The Chief Designer Of The Aircraft Carrier Was Dismissed By The University?

Chapter 173 The 2 Stage Of Training, A 48 Hour Long Distance Flight

Hourly long-haul transfer flight

Even, there is an urge to scold people.

Time passed little by little.

"The other is to challenge your own limits, a long-distance flight of up to 48 hours. Of course, this is very dangerous because of the long time. Once you feel that you can't hold on, you must explain it in time, and Look for a nearby airport to land."

Along the way, let alone the environment, the weather is extremely complicated.

Facing such a challenge, Qin Xiao also frowned solemnly.

Yun Jintian nodded: "Yes."

Losing to myself has no face, so I ran away?

The temper is so weird.

Therefore, Yun Jintian looked very seriously.

When seeing the overloaded data, the information and data one after another made Yun Jintian stunned.

He continued to look down.

"Since the Star Alliance has it, then my Eastern God Alliance cannot be without it."

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Yun Jintian's face.

thought for a long time.

Even this time, Qin Xiao didn't say that he only needed a shorter time.

I've been a little tired of writing the plot recently, and the 14,000-word update every day is really tiring, but I'll adjust it quickly, thank you for your support! .

Not so deceiving.

Qin Xiao has the map of the Eastern God Alliance in his mind. Although it is not so detailed, he also knows that if he really wants to complete the long-distance flight around the Eastern God Alliance, the situation is very complicated. On the way, he will encounter forests. , high mountains, snow-capped mountains, various mountain ranges, even the roof of the world, and the highest Mount Everest in the Blue Star.

But he didn't stop, but looked down quickly.

The first one is when he was at the Eastern God Alliance Air Force Military Flight Command Academy, Qin Xiao showed physical toughness during the solo flight and successfully challenged the overload of 8G.

He deeply doubted that, not to mention his experience, he might not be as good as Qin Xiao in terms of technology.

But it is precisely because of this that Yun Jintian is even more curious as to why there is a follow-up in the data of Qin Xiao, who has reached an overload of 8G.

Ordinary students, no, even those talented students, not to mention six months, even if they are given six years, they may not be able to achieve such achievements.

This has reached the limit of what humans can achieve.

He felt that in addition to having more actual combat experience than Qin Xiao, he was more adequate, and faced more emergencies. Is there anything better than Qin Xiao?

Qin Xiao felt that an ace pilot would not be so insufferable.

Yun Jintian is still so popular with Rayleigh, there is not much nonsense, so he set up the second stage of training for Qin Xiao, a long and long-distance flight.


Yun Jintian, the ace pilot, suddenly ran away, and Qin Xiao still hasn't figured out the reason.

Forty-eight hours...

"I'll give you a week to prepare and get to know the situation on the border of my Eastern God Alliance. Flying about 20 kilometers away from the border line, if you can control it, 10 kilometers is fine, and a little more, take a good rest!"

Is this really a twenty-two-year-old youth? Really just an Air Force first class pilot?

For six months, at that time, he was still reading various aerodynamics and aviation books at the aviation school. He had never even touched a beginner's aircraft, and he had not even boarded a flight simulator to simulate the flight of a beginner's aircraft. Never have.

He felt that he was good enough, and if it was another Instructor, today it was not a smile, but a flattering smile.

Twenty-four hours, forty-eight hours.

But he didn't, and there was this scene today.

Such a pilot, losing to the opponent, is not ashamed.

Even Yun Jintian, an ace pilot, couldn't help swallowing at this moment, but his mouth felt dry.

Dare to challenge yourself and break through the spoon.

It was cold yesterday, but today it seems like a different person.

Think again……

Yun Jintian felt that at this moment, even if Qin Xiao was given the qualification of an air force ace pilot, no one would say anything.

Just relying on the overload of 10G, the limit angle of attack of less than 30 cm, and the over-the-horizon distance of more than 20 kilometers...

Forty-eight hours is the most difficult. The difficulty is not only because the time is too long to feel tired, but also the occurrence of various emergencies that may be encountered when flying around the border.

Taking a deep breath, Yun Jintian calmed down and continued to look at the next page. The content of this page is actually the most important, because it involves some of Qin Xiao's special abilities, such as being able to use overload, beyond the line of sight, etc. of.

Forty-eight hours of long-distance flight, by no means so simple.

Qin Xiao's expression was firm: "I'm sure!"

This one will become the pilot on the highest throne in history.

Yun Jintian said silently: "Yes, there was one three years ago, but that one died in a top-secret flight plan, and since him, no one has succeeded in the challenge again."

As an ace pilot, Yun Jintian still has vicious eyes, and he can see his problem at a glance.

"Does the Star Alliance have it?"

"It's so evil!"

He thought of the second stage of training.

Overload 10G...

"The longest, but thirty-eight hours."

This sudden change made Qin Xiao puzzled.

After Yun Jintian closed the document, he restrained his bitter emotions and closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Yun Jintian closed the information and didn't want to read any further.

In his mind, Qin Xiao's experience since he entered the Eastern God Alliance Air Force Military Flight Command Academy, and then, opened his eyes, radiating light.

After speaking, his tone changed: "But so far, no one in the Eastern God Alliance Air Force has been able to successfully challenge the 48-hour long-distance transition."

