The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 822: Fanwai: Green Tea Flower

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi immediately put down the chopsticks in his hand and looked at him seriously: "As long as I can help, I will help."

"Then I won't be polite to you." A shy face floated on my pale face: "I heard that Miss Gu's family planted a lot of precious flowers, and there are gardeners who are very good at planting management. I happen to be here There is a pot of eighteen bachelors, which will make me give up, and it won’t work. Miss Gu doesn’t know, although this pot of flowers is not very precious, it was a thought left by my grandfather. I don’t know if I can trouble it. The gardener at the lady’s house, take care of me to see if there is a chance to bring it back to life?"

Speaking of which, the expression on Yiyan's face seemed even more embarrassed: "When I came, I brought nothing but just brought the eighteen bachelors. Unfortunately, leaving the gardener's care, my half-hanger... "

Gu Xixi and Yun Morong laughed together.

When it comes to growing flowers, the most experienced person is not Gu Xi, but Yun Morong.

Hearing a few words, Gu Xixiao smiled and said, "You asked me to help me with this matter, and I really found the wrong person."

"Ah? Really? Isn't Miss Gu helpless?" Mr. Yiran's face couldn't hide the loss and regret: "It's my fault, I shouldn't bring it."

"No." Gu Xixi smiled and pointed at Yun Morong: "My gardener does take care of it, but it's none other than her to bring her back to life. My sister, there is a lot of care for flowers and plants That's it! When she and my brother-in-law met each other, it was because of the flower. Later, in order to commemorate her, my brother-in-law also made a big flower house..."

Yun Morong also remembered the scene where she and Jiang Yihai first met. A sweet smile unconsciously appeared at the corner of her mouth, but she said, "Okay, don't brag about me. I'm just bored, I just took care of those things."

It's a pity that when she was in poor health, she couldn't bear the pollen, and all the flowers moved out of the Yun's house, and she never took care of it again.

Later, she returned with Yun Morong's healthy body, and then regained her hobby. She and Jiang Yihai happily stayed in the flower room every day, taking care of those flowers and plants.

Looking at Yun Morong with a look of surprise: "Mo Rong, you are really good at flowers and plants, isn't this comforting me?"

Yun Morong said with a smile: "Eighteen Bachelors, I have raised several plants. One of them was also given to the mother-in-law, Mrs. Jiang."

Gu Xixi nodded vigorously: "My mother-in-law likes this flower very much."

"If you can trust me, I can take a look at you." Yun Morong said to Yiran.

"Of course, of course!" Mr. Yiran quickly asked the servant to hug the eighteen bachelors in his room, carefully placed in front of Yun Morong, and looked at her cautiously but expectantly: "Look, is there any rescue?"

Yun Morong put on his gloves and took a closer look at the eighteen bachelors.

The eighteen bachelor camellia is a treasure in camellia, which is deeply loved by people. It has a beautiful tree shape and a peculiar flower structure. It consists of more than 70-130 petals to form a hexagonal corolla. The tower has distinct layers and is arranged in an orderly manner. It is very beautiful. The petals of the two adjacent corners are arranged for about 20 rounds, mostly 18 rounds, so it is called "eighteen bachelors".

The 18 precious Bachelor of Camellia, a very precious treasure, is elegant and exquisite, with rich colors, also known as "Little Five Guarantees" and "Little Colorful".

"Fortunately, it's not too bad." Yun Morong said after checking, "You probably don't understand Camellia's habits very much, so it has caused it to lose its spirit. As long as it is well adjusted, it's basically fine. . Your eighteen bachelors are of great significance to you, and I will prepare them for you personally."

Hearing Yun Morong say this, Yiran's face was suddenly colored with joy: "Then I would like to thank you first!"

"All friends, you don't have to be polite." Yun Morong said with a smile: "Actually, Xixi's floral art is also good, she is very good at raising camellia!"

Gu Xixi quickly waved her hand: "No, no, no, I can't watch it compared to you!"

Seeing the sisters treat each other politely, Mr. Yiran said with a smile: "It seems that my luck is really good! When I first arrived, I met a life-saving benefactor. It happened that the life-saving benefactor also knew the art of flowering, not only saved me, but also saved My flower. It's a pity that I have only two years, otherwise I must make a good friend with you. Ah, look at me and say what these do. Come, try this dish, this is my place Vegetables, I don’t know if you are used to eating or not."

After a meal, the host and the host enjoyed themselves.

At the time of the division, Yun Morong took the eighteen bachelors back home, instead of the small apartment.

Because the small apartment is really too small, it's okay to stay a little bit occasionally, but it's unrealistic to put too much.

Moreover, the Jiang family has all kinds of tools, which is convenient for Yun Morong to display.

