With Blackbeard's death and Ace's rescue, the mission has been completed perfectly.

Lu Yi looked at the red dog in front of him, "Red dog, you can't either, His Majesty the Seven Wuhai has been killed under your noses!"

The red dog snorted coldly, and suddenly his body was full of red light, and he slashed at Lu Lu with a punch.

The corners of Lu Yi's mouth rose slightly, "Chi Inu, now you, the opponent is not me!"

As Lu Yi's words fell, a huge figure appeared in front of Lu Yi, and he smiled at Lu Yi, "Lu Yi, nice job!"

Lu Yi said, "It's still daddy who killed Blackbeard so quickly!"

Whitebeard's hand turned violently, and the blade shadow generated by the rapid rotation bounced off the endless magma.

Immediately, Whitebeard's other hand was covered with pitch black, and he directly grabbed the head of the red dog and pressed it to the ground...

The red dog coughed up a large mouthful of blood, and a huge gap opened in the ground under his head!

"Whitebeard, enough is enough!"

At this moment, the golden light flourished, and a huge fist slammed into Whitebeard, accompanied by layers of golden shockwaves...

Whitebeard laughed, "Sengoku!? Good to go!"

Immediately, Whitebeard clenched his fist, and a transparent light mask appeared on his fist, and he slammed into Sengoku!

Suddenly, the space shattered, the golden light flourished, the whitebeard took half a step back, and the Warring States took a step back!

Sengoku's golden face was full of anger, "Whitebeard, leave Marin Fandor!"

Whitebeard laughed, "Kula la la, you want to behead Ace, but now you want us to leave safely and unharmed, dreaming?"

As Whitebeard's words fell, another voice came, "Whitebeard, leave Marin Fando!"

"Otherwise, the old man will make a move!"

Whitebeard looked behind him, Karp slowly stood up, turned to look at Whitebeard and said.

Sengoku showed a hint of a smile, Karp, this old guy... Seriously, it's still so reassuring!

Whitebeard laughed, "Ku la la la, let the old man try this legendary naval hero!"

Whitebeard punched Karp, Karp took a step back, and Whitebeard also took a step back! The two are evenly matched!

Whitebeard laughed and looked at Karp, "I didn't expect you old guy to be so strong!"

Karp didn't speak, just looked at Whitebeard, but his fists clenched tighter!

Lu Yi walked slowly to the front of the Warring States and said to the Warring States, "Marshal of the Warring States, presumably your fruit has also awakened, the same phantom beast species, you know how difficult I am, so....... Don't meddle in Daddy's fight!"

Sengoku snorted coldly, and after the crazy calculations of his brain, all the factors that were beneficial to the navy were counted ....... The Navy is going to lose!


The red dog on the side, the collapsed pupils gradually regained focus, he stumbled to his feet, step by step towards the white beard, and his arm began to emit smoke....

"Stop, General Akainu!"

Suddenly, Akainu heard a scream, and Akainu slowly looked at the person who screamed, wearing a navy uniform, but he had never seen it!

Kebi then hissed, "General Akainu, look around....... If you continue to fight, you will increase more casualties!"

Around, pirates and navy were killed and injured, and the blood flowing from the corpses even stained the ice red...

"Who are you?"

Akainu asked hoarsely.

Kebi straightened his chest, "Navy, Kebi!"

"You also know you're a naval soldier!" Suddenly, the red dog roared!" You TM look around! It's the pirates fighting our navy!"

"In addition, the old man is a general, you... Don't pair the old man to point fingers yet!"

"Get out of the way!"

Kirby closed his eyes and didn't get out of the way.

The red dog snorted coldly, "Then, kill you deserter first!"

A tear flowed from the corner of Kebi's eyes, and his body trembled wildly... It's just that as the burning sensation becomes more powerful, I never feel the pain of magma burning the body!

Kebi's eyes opened a slit, and he saw an additional figure in front of him that was not very strong...

Shanks holds the magma fist of the Cryphin in his hand to block the red dog...

