East China Sea, above the big set of Frost Moon Village, today is a rare [big set], at least Lu Yi seems to be, and I don't know what it is called in the pirate world... After all, when he was in Alabastan, he was just a poor prince, a waste prince who came to eat and opened his mouth, and he had never experienced life....

Later, he was taken to a slave camp....

"Hey, Gu Yina, what is this for?" Riku poked Gu Yina and asked.

"Of course this is the market~" Gu Yina looked at Lu Yi like a fool, "The things in the market are relatively cheap compared to usual, and some fruits are still fresh, so they came out today

~" "Oh~

" "Lu Yiluyi, do you think this is good-looking?" Gu Yina asked, although she is still young, she has given full play to the characteristics of women who love shopping and beautiful things....

She picked up a purple coat and asked Rikuichi.

"It's not pretty~" Lu Yi said truthfully, "You have short hair, how do you plug in the prick?" Gu

Yina puffed out her mouth, looked at Lu Yi and didn't speak, but she silently put down the puff

... ......

"Lu Yi Lu Yi~ Do you think this dress looks good?" Gu Yina picked up a lilac dress and measured it on her body...

Lu Yi squinted his eyes for a while, "It's not good-looking~ You don't want anything, your clothes can't hold up~

" Gu Yina: "(▼皿▼#)"

You really are a language artist....

"Forget it, you go back~ I'll buy some food myself, I want to be quiet~" Gu Yina said to Lu Yi helplessly.


Lu Yi agreed without hesitation, Gu Yina saw that Lu Yi agreed so quickly, she couldn't help but puff out her cheeks and leave....

"Is she angry? I didn't say anything wrong..." Lu Yi scratched his hair, looked at the back of Gu Yina who left angrily, and said to himself.

Woman, it's really difficult to understand oh ~ (*'・з・)ムッ


"Boss, how much is that dress?"

"Eight hundred Bailey~

" "Boss, how much is that piece of plutonium?"

"Three thousand Bailey~"

After Lu Yi bought it, he looked at these two things, a puppet and a dress, both of which were lilac, like violets, and seemed to be lavender in bloom, which was a very elegant and noble purple...

I didn't expect that Nizi still liked purple~ Lu Yi grinned, and went back to the Yixin Taoist Hall with these two things....

(Diary, I don't know a few days, weather, sunny

today to accompany Gu Yina shopping, I don't know why, she is a little angry ~ girls don't understand....

In addition, I picked up a small piece of gold today, since I picked it up, then this thing is related to me, replaced with 30,000 Baileys, there is only a small pile ~ I suspect that I was pitted~ In addition

, the expenditure of 800 + 3000 a total of 3800 Baileys, net income 26,200 Baileys ~)

Lu Yi slowly closed a small book, some things, he was afraid to forget, so he decided to make a note, a few years later, when he picked it up again and looked at it, he would come back to Gu Yina to come back........

This diary is hard evidence! In total, three diaries, this is the third, the first of which is recorded when he escaped, and the second time is when Lu Yi suddenly discovered that Solon actually gave up the "Nine Swords Flow" and carefully practiced the Three Swords Flow, which is worth remembering....


Bang Bang Bang ~

In the evening, Lu Yi was sitting cross-kneeled and closing his eyes to recuperate, when he suddenly heard a sound at the door....

Lu Yi was surprised, "Come in~" Who will it be?

"Who are you?" Suddenly, the door opened, and a guy with a blue nose and a swollen face walked in without looking like an adult~

But Rikuichi still recognized this as Solon by his green hair....

"What's wrong with you?" Lu Yi asked in surprise.

"I, I got into a fight with Guina!" Solon said angrily, "I'm here to tell you that I challenged her 1,998 times today. "

Oh? So how did you get beaten like this?" Lu Yi asked with a smile.

"I don't know~" Solon was also very depressed~"In the afternoon, I was practicing my sword, and she found me

~" "Said that she wanted to duel with me, but I was very happy..."

"It's just that this time she muttered something in her mouth, "Hair will grow later", "I'm still young, I will have it when I grow up~" and other scolding words, I was beaten like this~"

Solon touched his hair and said helplessly.

( ́・・)ノ(._.')

Rikuichi touched his head and said with some guilt, "I blame me for this~

" "What?" Solon didn't hear clearly.

"It's okay, blame me for not being there, otherwise I will stop her~" Lu Yi said.

"Oh~ it's okay! Next time, I will definitely beat her!" Solon straightened his chest and said confidently.

Silly child ~ Lu Yi sighed, if nothing else, you won't beat her~ But Lu Yi didn't say it, for fear of hitting the child's self-confidence~


After Solon finished complaining, he was ready to leave, but it was completely dark outside...

"Huh? Have you been chatting for so long? Solon raised his eyebrows and headed east...

"I remember going west~

" Lu Yi supported his forehead, "Silly child, was he beaten stupid by Gu Yina?" That's the east..." I

really don't know how he found me, just his road idiot

~ "Forget it, forget it, Solon, don't go back~ Rest here with me~ You are lost again in the province ~ " Lu Yi said helplessly.



On the bed, Lu Yi couldn't sleep, although it was a man, Lu Yi couldn't raise a little interest, but after all, he couldn't sleep....... After all, this is also the first time he has slept with someone else~

"Lu Yilu Yi,

did you sleep?"



"Lu Yi Lu Yi, did you sleep?"


"Lu Yi, you have reached me..." Lu

Yi was taken aback, and just wanted to check

"Lu Yi, your elbow is on top of me~Take away~"


TM's, scare Lao Tzu, if you don't finish talking, this kind of person should hit ....



ps,,, I'm going to school tomorrow, I'm going to school today, either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it may be a day off, the reason ~ Hehe, after all, school has started, everyone understands ~

As for some of today's content, the borrowed "Dafong ...", it's so interesting, I laughed out in the middle of the night, and I couldn't help but write

(๑>ڡ<) ☆


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