Yun Morong returned to Jiang's house, Gu Xixi did not live in the small apartment, and returned to his home.

"Young grandma." The servant at home saw Yun Morong coming back with a pot of eighteen bachelors, and immediately greeted him, taking over the eighteen bachelors in Yun Morong's hands, and the report said: "Danny Corporation The person in charge came to you and said that your phone could not be reached..."

Yun Morong discovered that his mobile phone was dead and shut down.

"Got it, let her come to the flower room to find me." Yun Morong nodded and said.

After a while, the project leader of Danny Company went to the flower room with a lot of sweat. When he saw Yun Morong, he couldn’t help but vomit: “Although you know that you don’t lack money for several bosses, Danny’s business is good or bad. It's a well-known cosmetics company! Mrs. Jiang Shao, can't you be like Mr. Mu, if you talk about the stall, just pick the stall!"

Yun Morong smiled: "I just run out of mobile phone, I'm scared to see you! Rest assured, Danny is the hard work of Ruona and Xi, I will not sit back and watch. Let's say, what's the matter with me?"

"This is the case." The project leader heard Yun Morong's answer, and he was relieved: "We have a brand under Danny, which was acquired by a company in Mexico, but the other company said it would send someone, but no one has been there. I contacted us and didn't know what happened. I sent a letter to the company on the other side of Mexico. The other party replied that the person has arrived in N city and said that let us wait patiently."

"You are talking about the brand Yudanxiang?" Yun Morong thought of the matter and immediately dropped the tool in his hand. "You reminded me that this matter was originally responsible for Ruona."

"Yes! But Mr. Mu didn't care about it when he played." Probably only Dani's people would dare to talk about his boss like this: "I just reported this to Mr. Mu. She said, what's the matter? Let me find you!"

Yun Morong smiled: "She is catching Zhuang Ding and catching me on the head! Forget it, for the sake of her hard work to save me, let me transfer this case to me."

The person in charge quickly handed over the information to Yun Morong.

Yun Morong opened it, and when his eyes fell on the contact list of the other company's company, he was stunned.

A touch?

How could it be him?

Why is it so coincident? (WeChat public account: Li Huali Liu, be the first to see tomorrow's trailer)

"Mrs. Jiang Shao, is there something wrong?" The person in charge asked Yun Morong's face slightly and immediately asked.

"Nothing." Yun Morong put away the folder and said to the person in charge: "You send me all the processes!"

"Yes." The project leader happily left the task.

After she left, Yun Morong reopened the information and read it from beginning to end.

The brand Yudanxiang is a third-tier brand owned by Danny. Its popularity in China is average, but its popularity abroad is not bad.

Mainly because the production line of this product is abroad, so whether it is ingredients or formula, it is actually more suitable for Westerners than Orientals.

At the time, this brand was made because it was purely natural and non-irritating. It happened that Gu Xixi, Mu Ruona and Mo Zixuan were pregnant, so they made a special production line for their own use and sold it to others.

Later, after the baby was born and weaned, everyone changed the brand, and this production line was a bit redundant.

Out of the company's strategy and development direction, they decided to sell the brand and the production line.

It happened that there was an enterprise in Mexico and was very interested in this brand and production line, so the two sides reached a friendly agreement to prepare to buy all the production lines and brands of this brand of Yudanxiang.

Mu Ruona is in charge of this project, so Gu Xixi and Yun Morong have only heard about them and have not intervened.

Now that Mu Ruona is not at home, Dani’s burden will fall on Yun Morong.

As for Gu Xixi... How could Yun Morong be willing to let his sister work hard?

So she did everything she could.

It's just that Yun Morong didn't expect that the person in charge with her would be the same.

But it's not difficult to understand, there are really few people who can make a dye worth the centurion black gold card.

That family happens to be one of them.

It's just too coincidental.

Could it be said that the person who was going to be picked up at the airport the last time Yiran tried to be discharged was the person in charge of Danny?

After careful calculation, it really is.

It was really the day when the department head went back to China on a business trip.

Unexpectedly, Yun Morong sent a message to Yiran in the past: "Yanran, do you have business cooperation to discuss in the near future?"

"Yeah." Yiran responded quickly: "You can rest assured that I will wait for my body to get better before I see each other."

"Really? Then wait and see." Yun Morong sent this message, and then snickered suddenly.

I don't know what expression Mr. Yiran found when he found out that the person who approached him for business was himself?

Inside the villa.

Once I dyed the phone, there was a smile on my lips.

Yunjia Qianjin, really well-deserved reputation, no wonder that so many people were rushing.

Even if I changed a body, it was still radiant and memorable!

Yunhao, I made you reborn.

Even if I can't collect the principal, the interest will always be collected.

How about having a baby with me?

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