The Chief Designer Of The Aircraft Carrier Was Dismissed By The University?

Chapter 143 Honorary Member Of Dongshen Airlines, Applause For Qin Xiao

Chapter 143 Honorary member of Dongshen Airlines, applause for Qin Xiao

Liu Xuer stared blankly at Qin Xiao's back, and she was dumbfounded.

In my mind, it's like mush.


A sophomore who was dropped out of Dongshen Institute of Technology has now become an Air Force pilot, and this process only took half a year.

Has it changed so much in half a year?

If it wasn't for waking up every day and remembering the current day, she even wondered if the time was fast-forwarding, otherwise how could a person have such a big change in half a year.

Although Qin Xiao is often absent from school, what he knows is that he has never left the vicinity of the school, but he seldom attends classes, and he is too lazy to go to the final exam, which is why he was expelled from the school.

She can be sure that Qin Xiao has never disappeared for a long time since he entered Dongshen Institute of Science and Technology. leave again.

Week by week.

Liu Xuer can be sure that Qin Xiao became an Air Force pilot, that is, half a year after being dropped out of school.

In half a year, you will become an Air Force pilot?


In my mind, Qin Xiao's words just now rang out again.

Air Force First Class Pilot...

If you remember correctly, the qualifications of pilots are also graded, from the lowest third-level pilots, second-level pilots, to first-level pilots, and above, there are super pilots, and even ace pilots soaring to the top of the sky.

There is a huge gap between each level.

Although she doesn't know what these represent, she also knows that no matter how evil a person is, it is impossible to go from a third-level pilot to a first-level pilot in half a year.

However, this incredible scene appeared in front of her eyes, even if Liu Xuer didn't believe it, she was stunned at the moment, and she was a little sluggish for a while.

What happened in the past six months?

In Liu Xuer's heart, there seemed to be a gust of wind.

Can't believe it.

Although the others were not as shocked as Liu Xuer, they were all ecstatic after being stunned for a while.

"Great, that's great, it's our Air Force pilot, it's all right now."

"It's okay, it's okay, it'll be alright."

Many people patted their chests, and they were relieved just after being nervous.

However, some people still doubt:

"The Air Force only drives fighter jets, so it may not be able to fly passenger planes, right?"

But as soon as this person said this, he immediately caused a siege from a group of people:

"You are not looking for trouble! Air force pilots can even fly fighter jets, but you said they can't fly passenger planes? Do you know what a fighter jet is? If you don't know, don't talk nonsense here."

"Some people's brains are flooded. You know, the captains of many of our Eastern God's passenger planes are all retired Air Force pilots.

And it is much better than those students from civil aviation aviation schools. They can even fly fighter jets. Passenger planes are completely trivial. Do you understand? "

"Look at the deputy of the Civil Aviation School. The captain had an accident, and he didn't even dare to drive the plane. This kind of person is as good as our Air Force pilots.

"Don't compare that kind of person with our Air Force pilots. There is no comparison at all. Putting the two together is an insult to our Air Force pilots."

The man was dumbfounded all of a sudden, and he didn't expect that he would be besieged by a group of people just by saying something. He lowered his head and didn't dare to look at other people.

The atmosphere of the cabin changed suddenly.

Despair disappeared, and everyone had surprises on their faces.

Seeing this scene, Qin Xiao was also relieved, the passengers still recognized the identity of Dongshen Air Force pilot.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiao put his hand down and comforted: "Everyone, please sit down if you're okay, don't worry, I'll bring everyone to a safe landing, if there is anything you can mention to our chief flight attendant, but don't worry about it. Make trouble, don’t copy it, trust me, I believe that Dongshen Air Force will bring everyone home safely.”

"This is a promise made to everyone as an Air Force pilot~〃."

"Yes, what Comrade Qin Xiao said is right, everyone can come to me with any request." Wang Yu quickly answered.

Qin Xiao nodded, and his eyes suddenly became serious: "One more thing, I hope everyone here can delete the photos just taken and don't leave any details. I don't think everyone expected it to be spread and it would be leaked by the Secret Service Bureau. People come to the door, every air force pilot of our Eastern God is a secret to foreign countries, I hope everyone can cooperate."

Qin Xiao's words are definitely not to scare these people, but Dongshen Air Force has always done this, rarely exposed to the sun, even if there is, it is already exposed, don't care about more exposure, never exposed Yes, definitely not exposing this group of people to the sun.

