The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 820: Fan Wai: Please be a guest

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Yun Morong thought for a while, forget it, and treated it as a good person and good deed.

After all, that person is also really pitiful.

I also came from that process, and I deeply understood the feeling of powerlessness.

He now runs away from his family without even a familiar person around him.

It is reasonable to think of yourself as the last straw.

Anyway, since he rescued him twice, he can’t sit back and let him die. If he is not in good health, he should take care of him!

"I know, I'll go back here." Yun Morong hung up the phone and said to Gu Xixi: "We have to go back quickly, and Mr. Yiran was discharged again! The last time he was discharged, something went wrong. I don’t know why anymore."

"That line, anyway, we have nothing to do, then go back to the earliest flight." Gu Xixi nodded: "The man's health is indeed too bad, so he does not care about himself, and he will regret it in the future."

After all, the two sisters are still kind.

The two returned to City N all the way, and sent gifts from the Yun family to their mother-in-law, and they went directly to the hospital.

As soon as he arrived at the ward, he heard Mr. Yiran patiently explaining to the nurse that he had recovered.

The nurse waved his hands impatiently: "If you have the ability to sign your doctor, otherwise it won't work! If you dare to sneak away, believe it or not. When you come next time, I will give you more needles, and you'll forget it. !"

Being threatened by the nurse, Mr. Yiran was not angry: "I really have something."

"It's not important to treat a big thing." The nurse was also stubborn.

"The nurse was right." Yun Morong walked towards him. "It's not a matter of health that matters of greatness."

Mr. Yiran looked at her helplessly: "Ah, I was shocked by you? I'm so sorry!"

Gu Xixi stood with his arms on his side and looked at Mr. Yiran and said, "You are really enough to toss! What is it that makes you out of the hospital? Say, I will help you deal with it. Is it a pick-up? Or talk about cooperation?"

"Neither." Mr. Yiran grinned and said, "It's a garden room I booked. It's going to be officially put into use today. As the owner, I always have to get the key? I originally said yes Let the other person send me the courier, but the other person said that he must go by himself. You see, I can't help it!"

This point, Gu Xixi is not easy to blame.

Now some units are really strange.

I must handle it in person with an ID card, otherwise I will not give anything.

The Yin family is because of their detached identity, so Gu Xixi never needs to do this.

But ordinary people can't avoid vulgarity.

Mr. Yiran is a foreigner who doesn't know much in the country. Even if he is rich, he must obey these regulations.

So, this really can't blame him.

"Furthermore, I just went to sign a letter, retrieve my key, and I will be back soon." Mr. Yiran said seriously, "I will not run around!"

Yun Morong sighed helplessly and said, "Okay, I will accompany you over."

"Really? That's so embarrassing." Mr. Yiran's pale face was blushing, and he seemed very shy.

The nurses next to them couldn't help but say, "Mr. Yiran, you are so simple, be careful not to be fooled by girls!"

"Ah?!" Mr. Yiran's face was blank: "Why would any girl lie to me?"

Gu Xixi couldn't bear to look directly.

How can this family think of him in such a simple nature?

Yun Morong shook his head silently and said to the nurse: "Where is the doctor's office? I'll go through the procedures for him."

The nurse's enthusiastic guidance: "This way."

Yun Morong went to the doctor to ask about the situation. Gu Xixi handed the bag to Mr. Yiran: "Here, my mom just made the fresh flower cake. You are not in good health and you can’t eat more. Sometimes it’s okay to take a bite. Yes. Our Yun Family's medicated diet is famous in the world."

"Is it for me? It's so beautiful, thank you!" Mr. Yiran accepted it, his eyes filled with joy: "You are such a nice girl."

"I am already the mother of two children." Gu Xixi corrected his title: "You can call me Mrs. Yin Shao."

"Then I will ask you to take care of it." Mr. Yiran said with a smile: "You still look like a girl."

Gu Xixi suddenly smiled: "Come on, for your sweet part, you won't be angry with you."

"Aren't you going to contact your family?" Gu Xixi asked, "You are better off taking care of your body."

"Well, I was angry at home and said that I should calm down outside." Mr. Yiran said with embarrassment on his face: "This is punishing me for being disobedient! So my followers were called back Now."

"Then it is better to hire a few temporary servants." Gu Xixi said: "If necessary, I will introduce a few for you."

"Really? That's great, I'm so grateful." Mr. Yiran was really grateful. "I'll pay them twice!"