Although he doesn't feel ashamed, after all, although he is an ace pilot, he is not only facing a simple man, but a real top-level evildoer.

The only thing that is stronger than Qin Xiao, is the actual combat experience that can be accumulated over time, but looking at Qin Xiao's performance today, the actual combat experience, maybe Qin Xiao can accumulate it in a short time, such a top-level evildoer, no Like ordinary pilots, you need to rely on actual combat time and time again to accumulate experience.

"So, your choice is..."

Of course, forty-eight hours is very dangerous, but as a strategic pilot, if he doesn't challenge the limit, he doesn't think he should.

Qin Xiao thought for a long time, then suddenly raised his head and asked, "Instructor, before choosing, I want to ask a question."

During the traineeship period, although Qin Xiao had experience in long-distance transition flight, the time was too short. For a strategic pilot, a 24-hour long-distance transition flight is the most basic, while for Qin Xiao, A forty-eight-hour transition flight is a challenge to the limit.

Yun Jintian walked up to Qin Xiao and said something that made Qin Xiao feel inexplicable: "I read your information and found a problem. You have no experience in long-distance flight transitions for a long time~〃."

Overload information, so far.

"I want to know, has anyone challenged a forty-eight-hour long-distance flight?" Qin Xiao asked.

Nor can it be done.

PS: I saw someone in the comment area mentioned that the protagonist drives a fighter jet designed by himself. This is for sure. The JX-30 fighter jet will definitely be equipped with a pulse detonation engine. At that time, the difficulties of the fighter jet will need to be solved by the protagonist. Just recently, once the pulse detonation engine is fully developed, the JX-30 fighter will enter the research and development stage, it will not be too long, after all, there is a protagonist, right!

For more than half a year, Qin Xiao still lacked one thing.

Hearing this, Qin Xiao said almost without any hesitation: "Instructor, I choose a forty-eight-hour long-distance flight."

Any more?

Yun Jintian didn't hear these thoughts, or else he would be scolded.

- Week time, just right.

If he knew it would be like this, he should have taken a look when he got Qin Xiao's information yesterday, otherwise this scene would not have happened today.

Yun Jintian said in a low voice.

Not even an ace pilot can do it.

Even if I don't want to admit it, I have to admit it when I see this.

"I'll give you two options now. The first is a 24-hour long-distance flight around the Eastern God Alliance boundary. This is what a strategic pilot must do. If there is no fuel on the way, a tanker will connect with you to refuel. ."

six months...

But he still lacks one thing, the long transition flight.

The second is that Qin Xiao successfully challenged the overload 9G in the academy student flight competition, breaking the limit of human overloading and opening the era of human overloading 9G.

Either way, it is extremely difficult.

Learn more, rest better, and recharge for forty-eight hours of flying.

Powerful scary!

"You ask!"

Standing on the training ground, Qin Xiao was full of thoughts.

Long-distance transition flight, the kind of super long time.

Qin Xiao is so good.

These materials, to put it in a bad way, would make Kakuzu look helpless if anyone looked at it.

Are all ace pilots like this?

Moreover, he didn't know whether Yun Jintian was serious or not.

Looking at Qin Xiao's profile at the moment, Yun Jintian couldn't help but stroked his forehead and smiled bitterly.

Of these three, no one pilot can do it.

With superb technology, extremely high talent, and even possessing a physique that ordinary people cannot have, he can successfully challenge the overload of 10G and the beyond-the-horizon distance of more than 20 kilometers...

These things often determine how high a pilot's upper limit is.

He could already imagine the birth of a terrifying pilot for Bluestar, for the Covenant.

"you sure?"

It didn't take long for Yun Jintian to come, with a smile on his face suddenly compared to yesterday, not so rigid and not so cold, looking at him with a hint of anticipation.

Eyes, unprecedented perseverance.

Third, there are two locations, one is in the graduation assessment, Qin Xiao applied for free performance time to successfully challenge the overload 10G, which opened the era of human overload 10G, and the other is in the Golden Eagle Squadron, codenamed Lion Majesty Overload 10G exhibited by pilots vying for lead.

Seeing this, Yun Jintian's complexion has changed a little.

Air Force first-class pilots, major battalion, two first-class, two second-class, think about it can make a large group of people into despair.

A pilot who can create two new maneuvers, a pilot who can make top stalls, who can play Vice Admiral in his applause, is technically no weaker than him, even if he is technically better than him. Qin Xiao is stronger, it's hard to say.


Continuing to look down, Yun Jintian's complexion completely changed at the moment of the extreme angle of attack photo of 30 cm and the over-the-horizon distance of more than 20 kilometers during the first self-guided cruise mission.


One is what a strategic pilot must do, and the other is to challenge the limit.

A flash of admiration flashed in Yun Jintian's eyes, this is the person he likes, this is the arrogance in his mind, and this is the air force pilot of the Eastern God Alliance.

Not to mention other things, it is really necessary to carry out actual combat, just watching the overload of 10G and the over-the-horizon distance of more than 20 kilometers can make people desperate.

For a person like Qin Xiao, one actual battle may be able to understand a lot of truth.

the next day.

Anyone who has yesterday's experience will experience such changes when they see those materials.


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