Shanks turned to Kirby and said, "Well done, young navy!"

Immediately Shanks flicked the red dog away with a knife, and then he was overlord-colored domineering, accompanied by his voice, "This farce should stop!"

"If anyone is going to fight....... Come on, our red-haired pirate group will accompany you to the end!"

Whitebeard looked at Shanks and laughed, "Kula la la, boy, I didn't expect the little ghost back then to grow to this point!"

Shanks turned to Whitebeard and said, "Stop this farce! Your whitebeard's purpose has been achieved..." Then

Shanks said to the Warring States, "Marshal of the Warring States, this farce should really stop!"


With the arrival of Shanks, the Navy and Whitebeard stop fighting, and eventually, Whitebeard makes a mysterious agreement with Shanks and the Navy, and the Whitebeard Pirates leave Marin Fandor!

This all-out war of the Whitebeard Pirates, as well as the Navy, ended with the victory of Whitebeard....

The Great Passage, above the wide sea, two ships side by side, one is a whale ship with a white beard, the other is a ship of red-haired Shanks....

On the Whitebeard Pirates, a grand banquet is being held, and surprisingly, there is also Renly who participated in the banquet!

When Whitebeard fights the navy, Kaido, who is also the Four Emperors, makes an alliance with Aunt and invades Whitebeard's territory!

Because in their opinion, the Whitebeard Pirates will definitely be greatly injured in this battle....

Only, they ran into Shanks and Renly and stopped their attack!

Renly swallowed a large gulp of wine and said to Whitebeard, "Whitebeard, now I don't owe you favors..." Then Renly

looked at Ace, and Shanks also looked at Ace...

Ace was uncomfortable being watched, and he showed a reluctant smile..."Two of you, what have you been looking at me for?"

Renly immediately laughed, "Hahahaha, you really don't look like Roger, but like your mother!"

Ace asked with some hesitation, "Can you tell me about my father and mother?"

Reilly took a sip of wine, and memories flashed in his eyes, "Your father, hahaha, Roger is a big bastard!" As for your mother, he was a great woman!"

Lu Yi looked at Ace's embarrassment in front of him, and looked at Luffy, who was eating crazy, and quickly grabbed Ace's shoulder, and he smiled apologetically at Shanks and Renly, "I'm sorry, I didn't interrupt on purpose, but Luffy was choking to death, and I need Ace, the brother, to watch him!"

Shanks smiled, he glanced at Luffy who ate meat without spitting out bones, anyone could choke to death, but Luffy wouldn't, what a clumsy excuse!

Renly laughed, "Hahahaha, this stinky boy!"

It's just that Lu Yi has already taken Ace out of the 'battlefield'!

Suddenly, after Ace left, Shanks felt a gaze, and he looked at Renly, "Mr. Renly, what do you want to do?"

Reilly smiled and grabbed Shanks' shoulder, "Okay, even the deputy captain doesn't call out, speaking of... We haven't seen each other for a long time, come, accompany me for a drink!"


Ace looked at Rikuichi gratefully, "Thank you, Captain!"

Lu Yi waved his hand and quietly said to Ace, "You help me socialize, I'm tired, go back to rest!"

"But how can you, as a phantom beast species devil fruit ability, be tired?" Ace said, "Not to mention you're awakening!"

Lu Yi said, "It's not important..." Saying

that, Lu Yi pushed Ace to another table, "Mr.

Beckman, this is Ace~" Beckman looked at Ace with a smile that he thought was kind, "Is this the child of One Piece Roger?"

Marco slapped the table, "That's, come, drink and drink!"

Ace looked at the large bowl of wine that Marko poured for himself, and glanced at Lu Yi, who had slipped away quietly, his eyes full of resentment...

After three rounds of drinking, Marko asked Ace with a confused glar, "Uh, what about Rikuichi?" Hiccup~

" Ace said lying on the table, "I don't know, I hope he fell into the sea~"


Outside, Lu Yi was blowing a calm sea breeze, looking at the full moon in the distance, his mood was actually very flat...

