(Explanation, suddenly joining the Whitebeard Pirates is indeed a little abrupt, but this is not my whim, but I thought about writing it when I opened this book, the general idea is to join the Whitebeard Pirates in the middle and late stages, otherwise, the top war cannot be brainless to save Ace for no reason, and the plot of Blackbeard and so on, soon, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow will be the top war.) )


White cracks appeared out of thin air from the space, the entire water surface vibrated violently, and the huge lanternfish rarely showed a touch of fear, and dived to the bottom with a painful cry.

Whitebeard smiled disdainfully, looked at the gradually calming water, and beckoned, "Kula la la, it's all dispersed~"

Back in the room, Lu Yi knocked a piece from pure gold with the original Oni Toru, and then found someone to make a ring and give it to Whitebeard.

Whitebeard felt like something was 'locked' in his body, but it felt good.

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed, everything is calm, since Whitebeard declared his territory in the world, no one dares to cause trouble with Alabastan, that is, the world government, as if it is afraid of Whitebeard, did not harass Alabastan again.

Whitebeard asked Lu Yi which team he was willing to join, and Lu Yi said that the 'second team' caused everyone to ridicule, "I see that your kid is not ambitious, do you know that the second team does not have a captain, and you want to compete for the captain?" Hahahahaha..." Lu

Yi just smiled and did not reply.


During this period, Lu Yi also saw his bounty, after the battle of 'Sand', his bounty was no longer a pitiful more than 100 million Bailey, but a crazy rise to 900 million Bailey, and in one event, the bounty rose by more than 700 million.

Hancock's bounty has also increased from 88 million to 300 million Bailey, it is worth mentioning that Hancock's identity as the boss of the fishman 'His Majesty the Seven Wuhai' has not been canceled, it may be to be left until after the autumn to settle the account.

Jinping's bounty also increased by 100 million.

Gu Yina didn't make a move, but he also had a reward, 30 million Bailey, which may have been given entirely for the sake of Lu Yi or 'Whitebeard's face.

To Lu Yi's surprise, Luo's bounty turned out to be 70 million Bailey, because Luo's suspected Devil Fruit ability with the 'space' attribute was a big threat, so it was set higher.

This made Luo proud for a long time, and he thought about calling Corazon to show off, but since he thought that Corazon was the navy, his eyes darkened, he was a pirate...


The sea breeze drifted slightly, and one or two seagulls landed on the boat, which means that it is not far from land.

Suddenly, a blue flame fell on the Daybreak, turning into Marko's appearance, he hung his dead fish eyes and snapped, smiled and asked Lu Yi in Lu Yi's ear, "Hey, Lu Yi, do you want to compete for the captain of the second team?"

Then Marco glanced at the few people on the Daybreak and praised, "You kid is really blessed, with the world's first beauty, and the help of Sea Hero Jinping, if you become the captain of the second team, you can bring them into the second team."

Lu Yi thought about it and nodded.

Marko was overjoyed, "Let's go, let's go to the Moby Dick first!"

Immediately, Lu stepped on the golden wind and followed the blue immortal bird to the Moby Dick.

After Lu Yi fell, he was shocked to see that the captain of the ship was almost here, and the smiling figure of Tichy, who was eating a cherry pie and following behind the captain of the fourth team, Saatchi.

Feelings they are waiting for themselves? Lu Yi was a little grateful.

Whitebeard looked at Lu and laughed a few times, "Kula la, does anyone want to be the captain of the second team?"

Just when Lu Yi was stunned, Marko raised Lu Yi's hand high, "Lu Yi, Lu Yi, he wants to be the captain of the second team!"

This instantly attracted everyone's attention....

Riku looked around and said, "Just me, just me competing for the captain of the second team!?"

Marco smiled, "Yes, just you..." He smiled like he didn't care about the excitement.

Lu Yi was a little confused, pointed at Blackbeard and said, "What about him, what about him, isn't Tiki an old man in the second team, doesn't he compete?"

Tiqi didn't expect Lu Yi to point the spear at himself, quickly swallowed the cherry pie in his mouth, and patted his chest, "I, ah, I don't like rights, I just want to be carefree!"

Lu Yi felt an unkind gaze staring at him, Lu Yi turned his head and looked at the unkind gaze, and suddenly, his gaze was opposite to Yi Zang's four eyes.

Seeing that the two found each other, Marco smiled even happier, and he quietly pointed at Yizang and said, "See no, it's him, uh... How to say, he has some relationship with the former captain of the second team, that is, ha, he does not agree with some people who have no skills to be the captain of the second team, so if you want to be the captain of the second team, you must fight with him first!"

Lu Yi suddenly came to his senses, and he looked at the smiling malicious, "You shouldn't want to watch a play!"

Marko was suddenly shocked, and quickly quibbled, "No, no, how can we be this kind of people?"

"Well, it's just..."

Marko smiled, "Actually, there were still many people vying for the captain of the second team before, but they were not Yi Zang's opponents, and Dad also acquiesced to Yi Zang's behavior, which may be... I don't want the incompetent to be the captain of the second team. "

Ku la la la, Lu Yi." Whitebeard laughed and looked at Lu Yi, since Lu Yi gave him pure gold, Whitebeard's spirit was obviously better..."If you ask Yi Zang's consent, then you will be the captain of the second team!"

Lu Yi saw that things had developed like this, and then glanced at the many captains around him waiting to watch the play, and smiled helplessly, "Then it's okay, I'll try the strength of Captain Zang!"

Yi Zang slowly walked out from the crowd after hearing this, and a man's voice came out from under the woman's appearance, "Are you sure you want to compete for the captain of the second team?"

Lu Yi exhaled deeply, "Please enlighten!"

