【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Yue Buqun, are you cursing me in your heart?"

【Yue Buqun】:"I didn't!"

Yue Buqun was shocked. The group leader could sense it even though they were in two different worlds?

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Don't underestimate the God of Time."

"Can I open the jar or not?"

Wanwan was speechless. How come the conversation went off track?!

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Open, we'll watch."

""Okay, open it!"

The golden jar spun with a buzzing sound and suddenly exploded!

Then, a burst of red smoke emerged and gradually turned into a human figure.

【Tsunade】:"What is this? Human?"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Look at this smell... It's not very clean"

【Congratulations to Wanwan for obtaining the Heroic Spirit: Class: Berserker: Lü Bu Fengxian】

【Wanwan】:"He seems to be a very remarkable person! This is Lü Bu Fengxian!"

Wan Wan looked at the burly Lü Bu Fengxian in front of her, who was nearly two meters tall and exuded an aura like a ghost. She couldn't help but feel fear in her heart.

If she didn't feel that she had absolute control over Lü Bu, Wan Wan would have run away immediately!

【Yue Buqun】:"Hiss! It’s Lu Bu!!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"With Lu Bu around, wouldn't it be easy for Wanwan to fight for the world? 870?"

【Huang Rong】:"Yes! Lu Bu is very powerful both in terms of combat power and military level!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"You may have made a mistake. This is the heroic spirit Lu Bu. It comes from the setting of the anime and is different from the historical Lu Bu."

"However, judging by his combat power, there should be no rivals in Wanwan's world."

【Wanwan】:"I feel like he is very strong!!"

""Haha! Now even if I meet Shi Zhixuan again, I can beat him!"

Wanwan was overjoyed!

Although she didn't gain any strength from opening the jar this time, she got an invincible bodyguard!

With Lu Bu around, there's no place in this world she can't go!!

【Yue Buqun】:"Looks like we have to congratulate Wanwan!"

【Huang Rong】:"That's right, with Lu Bu around, I believe it shouldn't be a problem for Wanwan to become the emperor"

"Brother Lu Xiao, do you think I should give it a try?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Become an emperor? If you want, go ahead. I support you."

"If you think I'm too good and don't want to bother me, you can work together. Just open the permanent permissions and you can enter and exit your own world freely (chfa)"

"Take Wanwan for example. She is alone and weak now, and doesn't know how to march and fight. If you know how to fight, you can go and help her."

"In turn, she can help you."

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"The group leader is right! We can discuss this carefully!"

【Tsunade】:"If Rong'er wants to conquer the world, I can help her."

【Huang Rong】:"Haha! Thank you so much, Sister Tsunade!"

【Nami】:"And me and me!!"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"I can go too."

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Senior, do you want to go out?"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"Yes, and Lu Xiao, I have finished my wine, I want more!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"……Got it."

Lu Xiao was speechless.

Xiao Long Nu stayed in her own alternate dimension every day, either watching dramas or drinking. If she hadn't been able to achieve the power of nature, she would have turned from Xiao Long Nu into a steamed dumpling!

【Xiao Feng】:"That... Group Master, I want to open the jars, 100,000 points, open five gold jars."

Xiao Feng said silently.

He felt that he was becoming more and more invisible.

Especially since his strength was low, if he didn't improve, he would not even have the opportunity to participate in group tasks in the future, and no one would even take him to play!

But if he wanted to change the world like Wanwan, Zhang Sanfeng and others, his identity was particularly embarrassing, which made Xiao Feng feel uncomfortable.

The best way was to be between the Song Dynasty and the Liao Dynasty, and not to help either side.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"OK, I'll give it to you."

Ding! Group leader: Lu Xiao sent Xiao Feng's exclusive red envelope

【Xiao Feng】:"Thank you! I am a rough person, so I won't start live broadcasting"

【Yue Buqun】:"Don’t worry, Xiao Feng, there are still some powerful things in the golden jar!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"That’s right! Didn’t the group leader start his career from the golden jar?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"That's right"

【Xiao Feng】:"Thank you for your kind words, I opened it!!"

Xiao Feng opened the golden jar.

【Congratulations to Xiao Feng for obtaining the magical sword Lingshuang, the indestructible magic skill of Vajra, the devil fruit animal-type human-human fruit fantasy beast-type Buddha form, and a chance to revive one person……】

"These things... the best one should be a chance to revive, so that I can revive my mother and reunite with my family."

Xiao Feng was a little disappointed.

Although the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art can be compared with the Absorbing Power Art that Yue Buqun had obtained before, it still does not improve the strength much.

On the contrary, the Devil Fruit in the form of the Buddha has significantly enhanced the combat power.

But when Xiao Feng thought about the big guys in the group, who were either gods or immortals, he still felt that it was not enough.

"And the last one, what will it be?"

【……Leo Gold Saint Template】


"Gold Saint!?"

"Are these the other eleven gold armors that the group leader mentioned! ?"

Xiao Feng was immediately extremely excited!

With Lu Xiao as an example, who doesn't know how powerful the gold saints are now!

【Xiao Feng】:"Hahaha! I got something good!!"

【Yue Buqun】:"Tell me what it is?"

【Tsunade】:"Screenshots screenshots!!"

【Xiao Feng】:"Here it comes, picture.jpg"

【Yue Buqun】:"Lingshuang Sword? Is it powerful? Indestructible? It is indeed a good thing... Wait, hiss! A chance to revive someone once!!"

"What a good thing!!"

Yue Buqun was very surprised. After all, the only person who can revive others now is the group leader.

Even Zhang Sanfeng, who has obtained the template of Taishang Laojun, may not be able to succeed!

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"I think the good thing Xiao Feng mentioned should be the Leo Gold Saint Template"

【Tsunade】:"Damn it! Why can’t I open the Gold Saint?!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"I've already said that it's not a dress made of gold." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Tsunade】:"I don't care! I want it!!"

【Kido Saori】:"Eh? Isn't this Aiolia's Gold Cloth?"

【Xiao Feng】:"That’s right! It’s this one!!"

Xiao Feng was very happy! Now he is finally not the last one in the group!!

With the template of the Gold Saint, even if he goes to other worlds, he has the strength to fight!

And there is a chance of resurrection!

He hurried to find his father to tell him the good news!

Now, he can not only reunite their family, but also completely avenge Murong Bo!!

In this Tianlong world, he is invincible!!


Don't worry: Kỳ this is this

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