This is Hawkins' words in preparation for the battle that should be in the future, in the face of such an enemy... Hawkins needs to be prepared!

On the distant sea, the Moby Dick was moving, and suddenly, the telephone worm rang...

Bista looked at the appearance of the phone bug and smiled, "Hey IE, Lu Yi, I'm Bista, what's the matter?"

Rikuichi said, "Bista, can you come to the country of Wano?"

Bista was a little surprised, "Why?" I'm not familiar with the road!"

"Otherwise, let Marko go! Marco cooked!" Bista said again.

Riku nodded, "Okay, then let Marko come, by the way, remember to let him go to my room and bring a box, it's black!"

Lu Yi hung up the phone after speaking.

Bista shrugged, "I thought there was something going on~ Daddy!"

Bista found Whitebeard and said to Whitebeard, "Daddy, Rikuichi just said that he wanted Marko to go to Wano Country!'"

Whitebeard smiled, "Kula la la, Lu Yi is in some trouble, do you need us Whitebeard to go together?"

Bista said, "He should be fine, after all, listening to his tone is quite relaxed!"

"Kula la la, then trouble Marko to go to Wano Country for a run!"


In a tall building in the official's village, Jack was sitting there eating meat, drinking wine, and drunk.

Hawkins slowly walked up to Jack and said to him, "Lord Kanban!"

Jack narrowed his eyes, "It's you!"

"Lu Yi, it's time to go to the official village!"

Hawkins said to Jack expressionlessly, and after speaking, Jack instantly crushed the wine glass in his hand!

"Lu Yi, I'm coming!"

Jack jumped up, saw the domineering sweep around, his huge body knocked the roof out of a big hole, Jack looked in one direction, and rushed to the location where 'Lu Yi' was, in the end, Jack just sensed that there was a strong force there!

! "Lord Hawkins, aren't you going to follow?" After Jack rushed out, the younger brother asked Hawkins.

Hawkins glanced at him and said lightly, "No need, Jack is not Lu Yi's opponent.

"I'll tell Jack that Rikuichi is here and it's my mission, but I don't believe Jack can defeat Riku!"

The little brother looked at Hawkins in shock, the little brother did not believe that Hawkins could say such a thing, although it was a fact, but said it clearly... Well, it should be said, it's really worthy of Hawkins really fighting!


Hancock asked Rikuichi, "Rikuichi, you..... It's really decided!"

Lu nodded, "Well, I have a bold idea, this idea has been circling in my mind for a long time, if I can, my strength will be even higher!"

Hancock nodded, "Well, Lu Yi, the concubine body has always been by your side!"

Lu Yi turned his head to look at the street, and a figure like a brute rushed towards him, and while the figure rushed towards him, he turned into a huge mammoth and came towards Lu Yi!

Lu Yi took a step forward and blocked in front of Han Cook, Lu Yi's hand muscles instantly expanded, layers of fine white hair appeared, accompanied by black markings, sharp nails flashed with cold light!

Lu Yi grabbed the galloping Jack one by one, and the floor under Lu Yi's feet instantly cracked, but Lu Yi did not take a step back, Lu Yi felt the huge impact from his arm, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he threw the huge Jack directly.

Jack's body collapsed several houses.

Jack stood up from the ruins, shook his head, and looked at Lu Yi, "You, is it the White Tiger Lu Yi?"

Lu Yi said, "Yes!" Are you Drought Jack?"

Without waiting for Jack to answer, Lu Yi said again, "What are you doing here, Kaido won't come, let you come and send you to death?" Quickly retreat and let Kaido come!"

Jack's eyes gradually became red, he shrank in size, turned into a half-beast form, and shouted to Lu Yi, "Who do you think I am!" I'm Lord Drought Jack!"

Lu Yi shook his head, moved his wrist, looked at the half-beast Jack, and began to be half-animalized himself, "Well, let's fight hard!"


Lu Yi threw aside Jack, who had been unconscious by himself, and said with disdain, "How dare you?"

"Who gave you the courage to let an animal Devil Fruit ancient species ability come to fight against a phantom beast species awakened ability!"

At this moment, a black and red shadow flashed in the sky, and Lu Yi's eyes flashed red, shouting, "Ember!?"

"Go back and tell Kaido that you want to deal with Lao Tzu and let him come by himself!"

After saying that, Lu Yi kicked Jack's body into the air, and Jack's body never fell again....

Lu Yi knew that Jack was 'saved' by Ember.


Ghost Island, surrounded by clouds of flames, a huge toothless pterosaur grabbed a figure on its claws and quickly flew towards Ghost Island.


Ember directly found Kaido, Kaido drank again, drank a lot more, and Ember guessed that the governor had another conflict with 'Yamato Young Master'.

"Ember? What's up? If it's okay, go out, don't disturb Lao Tzu to drink!"

Kaido glanced at the person who came and said to Ember.

Ember said in a deep voice, "Governor, Jack is not Lu Yi's opponent, he was hanged!"


Kaido slammed the table in front of him, and suddenly the wine glass shattered, "What about you!"

Ember said, "Although I hate to admit it, but... I'm no match for him either!"

Kaido snorted coldly, "It's okay, then I'll personally teach this kid a lesson!"

After that, Kaido changed his body and turned into a huge green dragon circling and flew towards the sky.


On the other side, Ra, Jinpei Guina followed Momonosuke and headed towards a mountain.

Luo asked softly, "Are you sure it's here?"

Momonosuke nodded, "This is it... This is...... The place where I was buried..." Slowly

, a dilapidated tile house appeared in front of Luo's eyes, and there were many wooden stakes standing in front of the tile house...

"Mitsuki Ota's Tomb!"

"The Tomb of Jinweimon

..." "The Tomb of Momonosuke Mitsuki...."

Luo slowly read the words on the stake.

Momonosuke smiled bitterly, "This is Izuka... Some people are suspended animation, just like me, Jinweimen, and some people are really dead... It's like my dad...."



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