"Lu Yi, what are you doing here?" Suddenly, Hancock's voice came....

Rikuichi looked at Han Cook behind him in surprise, "Why did you come out?"

Hancock pouted, "The concubine saw that you came out, so she followed out~"

Lu Yi smiled and hugged Hancock into his arms, and the two looked at the sea so calmly......

Nothing happened, in fact, Lu Yi wanted something to happen, but there were too many masters on the ship, in case they got drunk and saw the domineering and violent departure, it would be bad to spy on what should not be spied on.......

Late at night, after Lu Yi sent Hancock back to his room, he also returned to his room, which was his room on the Moby Dick, but Riku still liked to live on the Daybreak...

Lu Yi pushed open the door, the fruit on the table emitted a faint fragrance, although Lu Yi did not live often, but there would still be someone to replenish fruits and other things regularly.

Lu Yigang wanted to sleep, and suddenly, he saw a purple pineapple... That's right, it's a purple pineapple, where is the pineapple purple, Lu Yi immediately picked up the pineapple.......

The pineapple is lilac, and the strange threads are neatly arranged, exuding a mysterious atmosphere....

"Devil Fruit~" Lu Yi put it down and was about to go to sleep, suddenly, his closed eyes opened sharply, looking at the lilac Devil Fruit......

The Dark Fruit !!

Isn't this the devil fruit that Blackbeard dreamed of, and actually appeared next to him after Blackbeard's death...

Lu Yi was speechless when he looked at this powerful fruit, if he hadn't had the White Tiger Fruit... I'm afraid I'll eat this fruit myself!

Wait, suddenly, Lu Yi's pupils shrank, and he thought of a terrible thought... But this idea was extinguished by Lu Yi in an instant...

Lu Yi carefully put away the devil fruit and put it in his room, and in the dark, Lu Yi felt... This fruit will play a major role someday in the future!


The next day, Shanks had already left, and it was worth mentioning that after Renly drank too much, he pointed to Luffy and said that he was gifted and wanted to accept him as a disciple...

And after Renly sobered up, he learned what he said, embarrassed to repent, and then in Luffy's violent resistance, Renly knocked Luffy unconscious and carried him to the Chambord Islands....

Lu Yi was embarrassed after hearing this, worthy of Rayleigh, in addition, is this the repair power of the world's horror, so that everything that happened sailed towards the trajectory that should have happened.


Lu Yi looked at Ace often in a daze on the bow of the boat, Marco elbowed

Lu Yi, "Go and ask what's going on, you are his captain~" Lu Yi shrugged his shoulders and slowly walked towards Ace, "Hey, what's on your mind, why have you been in a daze~

" Ace was stunned, saw clearly that it was Lu Yi, sighed, and said to Lu Yi, "Captain, I may have to leave for a while, just go out and wander away for a while, and I still have an agreement that has not been fulfilled."

Lu Yi glanced at Ace, and Ace said again, "I once went to a place before I joined the Whitebeard Pirates... The people of that place, everyone has not enough to eat, everyone has no clothes to wear, and they can't

even drink clean water..." Then Ace said, "But their so-called nobles drink clean water, eat white rice and even meat..." Ace

slowly stood up, "I promised them a little girl, I would liberate that country!"

"Let everyone be able to eat and everyone be able to wear warm clothes!"

"That place is called Wano Country!'"

"So when are you going to go?" Lu Yi asked Ace, "And how are you going to go?"

Ace scratched his hair, "I haven't thought about it yet!"

Lu Yi smiled, "Do you want to take the Daybreak!"

Ace's eyes lit up after listening to this, "Captain...."

Rikuichi patted him on the shoulder, "We are a squad, besides, without me as a captain, what if you are captured?"

"And, don't be so selfish~ Let's be the hero of the second team to save the country!"

The corners of Ace's mouth rose slightly and nodded, "Hmm!"




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