The war started. Unexpectedly, Whitebeard's ship emerged directly from the depths of the sea using a coating method, slightly disrupting the navy's plan.

With a series of clanging sounds, Whitebeard walked out of the cabin.

His appearance made all the navy look nervous.

Although Whitebeard is no longer as strong as he was when he was young due to illness, hidden injuries, and age.

But the powerful destructive power brought by the Tremor-Tremor Fruit should not be underestimated. Not to mention that Whitebeard has been one of the Four Emperors for many years and has accumulated a lot of prestige. All young navy officers will lose some momentum before they fight Whitebeard.

If Whitebeard really goes crazy and uses the Tremor-Tremor Fruit regardless of the consequences, then it will be just as Sengoku said. As the strongest man in the world today, he is very likely to destroy Marinford and the entire sea!

"Ace! I’m here to save you!!"

Just as the two sides were looking at each other in a solemn and fearful manner, a shout suddenly rang out!

Luffy appeared next to Whitebeard and shouted towards the platform!

"Luffy... Daddy!"

Ace cried with emotion and shame when he saw that they really came to save him.

"This brat!!"

Garp couldn't help but clench his fists as he looked at Luffy.

It was painful enough for him to have one grandson save him. If another grandson got into trouble here, Garp would probably collapse!

"Ace! Wait for me, I'll come to rescue you right away!"

""Air shock."

Whitebeard was the first to use an air shock, which shattered the air, distorted the sea on both sides, and stirred up a wave that rolled towards the distance.

Just when everyone was wondering why Whitebeard's ability did not cause more damage, a deafening sound suddenly sounded around them, and the whole of Marinford began to shake.

"What is that? A tsunami!"

"Oh my god! ?"

In the sea, two tsunamis hundreds of meters high were heading towards Marinford, covering the sky and the sun!

Such a large tsunami was enough to submerge the entire Marinford square!

In this case, the combat power prepared by the navy, except for those above the level of vice admiral, might be wiped out!

"Ice Age!!"

Admiral Aokiji disappeared from his seat on the platform and came into the air, activating his natural ice-freezing fruit, freezing the entire tsunami, and even turning the sea water below into a solid layer of ice.

"Ace! I'm here to save you!!"

Luffy saw something stepped on below, and immediately jumped off the boat and ran over

"Guys, let's go save Ace!!"

Several captains followed closely behind.

"The war has begun!"

The navy side, just as aggressive as the other side, began to attack fiercely!

Hawkeye stood in the stands, eager to try

"What, you want to test Whitebeard's strength?"

Lu Xiao looked at him

"I have this idea, but I don't have a knife now."

Hawkeye looked at his hand and sighed regretfully.

"Do you want me to help you?"

"How to help?"

"In your current situation, even if you continue to improve, you will not be able to break through the upper limit of your physical fitness, unless you eat an animal-type devil fruit to improve your physical fitness, so that you can accommodate more domineering"

"I won't eat it."

As a pure swordsman, Hawkeye will definitely not use the power of the devil fruit.

"Then I can only help you, give me your hand."

Hawkeye stretched out his right hand in confusion.

Lu Xiao stroked Hawkeye's right hand, leaving a bright golden light that sank into his arm.

"What is this!?"

Hawkeye felt the change in his right hand, and his pupils suddenly dilated!

The surrounding Shichibukai, Doflamingo, Moriah, and Hancock were confused.

"I have placed a holy sword in your right hand. With time, as you comprehend and practice, you should be able to fully master its power. By then, you should be able to achieve your goal."

Lu Xiao explained.

"This holy sword... is the move you used in the previous duel with me! ?"

Hawkeye was a little excited and excited


""Let me try!"

Hawkeye said as he closed his eyes, feeling the power of the holy sword in his right hand, then suddenly opened his eyes and swung his right hand in the direction of Whitebeard!

A brilliant golden light shone, with an unrivaled edge, breaking through the air, cutting through the ice, and rushing towards Whitebeard.


A man covered in diamonds blocked the slash.

"Unfortunately, I cannot bring out the power of this holy sword yet."

Hawkeye felt that the attack just now was still lacking in power compared to his previous slash.

After all, without the black knife in his hand, Hawkeye was also weakened. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Although it was a pity for Hawkeye, the people who saw this scene were greatly shocked!

Because Hawkeye did not use the knife!!

Except for Doflamingo and Hancock who knew what happened just now, others did not know!

In their eyes, Hawkeye's swordsmanship seemed to have broken through a new realm and became even more terrifying.

"How did you do it?"

Hancock asked Lu Xiao in confusion.

"Not telling you"

"Humph! Damn man! Do you think I really want to know?"

Hancock turned her head away proudly, but she was very angry in her heart!!

As for Doflamingo and Moria, they were still traumatized by the impact of the Conqueror's Haki that day, so they dared not speak.

Right now, among the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Big Bear is not here, and Blackbeard should take this opportunity to recruit crew members in the underwater prison.

As the war became more open, more captains from Whitebeard's side were dispatched, and the three admirals could not sit still and joined in.

Therefore, it was the turn of the Seven Warlords of the Sea to take action.

Hawkeye jumped down with the intention of practicing the holy sword.

Only Lu Xiao, Nami, and Hancock were left in the stands.[]

"You won't help?"

Lu Xiao turned his head.

"Humph! I only agreed to come, but I didn't say I had to do it!"



Hancock glared at Lu Xiao.

Oh, that's it?!

I'm the most beautiful woman in the ocean!

You're not affected by my beauty!?

Hancock was angry, but also a little surprised.

"It's really hard work, Luffy."

Lu Xiao sighed as he looked at Luffy who was rushing forward.

"Nami, do you think that if Luffy awakened the fifth gear now, would the war change?"

"Probably, after all, Gear 5 is already the strength of the Four Emperors."

"Brother Lu Xiao, you don’t want Luffy to get the power of the Four Emperors right now! ?"

Nami said in surprise

"Yes, that would be very interesting."

Lu Xiao laughed

"Do you think you are a god? Can you do this?"

Hancock didn't believe it.

"I am God, I can do whatever I want"

"Just like this."

Lu Xiao looked at Hancock.

Then Hancock suddenly felt a little hot on her back.


Hancock looked at Lu Xiao in horror, because the feverish spot was exactly the slave mark that the Celestial Dragons had left on Hancock when she was a child!!

"I have erased this mark for you. From now on, you will never have to worry about exposing your past again."


Don't worry: Kỳ this is this

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