The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 834: Fanwai: Yun Morong was kidnapped

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Yun Morong was dumb for a moment, looking at Yiran with a wry smile.

But she was still very happy to see that he could really regain the consciousness of survival.

The Buddha said: Saving a person's life is better than making a seven-level float.

She saved a life and was always happy.

"Well, I forgive you." Yun Morong looked at Yiran and said: "So, get better soon, okay?"

"Okay." Yiran's eyes looked at Yun Morong clearly, his mouth gently opened, and his voice was gentle, with unexplained meaning.

This unrefined intention, even the civilized people who listen to Xi Xi, don't mention the exquisite Yun Morong.

Xiao Wang stood aside, looked at Gu Xixi, Yun Morong, and Yiran lying in bed, and seemed to understand something.

But as a qualified assistant, you should know what you should know and what you should not know.

So Xiao Wang decided to pretend he knew nothing.

After waking up, Gu Xixi and Yun Morong did not stay in the hospital for too long.

Yi Mo didn't stop Yun Morong, his mouth was always smiling, and he seemed happy for the result.

In fact, he is indeed happy.

He raised his wrist, looked at the needle on his arm, and laughed lightly, but sighed with a smile.

"Yun, how can you be cruel to you like this?" Yiran said to herself: "If one day you know that everything is my calculation, you will still recognize me as a friend ?"

After finishing speaking, he shook his head and said to himself: "I'm sorry, but I have no choice. As a high priest, this is my duty. Your child, I will definitely get it."

After Yun Morong and Gu Xixi left the hospital, Gu Xixi asked Xiao Wang to go back and drove Yun Morong back.

The two sisters didn't speak. Everyone was a little confused and didn't know what to say.

After all, this kind of thing was met for the first time.

If the other party is an annoying person, they will be able to ignore it.

But it's not annoying.

Not only is it not annoying, it is also very distressing.

His eyes are so pure and so clear, he carefully hides his liking, and he is not willing to bother the other party, and can only hurt himself. Although it is naive, it is undeniable that it is also easy to move people.

Although Gu Xixi and Yun Morong are already married, they still feel a bit sorry when they meet such a suitor.

When Gu Xixi stepped on the brake, Yun Morong reacted and she was home.

"Sister." Gu Xixi stopped Yun Morong. Yun Morong got off the car and stopped suddenly.

"Huh?" Yun Morong looked up.

"I'll follow any inconvenience in the future." Gu Xixi said: "So my brother-in-law will not be angry and jealous?"

"Okay." Yun Morong said, "If possible, I don't even want to see him. But..."

"I understand." Gu Xixi said: "This kind of thing, no one can think of it. I did not expect a dye to have such a thought for you."

"It's okay, I won't go to the company in a few days. You can get the contract or something." Yun Morong said: "I happened to go to the relative's house with your brother-in-law."

"Okay." Gu Xixi nodded and agreed.

Gu Xixi really accepted Yu Danxiang's transfer contract, and took the contract to the hospital to find a dye and sign it.

When Yiran saw Gu Xixi coming by herself, she smiled bitterly and said, "Is she still angry?"

"Nothing." Gu Xixi put the contract on the table, and Xiao Wang moved the chair to sit down for her: "My sister and her husband went to go to relatives. There are many relatives in the Jiang family, and this kind of human contact Things, as the younger grandmother of the Jiang family, can't be shirk. Don't say it is her, even me, I can't shirk. When I marry these rich men, these things are already destined to become my own responsibilities. So don't you Think about it, she really has something, and the contract let me sign it."

With a smile of relief.

I don't dispute whether this reason is true or false, but just nodded to Gu Xixi and said, "Is the contract brought? I sign it."

Gu Xixi looked at him like this, but it was a bit unbearable: "If you are unwell, you can do it in a few days."

"It's okay, I'm weak again, I still have the strength to sign." Yiran reached out to Xiao Wang for a pen, and signed his name on the contract: "My task is completed, you can return home. You Rest assured, I will not cause her trouble."

Gu Xixi heard it and felt even more guilty: "I didn't mean to drive you away."

"I understand." Yiran raised her eyes and looked at Gu Xixi: "You protect her, I can understand it. Everyone outside said that the grandmother Jiang's grandmother wished to dig out her heart to the grandmother Yin's grandmother, but they did I don’t know, the heart of Grandma Yin’s grandmother has been given to Grandma Jiang’s grandma."

Gu Xixi's eyes suddenly turned red.

I didn't expect an outsider to see through the relationship between their sisters.

