【The fat sheep who refuses to admit defeat】:"@Gold Saints, come out! Is this true? Including the future?"

【Girl who loves eating oranges】:"Yeah, I wanted to ask that too!"

【Gold Saint】:"Don't you already know this?"

"Tsunade, is it the Third World War time where you are now, or have you already left Konoha?"

"You are Nami, right? Did you go out to sea? Did you meet Luffy?"

【The fat sheep who refuses to admit defeat】:"I have been away from Konoha for a long time, why do you know my world so clearly?"

After the rage, Tsunade calmed down after seeing what the Saint said.

At the same time, she had great doubts in her heart.

She even suspected that this Saint was a conspirator who was calculating everything behind the scenes like Uchiha Madara.

【Girl who loves eating oranges】:"I haven't met Luffy yet, but I'm on that ship now. Judging from the copy you sent, it shouldn't be long before I meet him."

【Today is my 100th birthday】:"In fact, I am also very curious about why this Saint Seiya group member knows us so well."

【Gentleman Mr. Yue】:"Same as above"

【Gold Saint】:"Because I've seen what's going on in your world"

【Gentleman Mr. Yue】:"This group is called the Chat Group of All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, but you have seen what happened in our world. Are you really an immortal?"

【The fat sheep who refuses to admit defeat】:"Sage? Something like the Sage of Six Paths?"

【Today is my 100th birthday】:"I don't know the Six Paths Sage you mentioned, but he is a sage in myths and legends who lives as long as the sky, knows everything, and is omnipotent."

"It seems that this Saint Seiya group member has such ability."

Zhang Sanfeng sighed. People in the martial arts world often said that he was a superb martial artist and a fairy from the other world.

But he knew that he had only practiced martial arts for a few more years than others.

If he was really a fairy, he would have been immortal long ago.

【Gold Saint】:"I am not an immortal yet, I just happen to know you"

【Today is my 100th birthday】:"Although I don’t quite understand it, there is no need for us to continue to dwell on it."

"Since you all come from different worlds, I believe you all have special places, and meeting each other is fate."

【Gentleman Mr. Yue】:"What Master Zhang said is that since we are all gathered here, why not get along with each other and help each other?"

【Gold Saint】:"Teacher Yue is right. In addition to allowing everyone to chat, this chat group can also help each other improve. Even if it is to become an immortal, there is still a chance."

"The most obvious thing is that you can change your destiny based on the known future, right?"

When this was said, everyone fell into deep thought.

Indeed, joining the chat group and knowing your future destiny is also a great opportunity.

Zhang Sanfeng agreed with this.

【Gentleman Mr. Yue】:"It seems that the group leader knows a lot about the chat group. Does the group leader know what the points are for?

Although Yue Buqun has just obtained 3,500 points, compared with the 4,000 points of the Golden Saint, he still cannot compete for the position of group leader. Instead of doing this, it is better to show goodwill in advance.

【Gold Saint】:"Oh? Teacher Yue got points? It seems that he has received a reward by changing his fate."

"Congratulations, Mr. Yue, you finally don't have to castrate yourself!"

As soon as Lu Xiao heard it, he guessed where Yue Buqun's points came from.

After all, he was the only one with 4,000 points, and the other four group members had zero.

And the way to get points, since it was not from within the group, it must be from outside the group.

【Gentleman Mr. Yue】:"Who castrated himself! That’s not true! Don’t talk nonsense!"

When Yue Buqun saw the content of the chat, he was immediately panicked. He felt like he had castrated himself, but the whole world found out!

How could he say such a thing in front of everyone!

He is a dignified gentleman sword! The head of Huashan, doesn’t he have any face?!

Moreover, he just asked about the points, how did this Saint Seiya guess it!?

He must be a god, who can predict the future?!

【Today is my 100th birthday】:""Self-castration?! Why did Sect Leader Yue have to do this?!"

Zhang Sanfeng was shocked.

After hundreds of years, has the Huashan Sect actually declined to such an extent?!

It's really heartbreaking!

【The fat sheep who refuses to admit defeat】:"Castration? What is this for?"

【Gold Saint】:"It's to cut off the little Jiji"

【The fat sheep who refuses to admit defeat】:"???"

"Bah! Shame on you!"

【Girl who loves eating oranges】:"shameless!"

【Gentleman Mr. Yue】:"I didn't! I'm not! I want to save my face!"

Yue Buqun was very anxious when he saw his reputation was being ruined.

【Gold Saint】:"If you are curious, you can go and take a look at Teacher Yue’s life copy and you will know the truth."

"In addition, according to Mr. Yue's situation, as long as you change your future life trajectory or destiny, you can get points reward. You can try it more."

【Gentleman Mr. Yue】:"Well, my copy is nothing good, you should study your own copy"

【Today is my 100th birthday】:"Well, I'm not curious about the fact that Master Yue castrated himself. I just want to know what will happen to our Wudang Sect and Huashan Sect a hundred years later."

"Ding! Today is my 100th birthday. I received the life copy of group member Yue Buqun."

【The fat sheep who refuses to admit defeat】:"Humph! Who wants to see you castrate yourself? But I also want to see how your world is different from mine."

Tsunade said she was not interested, but her face was full of curiosity!

"Ding! The unyielding big fat sheep received the life copy of group member Yue Buqun"

【Girl who loves eating oranges】:"+1!"

"Ding! The girl who loves eating oranges received the life copy of group member Yue Buqun."

Nami was also curious. She looked around nervously like a girl who secretly watched a short video, and opened (Swordsman)

【Gentleman Mr. Yue】:"……"

""Group owner, can you delete this?"

Yue Buqun thought of destroying it as soon as he realized something was wrong, but the chat group prompted"Insufficient authority".

He felt so uncomfortable, why wasn't he the group owner!!

【Gold Saint】:"No, but you can go and see them."

Lu Xiao almost died of laughter. Yue Buqun is going to be socially dead now.

And if there are new people joining in the future, I'm afraid they will have to read Teacher Yue's dark history again. It's funny to think about it!

【Gentleman Mr. Yue】:"Humph! I'll watch yours too!"

Yue Buqun didn't believe that other people hadn't lost face!

The four of them were immersed in watching the drama, and the chat group became quiet for a while.

Seeing this, Lu Xiao also temporarily went offline.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded

【Ding! Host's current points: 4000, do you want to open the can?】

"Huh? The points I got from the chat group can actually be used to open jars?!"

Lu Xiao was surprised. He thought he would have to spend a lot of time exploring how to get points! But he didn't expect that the points in the chat group could be used universally!

In that case...

Lu Xiao looked at the four people in the group and came up with a good idea.

"Group friends are simply treasures!"


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