On the Moby Dick, Whitebeard looked at Lu Yi, who came back alone, and a bad feeling surged in his heart, "What about Ace?"


"Why, can't you beat Blackbeard?" Marko heard a little impatient and asked Rikuichi.

Lu Yi sighed, "Not only does he have a black beard, but also....... Red Dog!"

Whitebeard immediately asked, "What, Tichy cooperated with the Navy?!

Lu Yi said coldly, "Tichy said the identity of Ace, the bereaved son of One Piece Roger!"

After listening to this, Whitebeard did not speak, but from his gloomy face and the bruises on his forehead, he knew that he was in a bad mood now!

"Then how did you escape from the red dog?" Marko asked.

Lu Yi smiled bitterly, and the mountain-like Gengjin Qi behind him emerged, turning into a tiger lying in the air, "My white tiger fruit, awaken!"


Marko was shocked, he was also a phantom beast species demon fruit ability, he knew how difficult it was to awaken!

Whitebeard beckoned, interrupted Marko and Lu Yi's conversation in this regard, and asked Lu Yi, "Then how is your strength now?"

Lu Yi clenched his fists and said, "It's enough to match the general!"

Whitebeard nodded, "Well, our Whitebeard Pirates have not made any big moves for a long time, it's time to let the world know the majesty of our Whitebeard again!"

Lu Yi asked, "Go to the undersea prison to rescue Ace?"

Whitebeard shook his head, "No, the navy won't attack Ace, I know that old fox in the Warring States, he will definitely use 'kill the One Piece Queen' to create momentum for the navy!"

Lu Yi's eyes became a little cold, "Then go to Marin Fando to pick up (grab) Ace and go home!"

As expected, soon after, the Navy announced all over the world that a month later in Marin Fandor, the pirates of One Piece, Gore, D, Ace!, would be executed in public

The news caused an uproar around the world.


Lu Yi has been familiar with the power of the White Tiger Fruit after awakening, and Lu Yi even found that even if he fell into the sea... I won't be as weak as before.

The almost immortal vitality and recovery ability allow Lu Yi to be better hardened with people.

One day, Hancock said to Lu Yi, Amazon Lily broke into a man, Lu Yi smiled, "Don't let your people hurt him, he's Ace's brother!"

Hancock smiled and answered.

Along with the news of Ace's execution, the female emperor Han Cook, one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, was 'dismissed', and the new sea thief, 'Blackbeard, Marshall, D, and Tichy took over as the new King Qiwuhai'.

Two days later, Riku met Jinping, who had returned, and one of the things on the ground after Jinping boarded the ship was to ask Rikuichi, "Ace was executed a month later?"

Riku nodded and said to Jinping, "We'll go and save Ace then!"

Jinping nodded, "Do you need the old man to do something?"

Lu Yi thought for a while and said, "Yes, you go to the Amazon Lily, go to a man named Luffy, tell him the news that Ace is going to be executed, and by the way, bring him to Advance City using the identity of your Majesty Qiwu Sea!"

Jinping nodded, and then took a small boat to the Amazon lily.

Hancock asked Rikuichi, "Is Ace's brother strong?"

Lu Yi said, "Not strong!"

"Then why inform him? Aren't you afraid of him dying?

Lu Yi smiled, "His name is Monchi, D, Luffy, grandfather is naval hero Karp, and father is the leader of the revolutionary army, Dragon, so, he will not die!"

Another point is the original protagonist aura. Moreover, Luffy, who does not experience the war on top, will not grow!


Far away Marin Fandor, Karp drank bottle after bottle of wine, but he was never drunk.

Sengoku slowly walked towards Karp, "Karp, I hope that in the next battle, you will make your position clear!"

Karp smiled indifferently, "Don't worry, the old man is a soldier first!"

Sengoku took a deep look at Karp and left, and as Sengoku left, he also said, "Karp, drink less!"

After the Warring States left, Karp's indifferent smile slowly dissipated from the corners of his mouth, and he poured another large gulp of wine, muttering to himself.

