"Your doomsday has come."

At this moment, the Moon Worshiper looked at Lu Xiao deeply.

He could clearly feel that the other party was very strong, and he could even clearly sense that the other party's ability was also very powerful.

However, he was always very aggrieved in his heart. He didn't quite understand why he had to do it to him all the time?

He also wanted to live a good life, and he felt that he had never done anything wrong.

"Tell me, what is love, and what is love."

At this time, Lu Xiao's face showed a strong calmness..

"You will slowly understand this later."

After saying this, he raised his right hand slowly, and the middle finger of his right hand absorbed the great energy around him, forming a huge golden sword.

It went straight through Baiyue's chest.

Tears kept flowing in Baiyue's eyes.

At the same time, he finally understood these things gradually. It turned out that all of this was true.

He also remembered the selfless love his adoptive father had for him.

It turned out that he had also had love, but he gave it up.

But when he understood all this, it was too late.

The body has gradually dissipated. He was defeated by one move. There was no room for resistance at all. They would feel very outrageous when they saw it.

Zhao Linger, who was next to him, saw this scene, and her eyes were instantly filled with strong excitement.

"Wow, Brother Lu Xiao, you are so awesome!"

"I have thought before that your strength is definitely exceptionally strong, but then I always felt something was not right. Now I finally understand that I underestimated you. Your strength is simply too strong to be true."

"Now it makes people feel extremely shocked, and it will seriously subvert their three views. I never dared to believe that you could become so powerful in such a terrifying state in a short period of time.〃. "

Now when I think about this kind of thing, I feel it is very interesting.

"Brother Lu Xiao, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I don't know what I would do."

"With your help this time, I feel much more comfortable, and I feel that such things are not a big deal."

Lu Xiao smiled lightly, and then nodded calmly.

He felt that this matter was too normal for him.

"This kind of thing seems to be quite normal, but you are just oversimplifying it."

"At most, we have solved one of them, but there is still one water monster."

Zhao Linger, who was standing next to him, became extremely excited after hearing this.

"Water monster?! Since the opponent is a water monster, I think I can deal with it, or let me do it this time."

At this moment, Lu Xiao's eyes suddenly looked strange after hearing this sentence.

"If this is the case, then I suggest you don't do it, because if you do, you may end up in trouble."

"Because you absolutely cannot be a match for the water monster. If you were its opponent, you might be able to fight it with two swords directly, but if you are not its opponent, then you'd better not fight it easily."

"This kind of situation is normal in itself, but now these things are very reasonable."

"You just need to watch from the side, there is no need to take the initiative"

"If you take the initiative, it will not be friendly to you at all."

After saying this, he took the initiative to enter the water surface.

On the water surface, a water monster instantly appeared, which looked very terrifying.

At this moment, Lu Xiao directly used magic to attack.

However, this water monster directly used its body to withstand this attack, and directly opened its mouth, and a huge column of water spurted out of its bloody mouth.

The opponent has always been very strong.

Under normal circumstances, the opponent's strength would not be so powerful, but the guy in front of him has an ability, that is, after encountering water resources, he can directly use the water.

And once he encounters water, he can directly recover from his injuries quickly.

Even after encountering water, his injuries will instantly recover as before.

And the opponent has been in the water all the time, so he can always keep himself in a very safe place.

This will give it a strong illusion, and it dare not believe that the opponent can be so strong.

This time the powerful idea made them feel a little outrageous, and they could also feel that there would be some different gaps between the before and after.

Just seeing the guy in front of him, he immediately opened his mouth and quickly Started to summon flood.

Lu Xiao smiled bitterly, he didn't expect this big thing.

It was really good at causing trouble at this time, and the opponent could be in the water, which meant it was invincible.

The only way now was to use fire to restrain water.

The problem was that the opponent was in the water.

The surrounding fire-attribute resources, to use another way of saying it, were not enough for him to use.

Now he could not defeat the opponent with this trick.

The only way was to break it from the inside, otherwise if he kept attacking from the outside, this attack would not be enough for the opponent to recover.

While The water monster in front of him opened its mouth and took the initiative to drill into the opponent's mouth. It quickly entered the opponent's internal organs.

After reaching the internal organs, without any hesitation, it began to destroy them unscrupulously.

The water monster felt very painful at this time, and kept roaring towards the sky.

It also rolled its huge body, wanting Lu Xiao to be smashed to death in his body.

However, this move had no effect on Lu Xiao at all.

He stood inside the opponent's body, but his back was straight, and he felt that all this was very unimportant.

".〃 You think you are too naive to use this trick to deal with me? After all, this kind of attack may be good for others, but it is impossible to deal with me."

"There is no way a person with my average strength can be my opponent.".

Don't worry: Hận Đời Vô Đối.

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