Magnetic Drum Island,

covered with ice and snow all year round, used to be a medical country, and after Rikuichi killed Wapole, Magnetic Drum Island was not governed, so because the captain of the guard who was imprisoned against Vapole was released, he returned to the big flag, and Magnetic Drum Island was renamed, Cherry Blossom Kingdom!

Lu Yi and Ace were extremely tightly wrapped, both wearing wide black cloaks, hiding their faces in the shadows of the huge hoods.

Ace asked Rikuichi, "Captain, why did you come to Magnetic Drum Island?"

Lu Yi smiled and said softly, "Intuition!"

Ace: God's intuition...

However, as a member of Lu Yi's team, Ace will not go against what Lu Yi decides.

Ace followed behind Lu Yi and couldn't help but ask him, "Captain, where are you going?"

Lu Yi said flatly, "Find a place to live for a while." In

this way, Lu Yi and Ace rented a house and lived on Magnetic Drum Island, and everyone around them also knew that there were two strange people here, and every time they came out, they wore big cloaks, in the perennial snowy environment of Magnetic Drum Island, wearing a cloak is nothing, but after three months of coming, the neighbors have never seen their faces....... It's a bit too much to say.

However, they saw that Lu Yi and the two were just strange, so they didn't have the leisure to sue the officials...

Lu Yi has been coming to Magnetic Drum Island with Ace for three months, and I don't know when Tiqi will come to Magnetic Drum Island again, after all, in the original work, he came to Magnetic Drum Island two years ago in the Top War.......

In terms of time... Almost.......

One silent night, Rikuichi woke Riku from his sleep with the sound of a cannon, and he suddenly opened his eyes to wake Ace up.

"Tichy, here it comes!"

After Lu Yi said this, he put on a black robe and went out, and seeing this, Ace also quickly put on a black robe and followed Lu Yi.


A densely populated area on Maggu Island.

Lu Yi stood on a high place and looked indifferently at the Blackbeard Pirate Group below who was 'slaughtering'.

Blackbeard has only been gone for less than half a year, and his ambitions are undoubtedly exposed, and the difference in his unchanged outfit is that he also has a short beard.

In addition, in addition to Blackbeard, he found four members in a short period of time!

One uses a pistol and cane as a weapon, wears a black top hat, and is dressed as a theatrical character. The "Devil's Sheriff" 'Rafitte!


There is also a look that is always terminally ill and dying. He led an equally thin horse, "Grim Reaper" "Poison Q!


There is also a long purple hair and a purple beard. A strong man wearing a wrestler mask. Zishas Buster.

Then there's Van Oka, who carries a spear!

Riku pointed to Blackbeard, as well as Buster, and Lafitte, and said flatly, "The three of them, it's mine!"

Ace shrugged his shoulders helplessly and said, "Then I can only deal with the rest of the people!"

After that, Ace turned into flames and fell! The pretense effect is full!

Lu Yi also rushed down towards Blackbeard!

"Dragon Claw Hand!"

Lu Yi appeared directly in front of Blackbeard, and the pitch-black dragon claw grabbed the stomach of Blackbeard who did not react, leaving three holes trickling blood.


Blackbeard yelled as he rolled on the ground.

The corner of Lu Yi's mouth skimmed, "The one who wants your life!"

Blackbeard looked at Lu Yi and listened to Lu Yi's familiar voice, "Captain Lu Yi? Hahahaha, we haven't seen each other for half a year, and you don't have to kill your team members!"

Rikuichi looked at Blackbeard, "You're not my team member anymore!"

After speaking, Lu Yi slowly pulled out the first generation of ghosts from behind him! Blackbeard was shocked when he saw this, "Buster, Lafitte, stop him!"

The corners of Lu Yi's mouth rose slightly, and he cut off Buster's arm with a backhand, he yelled in pain on the ground, and with another knife, cut off Lafitte's crutches!

Lu Yi's strength and the tenacity and sharpness of the original Oni Che are basically slashing everything!

Lafitte swallowed a mouthful of spit, withdrew to Blackbeard's side, and said to Blackbeard, "Boss, what kind of monster is this!?"

The corner of Blackbeard's mouth twitched, "He's the captain of Whitebeard's second team!"