"Ace, you bastard, why don't you listen to the old man, why do you have to be a pirate?"

"Why, is it bad to be a navy, what a bastard!"

Karp took another large gulp of wine, and a tear slipped from the corner of his eye, "Yes, bad people don't deserve sympathy, but........ What about family? "


The Whitebeard Pirates are integrating the available combat power, waiting for a month to fight with the Navy, the Navy is also frantically looking for available combat power, the Warring States know that there will be a battle with the Whitebeard Pirate Group!

Because, Ace is not Whitebeard's crew, he is Whitebeard's family!


When the time came for Ace to be executed, Ace was chained and carried to the execution table.

His body was wrapped around dark chains made of sea lou stone, making him weak and unable to escape and elementalize.

Marin Fandor was on alert on the island at this time, Warring States and Karp stood on a high platform, watching the audience, Karp never dared to raise his head to look at Ace on the execution table!

Karp is only wearing white clothes today, and there is no heavy 'justice' cloak behind him.

Sengoku took everything into account, but he didn't say anything.

At the highest place, there are three chairs, and the three generals of the navy, the highest combat effectiveness, sit on the chairs.

The red dog is in the center, the yellow ape is on the left, and the green pheasant is on the right, and the three people sit neatly on the high platform, overlooking the entire Marin Fando.

Below, there is the Vice Admiral and His Majesty the Seven Warriors!

Hawkeye Mihawk, Blackbeard Tichy, Sand Crocodile Klockdar, Doflamingo, Moonlight Moria, Sea Hero Jinping, and Tyrant Bear are the seven kings of the Seven Wuhai.

However, there is no trace of life in the bear's eyes. It's like a robot and lifeless.

Further down is the protective wall of giant navy soldiers and ordinary navy soldiers.

Outside of Marin Fandor, three huge whale ships were slowly moving, heading towards Marin Fandor, Whitebeard, and sixteen captains of the team led by Marco Luichi stood on the bow of the Moby Dick.

Whitebeard looked at the huge island in front of him and smiled, and then Whitebeard half-crouched, grabbed the air with both hands, as if the whole world was trembling, and two huge tsunamis seemed to drown the entire Marin Fando.

The green pheasant sighed, jumped into the air, shot out two cold currents with both hands, and the next moment, the huge tsunami stopped in the air as if it was frozen.

The whitebeard laughed, and with another punch, the green pheasant instantly became elemental, but the ice cube he turned into was still covered with cracks and fell into the sea...

The moment the body of the green pheasant touched the sea, the entire sea surface turned into a world of ice! Seeing this, Marko quickly waved his wings and flew towards the pheasant, full of immortal fire entangled, a phoenix seal kicked on the pheasant, and the pheasant turned into ice again....

In front of Marin Fandor Square, there is a huge bay in the shape of a half-moon, which seems to be specially prepared for the Whitebeard Pirates, and as the Whitebeard Pirates come in, the Sengoku arm makes a knife!

Three huge whale boats actually plunged into the half-moon-shaped bay along the ice...

A thick wall slowly rises around the bay, as if trying to trap the Whitebeard Pirates inside and close the door to fight dogs.

At this moment, with a roar, an incomparably huge figure stepped on the sea water and walked straight towards Ace.

He is huge, strange-looking, with fangs, pale green skin and thick red hair, and is the leader of the Oz Pirates, Oz!

It is an ancient giant race, several times larger than the giant race, and is a descendant of the demon Oz!

"Ace..." Oz

watched Ace walk in Ace's direction.

Ace knelt on the execution table, looking at the white-bearded pirate group, tears streaming down his eyes, "Daddy....... Captain........ Oz.........................

As if hearing Ace's voice, Oz smiled, revealing his ugly fangs...

"Hey, hahahahaha...," Moonlight Moriah pointed at Oz and laughed, "Kill him, his body is mine!"

"Don't worry, no one will rob you," Doflamingo smiled disdainfully and said to Moonlight Moriah.

