The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 812: Fanwai: Rescue arrived

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

The high priest was about to raise his hand to touch Yun Morong, his ears suddenly moved, and then he smiled bitterly: "Come fast enough! It seems that this time is too late!"

The high priest climbed up from the ground with difficulty, and tried three times before standing up tremblingly.

But this action made his injury even worse.

The high priest forced the pain out of him, struggling out.

He must immediately summon the tribes and stop the people outside!

He has few opportunities and must not be missed easily!

If the next high priest does not appear again, their tribe will really die from this world!

Although countless tribes have disappeared and disappeared in the long river of time, he is really unwilling and reluctant to destroy his tribe in his hands!

Therefore, he will either protect the tribe forever or find the next high priest!

It would be better if his body was stronger, maybe he might devour the power of Yun Zixiao’s soul.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

It doesn't work hard, so does pleading.

Only this last chance!

Yun Morong must be given birth to an astrological boy!

Maybe this child can become the new high priest, lead the tribe and continue to live!

Thinking of this, the high priest was refreshed and immediately summoned tribal personnel to prepare to resist foreign invaders!

The tribesmen saw that the high priest was injured. In addition to the necessary combatants, the others kneeled to the ground, and the words in his mouth prayed for the high priest.

The high priest is the spiritual leader of their tribe.

If the high priest dies, and they do not have a new high priest, everyone will be very scared.

The high priest looked at the actions of the tribe members and smiled bitterly in his heart.

This is the difference between backward civilizations and developed civilizations outside, right?

If you are outside and find that your clan is injured, the first time is to rush to the hospital for rescue, instead of kneeling and praying!

However, even so, he must protect the last home of the tribe!

The periphery of the tribe.

Everyone brought by Jiang Yihai has a mechanical hummingbird in his hand.

The hummingbird carries a camera, which can quickly and clearly see the surrounding environment.

It was these hummingbird cameras that made everyone chase them over as soon as possible.

Xiao B said enviously: "If Jiang Shao you come here early, maybe you will find them earlier."

Jiang Yihai's guilt on his face: "It's all my fault, it took so much time."

Mu Ruona looked at the tablet in her hand, determined the direction in front of her, and said, "What's the use of saying this now? Both Xi Xi and Mo Rong have been missing for so long. Let's find someone quickly!"

At this time, Hirayama Jiro suddenly said, "I found it, look!"

Everyone went towards Hirayama Jiro.

I saw a screen flashing on the tablet in the hands of Hirayama Jiro.

In the picture, houses like pupae hung from the trees, densely packed, and the scalp of the people who watched them was fluffy.

"What the **** is this place?" Mu Ruona couldn't help but yelled: "This will be the place where humans live? The humans here actually lag behind like this? Can't they build a house?"

"Each tribe has its own characteristics, and perhaps they are characterized by these big cocoons." Jiang Yihai said: "Go, look at it! Everyone, keep up your spirits, be vigilant at all times! In case of danger, fight back immediately!"

Everyone followed the spirit: "Yes!"

Is it finally over?

There was a glimmer of hope in everyone's heart.

Hirayama Jiro sent everyone enough drugs to destroy nerves, and when in trouble, he shot decisively!

A group of people moved quickly towards the place where the tribes gathered.

Seeing those big cocoons right in front of me, suddenly someone stepped in front of the trap and suddenly hung upside down by the rope!

"Save me!" The man screamed immediately, and the comrade-in-arms next to him stepped on the tree trunk and leaped into the sky, cut the rope with a knife, and held the hanging person together and fell to the ground!

"Everyone be careful! This is the periphery of their village, and they will definitely set up a lot of traps." Jiang Yihai reminded everyone: "Get out a team first and clear the roadblocks!"

Seven people immediately came out of the team, carrying their weapons behind them, tentatively tentatively walked over, and stepped over one by one where there might be traps.

After clearing a few traps, the group slowly moved towards the tribe.

At this moment, a group of men with strange symbols painted all over the body rushed out of the tribe, each holding a bow and arrow, pointing at them, shouting incomprehensible language.

"What the **** are they talking about?" Mu Ruona couldn't help but spit out: "Can such a simple syllable also form a sentence?"

Jiang Yihai raised his hand and the team stopped.

Jiang Yihai took the horn and aimed at the group of people, regardless of language. Anyway, he yelled first, the content of the scream was not for them, but for Gu Xixi and Yun Morong: "Mo Rong Come on, we have found the village, where are you? When you hear the voice, give a message! Is Si Chen with you?"

