is that man? It made President Xia willingly wait for so many years?"

"I've never seen President Xia smile so happily. It turns out that in front of the person she loves, she is not a strong woman, let alone a female president of Iceberg, just a little girl in love."

Everyone was talking and shocked.

in the car.

Xia Qiange served as the female driver and Qin Xiao sat in the co-pilot.

The car walked steadily for a while, and Xia Qiange, who was driving the car seriously all the way (beef), suddenly asked, "Why do you suddenly think of me?"

In a word, Qin Xiao suddenly didn't know how to answer.

be honest?

To be honest, I can't say it.

So, I told a lie that wasn't a lie: "I haven't had a vacation for a long time, and the above-specified leave requires me to rest for a while, so I thought of you and planned to have fun with you, and then, take you home."

Xia Qiange was stunned, "On the first day you confirm your identity, are you going to take me home?"

"Don't you want to?"


"It's just a little too sudden."

Qin Xiao shook his head, "It's not too sudden, you know, I don't have a lot of vacations. I finally got a month's vacation. If I don't take you back at this time, I don't know when the next time will be."

Xia Qiange was silent, somewhat understanding why Qin Xiao suddenly thought of taking her home.

Next time, maybe in a year or two?

If you don't take advantage of the time now, meet your parents, and finish all the procedures that should be taken, do you still keep it for the future?

Xia Qiange, who was still a little embarrassed at first, has instead become more generous: "Okay, I will listen to you."

Xia Qiange's understanding made Qin Xiao unable to help but reach out and hold her hand, but Xia Qiange said nervously: "My female driver, don't do anything.

foot. "

Seeing Xia Qiange was really nervous, Qin Xiao couldn't help but touched his nose and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect it."

"It's alright, but you can pull it after you get off the car." Xia Qiange smiled slightly, already confirming the relationship, she won't be as pretentious as a little girl, as for being shy, yes, but the boy in front of her is the one she's been waiting for for four years. Just a hand.

The two chatted all the way and came to a luxurious community in less than half an hour.

According to the housing price in Hu City, the houses in this community start at least in eight figures.

However, with Xia Qiange's current net worth, it was normal to live here.

The car parked in the parking space, and the two went up to the ninth floor and entered a large room of 140 square meters.

"You usually live alone?"

A big house with three bedrooms and one living room, a girl lives, to be honest, Qin Xiao felt the pain in panic.

Xia Qiange hung the car key on the door and said with a smile, "No, Xiaoqin comes every day, but she probably won't come tonight."

Meaning, it goes without saying.

Qin Xiao, on the other hand, stared at Xia Qiange blankly.

What's the meaning?

He knows Lin Xiaoqin, Xia Qiange's assistant is also his best friend, she won't come tonight, so... let him sleep here tonight?

Lonely man and widow, living in the same room?

good guy.

You can really trust us!

Because Xia Qiange turned her back to Qin Xiao, she didn't notice Qin Xiao's expression, but continued: "Have you seen the photo I sent you?"

"Look." Qin Xiao nodded.

"is it nice?"



Xia Qiange smiled and turned around, reaching out to protect Qin Xiao.

In this private nest, she doesn't need to take too much into consideration, she just acts recklessly.

Feeling the weight on his neck, Qin Xiao froze for a moment, then nodded: "Really."

It was because of that photo that he knew that there had always been a girl from someone else waiting for him.

"It's beautiful!" Qin Xiao once again gave a heartfelt compliment.

Hearing Qin Xiao's compliment, Xia Qiange's face immediately showed a happy expression, and then he said with a faint threat: "Remember to keep the photo, if you miss it, you can wait for me to clean it up!"

Qin Xiao smiled and said, "Don't worry, absolutely not."

My own girl, why show it to others?

"You can stay with me tonight. It's troublesome to go to the hotel. I'll tell Xiaoqin later and let her live in the group's apartment for a few days."

"Really live here?"

