After everything was restored, Superman stood by, staring at the scenes in front of him in amazement.

"God?! This is simply a miracle! This dimension is too incredible!"

"How is this possible? They are all unparalleled skills, but they are displayed just like this!"

Diana, who was standing next to him, saw Superman's incredible expression and couldn't help but raise her little head proudly..

"Hehe, it's normal that you don't know him, he's the one I brought back specially."

After saying that, he quickly pulled Superman to Lu Xiao's side.

"This is our group leader Lu Xiao, who came here from another dimension, and he knows you."

Superman looked at Lu Xiao in surprise, as if he was slightly doubting his life, and he didn't expect that the other party was really not from Earth.

"Mr. Lu Xiao, since you are not from Earth, I would like to ask if you are from Krypton."

"Don't get me wrong, I just saw that your methods and strength were too strong."

"And they are very similar to Kryptonians, so I couldn't help but want to ask."

Lu Xiao smiled faintly

"You don't need to explain, I can understand what you mean"

"But I'm very sorry, I'm not from Krypton."

Superman was very disappointed, he thought he had met someone of his own kind.


Before, when he learned that Zod and his men were also from Krypton, and were even soldiers under his father, he was even happier.

After all, he had been alone on Earth for all these years, and had always been an outlier.

If he hadn't been hiding his abilities, he would probably have been noticed by others.

This was also the reason why his father would rather die than let him take action.

Because he believed that his adopted son would one day find the right path and use his abilities to do the right thing.

And Zod's arrival was the opportunity for him to no longer suppress himself.

But he did not forget his father's teachings.

At the same time, Zod's ambition also made Superman understand that he... He and they are not on the same path.

Although they are from the same planet, Superman will never allow him to destroy the earth.

But it seems that Zod's adaptability is very strong. In just a short while, he can adapt to the noise of the outside world and develop the same thermal vision as him.

Fortunately, this sudden and powerful man quickly solved Zod and reduced the harm to a minimum.

In particular, he can even restore all the destroyed buildings!

This is simply a stroke of genius! A divine hand!

This is much more powerful than himself!!

Superman couldn't help but want to ask Lu Xiao more questions.

He opened his mouth and stammered to say something, but he couldn't say it.

Lu Xiao looked at Superman.

"Come on, do you have anything to say? When I see you are hesitant, I know you must be praying for something."

"For Diana's sake, since we have finally come here, let's solve all the troubles."

Superman pursed his lips and couldn't help but said directly:"You seem to be able to travel through space, and you can also restore the previously destroyed earth to its original state. I wonder if you can take me to my home planet."

"Help me revive my parents... I've always missed them so much and can't wait to see them again."

Diana, who was standing next to him, felt a little soft-hearted when she saw the other person's pitiful face.

"Group Leader Lu Xiao...if this matter is effortless for you, why don't you help him? I feel that he is really pitiful."

"And he is not doing anything bad right now. If you help him, your relationship may become closer."

"How do you feel?"

Lu Xiao rolled his eyes at Diana.

"I came here to help you solve your problem. I wasn't really interested at first, but since you've asked me to do so, I can't really refuse."

"But now that you've said this, I must agree."

"Diana, I agree with you this time."

After saying that, he grabbed Superman in front of him, and only saw his figure flash slightly.

When he came again, he was already on Superman's home planet.

Superman looked at Lu Xiao in shock, and even wanted to kneel down on the spot immediately.

The other party's ability was simply amazing, and he had never seen such an inner coolness.

At this time, Lu Xiao did not talk nonsense directly, but waved his hand directly.

I saw that the originally dilapidated Krypton, unexpectedly, time was like reversed, and began to change rapidly.

The fragmented things actually began to automatically piece together their previous appearance.

Soon I saw that Krypton had restored his original appearance.

Superman ran quickly to his home at the first time.

He saw his parents from a distance, looking at his body in confusion, as if wondering how he was alive.

When Superman saw his parents, he couldn't help it at all, and he rushed over quickly.

"Mom and Dad... woooo... I miss you so much. I thought I would never see you again."

"Woo woo woo……"

The whole universe could hear this sad cry.

It lasted for nearly half an hour before it finally recovered from its previous sadness. It quickly pointed to Lu Xiao next to it.

"Mom and Dad, you were all going to perish along with the destruction of Krypton, but this hero saved you."

"If it weren't for his help, I'm afraid you would have died long ago. His strength is really super strong. He just waved his hand, and our planet that didn't exist in the first place actually came back like this!"


After hearing this, Superman's parents finally understood.

No wonder they felt like they were dead before, but they were still standing here. It turned out that everything was because of this reason.

"Young man, it turns out that you are the one who resurrected us. Thank you very much for your help."

Lu Xiao smiled and shook his head.

"It's just a piece of cake."

"Okay, let's catch up quickly. Superman, you should have discovered your body's energy, and it's still not suitable for you to stay here."

"You have adapted to life on Earth, so staying here will affect your health. You must come back to Earth with me immediately."

The Superman parents next to him seemed a little reluctant to leave after hearing this.

Finally, they smiled and shook their heads.

"Go ahead and do what you have to do."

"You are very weak now. Only when you return to Earth can you become a lively and lovely being."

Superman left reluctantly and looked at Lu Xiao with great gratitude.

"If you need me, just come to me. No matter if it means going through fire and water, as long as I can do it, my life is yours."

Lu Xiao smiled slightly, without any extra nonsense, and took the other person away directly.

When he appeared again, he was already on the earth.

Diana blinked.

"You are finally back, group leader, what should we do next?"

"Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid the earth would never recover to its current state."

Lu Xiao smiled and shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, I just did what I was supposed to do."..

Don't worry: Hận Đời Vô Đối.

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