Jiang Yihai exchanged this sentence into different languages ​​and said it one by one.

The indigenous people could not understand what Jiang Yihai said, so you look at me, I look at you, and you are not sure what to do.

Hirayama Jiro said coolly, "What do you say so much nonsense? This is the original tribe, there is no hot weapon. As long as they are all killed, can you just find it casually?"

Jiang Yihai hesitated and decided to listen to Hirayama Jiro's opinion.

Jiang Yihai raised his hand: "Ready to attack!"

The first team member immediately stepped forward and raised the weapon in his hand to aim at the opponent's chest.

Before Jiang Yihai issued an order, he heard a voice from inside: "Wait!"

The other party speaks Chinese.

When Jiang Yihai raised his hand, all his arms were raised.

Everyone saw a tall man wearing a black crow feather, covered his face with a cloak, and appeared in everyone's eyes.

The man seemed to be badly injured, walking on crutches and trembling.

"You guys, what is this for?" the man said. "Our tribe has never dealt with the outside world. Are you doing this too much?"

Mu Ruona held the weapon in her hand and said, "It is not too much, we don't know. I only know, our people, in your tribe, should you give an explanation?"

"Really? Do you have evidence that your people are with me?" the man asked.

"Huh, don't you know after searching?" Mu Ruona snorted.

The man chuckled: "I remember in your country, there was a year, one day, a person from a country, said to you, they have a soldier ran among you..."

Mu Ruona's face changed slightly!

I can go to him!

Who is this person?

Actually know the Lugou Bridge Incident!

Is this person really living in a primitive tribe?

"Don't do anything you don't want to do." The man continued to say, "Ma'am, do you say yes?"

Mu Ruona was asked dumbly!

Hirayama Jiro asked blankly: "What is he talking about?"

Jiang Yihai looked at Hirayama Jiro with an inexhaustible expression on his face, and said, "A few decades ago, people in your country invaded our ancestors. This is the excuse."

Hirayama Jiro's face was thundered: "what?"

"To tell the truth, if you don't depend on your entering our country, maybe I will give you a sack." Jiang Yihai said half-truly.

Jiro Hirayama looked at Jiang Yihai seriously: "So my son is called Mu Ziyue."

The implication is that you can't put my sack!

At this point, the man said, "Our tribe doesn't want to cause trouble, but it's not afraid of things! Although you all have hot weapons, it doesn't mean that we are going to be beaten passively! Did you come in smoothly? You don't think we are There are only so many traps?"

The man clapped his hands, and behind him came a torch with a fierce look.

"All the hay here is a poisonous grass." The man pointed to the grass on the ground and said: "After being ignited, the toxin produced can instantly invade the human respiratory tract, causing spasm and suffocation and eventually numb the death. If everyone insists on attacking, So it’s no big deal, just kill them all. Although you have hot weapons, but you want to kill so many of us at the same time, is it not easy?"

"In other words, if your people are really in the vicinity, I'm afraid they will hurt them by mistake?" The man's words successfully let Jiang Yihai lay down their weapons.

"Oh, why is this man's mouth so annoying?" Mu Ruona put away her arms arrogantly, and she did not dare to take this risk.

This is the jade bottle that will kill the rat.


If Gu Xixi was really inside, and forced their dog to jump into the wall, it would be really bad.

The situation stalemate suddenly.

No one will flinch.

It was at this time that Yin Sichen's voice came from behind this man: "It turned out that the high priest's eloquence was so outstanding, which really struck me! But, I don't know that in the eyes of the high priest, all your lives Is it important or not?"

Everyone looked inside.

Seeing Yin Sichen holding a tribe's inhabitants, he walked slowly towards the door.

The high priest's surprise: "Are you awake?"

"Oh, I really let you down! I woke up a little early." Yin Sichen looked at him sarcastically, his weapon pointed at the man's throat: "It seems that the high priest does not understand my temper, so , You deserve a lesson!"

As soon as the words fell, Yin Sichen put the weapon in his hand into the man's neck without hesitation.

The man was twitching and convulsing violently throughout the body, but within three seconds, he had no breath.

The group of people immediately burst into a terrible cry of exclamation.

Yin Shichen's brisk footsteps struck him again, grabbing a hostage again: "High priest, can I have a good talk now?"

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