Moonlight Moria didn't know where to take out a huge pair of scissors, rushed towards Oz, and cut towards Oz's shadow, "Hey, hahahaha, your shadow and corpse are mine!"

Just when Moria was about to cut the shadow of Oz, suddenly, Moonlight Moria spewed out a large mouthful of blood, flew out upside down, and even the scissors came out!

Moonlight Moria 'wow' spit out countless 'shadows', he looked at the white-haired figure that appeared vigilantly, Moonlight Moria gritted his teeth, "White Tiger Lu Yi!"

Lu Yi stepped out of power, instantly completed the half-beast, his figure appeared in front of Moria, Lu Yi wrapped his tail around Moria's waist, and his fists smashed on Moria's body like a storm...

A moment later, Lu Yi threw Moria, who was unconscious like a dead dog, to the side of His Majesty's Seven Wuhai, and Moonlight Moria's body was entangled in transparent silk threads and fell steadily to the ground.

Mingo looked at Moria's miserable situation and couldn't help but pout, "Lu Yi is really fierce."

"Why, are you going?" Jinping teased.

Doflamingo smiled and said, "Ferferfer, forget it, I don't want to fight that shark star." Lu

Yi looked at the rising wall, and the next moment countless Gengjin Qi emerged behind Lu Yi, and the Gengjin Qi turned into a cloud-patterned spear, which exploded a wall and shattered it with one blow.

"Oz, you go stop all the giants!"

Oz was stunned for a moment, nodded, and stepped on the broken wall to intercept all the giants of the navy, the giants are huge, but Oz's size is even bigger than the giants!

No one noticed that an extremely thin silk thread quickly cut towards Oz's calf like a blade.

With a sound, the imaginary Oz's calf was cut off without happening, and an equally inaudible golden aura intercepted the silk thread.

Lu Yi's eyes flashed red, and he looked at Doflamingo, who was implicated in the flying clouds.

Doflamingo laughed, "Furfer, it's been discovered~

" Lu Yi said, "I owe you a personal favor, don't fight you!"

Doflamingo was stunned, then laughed, "Then I have to thank you again!"

Just as Doflamingo was laughing, Lu Yi's golden qi flew up, dispersing all the clouds in the sky, and Mingo slowly fell on the ice...

He just wanted to turn around and speak, but suddenly felt bad, looked back sharply, but found that Diamond Joz was shining, rushing towards him like a tank...

(Diamond fruit is also called shiny fruit.)

Doflamingo didn't even have time to react, and was knocked away by the fast-charging Joz, and the huge force even made Doflamingo spit out a mouthful of blood!

"Your opponent is me!" Joz shouted, and five silk threads of different colors appeared in Doflamingo's hand, wrapped around Joz, but could not cut his diamond body at all....

Bista stood on the whale boat and shouted at the Whitebeard Pirates, "Rush, follow Oz and kill Marin Fandor!"

After that, Bista pulled out his double swords and rushed towards the battlefield, only to stop Bista with a turquoise sword light!

Bista's eyes narrowed, "Hawkeye, Mihawk!"

Hawkeye's flat voice came out, "Just let me, be your opponent!"

Bista laughed loudly, "Well, I also want to see the strength of the world's number one sword hao!"


Bista's sword moves are named after flowers, and with the petals of a rose falling, Bista's sword and Hawkeye's sword continue to collide rapidly.

Bista will have petals fall, and Hawkeye will always only use the general attack to strike the turquoise sword...



Suddenly, a loud sound came from the air, attracting everyone's attention.

Ace was stunned, and then shouted, "Luffy!? Why are you here?"

Karp was stunned, looking at his grandson who fell from the air, he couldn't help but feel a pain in his brain, one by two, did not listen to the old man, to be some kind of pirate.......

Sengoku was also stunned, looking at Karp, his eyes seemed to be silently saying, "Look at your two good grandsons..."

Jinping exerted strength under his feet, jumped up directly and caught Luffy firmly and fell to the ground.

"Thank you, Boss Fishman!" Luffy smiled and said to Jinping.



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