Yi Zang looked at Lu Yi's eyes without moving for a long time, for a long time, he sighed, took out a cigarette from his waist, took out a pistol and fired a shot to light the cigarette, exhaled a puff of smoke, and said to Lu Yi, "I recognize you!"


Marko and a few people led by Bista who looked at the excitement and did not care about the big thing suddenly showed an expression of 'just this', and Lao Tzu's pants were taken off..... Ah, Lao Tzu's bench is all set, just show us here?

Yi Zang felt this strange gaze, and couldn't help but explain, "Lu Yi is different from the people before, he is very strong, and he also has this ability!"

Marko still looked interested.

Yi Zang finally couldn't help but burst into foul language, "Why, Bluebird, do you really want to see us fight to be happy?!"

Lu Yi waved his hand helplessly, "Actually, Captain Marko, we can fight!"

Marco immediately put away his smile and shook his head, "No, no, don't fight you, don't fight you." Whitebeard

couldn't help but laugh when he saw this 'harmonious' scene, "Kula la la, okay, okay, Lu Yi, you are now the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates..."

Marko hurriedly instructed, "Dad, the banquet is okay, but you can't drink anymore..." Suddenly Marko remembered something, "Forget it, in fact, it doesn't matter if you drink a little..."

Tichy also quietly walked behind Lu Yi and touched him, "Congratulations, Captain!"

Lu Yi was 'frightened', "I lean, do you walk without sound?"

Tichy scratched his head sheepishly.


After the banquet, after three rounds of drinking, all the people did not deliberately suppress the alcohol, because if you are not drunk, what kind of drinking?

Lu Yi staggered to the deck, wanting to breathe in the fresh air, and suddenly, he saw a figure on the deck looking at the sea, and clenched his fists.

"Tichy? Don't you sleep?

Lu Yi asked suddenly, startling Tichy, Lu Yi obviously saw with afterlight, his clenched fists quickly released, Tichy showed that trademark smile, "No, I'm not sleepy."

Lu Yi said seriously, "If you don't sleep, you have to sleep, I'll go to sleep first, goodbye..."

After saying that, Lu Yi jumped to the Daybreak on the side, Lu Yi was still used to living on the Daybreak.

Tiqi looked at Lu Yi's disappearing figure, and the cheeky smile on his face slowly disappeared, and Lu Yi jumped to the corner of the room on the Daybreak, opened his half-closed eyes, and Lu Yi muttered, "Tiki... Blackbeard,

hehe......................... Riku turned around and walked into Hancock's room and got into her bed, Hancock didn't sleep, she knew it was Rikuichi when Rikuichi entered the room.

It's just that Lu Yi's sudden attack made her a little overwhelmed...

"Riku, Rikuichi?"

Hancock called Lu Yi's name softly, "Have you drunk so much?" "

Han Cook..." Lu

Yi whispered her name softly, Lu Yi coldly hugged his delicate body from the bed, feeling the inch of tender skin, stroking, Lu Yi buried his head in her neck, greedily smelling her scent.........

"When I go back to Alabastan next time, I will propose a kiss to you..."

Lu Yiyou said without saying a word.

"At that time, in Alabastan, hold a grand wedding

..." "After I take revenge..."

After Hancock listened, he immediately blushed, imagining a good life after following Rikuichi.

A moment later, Hancock exhaled, kissed Lu Yi gently, put his arm around Lu Yi's waist, and bit his lip lightly, "Hmph, this time it's cheaper for you......."......

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, another four years passed, and it was only more than three years before the original time of the war at the top!

In the past four years, Lu Yi's bounty has not grown at all, it is still 900 million, and even one day, Lu Yi drank big, took off his clothes, revealed the slave mark, and showed off to Marko, the first generation of ghosts was snatched from the hands of the five old stars!

! Marko asked Lu Yi why he didn't cover the imprint, and Lu Yi was silent for a moment...

This is the driving force that supports me to move forward, and the day it (the nine-day hoof print) is on my back, I dare not relax!

After Marko heard this, he was also silent for a moment, and finally patted Lu Yi's shoulder, our white-bearded pirate group, it will always be yours... Family!


On an unknown island, a small group of pirates sneaked in.

A man at the head asked the younger brother, "Hey, are you sure Whitebeard is on this island?" The

little brother nodded, "I'm sure, I saw a huge ship docked on this island, it was the Whitebearded Moby Dick!"

The younger brother seemed to be a little hesitant, "I said, Captain, are we really going to find trouble with Whitebeard?" He's the strongest man in the world!"

The man known as the captain slapped the little brother on the head, "Nonsense, I not only want to trouble him, but also cut off his head!"

The next moment, a raging fire burned in his hand, and he said to his little brother, "I am a Devil Fruit Capable of Nature Department, what am I afraid of!"

The younger brother nodded thoughtfully, choosing to believe his captain's words.

I saw that the captain put the hat hanging behind his neck on his head, and there were two expressions on his hat, one was a crying face and the other was a smiley face......

After putting on his hat, he rushed out first, it was not too difficult to find a ship next to an island...

"Let's make the Pirates of Spades famous!"


On the Moby Dick, Riku asked Whitebeard, "Daddy, how do you feel about this person Tichy?"

Rikuichi asked tentatively.

Whitebeard smiled, "Kula la la, Lu Yi, why are you suddenly interested in Tiqi?"

Lu Yi smiled, "It's nothing, just ask."

"Tichy, he's not bad, honest and capable, no ambition!"

Lu Yi pouted disapprovingly, hiding it deep enough!" So is there anything special about him?

Whitebeard was stunned, touched his chin and said to Lu Yi, "Special place, uh, it seems to be just more resistant, that is, Joz is not as good as him to resist, and if there is ........ I just never sleep..."


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