Every Air Force pilot is a precious treasure of the country. These pilots have their own family members.

It's no small matter to be targeted by a conscious spy.

Therefore, for Air Force pilots who have not been exposed, Dongshen Air Force will keep it secret if it can keep it secret.

Hearing this, Wang Yu also answered: "Yes, everyone deleted all the photos you just took. Even if you go back and talk about today's incident, you can't describe the appearance of Comrade Qin Xiao like relatives and friends."

When everyone heard this, especially when the Security Bureau, they took out their mobile phones, deleted the photos they took before, and cleaned them up in the recycle bin.

Although there are some people who want to keep it, thinking that it's fine not to mess with their hair, but when they think that they might be seen by others, once it gets out, it's not a trivial matter.

In a big way, that is the disclosure of state secrets.

Grit your teeth, be ruthless, and delete it directly.


"Comrade Air Force, it has been deleted, we have deleted it, you can rest assured that it will never be retained."

"I deleted it too."

Everyone picked up their mobile phones and faced Qin Xiao with the photo gallery.

Qin Xiao nodded slightly, with a smile on his face: "Thank you for your cooperation, everyone is seated, I will take everyone home."


"Thank you, comrade pilot!"

Everyone thanked them continuously, and the joy on their faces became more and more intense.

Qin Xiao gave everyone a military salute again, then turned around, and was about to walk towards the cockpit.

Behind him, Liu Xu'er looked at Qin Xiao with a dull expression: "Qin Xiao, you..."

"Have you become an Air Force pilot in the past six months?"

Qin Xiao nodded: "Almost!"

Liu Xu'er was stunned, and said incredulously: " only took half a year to become a first-class pilot of the Air Force?" Liu Xuer's voice became more and more low.

Qin Xiao smiled and said, "We meet by chance, why bother with these."

Liu Xuer was slightly startled, then smiled and nodded lightly.

Indeed, it was just a chance encounter.

Qin Xiao looked at Wang Yu: "Chancellor, let's go."

Wang Yu was still in a daze, and only reacted when she heard Qin Xiao calling her.

"Oh, alright."

Under the eyes of everyone, the two walked into the cockpit side by side.

When he came to the cockpit, Wang Yucai said embarrassedly: "Leader, I didn't dare to call you leader just now in order not to reveal your identity."


Qin Xiao didn't care about this, but said with a smile: "I remember it should be at the border town at 3:30 in the afternoon. It's not too long now. To get the passengers to arrive on time, let's not waste time."

"Okay!" Wang Yu nodded again and again.

"This is the first time I have contacted a passenger plane, and I don't quite understand some things. The deputy will remind me soon. It's just a passenger plane, and I should get started quickly."

Wang Yu looked directly at his deputy Xiao Li: "Xiao Li, this is our Air Force pilot comrade. He will be the captain next, and you will assist as the deputy."

The deputy Xiao Li was still a little frightened, but nodded anyway.

Qin Xiao smiled: "It's okay, don't be nervous, especially as a pilot, no matter what happens, keep your head calm."

He just said one sentence and did not continue.

The deputy Xiao Li is obviously not suitable for being a pilot, and his mentality is too easy to explode. This kind of person is a time bomb as a passenger plane pilot, and no one knows when he will explode.

Next, Qin Xiao showed what it means to get started faster.

With an instruction manual and some explanations from his deputy Xiao Li, Qin Xiao completely mastered the small airliner in less than ten minutes.

Compared with fighter jets, a small passenger plane is almost no difficulty for him.

This is the confidence and competence of a first class pilot.

The learning ability shown by Qin Xiao made Wang Yu and his deputy Xiao Li widen their mouths in shock and look shocked.

Although it is said that it is fast to get started, it is too fast.

The deputy Xiao Li looked at Qin Xiao with admiration, but soon sighed again. He was not intended to be a pilot. After this time, it would be better to give up this profession, so as to save himself from harming others like today. .

And Wang Yu, standing behind Qin Xiao, looked at the back of Qin Xiao driving the passenger plane with a look of admiration.

so amazing!

It only took ten minutes to do seems to be more skilled than the captain.

Is this our Air Force?

For a time, Wang Yu was also extremely proud.

Less than half of the flight disappeared, and Xia Flight 214 successfully landed at Biancheng International Airport.


From outside the window, on the ground, firefighters and paramedics rushed like crazy.

The plane stopped.

