【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Senior, are you okay?"

"Mr. Group Leader, the cold energy of the Water Dragon Ball won’t explode so quickly, right?"

【Yue Buqun】:"How good is Xiao Long Nu's martial arts? Can her internal force suppress it?!"

【Tsunade】:"Group leader, I think there is a solution!"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"It turns out there is still cold weather. It seems to have started. The rope I sleep on is frozen and broken.……"

Xiao Long Nu realized it belatedly and sat cross-legged in meditation.

In the past, Xiao Long Nu used to practice on an ice bed, so the normal cold air was almost negligible to her.

But once the cold air from this water dragon ball began to erupt, it could actually affect the surrounding environment!

Even if Xiao Long Nu used all her strength to practice the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, she couldn't dissolve this terrifying cold air, and even frost began to form on her body!!

"Girl? Are you in there? What happened?! Girl!!"

Grandma Sun came to the door of Xiao Longnv's tomb, but was also suppressed by the terrifying cold air and could not enter. She could only shout Xiao Longnv from outside.

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"The cold air broke out!? Master of the group!!"

Zhang Sanfeng was extremely anxious.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"@Xiao Longnv, I have applied to go to your world, please agree quickly!!"

【Huang Rong】:"Oh! Xiao Long Nu, hold on!"

【Tsunade】:"This is simply the biggest crisis in the history of the chat group!"

【Yue Buqun】:"Who says it's not true? This girl is too straightforward."


" Everyone in the group was panicked by Xiao Long Nu 's move.

If it weren't for Lu Xiao, I'm afraid this newcomer would be doomed!

Especially since Xiao Long Nu is still in contact with Zhang Sanfeng and Huang Rong, they are closer to Xiao Long Nu.

【Little Dragon Girl】:"This application... I agree."

Xiao Longnu was almost unconscious from the cold, but fortunately the application popped up directly, and as long as Xiao Longnu thought about it, she would agree, and she didn't need to look for it again.

With a whoosh!, Lu Xiao appeared out of thin air beside Xiao Longnu.

"Oh no! I forgot I don’t have internal strength!!"

After Lu Xiao arrived, he realized that what he had was a superpower! It was completely different from the cultivation system in the martial arts world. There was not a trace of internal strength in his body!

"Wait! I seem to know the 36 magical powers of Tiangang... Now, even if Xiao Longnu dies, I can revive her."

Lu Xiao remembered that in addition to the template of the Gold Saint, he also had magical powers, so he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

The physique of the Gold Saint is already a superhuman physique, not afraid of nuclear radiation, plague, virus, poison, curse, etc.

Therefore, even if the small universe is not burned, the weak power emitted unconsciously by the Saint can bounce off all dangerous factors.

So Lu Xiao faced this terrifying cold air, stepped forward directly, pressed his right hand on the top of Xiao Longnu's head, and activated the first magical power of the 36 magical powers of Tiangang - mediation of creation!

Mediation of creation: This is the essence of creating something out of nothing or being able to transform things, and can create everything.

It can also subvert the original laws of the universe and redefine new laws. Note:"Nuwa used it to create the world."

Therefore, Lu Xiao directly transformed part of the cold air in Xiao Longnu's body into extremely hot yang energy, allowing Xiao Longnu's body to reach a state of yin and yang balance to avoid causing damage to her body

"I am... who are you?"

Xiao Longnu opened her eyes in confusion and saw a person standing in front of her.

"Lu Xiao"

"I'm telling you, how dare you eat something you don't know?"

Lu Xiao retracted his right hand and looked at the beautiful woman in front of him with a helpless tone.

Especially with the cold white mist around, Xiao Longnu looked even more extraordinary!

"Hmm? Start a live broadcast?"

Who said that Xiao Long Nu was described as so beautiful?

The original novel said that Xiao Long Nu had a peerless appearance, both beautiful and bright, with a skin as white as ice, as pure as the fairy Gu Yue, and a natural and graceful appearance. Her martial arts were light and elegant, bright and clear, and she had a broad mind. She could comprehend Zen at the age of 20, was optimistic and knew her fate, had a transparent and open-minded temperament, and was lively and childlike in her heart.

‘Ding! Group owner: Lu Xiao started a group live broadcast’

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Come and see the fairies!"

【Tsunade】:"Huh? It's so dark around here, I can't see clearly!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Oh? I didn't notice. Okay."

Lu Xiao said, using the mediation of fate to condense the frost and cold air around him into glowing beads, and inlaid them around the tomb.

These beads looked like the moon and the night pearl, emitting a bright but not dazzling light.

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"I have to say that the group leader's move is really like an immortal's."

【Yue Buqun】:"That’s right!"

【Xiao Feng】:"The group leader is really amazing. Xiao can’t understand it at all!"

【Tsunade】:"I say, are you only paying attention to the group owner? Pay attention to the fairy! Fairy!!"

【Huang Rong】:"That’s right! Haven’t you seen such a beautiful fairy?!"

【Nami】:"What a beauty!"

【Yue Buqun】:"Hiss! Is this Xiao Long Nu! ?"

Yue Buqun took a breath of cold air!

He swore!

He had never seen a woman more beautiful than Xiao Long Nu in his life!

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"This is the senior! Out of this world! Beautiful as a fairy!"

Zhang Sanfeng was moved when he saw Xiao Longnu again.

When they met at Mount Huashan, Xiao Longnu had been living in the valley for sixteen years, but she was still as young and beautiful as a girl!

【Xiao Feng】:""Sorry, I didn't notice it just now!"

The three men were only focused on watching Lu Xiao's magic, and indeed did not notice Xiao Long Nu.

When they saw her, they were all shocked!

Especially the white mist in the tomb, which was like a fairy's air, making Xiao Long Nu look even more mysterious and cold!

"Are you the group owner?"

"Didn't you say that the water dragon balls can be eaten?"

Xiao Longnu said she was innocent.

"I said you can eat it, but you have to listen to me."

Lu Xiao was speechless.

"How about you spit it out? I can help you"

"I seem to be fine? Then I won't take it out. After swallowing it, it is really useful for me to practice the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, and my whole body feels cool and comfortable."

"You are fine now because I am maintaining your condition and temporarily suppressing the cold. It will erupt periodically in the future."

"Ah? Will it explode again? Then come and save me next time, okay?"


Lu Xiao was speechless.

Although he didn't mind, is it really okay for you to do this?

Aren't you most afraid of being disturbed?

And, you trust me so much?!

【Tsunade】:"Is this still possible? @小龙女, do you have any points? The appearance fee of the group leader is very expensive"

【Yue Buqun】:"Is this girl really not afraid of bothering the group leader? So direct?"

【Huang Rong】:"Xiaolongnu is like this, she speaks her mind"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Yes, Xiaolongnu has lived in the ancient tomb for a long time and is not worldly-wise, which is understandable."

"I don't mind, but this is not a solution. There is another way to suppress your coldness. Wait a minute."

Lu Xiao said and teleported away.

""Huh? Where are the people? Have they gone home?"

Xiao Longnu asked in confusion.

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"I should find a solution for you, please don't worry."

【Little Dragon Girl】:"Why do you call me senior? I don't know you."

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Senior, haven’t you watched"The Return of the Condor Heroes" yet?"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"I'm still watching One Piece"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Well, you are my senior anyway."


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