"Humph! Who do you think you are? How dare you come and rob my Alrita's pirate ship?"

""Little guys, come on!"

When Alrita heard Lu Xiao's words, she was furious and raised her mace to swing.

The pirates heard the captain's order and mustered up their courage to rush towards Lu Xiao.

"I'm in a hurry, so I won't waste time with you."

""Light-speed punch."

Lu Xiao said, and swung his fist at the pirates around him.

Suddenly, the golden beam of light turned into a large net and covered everyone.

Then, every pirate who came into contact with the golden net was instantly cut open by the power of the holy sword brought by the Shura template!


The terrified cry suddenly resounded throughout the pirate ship!

"You...don't do it!"

Alrita looked at the golden net that was about to cover her, and she was afraid to hit it hard with the mace in her hand.

However, the mace that was indestructible in the past was also cut into countless pieces as soon as it touched the net!

Alrita watched the net pierce through her body, feeling extremely desperate!

In the blink of an eye, the pirates around her turned into pieces lying on the deck.


Nami couldn't bear it when she saw such a bloody scene. She covered her mouth and ran to the deck and vomited into the sea.

""Oh, sorry, I forgot about you."

Lu Xiao scratched his head, then used telekinesis to throw the pirates on the deck into the sea, and cleaned the deck.

Thanks to the atomic-level control of the Gold Saint, Lu Xiao's light-speed punch only caused damage to the pirates, and as for the pirate ship, not even a scratch was left.

This is the power of the Gold Saint!

"Who are you?!"

Just when Lu Xiao was about to throw Luffy out, a short man wearing glasses ran out and looked at Lu Xiao in fear.


"you know me?"

"I don't know him."

Lu Xiao pointed casually, and a golden light instantly pierced Coby's head, and then threw him into the sea.

What, you said Coby is the future hero of the navy?!

The successor of Iron Fist Garp!?

Even if he is, what does that have to do with me, Lu Xiao?

Besides, Coby's performance in the war on the top is not like a navy at all.

He was a victim who was captured and tortured by the pirate Alrita. It's ok that he didn't become a navy like Akainu, but he couldn't bear to watch the pirates die? Although Garp didn't contribute to the war on the top because of Luffy and Ace, he killed a lot of pirates after all. You, Coby, are nothing.

"Wait, it seems that Alrita got the Slippery Fruit after being knocked away. Let's go find it?"

The Slippery Fruit is not very powerful in combat, but it can make people look extremely beautiful after eating it. I believe it is very attractive to many people!

"Nami, I'm leaving for a while and will be back soon. Go call Luffy out!"

Lu Xiao said as he left the deck.

"Eh? Brother Lu Xiao?"

Nami came to her senses and turned around to see the empty, clean deck.

"Huh? Cleaned up?!"

‘Ding! Nami changed the fate of Alrita and other pirates and earned 5,000 points’

‘Ding! Nami changed Coby's fate and got 10,000 points’

"Eh hey hey! ?"

""I got points already!?"

Nami was surprised.

She didn't do anything yet, but she got so many points?!

"No wonder Brother Lu Xiao said he wanted to intercept Zoro and the others, he knew that I could get points by doing this!"

Nami suddenly understood.

Lu Xiao had indeed known this for a long time.

After all, he was not from the pirate world, and Nami, as a representative of the pirate world who joined the chat group, naturally no matter what Lu Xiao did, the points would be counted to Nami.

But for Lu Xiao, this is a win-win situation!

Anyway, no matter how many points Nami gets, half of them will go into Lu Xiao's pocket.


"Luffy! He's out!"

Nami found the barrel containing Luffy in the storage room inside the pirate ship and knocked on it.

"Tsk...sleeping so soundly?"

"Luffy, it's time to eat!!"

Nami remembered Luffy's habit and shouted

"Dinner is ready!"

With a bang, Luffy knocked open the wine barrel, raised his hands and shouted


Nami was speechless.

Why would this silly boy be so powerful in the future?

Was it because he ate the special Nika fruit, or because of his never-give-up and extremely optimistic spirit?

"Forget it, this has nothing to do with me."

Nami shook her head and walked out

"Come out, you should leave."

""Huh? Aren't we eating?"

Luffy was disappointed.

""Eh? You know me! Who are you?!"

Luffy followed behind, curious.

When the two of them came to the deck, Lu Xiao also came back.

"Wow! He can fly! So cool!!"

Luffy was immediately excited when he saw Lu Xiao's appearance.

"My name is Luffy! I am the man who will become the Pirate King! Please be my partner!"

"Not interested, you should leave."

Lu Xiao activated telekinesis and threw Luffy onto the cruise ship not far away.

"Ahhhhh!! So amazing!!"

"Be my partner!!"

Luffy shouted in the air

"We should go"

"There are only two of us, how can we sail the boat?"

Nami asked worriedly.

"Very simple, that's it."

Telekinesis is an invincible ability. Once activated, it is not a problem to make the ship move or even fly.

Therefore, driven by telekinesis, the pirate ship named Miss Lab Daku sped towards the direction of Cocosia Village.


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