【Nami】:"Let me start a live broadcast and let everyone see my current strength!"

‘Ding! Group member Nami started a group live broadcast’


【Yue Buqun】:"I’m so envious!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Why did you suddenly do this? Did something happen?"

【Nami】:"The navy that colluded with pirates is here!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"I see"


""Squeak! I heard there are pirates here? You guys, right?"

Colonel Mouse pinched his beard and came to the outside of the orange orchard under the angry eyes of all the villagers.

Colonel Mouse didn't know what happened to Aaron, or even that the whole town of Aaron had disappeared.

But when he saw a pirate ship parked on the beach and remembered the agreement Aaron had made with him before, he came to the orange orchard.

Aaron said there were 100 million Baileys here!

Aaron is missing, but he can't not take the money!

"You rubbish who colluded with pirates, you still dare to call yourself a navy?"

Nami cursed

"Don't say anything careless."

The mouse squinted at Nami.

"Humph! It doesn't matter. Aaron and the others are dead anyway. Now it's your turn!"

"Arlong is dead! ? You did it?!"

The mouse was shocked and looked at Nami and Zoro and the others beside her.

It doesn't seem that they are stronger than Arlong?

But the one holding the hammer... with orange hair, should be Nami?

But why is she wearing such armor?

Is the information wrong?

The mouse thought to himself

"Humph! So you admit that you are pirates?"

"So what?"

"That's good~ Catch them all!"

The mouse waved his hand.

Immediately, the navy behind him raised their muskets and aimed at Nami and others.

Zoro put his hand on the hilt of the sword and responded calmly.

Sanji was still the same, but he tapped the ground with his right toe.

Usopp...hid behind everyone

"Don't do anything, let me do it!"

Nami instructed

"Can you handle it?"

"Don't underestimate the clothes that Brother Lu Xiao gave you!"

Nami smiled confidently!


Nami turned the Thor's hammer in her hand and swung it towards the sky!

Driven by Thor's hammer, Nami flew directly into the sky!

"Oh my god! Flying?!"




"what happened!?"

"How can she fly? What kind of fruit ability is this! ?"

The mouse was shocked instantly!

He had been to the Navy Headquarters. Compared with the local navy in the East China Sea, he knew a lot about the sea!

For example, the devil fruit that can make an ordinary person instantly have powerful combat power!

At this time, dark clouds gathered in the sky! Bright thunder and lightning kept shuttling through the clouds!

A gust of wind was set off on the entire ground!

Nami was like a god under the clouds!

On the Daku at the seaside, Hawkeye heard the movement and came to the deck.

His sharp eyes clearly saw Nami's figure

"Is that Nami?"

"Did she eat a devil fruit?

Hawkeye frowned in thought.

"Huh? Lu Xiao's aura is gone?! He won't leave, right?!"


【Tsunade】:"Ahhh! Thor!"

【Huang Rong】:"Very cool!!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"It really looks like the legendary Thunder God and Lightning Goddess!"

【Yue Buqun】:"Yes! I didn't expect that the first one among us to become a god would be this little girl Nami."

【Xiao Feng】:"The appearance of a fairy!"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"What are you talking about? It's so noisy."


"Rat! Pay the price for your evil deeds over the past few years!!"

Nami shouted in the air

""Wait! I was wrong! Don't do it!"

The mouse held on to his hat tightly, fearing that it would be blown away by the storm.

At the same time, he knew that he had hit a wall this time, so he quickly begged for mercy!

"Wrong? Where were you when we were oppressed by Aaron?"

"What did you do to us when we asked the Navy for help?"

"You are dead this time!"

"Go to hell!"

Nami will never forget that Arlong and his gang killed her mother, and she will never forget how the navy stood by and watched! She was furious and swung her hammer downwards!


Lightning as thick as a bucket fell straight down under Nami's control!


Bright lightning, shining brightly!

Everyone subconsciously closed their eyes.

When the dark clouds dispersed and the sky became clear again, there was only a dark pit left where the mice and their group had been!

"It's really worthy of being a gift from Big Brother Lu Xiao, it's really awesome!!"

Zoro swallowed his saliva.

Sanji and Usopp nodded in unison.

Originally, Nami was the weakest among them.

But now, Nami has become the strongest among them!

The title of captain is well deserved!


Nami put Thor's hammer into the portable space she had obtained before, and the armor on her body also disappeared.

"Nami, if you kill the rats, you might be wanted by the navy."

Noqi said worriedly.

"It's okay, Nojigo, I'll be sailing soon."

"You... okay."

Nojigao wanted to say something, but finally shook her head.

Nami wanted to pursue her dream, and she shouldn't stop her.

【Tsunade】:"Aren’t there two more rewards? I’ll go check it out!"

【Nami】:"And a knife and a pair of eyes?"

"But I don’t need a knife, Brother Lu Xiao, can I give it to Zoro?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"If you give it to Zoro, it won't be able to bring out its true strength."

"But if you are really not used to it, then just claim the reward first. You should be able to unlock the Hyorinmaru, and then you can give it to Zoro."

"As for the Samsara Eye, you can watch the video and decide."


【Tsunade】:"Ah! Nami, are you selling this Rinnegan!?"

After watching the video, Tsunade couldn't sit still!

She never thought that this Rinnegan actually came from her world!

It was a pair of eyes of the same level as the Rinnegan!

Once she gets the Rinnegan, she will be almost the strongest existence!

After all, looking at the power of the Rinnegan in the video, it can cut the moon in half!

【Nami】:"Sorry, Sister Tsunade, I don't want to sell it."

Such a powerful thing, anyone would keep it for themselves!

While thinking, Nami also received the Hyorinmaru and the Samsara Eye.

At the same time, she also obtained the method of using the Hyorinmaru, as well as the abilities of Shikai and Bankai.

And the complete version of the Samsara Eye.

Because it was loaded by the system, Nami also obtained the corresponding physical conditions of spiritual pressure and chakra.

【Nami】:"The reincarnation eye is so beautiful! Picture.jpg"

【Tsunade】:"Ah! Big dog owner!"

"@Group leader: Lu Xiao, are you free? Come to my world and take me flying!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Have you arrived in Konoha? Call me when you get there."


【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Huang Rong, Xiao Feng, it's your turn to open the jar. Do you want to start a live broadcast?"

【Huang Rong】:"Okay...but I'm a little nervous, don't mind me.~"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"I don't mind. After all, you are so pretty. Everyone will forgive you."



【Yue Buqun】:"???"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Group leader, what is your intention?"


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