【Yue Buqun】:"I'm back"

【Tsunade】:"So soon? Have you finished reading The Untold Story?"

【Yue Buqun】:"I haven't watched it yet. Anyway, the group leader said that the Blood Knife Ancestor is a bad guy, so I will kill him first."

"As for Di Yun and Shui Sheng, I sent them out of the Snow Valley. Shui Sheng's family happened to be outside the valley."

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Where is Di Yun?"

【Di Yun】:"I'm here! Thanks to the help of Yue Xianren, I plan to live outside the Snow Valley for a while."

Di Yun had nowhere to go. Once he showed up, he would be hunted down endlessly.

Therefore, he felt that it was better for him to live in this deserted place. Although it would be a bit hard, it was quiet and safe.

【Huang Rong】:"Wow, this Di Yun is so miserable!!"

"Di Yun, go and have a look at your copy of life!"

Huang Rong left after reading half of The Untold Story and expressed her feelings.

It was just as Lu Xiao said, as the protagonist, it was extremely miserable! It was even more miserable than Yang Guo's broken arm!

Moreover, after reading the entire The Untold Story, Huang Rong felt a sense of depression.

This was completely different from the martial arts world she had experienced! It was also different from the world of The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber where Zhang Sanfeng lived, the world of The Smiling, Proud Wanderer where Yue Buqun lived, the world of The Condor Heroes where Xiao Longnu lived, and the world of The Legend of the Dragon King where Xiao Feng lived. Are there still good people in this martial arts world?

Is a mere treasure really that important?!

【Di Yun】:"A copy of life?"

【Huang Rong】:"Yes, your future is in it, go and take a look!"

【Di Yun】:"Yes!"

Seeing this, Di Yun went to see it honestly.

【Huang Rong】:"Did Teacher Yue get any points?"

【Yue Buqun】:"Got 10,000 points. This group task is pretty good. Everyone has the opportunity to complete more tasks and get points."

【Xiao Feng】:"Congratulations to Master Yue! But this group mission should have some strength requirements, right?"

【Yue Buqun】:"Probably, but it probably depends on the world."

【Nami】:""Wow! This Saint Seiya is too powerful! I finally understand why Brother Lu Xiao is so powerful!"

Nami went to see the Saint Seiya copy first, and then she was shocked by the fighting power inside.

She found that even the weakest Bronze Saint Seiya had the destructive power to easily destroy a city!

Think about it, there are Silver Saint Seiya and Gold Saint Seiya above the Bronze Saint Seiya!

The fighting power is invincible!

Nami thought, no wonder Lu Xiao is so powerful!

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Oh? Then I want to go and have a look!"

【Yue Buqun】:"I'll go too!"

They all wanted to know how powerful the so-called gods that Lu Xiao mentioned were!

And how big of a gap there was between them and the gods they knew!

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"The Twelve Golden Palaces chapter has just begun, and it does not show how powerful the fighting power is. You will see the high-end fighting power in the later chapters of Pluto, Pluto, and Heaven."

The most powerful ones before were the Twelve Golden Saints. Only after the gods gradually appeared later, Lu Xiao's strength could be shown.

After all, there is no harm without comparison.

【Kido Saori】:"Lord Lu Xiao means that Poseidon, the King of the Sea, and Hades, the King of the Underworld, want to invade the earth again?!"

【Diana】:"Poseidon? Hades? Who are you?!"

Diana, the princess of Paradise Island and the illegitimate daughter of Zeus, the king of the Olympian gods, suddenly saw Poseidon and Hades and immediately asked.

She was confused about Saori's identity.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"She is the reincarnation of Athena"

【Diana】:"You are Athena?!"

So, isn't this Saori my sister?!

【Kido Saori】:"Who are you?"

【Diana】:"I am also the daughter of Zeus!"

【Kido Saori】:""Ah?"

Saori was confused. Daughter of Zeus?!

She didn't remember having a sister named Diana?

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Although you are both characters in mythology and have the same background, you are not from the same world."

"Saori comes from an anime world, Diana you come from a superhero world, it's different"

【Diana】:"Hiss! Is this the so-called myriad worlds? Is this the power of a chat group?!"

Diana exclaimed!

Although Saori is from the anime world, she is also Athena, one of the twelve gods of Olympus!

【Kido Saori】:"It's amazing!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Saori, where are you now?"

【Kido Saori】:"Lord Lu Xiao, I am currently in the Holy Land. I am in a coma after being hit by a golden arrow."

【Huang Rong】:"Huh?! Are you okay? Do you need help?"

【Kido Saori】:"I still have twelve hours to live, but my Saints are saving me, and I believe they can do it!"

【Tsunade】:"Don't you need Lu Xiao to go there? He's not the God of Time you mentioned."

【Kido Saori】:"this……"

Saori hesitated.

This person is the God of Time!

To be honest, Saori still wants to see him in person.

But because he is the God of Time, he has such a great background that Saori dare not invite him easily!

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Saori is not in danger, Seiya and the others can do it"

"Diana, what time period are you in now?"

【Diana】:"I watched Justice League, but Superman hasn't appeared yet."

Because Superman and Zod haven't appeared yet, Diana doesn't know about Clark's existence.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Oh? I see."

Ding! Group owner: Lu Xiao uploaded (Superman: Man of Steel), got 100 points

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"You can take a look at this. My world is similar to Diana's world, and there are also many superheroes.���"

【Huang Rong】:"Go check it out right now!!"

Huang Rong quickly received the group file.

This is the best opportunity to understand Lu Xiao's living environment!

【143 Nami】:"I want to see it too!"

Nami did the same.

Seeing this, Tsunade also silently clicked into the group file.

【Diana】:"Are there many superheroes in the group leader's world?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Yes, you can look for Marvel comics, your world should have"

【Diana】:"I see, I'll go and read it!"

Diana stood up and planned to look for the Marvel comics that Lu Xiao mentioned.

"Is Lu Xiao from the comic world? It really is a chat group of all the heavens and worlds."

Diana smiled and felt that this matter was very interesting.

【Yue Buqun】:"Wouldn't the group owner open a jar for them for free? See how lucky they are!"

【Tsunade】:"Yes, Lu Xiao, where are the newcomer benefits?!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"It's not convenient today, let's do it tomorrow."

The system upgrade has not yet been completed, Lu Xiao has no choice but to wait until tomorrow.

【Wanwan】:"Really, I almost got excited."

"I sent you the dance video. Are you going to give me a copy?"

After Wanwan finished speaking, Lu Xiao received Wanwan's private chat video.

After clicking on the video, Lu Xiao got what he wanted and saw Wanwan in a white dress and barefoot, dancing the beautiful Demon Dance.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"It's really good! I'll upload it right away."

Ding! Group leader: Lu Xiao uploaded Wanwan's life copy (Twin Dragons of the Tang Dynasty) and got 1,000 points


I love you: Ý Chí

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