Ayu sat in Ace's arms and rode the big yellow dog in the direction of the market town, Ayu raised his head and asked Ace, "Ace, can you tell me about the world outside the country of Wano?"

Ace shook his head, "Can't!"

Ayu pouted, "Why?"

Ace touched her head, "My words can't describe the beauty of the outside world, the world is very big, when I complete my vow, let's go see the world together!"

Ayu was stunned, and then happily threw himself into Ace's arms and nodded heavily.

"Tap, it's falling!"



On the way back, Ace carried a small bag of white rice, lying on the back of the big yellow dog, quietly looking at the sky, for a long time, Ace asked Ayu, "Ayu, you say, how long will it take us to change this country?"

Ayu smiled, "I don't know, my master said that many years ago, this country was still very rich, but after the new general took office, everything changed..." Ace's

eyes flashed red, raised his body, looked at a grass not far away, and asked Ayu nonchalantly, "Are you many bandits here?"

Ayu nodded heavily, "Jiuli, there are many bandits in the mountains, so we are taking a remote path, and the chance of encountering the bandits will be smaller!"

Ace tilted his head, "That's good.

After that, Ace's left hand was raised high, and an orange-yellow flame appeared out of thin air, and the next moment, the flame expanded rapidly, forming a fireball....

Ace raised the fireball and threw it at the grass, and the fireball exploded violently, and countless flames burst out, burning the dry grass...

"Ace, what are you doing?" Ayu asked Ace.

Ace smiled, "I see that the grass is a bit of a hindrance. "


Ayu nodded.


Suddenly, a familiar voice called Ace, and Ace heard this voice and shook, and slowly turned his head to look at the figure......


"Hahaha, Ace! It's really you!"

Lu Yi saw that Ace directly stretched out his hands to wrap around the legs of the big yellow dog, and turned into a spring to pounce on Ace!


Ace didn't have time to let out an exclamation, and was held by Luffy on the head, and the powerful inertia knocked Ace off the big yellow dog...

"Uh-huh....... Luffy! Tap! Can't breathe!"

Ace struggled to pull his head out of Luffy's arms and gasped and said to Luffy.

Luffy touched his hair and laughed, "Ace~ Why did you come to Wano Country!"

Ace was stunned, "I still have to ask you, why did you come to the country of Wano!?"

Luffy smiled, "I have a friend whose home is from Wano Country!" And....... I'm a little feuding with that Kaido guy!"

Ace was stunned and grabbed Luffy's face as usual, "How did you get into conflict with Kaido?"

Luffy shouted, "Pain, light, Ace!"

Ace looked at Luffy after throwing his hand, and Luffy said to Ace, "That Kaido guy is making artificial devil fruits!"

"What does that have to do with you?" Ace asked.

Luffy smiled, "But it has something to do with my friend!"

Ace looked at Luffy for a long time, and couldn't help sighing, "Alas, as you please~

" "In addition, the captain is also in the country of Wano, presumably if you have something, the captain will save you!" Ace said to Luffy.

"Is it Brother Lu?" Luffy asked in surprise.

Ace nodded, "Let's go, let's go back with me first!"

Luffy said happily, "But I still have a friend."

"Then a piece!" Ace said.

Lu Fei nodded, "Then you wait, I'll pick up my friend!"

Ace said, "Hurry up!"



Ace jumped again and jumped on the body of the big yellow dog, and Ayu asked Ace, "Ace, do you know him?"

Ace smiled, "He's my brother!"

"I'm his brother, and I didn't expect to meet him here!"

Ayu nodded.

It didn't take long for Luffy to run over with a little imp in a pink samurai robe.

"Luffy! Slow down!"

"Got it!"

Luffy's arm extended, and Ace grabbed Luffy's outstretched arm and jumped onto the back of the big yellow dog.

"Ace, that's my friend!'"

Ace glanced at Momonosuke and said, "How old are you?"

"Eight years old!"

Ace shook his head, "It's pitiful, it's bald at the age of eight!"

Momonosuke said seriously, "This is the 'samurai head' under the bottom, in addition, please introduce yourself under the bottom, under the kimyo, Mitsuki Momonosuke!"

Ace sighed and said, "I'm Ace, this is Ayu!"

Momonosuke held back his words and wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything, and was slapped firmly on the top of his head by Luffy...

"Hahahaha, Peach, this is my brother!"

Momonosuke: o(-'д ́-. What are you hitting me for!

Luffy said to himself, "Ace, he's from the Whitebeard Pirates!"


The Breaking Dawn stood next to the huge tree house, and Riku Yi was practicing swords with Gu Yina, they hadn't fought each other for a long time...

Gu Yina said to Lu Yi, "Lu Yi, your move is too blunt!"

"It's easy to find flaws!"

Lu Yi smiled, "It's okay, I'm not afraid of being flawed!"

Gu Yina's head streaked several black lines, indeed, Lu Yi, who had awakened from the White Tiger Fruit, no longer relied much on swordsmanship, and his strongest was his body!

Riku pointed behind him, "Ace, they're back!"

Gu Yina looked back, and sure enough, a big yellow dog galloped over, just...

"Lu Yi, why do I look at four people?"

The pupil focus in Lu Yi's eyes changed, and suddenly turned into vertical pupils, "Hiss~ Why is Luffy here, and Momonosuke!?"

Guina asked, "Luffy I know, who is Momonosuke?"

Lu Yi pouted, "It's just a cowardly lustful ghost!"

The big yellow dog stopped in front of Lu Yi, four people got down from the big yellow dog, Lu Yi looked at Lu Yi, "Captain Lu Yi!" Long time no see!"

Rikuichi nodded politely, and he glanced at Momonosuke, who was looking at Guina with excitement at this time!

Gu Yina felt the eyes of this little ghost, looked at Momonosuke vigilantly, and unconsciously held the hilt of the wooden sword with her right hand.

"Wow, this sister is so beautiful!"

Momonosuke put on an innocent and cute look and ran slowly towards Guina!

In Momonosuke's eyes, no woman would refuse a cute little child, and she could bury her face in Opai! Hey, hey....

With a crisp 'pop', the Koina wooden sword slammed into Momonosuke's face, pumping him away, along with one of his teeth...

Momonosuke was a little dazed despite the pain on his face, how is this not the same as his own script?

"Lu Yi, the concubine has made a meal, come and eat!"

Hancock got off the boat and grabbed Lu Yi's arm and said.

Momonosuke immediately became fascinated, this one is more beautiful, and Opai is bigger! I like it more! Hey

, hey, hey, hey! "Beautiful sister, my face hurts!"

Immediately, Momonosuke showed a pitiful expression and slowly ran towards Hancock!

Momonosuke thought, such a cute and pitiful child, a woman will pity it! It's just that Momonosuke didn't see the disgust in Hancock's eyes....

Hancock directly kicked Momonosuke into the air, "Hey, stinky man! Stay away from the concubine!''


Momonosuke covered his stomach and lay on the ground, foaming at the mouth, indicating that he was hurt... In the skills of the Straw Hat Pirates, two mistakes in a row............


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