"Hiss! Three hundred years? And he mentioned the early Ming Dynasty. Is the Yuan Dynasty about to fall?"

"However, after the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, did it only last about three hundred years?"

"Alas, the change of dynasties is inevitable in history, so why should I worry about the future?"

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head and smiled with relief.

【Today is my 100th birthday]: Thank you Master Yue for letting me know

【[Teacher Yue, a gentleman]: Master Zhang, you are too polite!

But isn’t there another group member? Why is he not talking? Where is that big fat sheep?

【Gold Saint: She might be drunk.

【Today is my 100th birthday】: Oh? Does this group member know that big fat sheep group member?

【Gentleman Mr. Yue]: Are you from the same place?

【Gold Saint]: No, I just happened to know her.

"Ding! The chat group activity has reached the requirement, and the group leader task has been released: the person with the highest score on that day can become the group leader"

"Mission Rewards: 1,000 points, unlocking group leader functions, and a chance to go to group member world"

【Gentleman Yue���Teacher: Let’s not talk about what these points are used for, can you explain what this third reward means first! ?

Yue Buqun frowned, and went to the world of group members! ?

Does that mean that if he becomes the group leader, he can go to Zhang Zhenren’s world?


What if someone else becomes the group leader and wants to come to his world! ?

Zhang Zhenren is fine, after all, he is a master.

But what about others?!

Yue Buqun is a little worried about his own safety.

Especially this guy called the Golden Saint, the name has an unclear meaning, and his character can’t be seen at all!

As for the big fat sheep and the girl who likes to eat oranges, they don’t seem to be that dangerous.

"So I must become the group leader!"

Yue Buqun made up his mind secretly.

But how to get these points?!

【Today is my 100th birthday】: Yes, what is this point? What is its use?

Zhang Sanfeng was also confused

"Huh? Group leader task? This group doesn't have a group leader yet."

"But the requirement is to have the highest score."

In the classroom, Lu Xiao sat in the back row, covering his face with a book, thinking.

Peter, who was standing next to him, saw that Lu Xiao was distracted and looked a little dazed, and couldn't help wondering.

"Did Lu Xiao not sleep well last night?"


"There should be other ways to get points in the chat group besides checking in."

"Master Zhang, Yue Buqun, Tsunade, and the girl who loves eating oranges, could it be Nami?"

"In that case, let's try uploading a copy of the world they live in."

Lu Xiao thought while exploring the functions that the chat group had unlocked.

"Ding! Group member Gold Saint uploaded Zhang Sanfeng's life copy (The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber) and received 1,000 points"

"Ding! Group member Gold Saint Seiya uploaded Yue Buqun's life copy (Swordsman) and received 1,000 points"

"Ding! Group member Gold Saint uploaded Tsunade's Life Copy (Naruto) and received 1,000 points"

"Ding! Group member Gold Saint uploaded Nami's Life Copy (One Piece) and received 1,000 points"


"Ding! The highest score among the current group members is the Gold Saint. The score will be settled at midnight on the same day. If there is no one who exceeds the score, the Gold Saint will be automatically promoted to the group leader on the next day."

【Gentleman Mr. Yue】:"???"

Yue Buqun was stunned!

No, he had just made up his mind to become the group leader, but this group member named Gold Saint Seiya already had 4,000 points?!

What a joke!

【Today is my 100th birthday】:"Oh? My copy of life? What is this? I'll go take a look!"

Zhang Sanfeng didn't care who became the group leader. Instead, he was very interested in the copy uploaded by Lu Xiao and quickly clicked in.

After entering, he was shocked to see the video being played!

Both the way it was played and the content of the video made Zhang Sanfeng extremely intoxicated.

【Gentleman Mr. Yue】:"No one is talking? Then I'll go check it out too."

Yue Buqun clicked on the copy with his name on it and started watching it.

At first, like Zhang Sanfeng, he thought it was a fairy trick, but then he was gradually attracted by the content of the play.

"Life copy? Is it about my life? I want to take a closer look."

Nami silently clicked into the copy with her name on it.

"Luffy? One Piece? Who is this silly boy? Isn't it about me?"

Nami, who just started watching, couldn't help but wonder.

As time went on, she finally saw the familiar scene.

"This ship!?"

"this is me!?"

"Oh my god! What kind of ability is this?! Could it be predicting the future! ?"

Nami saw herself successfully getting the treasure in the vault, and also saw the man named Luffy showing his power.

Then, she saw the scenes she experienced after temporarily teaming up with Luffy. Until

, after she saw herself returning to Kokoyasi Village, the 100 million berries she had saved with great difficulty were snatched away by the Navy Captain Mouse!

Only then did she understand that Captain Mouse was actually in cahoots with the fishman Arlong!

Arlong had no intention of fulfilling his promise to free all the villagers in Kokoyasi Village!


Nami's eyes were red, and her nails dug into her flesh with her clenched fists, but she couldn't resist the pain in her heart!

At this moment, she was just like in the anime, full of despair, pain, and regret!

"what do I do!!"

"Aaron! I'm going to kill you!!"

Nami couldn't accept the blow and quit the dungeon, then noticed the system prompt in the chat group.

The person who becomes the group owner can go to the world of the group members once.

"Can the Gold Saint... defeat Arlong?"


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