While talking, Yun Morong came out of the doctor's office and said to Mr. Yiran: "I just talked to the doctor. The doctor said that your health is not good. Obviously in his twenties, he is ninety. Year-old body."

"Used." Mr. Yiran's face was calm.

Yun Morong became more and more intolerable.

That was the same with her back then.

Obviously unwilling, but helpless.

Therefore, Yun Morong subconsciously tolerated the childishness and stubbornness of Mr. Yiran.

Sympathetic to each other.

"The doctor said, if you take good care, there is still hope to live through the age of thirty." Yun Morong said: "Your family has given your body several times of conditioning, otherwise, you are only afraid of not living two Ten years old."

"Despite this, I don't have much time left." Mr. Yiran's eyebrows were very calm: "I am twenty-eight years old and have two years."

For a while, everyone stopped talking.

This topic is too sad.

"Don't say this, don't you want to sign to get the key? Let's go!" Gu Xixi didn't want to make her sister sad, and immediately began to divert the topic: "It's too late to go now, otherwise people will get off work, it will have to be tomorrow!"

In fact, Gu Xixi can use his power to help him solve problems.

But instinctively, she didn't want to do this.

Mr. Yiran is a man after all, he always wants face!

Gu Xixi's gentleness, Mr. Yiran soon felt it.

He smiled and nodded: "Okay."

Gu Xixi drove and took Yun Morong and Yiran to the developer's office building.

As soon as Gu Xixi appeared, he almost jumped off the building and scared the manager of their family, and hurriedly greeted him: "Mrs. Yin Shao, why are you here? There is something that people can tell you, where you can use it yourself come?"

Gu Xixi said with a smile: "It's okay. A friend of mine bought the garden villa from you. I came to get the key today, so I'll stop by and look at it."

The manager turned to see Yun Morong, and he was trembling again: "Mrs. Jiang Shao, you are here too! Is this your friend?"

"Yes, he called Yiran." Yun Morong nodded. "Trouble going through the formalities, his body is not very good and he can't stay long."

"Well, I will arrange it immediately." The manager quickly rushed to the commander, who personally took over the roster, and asked Mr. Yiran to sign for the key.

Mr. Yiran quickly signed at the location designated by the other party.

Gu Xixi found out that the beautiful hand he wrote was really beautiful, and he couldn't help but glance at him more.

"Our garden villa has many additional items. If you are interested, you can check them together. In this case, we will be directly responsible for the subsequent services." The manager explained: "The reason is to invite the owners It is also because of these reasons that the keys are collected in person. These items require the owner’s personal signature to confirm, because once the cleaning staff is stationed, the owner’s signature is required. Our security has always been the best in the local area, which is Responsible for the owners."

Mr. Yiran nodded and checked on many items, saying: "I live alone, it is relatively simple, so please send me a gardener, two cleaners, a cook and two nurses. As for the price, please choose the best of."

"No problem, you will be satisfied." The manager withdrew his signature book, and his smile was flat.

After completing the formalities, Gu Xixi took his key, found the villa that belonged to him in the past, opened the door and looked at it, nodded and said, "The environment is good, your vision is okay. This real estate developer is still More reliable."

"Whose is this?" Yun Morong asked.

"It's from the Shang family." Gu Xixi replied: "This project took a long time to complete. It has been invested by Si Chen before, but the proportion is not large."

No wonder the manager saw Gu Xixi respectfully.

This villa has three floors and a small area, but the decoration is still very warm. It is indeed more than enough to live alone.

"Although I'm a bit presumptuous to say this, but I'm here, I really only know the two of you." Mr. Yiran said, "I don't know if I have the honor, please invite the two to be guests here in a few days?"

Gu Xixi looked at Mr. Yiran and said, "You should adjust your body first."

"Body conditioning can be done at home." Mr. Yiran still smiled: "I used to have no place to live, so I went to the hospital. Now that I have my own home, I can find a quieter place."

Yun Morong nodded: "Also, in his own home, he has to be much cleaner."

Only for the last two years, he probably doesn’t want to spend time in the hospital, right?

Yun Morong inexplicably felt that he could understand the other party's mood.

"Yeah." Mr. Yiran's smile, especially pure and special.

Fortunately, Gu Xixi and Yun Morong are both accustomed to all kinds of top beautiful men, otherwise, they will definitely be hooked by his smile.

"Then did you agree to my invitation?" Mr. Yiran smiled: "It's just a common meal to express my gratitude. That's all."

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