"In that case, then disappear."

After getting Lu Xiao's confirmation, Zhi Ju was neither sad nor happy, nor angry, and responded lightly through his mental power.

The next second, a bright lightning suddenly appeared and smashed down on Lu Xiao's head!

"Interesting, your strength is at least at the level of a god. Goodbye."

Lu Xiao looked up and estimated the strength of Otsutsuki Shibai at this time.

As for the thunderbolt, it was directly blocked by Lu Xiao's telekinetic stance.

This attack wanted to hit his body, Lu Xiao said you underestimated him too much.

"No wonder you were able to kill the entire Otsutsuki clan, you are quite powerful."

Seeing that his attack was easily blocked by Lu Xiao, Zhiju nodded and acknowledged Lu Xiao's strength.

"But that's all."

""Divine Art Heaven Attraction."

Zhiju stretched out his right hand towards Lu Xiao and activated his ability.

An extremely powerful suction force came out from his palm, like a black hole, swallowing everything in front of him.

Lu Xiao stopped where he was, calmly watching the surrounding rubble being sucked away by the suction force, letting the space around him form turbulence, and he himself remained motionless.

Zhiju frowned slightly.

The divine art he was using now was already able to create a black hole, but why was the other party not affected at all!?

"Divine Art: Shen Luo Tian Zheng!"


This time it was a powerful rebound force!

This force could even push a planet away!

The white wave was in a semicircle, bouncing away everything in front of Zhi Ju, and was about to reach Lu Xiao.

"Crystal Wall."


The extremely powerful rebound force hit the invisible wall and was directly rebounded!

The two forces exploded violently in the air!

Crystal Wall is a defensive move of Aries Gold Saint Mu.

It transforms countless crystals created by the microcosm into an invisible and impassable protective wall to block, defend or rebound enemy attacks and surround the enemy.

The crystal wall is transparent and invisible, and can even block space moves.

"It's my turn, Holy Sword!"

Lu Xiao removed the crystal wall and slashed with his sword.

The bright golden light penetrated Zhi Ju's body in the blink of an eye, but strangely, it did not cause any harm to him.

"It's useless. I'm in soul form now. Any attack in this universe is ineffective against me."

Zhiju, who has transcended the body and life and death, is just one step away from becoming a true god.

Although he has not yet become a god, in this universe, Zhiju is indeed invincible.

"Samsara Eye Illusion!"

After Zhi Ju found that his physical attack had no effect on Lu Xiao, he directly activated one of the abilities of the Samsara Eye.

The powerful mental power invaded Lu Xiao's consciousness.

"You are very dangerous."

"What's the meaning"

"Illusions can backfire, right?"

Lu Xiao smiled.

You are just a Hokage, how dare you use your spiritual power to attack a Gold Saint?

Not to mention the ninth sense, even the eighth sense of spiritual power, Shibaju can't shake it at all!

Lu Xiao looked at Shibaju, his eyes widened!

He repelled Shibaju's spiritual power, and by the way, strengthened the illusion, and then bounced it back.


Shibaju felt as if his brain was hit hard by a hammer!

It was so painful for him!

How many years have passed!

He had long forgotten what pain felt like!

Especially after he became stronger and stronger, his emotions became weaker and weaker.

Until finally he abandoned his body and his soul transcended the dimension, he no longer had any emotions.

But now, the pain made him unconsciously recall his weak self in the past.

As a member of the Otsutsuki clan, no matter which planet they are on, they are invincible.

But there are always exceptions, such as Kaguya Otsutsuki, she could be sealed by her own son, let alone Shibaju.

Therefore, he has fought step by step, and after experiencing life and death crises, it took thousands of years to achieve today's strength.

Shibaju believes that he is unmatched, so he looks at everything with a proud attitude.

Until he met Lu Xiao today

"who are you?"

"You won't understand even if I tell you. Come on, let me see how capable you are."

Lu Xiao waved his hand, signaling Zhiju to take action. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Zhiju snorted coldly, his body suddenly disappeared, and he suddenly came in front of Lu Xiao and punched him!

Zhiju, who possessed the omnipotence of divine arts, could materialize anything and turn his thoughts into reality.

Therefore, even if he was in the state of soul, under the blessing of divine arts, every blow had the power to destroy the world.

Just like the current punch, the destructive power had already shaken the space.[]

""Fist of Storm!"

Lu Xiao blocked with his backhand, and the dazzling golden light enveloped Zhiju, eliminating all his attacks.

But the remaining attacks still passed through Zhiju's body.

"It's useless. You can't hurt me, but I can hurt you."

"Divine Art: Chibaku Tensei."

A small black ball that seemed to be able to absorb light was thrown over by Zhiju, and instantly formed a black hole, which began to devour everything!

"Divine Art Spiral Star Explosion."

Zhiju condensed a ball in his left hand, and the unparalleled rotation force gave birth to a powerful destructive force, which Zhiju also threw at Lu Xiao.

"Divine magic, right? Let me show you what a true divine attack is."

"You can't hit the soul body, right? Try this trick"

""Sacred Sword."

The golden light continued to gather on Lu Xiao's right hand, getting brighter and brighter!

Soon, Lu Xiao's right hand emitted a blazing light like the sun, illuminating the entire universe!

This was Lu Xiao condensing his own microcosm.

The sacred sword was Shura's strongest secret and ultimate secret.

The sacred sword condensed by the microcosm was as long as a million feet and after countless compressions, it became as big as an arm.���, can cut through all things in the universe, even the root of all things can be cut off.

The soul of Zhiju, without even Lu Xiao compressing too much of the microcosm, can be completely destroyed by the light of the holy sword!!

"What are you doing!?"


Zhi Ju raised his hand in front of his eyes, unable to look directly at the golden light emanating from Lu Xiao in front of him!

In addition, Zhi Ju felt a long-lost sense of crisis, an extremely strong sense of life and death crisis!

Lu Xiao's move could kill him!

This was his intuition constantly telling him to run!!

"Get out of here!"

Zhiju immediately thought of a solution. As long as he jumped out of this dimension, he could survive!

But the next second, his expression changed!

"Can’t leave!? How could it be!?"

Zhiju was shocked to find that he couldn’t pass through the dimensional wall and leave this universe!

He felt like he had hit an extremely hard wall that trapped him here!

"You want to leave? It's not that easy."

"If you don't come back, I won't be able to find you, but since you are back, don't leave."

Lu Xiao's voice came from the light.

""Who are you?!"

Zhiju shouted in fear.

How could the other party block the entire universe?

Could he be a god?

"You guessed it right. I am not only a god, but also a god countless times more powerful than your Otsutsuki God."

"Disappear, Chiju"


The golden light burst out, just like the explosion of the sun, sending out a galactic starburst that was no less powerful than the one Lu Xiao had just used. The entire universe was shaking under the power of this explosion!



Don't worry: Kỳ this is this

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