"Tsunade! You are the granddaughter of the first Hokage and the successor of the fifth Hokage, but you actually blasphemed the souls of the dead! You are not worthy of being a Hokage!"

Danzo was secretly happy, but he spoke righteously on the surface.

The other clan leaders and civilian ninjas did not speak, but waited and saw what would happen. They had some reservations in their hearts, and began to re-evaluate whether Tsunade was qualified to be the fifth Hokage.

Even though she was one of the three ninjas and a hero of Konoha.

But when it comes to taboos, they will not let it go or agree.

Just like Orochimaru, didn't he become a traitor to Konoha because of this?

"Sister, you are going to become the fifth Hokage?!"

Sheng Shu was surprised and happy!

But then he couldn't be happy anymore.

"Sister, was I resurrected by a forbidden technique? If so, sister, you should cancel your ninjutsu."

As the grandson of Hashirama Senju, the first Hokage, Nawaki is naturally proud of himself.

Moreover, since he was a child, he has been aiming to become the Hokage, but unfortunately, he died young due to bad luck.

Now he heard these people in front of him say that his sister is the successor of the fifth Hokage, he is happy from the bottom of his heart, so he doesn't want to affect his sister because of himself.

"Rope Tree! I didn't use any ninjutsu! You are really resurrected!"

Tsunade was very moved and explained seriously.

"This is my friend, he is the one who resurrected you"

"Humph! Are you kidding me? Is there any way to revive someone in this world?"

Danzo snorted coldly.

"Tsunade, who is this friend of yours?"

The third generation looked at Lu Xiao with a frown.

Could it be that Tsunade was deceived?

"You don't believe me!"

Tsunade frowned, and her temper immediately rose!

Seeing Tsunade angry, the Sandai, Utatane Koharu, and even Danzo subconsciously took a step back.

After all, they were almost killed by Tsunade's domineering aura!

"Tsunade, let's talk it over! Don't do it!!"

The third generation said quickly


"Group... Lu Xiao Da... What should I do?"

I want to call the group leader, but it's not appropriate.

Calling Lu Xiao Da Ge like Huang Rong and Nami is even more inappropriate because of her age.

Tsunade can only omit the subject.

"It's very simple. Aren't there members of the Hyuga and Uchiha clans here? Just let them check it out."

Lu Xiao chuckled.

It was because they hadn't experienced the incident of Pain attacking Konoha yet. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so decisive after seeing Nagato use the Samsara Eye's Samsara Technique to revive the villagers.

"Chief Hiashi, Chief Fugaku, please take a look."

The third generation turned around and said



"Rope Tree, go over there."

Tsunade also pushed Rope Tree forward.

"You start first, my Sharingan is not very good at this."

Fugaku said to Hiashi

"I'll go first."

Hiashi nodded, feeling happy in his heart. See, our Hyuga clan is the strongest ninja clan in Konoha!

Hiashi activated his Byakugan and carefully checked Nawase's body, but found no trace of any ninjutsu.

Fugaku also activated his Sharingan and looked around, but found nothing unusual.

"Three generations, no problem."

"I don't have one either."

The two shook their heads.

"That is to say, Rope Tree is really fully resurrected?!"

The third generation was extremely surprised.

The others also looked at Rope Tree in disbelief.

"It wasn't resurrected by ninjutsu! ?"

"real or fake!?"

"If there is a problem, the Hyuga clan's Byakugan cannot fail to detect it, not to mention the Sharingan."

"What kind of ninjutsu is this!?"

Everyone turned to look at Lu Xiao.

This resurrection technique without any side effects made them very excited!

Kakashi also stared at Lu Xiao and thought secretly

"Now you believe it, right?"

Tsunade put her hands on her hips, extremely proud!

These ignorant guys must be dumbfounded now!

The group leader is invincible!

""My friend, can you revive others?"

The third generation asked.

""Okay, why, you want to revive your wife?"