Immediately, Blackbeard looked at Lu Yi with hot eyes, "Captain! Follow me, your strength, my ambition, one day, we will rule the world!"

I have to say that Blackbeard is amazingly frank, and in just a short time, the scar on his abdomen has almost healed. It's just that there is still a faint black smoke coming out.

Lu Yi snorted, and then slashed at Blackbeard, and a purple sword slashed at Blackbeard, "You deserve it too?"

Blackbeard laughed, and a black vortex appeared in front of him, and Lu Yi's sword radiance was actually absorbed into it!

Blackbeard laughed, "Hahahaha, captain, the current me is different from the previous me!" Moreover, people's dreams have no end! What's wrong with me chasing my dreams?"

"You shouldn't have killed Saatchi!"

Blackbeard sighed, "I don't want to kill him either!" It's just that...... The fault is that he found the Fruit of Darkness!"

"I lurked in the Whitebeard Pirates for so many years in search of this legendary fruit............. Dark Fruit!"

Lu Yi smiled disdainfully, "You know what, you are no different from before in my eyes!"

"Because, you're no match for me!"


On the other side, when Poison Q and Van Oka were about to go to help Blackbeard, a pillar of fire fell from the sky, and Ace's figure slowly revealed, "Your opponent, it's me!"

Without saying a word, Van Oka raised the gun, aimed, and shot at Ace, but the bullet penetrated his body.

Poison Q spoke half-deadly, "He is a Devil Fruit ability of the natural department, to cover the domineering!"

Van Oka's did not respond to the poison Q, but he silently coated his gun with a layer of armed color domineering.

Poison Q laughed, "So, that's right, he~" Then Poison Q

said to Van Oka, "

Van Oka, you go to the back, shoot support!" I'll play with this kid!"

"Can you?" Van Orka asked rarely.

"Hehe, you have to trust the old man~" Poison Q said slowly to Van Oka.

Van Oka nodded and slowly retreated to the back.

Seeing this, Ace wanted to intercept Van Oka first, but Poison Q whistled at this time, "Strong, stop him!"

Immediately, the half-dead horse stood in front of Ace, who smiled disdainfully, "Find death!"

"Hotaru, Fire Dharma!"

Ace turned into palms with both hands, and suddenly countless glowing green 'fireflies' floated near Poison Q, and finally covered Poison Q's side, and wanted to explode!

Seeing this, Zhuang Zhuang directly kicked Poison Q's hoof out of the explosion range of the firefly, and Poison Q coughed up a mouthful of blood, "Zhuang Zhuang, are you so ruthless?"

The corner of Ace's mouth twitched, but he didn't expect to be played by a horse... Then, kill the horse first!


At this time, a pitch-black bullet spun at Ace at high speed, and the corners of Aston's mouth rose slightly, shouting,

"Fire Fist!!"

Suddenly, Ace's arm turned into a high temperature and burned to the flames, and then let his arm stretch out to attack the opponent with a flame punch and shoot in the direction of 'strong', melting the bullet by the way...

The flames passed strong, scorched black, and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Poison Q wailed, "Zhuang Zhuang~" Then Poison Q

looked at Ace with a resentful look in his eyes, "

Zhuang Zhuang hasn't practiced yet?" Now it's time to practice again!"

I saw Poison Q patted the strong neck, and the next moment, the horse's mouth opened, and black smoke came out of it....

No, it was a bug the size of dust, and with the bug flying out, the strong body and the breath of life quickly shriveled away...

Poison Q looked at Ace with some resentment, "Just let you see, my results!"

The next moment, countless black flying insects flew towards Ace, seemingly wanting to engulf Ace!

Eddie smiled disdainfully, "Let the flames wash away your sins!"

"Yan Shangzuna!"

With a wave of Ace's hands, countless flames shot out, and a fiery wall of fire appeared, crackling countless black insects burning thunderbolts...

Immediately, he raised his hands high, and countless flames converged, converging into a huge burning sphere...

At this time, Ace's hand was as dazzling as holding a hot burning sun...

''Yanjie Yandi''

This is a reduced version of the power of the Great Yanjie Yandi, but it is enough to deal with poison Q!