Gu Xixi said with emotion: "One dye, although you rarely contact people outside, but don't know how, I always feel that you have a magical ability to peep into people's hearts. What I said about my sister, what to say outside Yes. Some people said that she was attached to me, so she married Jiang's son. Others said that I used her to bind the in-law relationship between the Jiang family and the Yin family and the Yun family. Some people even said that Jiang My son is pleased with me, and in order to appease him, I stuffed Yun's sisters with him. Look and say everything. Although they dare not say it clearly, they don't know how to slander! And you? ? Just met us a few times, but you seem to see through our first half of life."

"Should I praise your cleverness? Or should I be alert to your cleverness?" Gu Xixi looked at Yiran: "If you use this ability, if you use it in a mall, I'm afraid it's also terrible? Insight into people's hearts, this ability , Is not something ordinary people can have."

Yiran's heart jumped quickly unconsciously.

It's dangerous, almost showing his feet.

His ability is indeed insight into people's hearts.

It was because of this ability that he was able to falsify and become a child of a large Mexican family.

Unexpectedly, he didn't fail in others, but he was almost seen to be flawed by Gu Xixi.

Sister Yun, really his nemesis!

"I also guessed. You know, as a patient, you can't go out, you can't communicate, you can't exercise much, you can only lie in bed every day, the only thing you can do is to move the brain." Yiran immediately for himself. Bangzun explained, "However, I still praise you when you are."

"Of course you are complimenting you." Gu Xixi retracted the contract, looked at the words on it, and then signed his name on it.

"It stands to reason that such a large contract should be in the office, under the witness of a group of people, signing the name of the generous party, and then the two sides shake hands for a photo. But today's special situation, this contract is temporarily signed so, look back There is an opportunity for cooperation, and then put on a good show."

Gu Xixi said jokingly.

Yi Ran was teased by Gu Xixi: "Okay."

After the contract was signed, the other party quickly executed the agreement and sent the money to Danny's account. The production line of Yudanxiang was officially transferred to the other party.

After Gu Xixi was busy with this matter, he didn't go to find another one.

Once dyed, it was also very clean and did not disturb Yun Morong.

This time, it seems that nothing really happened. The calmness almost made everyone forget what happened.

The days are very pleasant, and I am very happy.

It wasn't until Yun Morong and Jiang Yi overseas returned home that Yun Morong suddenly remembered that she had not had any news for several days.

Yiran no longer sent her WeChat and other messages, as if quietly disappeared from her life.

Yun Morong was thinking about this. Jiang Yihai walked in from outside in pajamas and saw Yun Morong in a daze. He hugged her lightly and suddenly: "You have worked hard these days. There is a side branch of the Jiang family, but They are also elders. We have to walk in the past because of feelings and reason.

Yun Morong immediately replied: "Nothing, I just want to do the company's business. Jiang's business is my business. Where is there any hard work? Besides, we went to He Xi, let alone talk about it Hard work. Are you exhausted these days? Will you rest early tonight and go to the company tomorrow."

"Good." Jiang Yihai smiled softly.

"Xi Xi is really reassuring. Yu Yan and Gu Miao are just left at the base, and Yinuo is also left over there. She is not worried?" Yun Morong was simply a worrying life. After worrying about this, Just worry about that.

Jiang Yihai said with a smile: "You, a big aunt, are even more troublesome than your mother. Rest assured, Yinuo's child is very naughty, like a tomboy, where is Hans, who is she comparable to? They are all happy. Because, she does not have training content for Yu Yan and Gu Miao, so everything comes with her interest. When you are tired of playing, you rest. When you wake up, you play with it. Hans stares over there. You will not lose money."

"That's what it says." Yun Morong said: "Kinuo is a girl after all!"

Jiang Yihai said with a smile: "Since we like children so much, let's have a baby soon, okay?"

Yun Morong blushed: "Look at you, and say this again."

"Mom told me a few days ago, let us have a baby as soon as possible, regardless of boys and girls, she is happy." Jiang Yihai said: "Our family is too thin. Father's generation, it is only him and There were two aunts. Later, when the aunt married the Yin family, only the father left to support the Jiang family. It was indeed quite lonely. What happened to the aunt again, and now they both settle in South America and would not come back, so they especially wanted to To have a grandson, I always feel that there are too few people in my family, and they are not popular anymore!"

Yun Morong nodded and did not resist the topic: "Indeed, there are few people and no popularity. Yihai, I also want to have a few children that belong to us, making this family lively."

Jiang Yihai was very pleased. Just when he was about to speak, someone knocked on the door: "Young Master, Grandma, and Madam's call seems to be in a hurry!"

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