They landed at Border Town International Airport.

"Oh my god!"

"It's on the ground! It's finally on the ground! Our comrades in the Air Force pilots are amazing! We landed steadily and brought us home safely!" There was a roar in the entire cabin, and everyone expressed their joy with joy. The planes are boiling.

The dying captain was taken away by ambulance crews.

The people from Dongshen Airlines also came.

"It's good to be alive!"

"Sister Wang Yu!"

"You scared us to death!"

Colleagues who had been waiting at the airport for a long time rushed up.

Several people counted their noses, hugged each other and cried.

Even though the purser Wang Yu was calm and calm, seeing the familiar sisters at the moment, she was also moved to tears.

The leaders of Biancheng Airport strode over, and they had long known that the captain fainted. Seeing the plane landed safely, they excitedly said to everyone at this moment: "Comrades, you are doing very well, very good, In the face of emergencies, don't be impatient, at the critical moment

We have withstood the pressure and avoided economic losses and casualties. Dongshen Airlines is proud of heroic crews like you. "

"Thanks for your hard work!"

"Thank you leader!"

"Should be!"

"It's not really hard!"

They really didn't have to work hard. Except for contacting Nankong Command Center at the beginning, after Qin Xiao stood up later, they didn't have anything to do with them.

"This time, thanks to our comrade Air Force pilot, without him, we might really be doomed."

"Yeah! Thank you so much to our Air Force!"

A group of people were talking, and after the passengers were evacuated, Qin Xiao also stepped out of the passenger plane, a little relaxed.

Controlling a passenger plane is really not a big deal to him. This is the Air Force pilot.

However, it is a rare experience.

Not only saved the passengers on the passenger plane, but also experienced driving a civil airliner, killing two birds with one stone.

It's just that when he walked out of the hatch, his footsteps stopped, and there were people standing densely below.


"Our comrade Air Force pilots have come out!"

Everyone clapped spontaneously, without Qin Xiao, they might not be able to come back today.

The leader of Dongshen Airlines stood straight ahead, raised his hand to salute, then stretched out his hand and held Qin Xiao's hand tightly: "Thank you so much! You saved everyone!"

"Comrade pilot, from today onwards, you will be our lifetime honorary member of Dongshen Airlines!"

Qin Xiao was startled and quickly declined.

But the leader of Dongshen Airlines did not give Qin Xiao a chance to refuse, and said with a stern face: "Saving one life is better than building a seven-level Buddha, you saved four or five hundred lives, we only (good) ) to list you as an honorary member, nothing, really nothing."

"If you hadn't been our Air Force pilot, I would have poached you with a high salary to our Dongshen Airlines."

The crowd laughed.

Qin Xiao had no choice but to nod his head in response.

Afterwards, surrounded by the crowd, Qin Xiao left Biancheng Airport and waited for the people from the First Air Force Division to pick him up.

The air force base is a military secret and cannot be reached by taxis. Even if he doesn't want to trouble people, he can only wait quietly at the moment.

At this moment, the first division of the Air Force, the Golden Eagle Squadron, twelve people are eating barbecue around one place, talking about a new flyer who will arrive today.

"Our Golden Eagle Squadron hasn't had any new recruits for a long time, and this time, we have been added!"

"It's not too long, there was one last year, right, Lion Majesty."

"Lion Majesty, the task of welcoming the new students will be handed over to you in a while. After all, you haven't been here for a long time. Captain and deputy battalion, this level is just right, and it won't appear that our old fly is bullying others."

"No one can come to our Golden Eagle Squadron, but no one is good, don't capsize!"

"Xinfei is not good, we are good?"

"Don't underestimate Lion Majesty, this guy has been here for a year anyway. After training with us for a year, will he be able to get a new flyer?"

"Let's not talk about anything else, just the rank of the lieutenant's deputy battalion. When the new flyer arrives, you have to salute and call for a good leader!"

Lion Majesty, who was mentioned, didn't speak. He had only been here for a year. It would be most appropriate for him to pick up people at the gate of the base later.

It won't appear that Lao Fei bullies Xin Fei, and it also saves a lot of trouble. By the way, you can test the depth of Xin Fei. It's a multi-purpose thing, He Le

not for?

Moreover, he was treated like this last year, and this year it was his turn as an old fly to welcome a new fly, so giving up like this seems like a bit of a waste of opportunity.

Smiling, Lion Majesty said calmly: "Then I'll go!".

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