【Zhang Sanfeng】:"It turned out to be the magic weapon of Nuwa! ?"

Zhang Sanfeng was shocked.

Was there a lot of rewards in the bronze jar, or was Zhao Linger just too lucky?!

【Yue Buqun】:"Ling'er is a descendant of Nuwa, so it's normal for her to use Nuwa's magic weapon."

【Tsunade】:"Yue Buqun, aren’t you offline?"

【Yue Buqun】:"snort!"

【Zhao Linger】:"So powerful?! Thank you, Brother Lu Xiao!"

Zhao Linger's face lit up, it seems that her luck is really good!

Linger took the Precious Lotus Lantern in her hand, and immediately felt a surge of spiritual power flowing into her body. At the same time, she instantly understood how to use the Precious Lotus Lantern.

After feeling the power of the Precious Lotus Lantern, Linger felt relieved.

In this way, even if the people of the Moon Worship Sect broke into the Fairy Island, Linger could protect her grandmother!

She could even return to Nanzhao Kingdom with her grandmother again!

"Go tell grandma the good news first!"

Ling'er ran out in a hurry.

When grandma learned that the Lotus Lantern was the magic weapon of Nuwa, she knelt on the ground excitedly and thanked Nuwa for her protection!

In this way, Ling'er's safety was settled!


Yinyue Dynasty, Demon Palace.

Qiye sat alone on the high platform, rubbing his forehead with one hand, tears on his face.

Now he finally knew the truth about his identity and his tragic fate in the future.

"I am the Seventh Lifetime Enemy……"

"Seven lifetimes of resentment...hahaha!"

"No wonder I fell in love with Xiaoqian"

"And the Queen Mother had already been possessed by the Moon Demon."

Qiye looked miserable and depressed.

"Jin Guang! You deserve to die!!"

Qi Ye thought about the future he saw, in which he had clearly given up his identity as the Demon Lord and turned into a mortal, and even married Xiao Qian in order to end the curse of the seven-life resentment couple.

But Jin Guang designed to kill all the disciples of their Demon Palace!

He also killed his biological mother!

It was because of this incident that Qi Ye returned to the path of evil, became heartless and loveless, and turned into a demon.

Qi Ye held the green jar received from the chat group in his hand, his face was very worried:"Can the fate of the seven-life resentment couple really be changed?"

"Group leader Lu Xiao...a god beyond all others"

"Or maybe he can really help me."

Qiye thought about it, silently said"open", and opened the jar.

He was also looking forward to what reward he would get.

【Congratulations to Qiye for obtaining the Burning Silence Sword】

【Burning Silence Sword: Burning Silence is one of the seven evil swords of Longyuan, containing the power of evil fire that is enough to burn everything. (The host is not affected by the evil spirit of Burning Silence when using it)】

"It turned out to be a sword that was even more powerful than the Yixi Sword?!"

Qiye was very surprised when he saw the dark red sword floating in front of him, which was emitting waves of evil spirit.

"Won't it be affected by the evil spirit?"

Qiye noticed the note at the back, thought about it, and decided to believe it.

Otherwise, let alone taking this sword, Qiye would be uneasy just by feeling the evil spirit emanating from it.


As soon as Qiye grasped the hilt of the sword, the huge, fierce, and overbearing Fenji evil spirit immediately entered his body, impacting Qiye's veins and muscles and causing pain!

But soon, as if his body had adapted to the evil spirit, this powerful force was completely mastered by Qiye.

Qiye held the Fenji sword in his hand, and the evil spirit soared into the sky, and evil fire jumped around him from time to time.

Qiye was obviously the Demon Lord, but compared with him now, the previous Qiye was simply a righteous man!!

"Holy Lord!!"

""Saint Lord, what happened to you?!"

Jing Wuyuan sensed the movement in the Demon Palace and led the four sages of the Demon Palace and other disciples to find Qiye in a hurry.

As a result, as soon as they came, they were shocked by the current Qiye!

Is Qiye, who looks like a demon, really their Saint Lord?

Could it be that something happened to the Saint Lord and he became possessed... Are we demons?

Jing Wuyuan and the other disciples of the Demon Palace were stunned!

"Teacher, I'm fine."

"This is the opportunity I have obtained."

Although Qiye was full of evil spirit, he still maintained his rationality.

He didn't know if he had the ability to change the future in his current state, but he was willing to give it a try.


【Seven nights】:"Thanks to the group leader for the jar, picture.jpg."

Qi Ye also followed the local customs and uploaded the Burning Silence Sword. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Hiss! Is this a magic sword?"

【Huang Rong】:"It looks so amazing!"

【Yue Buqun】:"Qiye, are you okay after using this sword?"

【Seven nights】:"Thank you for your concern. Although this sword can make people lose their minds, it seems to have eliminated this danger for me."

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"If that's the case, it should be the group owner's relationship"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"It doesn't matter to me, but it works."

【Seven nights】:"I saw a lot of talk about points in the chat history. If Qiye can't solve the problem of Tianmo by then, can I ask for your help?"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Sure, sure. Once we join the group, we are all friends and we will definitely help you!"

【Yue Buqun】:"That’s right! Just let me know if you need anything!"

【Seven nights】:"Thank you!"

Qiye was grateful from the bottom of his heart!

With their guarantee, Qiye also had a way out.

"Next, we need to find a way to solve the problem of the seven generations of grudges."

"Ning Caichen... It's not that I won't help you, but you are not the seven-life lover after all, so you are destined not to be a couple with Xiaoqian."

"Teacher, I want to leave the palace!"[]


【Tsunade】:"Who else hasn't opened the jar?"

【Solanum nigrum】:"And I……"

Blue Nightshade has a weak personality and doesn't even dare to speak too loudly

"They all seem to have really opened up some amazing things, so I should be able to do it too."

Long Kui squatted in the corner, carefully placed the bronze jar on the ground, and then put his hands together and silently chanted"open".


【Congratulations to Long Kui for obtaining the Tiger Talisman】

【Tiger Talisman: The power of yin and yang, can balance the conflicts of various forces in the owner's body and make it run perfectly. Usually the holder is divided into two people, good and evil.】

"What is this?"

Long Kui looked at the strange thing and was very confused. After thinking about it, she opened the chat group

【Solanum nigrum】:"Everyone... I just opened the jar and got the tiger charm, picture.jpg"

"How do I use this thing?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Huh? Tiger spell!?"

Lu Xiao was shocked.

【Solanum nigrum】:"Lu...Brother Lu Xiao, do you know how to use it?"

【Tsunade】:"Why are you so excited? Is this thing amazing?"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"It's rare to see the group leader so surprised, I guess this spell is very powerful"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Well, it's not that powerful. Its function is to balance the yin and yang forces."

"The most important thing is that you can create a clone."

"Long Kui, pick up the talisman and try it."

Lu Xiao thought of the two Long Kui with different personalities, and suddenly wanted to go and see what was going on?

【Solanum nigrum】:""Okay~"

Long Kui nodded and held the tiger charm.

Then she immediately understood how to use it.

Then, the tiger charm emitted light, and when the light faded, a woman who looked exactly like Long Kui, but with a different expression and different clothes, appeared in front of Long Kui.

"Ah! It's you! You came out!"


Red-clothed Long Kui looked at the other self in front of her who was constantly exclaiming in confusion.

What happened?

Why is she still here after I came out?!


Don't worry: Độc Thân Cẩu:)

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