That day, Lu Xiao took Gwen to see Thor, who had already met Jane Foster and was having dinner in a restaurant.

Lu Xiao told Gwen that as long as she stayed in this town, there would be interesting things and Gwen would have a chance to take action.

Then Lu Xiao focused his attention on the chat group.

【Diana】:"It turns out there are dark superheroes. The Boys really opened my eyes."

【Tsunade】:"After all, they are not doing it for their own justice, which is normal."

【Starlight】:"Yes, I was also scared after watching it, and now I don’t want to be a superhero anymore."

Xingguang’s personality is a little weak, so her voice sounds soft and gentle.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"That's why you have to become stronger so that you can bring light to them."

【Tsunade】:"Yes, what Lu Xiao said is very right. Look, this is the picture he took before, picture jp~g"

【Starlight】:"Wow, how come there are so many points?".

Xingguang was dumbfounded when he saw the screenshot of the picture. He didn't expect that there would be so many points this time!

Moreover, they all seemed to be able to get a lot of points. This was too incredible!

"Can I have so many points?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"right"

【Huang Rong】:"Oh, I'm envious, but I'm not in any trouble now"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"I have the same feeling, and I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing."

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Okay, let’s stop wasting time, Xingguang, do you agree?"

【Starlight】:"I agree! I just hope the group leader can help me sanction my countrymen and aliens!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"OK, I'll send you an application, just agree to it."

In the world of the Black Robe Patrol, Lu Xiao appeared

""Mr. Group Master!"

Xingguang looked at Lu Xiao with surprise. He didn't feel much when chatting in the group.

But after seeing it with his own eyes, he found that the group master seemed more approachable.

"I will help you deal with your homelanders and aliens, make you the most powerful being, and let you control the world!"

"But Xingguang, after this matter is settled, I will choose to leave."

"Everything at that time will depend on you to maintain it."

Lu Xiao reminded

"Don't worry, group leader, as long as you help me solve them, I will definitely have no problem with the follow-up."

Xingguang replied with joy on his face

"Group leader, where should we go next? Should we go directly to the motherland?"

Lu Xiao pondered for a moment and said,"This motherland has the abilities of radiation eyes, perspective eyes, super endurance and super strength. He is a very powerful existence."

"It's not that easy to kill him! But he has a clone, Xuanse, let's find him first."

After saying that, Lu Xiao immediately flashed and came to Water Company with Starlight and found Xuanse directly.

Xuanse looked at Lu Xiao with shock.

Before he could speak, Lu Xiao said:"My intention to find you is very obvious. I know you have been pretending to be a native of the country and doing evil everywhere."

"In fact, you are not such a sinister person. You just want to defeat the motherland."

"So, I came here to tell you, if I help you defeat the motherland, are you willing to help Xingguang?"

Xuan Se looked at Lu Xiao seriously.

"As long as you help me, fulfill my dream, and defeat my countrymen, then everything will be fine. I can follow Xingguang wholeheartedly."

Xingguang looked at Lu Xiao with bright eyes. He didn't expect that the other party was so powerful and won over Xuanse so quickly. With Xuanse's help, everything would be much simpler.

""Master, where are we going next?"

Lu Xiao smiled.

"What else can we do? We must find the culprit! Since the other party has survived for so long, we must not let him go on like this."After

Lu Xiao finished speaking, he found the motherland and killed him directly.

His strength itself can directly destroy everything, and other people can never be his opponents.

After dealing with the other party, he immediately looked at Xuanse and Xingguang.

"Xuanse, take Xingguang and go meet the other superpowers. If they are willing to surrender, you can let them live. If they are not willing, just tell me and I will solve it.

Xuanse agreed immediately and rushed out with Xingguang.

· ··Request flowers··· ········

Lu Xiao waited there.

Half an hour later, Xuan Se returned with a tired face.

"The invisible man was killed because he didn't obey. As for the others, I couldn't beat them, and almost all of them didn't listen to my advice."

Lu Xiao nodded calmly, and then rushed out quickly without any hesitation.

Ten minutes later, he appeared in the same place again.

"Xingguang, I have almost solved your problem here."

"As for the current Water Company, no one dares to complain."

"You have to remember that only when you are strong can you be the strongest. If you are not strong, no matter how much you say, it will be useless."

"I'll go back first. After you get the points, remember to open the cans quickly to make yourself stronger."

......... 0

After that, return directly to your own world...

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Wow, the group leader left quickly and came back quickly. How long has it been since he returned?"

【Yue Buqun】:"Haha, the group leader himself has stepped in, do I need to say more? If the group leader himself can't solve the problem, who else can solve it?"

【Bu Jingyun】:"really"

【Huang Rong】:"Sister Xingguang, how many points did you get this time?"

【Starlight】:""Ahem, thanks to the help of the group leader, my points have now reached 2.3 million!"

Xingguang's heart was full of gratitude.

After all, if it weren't for Lu Xiao, she would probably not get any points at all. If it weren't for Lu Xiao's help, she would probably have to eat dirt now.

However, with Lu Xiao's help, she finally had some capital, plus the help of the Shining Fruit and Xuanse's help.

Now in her world, there are very few people who dare to provoke her!

Even when they see her, most of them still have admiration in their hearts.

【Tsunade】:"Wow, to be honest, I am really excited now! If I had so many points, I would feel so happy that I would die!"

【Diana】:"You'd better forget it. You're a spendthrift. You'd rather spend the points as soon as you get them. It's impossible for you to save them. But this trip was too smooth!"Little.

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