The 'sun' set, dispelling the black mist, and the huge sun enveloped Poison Q's body, and he struggled in flames... It ended up in ashes!

And Van Oka, seeing that the situation was not good, had already fled, and as a qualified sniper, he was calm at all times!

On the other side, after the black vortex summoned by Blackbeard absorbed Lu Yi's sword qi, he laughed and said to Lu Yi, "This is the power I pursue, the Dark Fruit!"

"This is known as the most vicious ability in the history of the Devil Fruit, with the infinite gravity of a black hole." Blackbeard said proudly, "The power to suck everything that comes into contact with darkness and compress and smash it with unlimited power!"

Blackbeard clenched his fists, reveling in the power....

Lu Yi shook his head disdainfully, "Conceit, rashness, is your biggest weakness!"

Telling the 'opponent' the ability of the Devil Fruit is conceited!

Blackbeard laughed, "With such a powerful force, how can I hide it myself?" It deserves to be famous in the sea!"

"Besides..." Blackbeard said, "Aren't you also relying on your phantom beast demon fruit?"

Lu Yi sneered, "I'm different from you?"

Rikuichi inserted the original Oni Toru back behind him and said to Blackbeard.

Blackbeard laughed, "What's different?"

Lu Yi's body grew white hair, and instantly turned into a half-beast form, he rushed towards Blackbeard, put a palm on his head, and pressed his head into the soil, "My fruit is in exchange for life!"

Rikuichi's speed was so fast that Blackbeard didn't even react.

"Hahahaha, Captain Lu Yi, it hurts, it hurts..." Blackbeard shouted in pain, but a strange black mist appeared on his hand, "But, Captain Lu Yi, you have been recruited!"

Immediately afterwards, Blackbeard grabbed Lu Yi's arm, and suddenly, black smoke covered Lu Yi's whole body, and the next moment, Lu Yi's white hair dissipated, and the semi-animalized form was forced to retreat to his adult form!

"Hahahaha, the Devil Fruit has no effect in front of me!" Blackbeard laughed loudly, saying that he slowly stood up and looked at Lu Yi.

Lu Yi felt that he had lost contact with the white tiger fruit in his body, and this feeling was not like the feeling of powerlessness that sank into the sea, but... As if he had never eaten the devil fruit, he could not sense the power of the 'devil' in his body.

Although Blackbeard was extremely embarrassed at this time, he laughed extremely wildly.

The corners of Lu Yi's mouth rose slightly, "Tichy, I said, conceit and rashness are your biggest weaknesses!"

After speaking, Lu Yi backhanded his arm away, and the moment he broke free of his arm, Lu Yi felt the ability of the demon fruit in his body, and his nails quickly turned into sharp blades, cutting four bloody scars on Blackbeard's chest...

Blackbeard suddenly shouted in pain, Lu Yi's physical skills are also very good!

A fireball struck, instantly flashing to Blackbeard's face, Blackbeard forced the pain and sacrificed a round of black vortex...

Suddenly, the flames were swallowed up.


Lu Yi looked at Ace, and Ace made a completed gesture to Lu Yi!

Then Lu Yi looked at Blackbeard, "Are you ready to die now?"

Blackbeard's face was very ugly, and Buster slowly walked behind Blackbeard with his broken arm, and Rafaite also walked behind Blackbeard.

Blackbeard looked at Rikuichi and Ace, "Captain, Ace, we will meet again!"

Lu Yi's right eyelid jumped wildly, and suddenly he was half-beast and wanted to intercept Blackbeard, but Blackbeard laughed, and suddenly, countless black smoke appeared, greedily devouring everything around, and even the moment the smoke touched Lu Yi, Lu Yi lost the ability to fruit again.

Ace's flame is also, can not break through the black hole with infinite gravity...

For a long time, the black fog dispersed, but the figure of Blackbeard had long disappeared!

Lu Yi of Yu angrily hammered the ground, "Blackbeard, next time, I will definitely kill you!"

In fact, Blackbeard is very deeply hidden, his strength is not only what it seems, even, in the case of one by one, it is difficult for Lu Yi to kill or even defeat Blackbeard who has the dark fruit!

Ace soothed Lu Yi, "Captain, it's okay, I'll kill one of them!"


"A sick old man on a horse!"


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