【The system has awakened and is binding. Please wait.】


"What the hell, I have been traveling through time for thirteen years, and the system is just coming?"

Marvel Universe, New York, Queens.

In an apartment, Lu Xiao stood in front of the bathroom mirror, biting his toothbrush and looking speechless.

He was just washing up when the voice of the system binding suddenly appeared in his mind.

If he was not a time traveler and knew what this thing was, he would probably think it was a ghost.

That's right, Lu Xiao is not from this universe.

Thirteen years ago, because of an accident, Lu Xiao not only came to the Marvel Universe, but his body also underwent inexplicable changes and returned to the age of five.

When he first came here, he fell at the doorstep of George Stacy, the Commissioner of the New York Police Department.

After a week of investigation, George finally confirmed that Lu Xiao was an orphan, even... There is no record of his birth certificate.

Later, at the suggestion of George's wife Helen, they adopted Lu Xiao.

So far, Lu Xiao has safely passed his childhood and has a blonde sister Gwen who is one year younger than him.

At the beginning, Lu Xiao found that he had traveled through time and space and regained his youth. He thought he had obtained some golden fingers so that he could show his talents in this dangerous Marvel world.

As a result, he waited for thirteen years and there was no change at all, let alone any superpowers.

As a result, after he just celebrated his eighteenth birthday last night, his system awakened early the next morning!

This is simply the best birthday gift for him!

"Let me see what you can do!"

Lu Xiao quickly brushed his teeth and washed his face, then sat on the sofa in the living room and waited.

The apartment he was living in was not George's home, but next door to them.

In the past few years, Lu Xiao used his brain and foresight to make a little money, and then rented this place.

Although George was the chief of the police station, he was upright and never accepted benefits, so his family's financial situation was average, and the house was a bit crowded for four people.

Not to mention that Gwen was not small either, so it was not very convenient.

For his own convenience and comfort, Lu Xiao persuaded George and Helen to move out.

Because it was next door, the two of them agreed and did not refuse.

【Ding! Can opening system binding completed!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving the novice gift pack: one bronze, one silver, and one gold jar each】

【Please collect it in time!】


"Can opening system? Why does this thing look so much like the props in toxic milk powder (dnf)?"

"Damn it, opening this thing is totally based on luck!"

Lu Xiao's face darkened, and he couldn't help but think of the bad memories of his previous life.

He thought that after he got the system, he could directly obtain all kinds of powerful super powers!

In the end, he had to rely on lottery!?

"System, how do I draw this? What do I use to draw it?"

At this point, let's see how to use this thing first.

【Opening the can by points】

【Bronze jar: 100 points】

【Silver Jar: 1000 points】

【Gold Jar: 10,000 points】

【Diamond Jar: 100,000 points】

【Supreme Jar: 1 million points】

【Host's current points: 0】


"The top level actually requires one million points! ?"

Lu Xiao was a little shocked.

But how to get these points?



"Can you explain it?!"

【Please explore on your own】


Lu Xiao was speechless. The functions of this system were really rudimentary.

"Receive the novice gift pack."

The three jars are 11,100 points cheaper in total, not bad.

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining: a bottle of Wahaha that you can never finish, a storage space, and the Capricorn Gold Saint Shura template】

"What what what! ?"

"Gold Saint Template! ?"

"Oh my god! It’s issued!"

Lu Xiao stood up in surprise when he saw the third reward!

As for the first two, although they were also OK, they were completely different from the third one!

"It seems that my face is not black!"

"System, load the template!"

【Gold Saint Seiya template loading……】

A golden light appeared out of nowhere in the room, completely covering Lu Xiao.

In the light, Lu Xiao felt warm all over, without any discomfort.

But he could feel that his body was getting stronger little by little.

After a while, the light dissipated, revealing Lu Xiao's 1.9-meter-tall figure.

At this time, he was wearing a Capricorn gold holy cloth, and the whole person was emitting golden light. He looked majestic and handsome!

【Template loaded】

【The host has obtained all the knowledge and abilities of Capricorn Gold Saint Shura】


"So strong!"

Lu Xiao, who has transformed into a gold saint, just wants to say, who else!

You know, as the highest-level saint of the goddess Athena, the gold saint is not only at the top of the eighty-eight constellations, but also has many superpowers.

Manipulate elements, predict the future, telekinesis, fly, illusion, read minds, mental control, intuition!

Even create the world and crush the stars!

And Shura of Capricorn is known as the strongest attack among the twelve gold saints!

His body is like a holy sword, so even ordinary fist and foot attacks have the nature of cutting everything.

At the lightest, it can split mountains and seas, and at the worst, it can cut through planets, cut through galaxies, and even cut through the universe and the roots of all things!

Signature skills include: superluminal flight, light speed fist, holy sword blade, God·Holy Sword, flying over boulders, fist pressure storms, etc.

Therefore, at this time, Lu Xiao in this Marvel movie universe can be said to be invincible on Earth!

Except for Ancient One, there is almost no superhero who can be his opponent!

After all, this is a movie universe, not a comic universe, so Lu Xiao is still very confident in his strength at this time.

""System, my God!"

Lu Xiao said that his voice was a bit loud before.

But now, um, it smells really good!

By continuing to open the cans to get rewards, Lu Xiao believes that one day in the future he can even upgrade his microcosm from the seventh sense to the Omega universe, or even to the realm of God.

By then, he will be a true god, an absolute god beyond the multiverse and multiple dimensions!

"Wait... How do I get points?"

Lu Xiao suddenly realized that if he didn't have any points, how could he open the jar? How could he continue to get rewards?

"This self-exploration...seems like there's no rush."

Lu Xiao calmed down and recalled the introduction of the system just now.

Now that he has gained powerful strength, there is no need to be too anxious. There is plenty of time to learn the correct use of the system.

After all, Tony has not been caught yet.


"Lu Xiao! Are you up? It's time to go to school!"

There was a sudden knock on the door.

""Get up, I'll change my clothes."

The person who came was Gwen Stacy. Every day she would come to ask him to go to school together, or ask him to come over for dinner.

Lu Xiao's mind moved, and the golden armor on his body disappeared automatically, and he turned and walked into the bedroom.

Gwen opened the door with the key very familiarly and waited in the living room.

After a while, Lu Xiao changed his clothes and came out with a backpack. At a glance, he saw Gwen, who was tall and slender with long golden hair, looking at him with a smile.

"Na�� Breakfast Sandwich"

""Thanks, let's go!"

Lu Xiao stepped forward and touched Gwen's head.

He had never concealed the fact that he liked Gwen, and George and Helen knew it very well and did not stop him.

After all, they watched Lu Xiao grow up, and compared to the guys outside, Lu Xiao must be more trustworthy! Especially since Gwen also liked Lu Xiao, they had no reason to refuse.

Anyway, Lu Xiao was picked up, not a biological child.

Just as Lu Xiao and Gwen were talking and laughing on the way to school, another voice rang in his mind.

【Ding! The Zhutian chat group invites you to join, do you agree?】


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