"Well, the second bedroom is for Xiaoqin. How about you sleep in my room at night?"


Qin Xiao responded casually, but he didn't want Xia Qiange, but snorted coldly: "Go ahead. Sure enough, men are big pig hooves. I knew that I must have been thinking about that aspect just now."

After speaking, he took the attitude of a winner and "teach" the boy who was being held by him.

"Cough cough..."

Qin Xiao coughed twice, but did not refute anything.

He had to admit that he thought too much.

Falling in love is a process, and it cannot be rushed.

Xia Qiange rolled his eyes at Qin Xiao, then changed the subject and said, "By the way, tell me about what happened just now at the gate of the group, although I really want to, but I also know that...that's not possible! "

In the tone, there is affirmation.

Use the J-20 fighter to make girls happy and romantic?

Looking for death is almost.

Qin Xiao smiled, "Sit first, although there are no roses, I have a gift for you."


Xia Qiange's face? Showing curiosity and anticipation, he sat down on the sofa, then watched Qin Xiao put down his backpack and fiddled with it. After a while, he took out a boxy mahogany box with inlaid around the box. The golden stripes look beautiful.

Holding this exquisite mahogany box, Qin Xiao sent it to Xia Qiange: "To you, I hope you hope."

Xia Qiange reached out and took it, slowly opening it, revealing the golden medal of merit inside.

"This is……"

"First-class Medal of Merit?"

Xia Qiange couldn't help but screamed when he saw how many pictures were circulating on the Internet.

Although she is only a 23-year-old young girl, it does not mean that she does not understand anything. She is very clear about the meaning of the first-class merit medal.

First-class Merit Medal, but there is a saying that the family receives it.

Soldiers who can get the first-class medal of merit are either sacrificed or seriously injured. Few of them can survive.

The first-class medal in front of her made her think of something at once, and then she couldn't help looking up and asked, "Is it the forced landing at Longcheng Airport?"

"How do you know?" Qin Xiao's eyes widened with surprise.

Xia Qiange said with a bitter face: "That day, I happened to take the flight from Longcheng to go back to Hu City. I didn't expect to be notified that all flights were temporarily cancelled due to an emergency. That day, I saw the fighter jet that nearly crashed. …”

Speaking of this, Xia Qiange's eyes turned slightly red.

Qin Xiao couldn't help taking it into his arms and whispered in her ear: "I'm sorry, I made you worry."

"But don't worry, getting a first-class merit medal is as simple as eating and drinking for me. Qin Xiao doesn't mean to show off, he just doesn't want the beautiful woman in his arms to worry about him.

However, Xia Qiange obviously didn't believe it, "I know how to brag!"

"No bragging!"

Qin Xiao spread out his hands and took out several remaining first-class merit medals, "Look, I didn't lie to you."


Four first-class merit medals, radiating golden light, Xia Qiange looked up and looked at Qin Xiao with an incredible look.


"If I remember correctly, you were still a student at the Dongshen Air Force Military Flight Command Academy more than a year ago? How could four first-class meritorious medals mean, anyone who is in the water can imagine.

What's more, how could a smart girl like Xia Qiange not know the meaning behind the four first-class merit medals.


Xia Qiange didn't speak, let alone ask what kind of merit the four first-class medals represented, but hugged Qin Xiao hard.

The silence speaks.

Feeling the thoughts of the beautiful woman in Dao's arms, Qin Xiao didn't speak either, hugging each other silently.

The two hugged for a while before Qin Xiao let go and said with a smile, "I'll make a phone call first and apply for a two-engine, two-seat JX-20 fighter, and I still need someone's approval."

"If it doesn't work, forget it." Although I wanted to sit, it wasn't necessary.

Qin Xiao turned his head and said, "No, it's just that I'm going to get ridiculed after this phone call. Next time I go to see others, I have to worry about him making fun of me."

Qin Xiao is confident.

I asked Xiao Wanjun for a two-engine and two-seat J-20 fighter jet. Will he agree? .

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