Lu Xiao joked.

He remembered that Sarutobi Hiruzen's wife died at the hands of Obito, the day Naruto was born.


Sarutobi Hiruzen choked up. He swore! He just wanted to ask about the power of this technique, and he definitely didn't want to revive his wife!

But after hearing what Lu Xiao said, he was moved. Why?

Not only was he moved, but everyone present was moved!!

"This is not good……"

Tsunade walked up to Lu Xiao and whispered.

Lu Xiao came to revive Rope Tree because of Tsunade's invitation.

But other people are no longer within the scope of the agreement.

So Tsunade didn't want Lu Xiao to be embarrassed.

"It's really not good, but... I suddenly remembered an interesting thing"

"What's up?"

"What do you think if I resurrected Kushina and Minato Namikaze?"

"Ah! ?"

Tsunade was stunned. You really know how to play!

If you want to do it, just do it. Lu Xiao doesn't care about other people's opinions. He just stood there and scanned the place. He found Kushina's tomb and used the resurrection technique again.

"That tomb is... Kushina?"

The third generation looked at the movement over there and reacted immediately.

Then he thought it was not good!

If Kushina was also resurrected, doesn't that mean Minato can also be resurrected?!


"Oh no, if they knew what Naruto had been through in the past few years, they would blame me, right?"

The Sandaime was panicked. Danzo also didn't want Kushina and Minato to be resurrected. It was difficult to deal with Tsunade alone, and if there was another Minato, it meant that he would never have the chance to become Hokage in his lifetime!

"Stop! What are you doing!!"

Danzo rolled his eyes and was about to step forward to stop Lu Xiao!

But the next second, he found that he couldn't move!

"what have you done!!"

"You're too noisy, just shut up."

After Lu Xiao finished speaking, Danzo found that he couldn't open his mouth!

"This friend, you……"

Three generations of shock

"You wanna shut up too?"


The third generation looked at Danzo's terrified eyes and stepped back silently.

Soon, Kushina's body perfectly recovered in the white light.

Considering that there were people all around, Lu Xiao was kind enough to put a piece of clothing on her to avoid exposure.

"here it is?"


"Lady Tsunade?"

Kushina looked at Tsunade in confusion.

"Kushina, you are resurrected!"

Tsunade said happily

"I'm resurrected?! Third-generation master? And you……"

Kushina saw many familiar people, and then realized that this was a cemetery, and she immediately reacted!

"Where is Minato!? Is he here? And where is my child Naruto?!"

Kushina asked excitedly!

"Minato has not been resurrected yet, don't worry!"

Tsunade comforted her and explained to her in a low voice.

Here, Lu Xiao started the second operation.

However, when resurrecting Minato, he encountered a problem.

That is, Minato's soul is not in the Pure Land, but in the belly of the god of death.


"Show up, don't force me to do it."

Lu Xiao's powerful soul power went straight to the world of the dead in the ninja world and found the location of the god of death. At this time, Lu Xiao, even if placed in the world of Saint Seiya, can be comparable to the existence of the twelve main gods, not to mention the god of death in the ninja world?

Therefore, facing the vast and endless crushing force, the god of death obediently showed up.

However, only Lu Xiao could see it.

Because the only ones who can see the god of death are the caster of the Shiki Fuujin and the object of the cast.

"Release the soul of Minato Namikaze."

The god of death did as he was told, took out the dagger, slashed at his stomach, and released a ball of white soul.

Then he looked at Lu Xiao, and Lu Xiao seemed to see a pitiful look in his eyes.

"Let's go."

Lu Xiao let him go.

Others couldn't see who Lu Xiao was talking to, but they were extremely shocked when they knew the cause of Minato's death and Kushina and Sarutobi Hiruzen who knew this ninjutsu!

Lu Xiao could actually order the god of death to release the soul that had been devoured!? Is he also a god-like existence!?


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