"Garlon, I know it was you who pulled out the trident, entered the underwater temple, and unsealed the Athena's jar, reviving the soul of Poseidon, the king of the sea."

"But none of this matters. What matters is that I believe you can change your ways and turn back to the right path."

Saori persuaded Kanon, hoping that he would give up.


Garlon was completely shocked.

Why did Athena know his purpose and plan~! ?

Could it be that Athena was like Zeus, omniscient and omnipotent?!

"Since you already know it was me, then you should know that it was me who bewitched Saga to kill you."

"It's just a pity that he failed."

Galon took off his helmet and looked at Athena coldly.

"Garlon! Turn back, you won't succeed!"

"Turn back?! How can I turn back?"

Galon roared, and suddenly attacked, using the speed of light punch on Saori.

As a result, without exception, all were blocked by Lu Xiao.

"Who are you? The new Gold Saint? Where is your armor?"

Galon looked at Lu Xiao.

"Want to see my holy clothes? You are not qualified yet."

Lu Xiao shook his head

"Humph! Even if you are a Gold Saint, you can't defeat me without help from others!"

"Golden Triangle Dimension!!"

Garon's strength is comparable to any Gold Saint, and is equal to Saga and Aiolos, or even better!

Therefore, Garon is confident that he will never lose!

"Lord Lu Xiao! Please show mercy!"

Saori didn't want to lose such a powerful and loyal Saint.


Facing the golden triangle dimension that could open the door to another dimension, Lu Xiao just stretched out his finger and broke Garlon's move.

Even more, the powerful force penetrated Garlon's body, smashing his scales that were comparable to the golden saint's clothes.

Garlon was severely injured and fell to the ground vomiting blood.

At this moment, he still couldn't figure out who this man was.

Why did he have a stronger power than the golden saint!


Saori ran over and used her own little universe to heal Kanon.

"This small universe……"

Feeling this extremely familiar microcosmic power, Garlon's eyes widened instantly!

"It's you, Athena!!"

"it's me"

"Why did you save me?! I wanted to kill you back then!"

More than a decade ago, Kanon instigated Saga to assassinate the newly reincarnated Athena, but failed. Saga, who hated evil, imprisoned Kanon in the rock prison of the Sniwan Strait.

During this period, Kanon hovered on the edge of life and death many times, but every time Kanon felt desperate, he was saved from the brink of death by an indescribable warmth.

Later, Kanon accidentally released the soul of the sealed Poseidon in the rock prison, and instigated Poseidon to go to war with Athena. When Poseidon's soul was reincarnated into Julian Solo and fell asleep, he claimed to be one of the seven generals of the Poseidon, and took control of the command of the sea in the name of Poseidon.

"Because I am Athena, every human being and the earth are the ones I protect!"

"Garlon, you are no exception!"

"But I... I am different from my brother Saga, I am an evil existence!"

Garlon felt the warm power of the small universe, and his eyes became moist.

"No! You just made a mistake."

"Come back, Garlon!"


Galon cried out


Lu Xiao shuddered as he listened to Garlon's shout.

This was the passion of a Saint Seiya.

The passion made him a little overwhelmed.

So second-rate!!

"Let me help you."

Lu Xiao sighed, waved his hand, and healed Garlon's injury.

"you are……"

Garen looked at Lu Xiao in shock.

"This is Lord Lu Xiao, he is a powerful god, he is here to help me stop Poseidon."

Saori explained

"Thank you for your mercy, sir, and forgiving my previous offense!"

Garlon knelt on one knee to apologize.

"It's okay. I forgive you."

"Thank you, sir!"

"Kanon, are you willing to put on the holy clothes and fight for me?"

Saori asked

"I do!!"

Galon agreed very seriously!

He swore that he would protect this extremely warm little universe! Protect Athena!!

"Good! I believe the Gemini Cloth will definitely recognize you!"

Since Saga's death, this Cloth has no owner.

Now that Garon has come to his senses, he can put it on in advance.

Seeing this, Lu Xiao's mind moved, and he directly teleported the Gemini Gold Cloth, which was currently in the Third Golden Palace of the Sanctuary, here.

"What is that?! Could it be that the Gemini Gold Cloth has a new owner?!"

Taurus Aldebaran of the Second Golden Palace was extremely happy when he saw the golden light flying away!

"Athena!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Put it on, Garlon"


Garlon, who was determined to protect Athena, naturally gained the approval of the Gemini Cloth and successfully put it on!

"Athena, if you want to prevent Poseidon from fully waking up, you must destroy the seven sea pillars of the sea realm and the Pillar of Life!"

"Only in this way can Poseidon's soul be sealed into the Pot of Athena again!"

"I know the sea warriors very well, I will go and deal with them first!"

Garen said as he was about to leave.

"Wait! Garlon!"


"Lord Lu Xiao is here, so don't worry."

"That's right, leave it to me."

Lu Xiao activated his spirit and directly destroyed the seven sea pillars and the pillar of life with the power of the super-god microcosm.

The huge movement and the shaking force frightened the sea warriors guarding the pillars.

In order to protect Poseidon, they all rushed to the temple in the center.[]

"Let's go over there."

Lu Xiao took the lead and walked forward.

Jia Long followed behind blankly.

"Is this the power of God?!"This was the first time that Garlon had seen this kind of attack.

Although Athena was a god and her Cosmo was very powerful, she had almost never been on the battlefield during the Holy War, and she had even fought herself.

After she was reincarnated as Saori, she needed the Saints to rescue her every time. She was either shot in a coma, or prayed to protect the earth and endure the wind and rain, or she was imprisoned by Poseidon and drowned by the sea. She was even sealed up in the underworld by Hades.

Therefore, whether it was Garlon or the Gold Saints, even though they knew that the gods were very strong and could not be touched by mortals, they had never seen them take action.

"But now, Poseidon can be sealed successfully."

Garon thought silently in his heart.

If Lu Xiao heard what Garron said in his heart, he would only smile slightly.


No, he wants to kill Poseidon completely!

Let him never fall into sleep again, and never be resurrected again!

Even if they are the twelve main gods, they will only fall into endless sleep if they are killed.

But if it is Lu Xiao who does it, it may not be the case.

As the god of time and the overlord who controls all time and space, Lu Xiao can cut off their time from the source and make them completely perish in this universe.

If Lu Xiao is willing, he can even destroy the multiverse.

But in that case, if Chronos notices it, it's hard to say.

Lu Xiao now does not have the power to surpass this conceptual god.

Therefore, it is nothing for a single universe to change.

It is difficult not to be noticed when the multiverse is in turmoil.

Not to mention that Lu Xiao's power attribute is so similar to his.


Don't worry: Ẩm Nguyệt Quân

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