【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Teacher Yue ran away, haha!"

Lu Xiao laughed so hard when he saw the reward offered by Yue Buqun.

He can't run away from this dark history.

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"It's just luck, haha!"

Zhang Sanfeng felt happy for the first time in a long time, and felt that he was so lucky to be able to join this chat group!

【Tsunade】:"Eh? Has little sister Nami not opened the can yet? @娜美, open the can live now!"

【Nami】:""Okay, okay! I'm going to start live streaming!"

Nami was a little nervous, but when she thought about how everyone else was doing live streaming, wouldn't it be unsociable if she didn't do it herself?

""Hello everyone! I opened the jar!"

Nami hid in a small room, put the bronze jar on the table, greeted everyone, and silently said"open" in her heart!


【Congratulations to Nami for getting 10 cubic meters of portable storage space】

【Storage space: A storage space that exists in the void and cannot store living things.】

【Tsunade】:"Huh? Storage space? It's quite suitable for little Nami!"

【Group owner: Lu���】:"Indeed, Nami can put her treasures here in the future without having to worry about losing them."

【Nami】:"That’s great! I like it very much!"

Nami was very happy. Now she no longer had to carry a heavy bag around!

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"That's all for today. If you get points and want to open a can, you can call me anytime."

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"My birthday is coming soon, and it’s time to make some preparations. Let’s get back to chat!"

【Tsunade】:"I also want to earn points. Does the group leader have any good suggestions?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"It's very simple. If you go back and become the fifth Hokage now, you can change the fate of the third Hokage, Orochimaru, and many other people. I guess you will get a lot of points."

【Tsunade】:"Being a Hokage... I know."

Tsunade left Konoha with Shizune because she wanted to escape the position of Hokage and the influence of her younger brothers Nawaki and Dan.

However, after watching the copy and learning about the future of the ninja world, Tsunade was not so opposed.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"By the way, was the Uchiha clan exterminated? If not, you can still get a lot of points"

【Tsunade】:"It's not the time for the Uchiha clan to be exterminated yet, but it's coming soon. Naruto has already enrolled in school."

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Then you can plan carefully and go back to Konoha to become Hokage first."


Ninja World


"Lady Tsunade, you called me?"

"Let's go back to Konoha!"

Tsunade stood up and said domineeringly

""Eh?! Are we finally going back?!"

Shizune cried with joy!

It's been so many years, and they can finally go back!

"However, Master Tsunade, you are not trying to avoid debt.……"

"What are you talking about? Am I such a person?! This time when I go back, I am going to be the Hokage! I have been the Hokage for so long, it is time for me to abdicate!"

Tsunade said, and walked out

""Hokage... Hokage!!"

Shizune was stunned.

Didn't Tsunade-sama hate the Hokage the most? Why did she suddenly change her mind?!

But this is also a good thing!

Shizune was very happy and hurried to catch up!

"Humph! I'm a Hokage now, and I'm still worried about not having enough money to pay off the hundreds of millions of dollars in debt?!"



The Grand Master's Hall.

Lin Pingzhi walked in cautiously, not daring to look up at Yue Buqun!

When he was assassinated that day, he saw the half of paper money under Yue Buqun's feet when he was dying, and he knew that the Sword Manual of Exorcism was in his hands, and he even wanted to kill him to silence him!

For this reason, he deliberately tried to please his senior sister Yue Lingshan, just to get a talisman.

Now, he finally asked his master's wife to marry Yue Lingshan and stop Yue Buqun's murderous intention!

But unexpectedly, his master's wife told him that Yue Buqun directly opposed it!

And asked him to come to the Grand Master's Hall.

So Lin Pingzhi was very worried that Yue Buqun would kill him!

In that case, how could he avenge his parents! ?

He was unwilling!


"Pingzhi, I called you here for two things."

Yue Buqun looked at Lin Pingzhi and sighed.

If he didn't join the chat group, he wouldn't know everything about the future, and he would be determined to practice the Sword Manual of Exorcism, and finally end up with his family broken up.

But now, everything has changed.

Because of the group leader Lu Xiao, he got the opportunity to change everything and become stronger!

So he no longer needs the Sword Manual of Exorcism! He also doesn't need the Sunflower Manual that only eunuchs can practice!

"What do you want, Master?"

Lin Pingzhi's heart was in his throat.

"First, I don't agree with your marriage to Lingshan. Actually, you already know that I was the one who attacked you that day. That's right, the Sword Manual of Exorcism is in my hands."


Lin Pingzhi suddenly knelt down, sweating profusely!

Yue Buqun actually confessed to him! ?

Is he going to attack him next! ?

"That day, I sent Lingshan and Lao Denuo to disguise as waiters for your Lin family's Sword Manual of Exorcism, but the destruction of your escort agency has nothing to do with us at Huashan."

"Taking you as my apprentice has the same purpose."

"But after I got the Sword Manual of Exorcism, I hesitated for a long time and finally gave up."

Yue Buqun narrated without blushing or beating his heart.

""Master, why don't you practice?"

Lin Pingzhi asked bravely.

"Look for yourself."

Yue Buqun threw the same cassock he got from the Lin family's old house to Lin Pingzhi.

"This this……"

Lin Pingzhi's hands trembled as he looked up at Yue Buqun in disbelief.

He never imagined that the Sword Manual of Exorcism that he had been thinking about was right in front of him!

"Look, you are still my Huashan disciple. I can't kill you now. Otherwise, how can I face the world?

Although he is suspected of being a hypocrite, it is precisely because of his hypocrisy that he cares more about his reputation.

Over the years, Yue Buqun has done a good job. Otherwise, how could he be called the"Gentleman Sword" ?’?


Lin Pingzhi no longer hesitated, picked up the Sword Manual of Exorcism on the ground, and read it carefully.

Then his face changed!

Because the first line of the Sword Manual of Exorcism is"If you want to practice this skill, you must first castrate yourself."’


Lin Pingzhi couldn't believe it!

At this moment, he even suspected that Yue Buqun was framing him!

He made a fake sword manual for him to practice, just to make his Lin family extinct!

What a vicious heart!

"I know you are skeptical. When I first got this sword manual, I was just like you. In fact, I almost made up my mind to practice it."


Lin Pingzhi really wanted to ask, Master, have you castrated yourself now?!

"What do you mean by that look? I didn't practice! I said almost! Otherwise, would I have given it back to you?"

Yue Buqun saw that Lin Pingzhi was looking at him with suspicion, and he was so angry that he almost killed him with his sword!

"This is something from your Lin family. You saw it with your own eyes. It's up to you whether you want to learn it or not, whether you believe it or not."


If Lin Pingzhi didn't believe it, it was definitely fake.

Because the texture of this cassock was ancient, and it was exactly the same as what he saw that night.

No matter how powerful Yue Buqun was, he couldn't fake it so realistically, right?!

So, the reason why the swordsmanship of their Lin family is not as powerful as the Lin family ancestor, who could suppress the martial arts world, is because the descendants did not castrate themselves?!

Wait... If the Lin family ancestor castrated himself to practice swordsmanship, was it before he had a child, or after?!

Is my last name Lin?!


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