The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 780: Fanwai: being caught

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Therefore, Linghu hurt the words and immediately smiled: "Miss Yun Er really is a noble person."

Yun Zixiao's heart sank.


Her transfiguration has never been a problem. Where did this Linghu injury show its flaws?

Yun Zixiao's mouth is still stubbornly resisting: "Your Excellency must have been misunderstood. Miss Yun's Second Family had already disappeared a few months ago."

Linghu hurt his mouth, and the bad mood just swept away, and inexplicably started to tease her mood: "Really? But you are so like Miss Yun's second lady, you said, is this a coincidence? What about?"

Yun Zixiao subconsciously touched his face and repeatedly confirmed his disguise.

No, I have changed my face shape and facial features, so it is strange that Linghu should not be seen through.

Where did it go wrong?

Ling Hu injured smiled again, and raised his hand to touch Yun Zixiao's face.

Suddenly surprised, Yun Zixiao raised his hand to block: "It seems that it is not good to hurt the young man to do this?"

"Why? Don't you hide yourself?" Linghu injured his fingers and recovered the unpredictable and inexplicable wounded son.

Yun Zixiao almost bit his tongue!

Why is she fooled?

Who is Linghu Wound?

Is it such a frivolous person?

He did that just to force himself to admit it!

Hateful, hateful!

He is normal in front of others, but it is easy to be chaotic when he meets him.

This was the case with the older brother Qi Jun, and now it is the same with Linghu!

How to do? Do I have to admit that I am Miss Yunjia II now?

Yun Zixiao's eyes flickered and she looked at Linghu Wound, but she didn't speak.

Linghu wounded her, turned to look at the moonlight, and said softly, "Miss Yunjia Er can hide her nature and pretend to be mad and stupid; she can let a charming Didi Maid out have to die and escape; let one The girl who was originally beautiful and beautiful, would rather be so ordinary, so you can see that the difficulties you face are not small."

After saying this, Linghu wounded and said nothing.

Yun Zixiao remembered that the Sixth Prince had said that Linghu had very few injuries.

But he said so much to himself in a single breath tonight, which is obviously already a super rare thing.

Now that he has been seen through, it makes no sense to deny it.

Yun Zixiao said lightly: "Shang Gongzi is clever, and my little skill of the worms can't escape the eyes of Shang Zizi. Miss Yunjia's second son has died and is now in a mortal state. The person standing in front of him is only Yun Zixiao, and nothing else. Zi Xiao and Shang Gongzi are only the second meeting. Please also treat him as if you have never seen Zi Xiao! Zi Xiao will say goodbye!"

Linghu injury did not stop Yun Zixiao, but said lightly: "I said, did I agree?"

Yun Zixiao stayed a while, then looked at Linghu wound with annoyance: "How about hurting your son?"

Linghu hurt his foot lightly, his body fell lightly on the ground, and he walked forward without looking back.

Yun Zixiao wanted to escape in the opposite direction, but she also knew that although Linghu injured her mouth, she didn't allow her to leave now.

What if she dares to escape and expose her secret to Linghu Wound?

Yun Zixiao was annoyed, but still followed, silently following Linghu's injury.

The back view of Linghu's injury, in the moonlight, is upright and chic. It is just a back view, which is already amazing.

It's just a pity that Bai Chang has a good skin bag, but I didn't expect it to be a robbery!

Yun Zixiao slandered in the heart.

Linghu Shang was very satisfied with Yun Zixiao's knowledge, so he walked all the way with Yun Zixiao.

The two walked silently, and no one spoke again.

Yun Zixiao didn't know where Linghu Wound was going to take her, but she didn't dare to ask her now. Fearing that Linghu Wound was unhappy, she handed her over.

She can't afford these offenses now.

Fortunately, Linghu did not go very far, and after a few turns, he reached a dark gray door.

Ling Hu injured his hand and patted the door, which was very rhythmic, three long, three short, one long and one short.

Soon, the door was opened.

Inside stood two heroic women dressed in men's clothing. The two women saw Linghu hurt the horse and gave a gift: "The Red Scarf Army commander Bai Su and Bai Zhen have seen the injured son!"

Linghu nodded his head and went on.

Yun Zixiao hesitated and followed.

Bai Su and Bai Zhen glanced at Yun Zixiao together, but did not ask much. After Yun Zixiao came in and checked that no one was tracking outside, the speed closed the door.

Linghu injured seemed to be familiar with this place, and quickly took Yun Zixiao into the house.

Yun Zixiao found that the houses here were very neat and tidy.

There is a weapon or a weapon. Obviously, it is not a normal place to live.

Linghu injured seeing Yun Zixiao's doubts, shook his robe and sat on the chair, raised his hand and said, "Miss Yun, please sit down!"

"Shang Gongzi still call me Yun Zixiao! I'm no longer Miss Yun Family!" Yun Zixiao laughed at herself: "I'm not rare to do Miss Yun Family!"

Linghu slightly pulled the corner of his mouth, and then returned to invisible.

"What are you doing here with me?" Yun Zixiao frowned and said, "I thought I hurt the son, not a man who took advantage of the fire."

Linghu hurt slowly and slowly raised his hand to pick up the tea cup on the table, blow it lightly, and took a sip. Then he said, "Where are you going to leave Yunjia?"

Yun Zixiao watched Linghu injured cautiously: "It hurts my son, this is my private matter."

"But did you know? Even if you have a fake identity, if you don't have the Yun family to protect you, you want to survive in this world, it's not a simple matter." Linghu wounded when facing others , Words are always few, but I don’t know why, as long as he is facing Yun Zixiao, he will have a lot of words.

As if he had too many words hidden in his heart, he wanted to tell her, but he had no chance to say them. It was like, in his last life, he knew Yun Zixiao, but for some reason, he couldn't tell her everything in his heart.

Therefore, as long as he faced Yun Zixiao, not only did he have more words, he also had more patience.

Yun Zixiao was silent.

She knew that Linghu Wound said facts.

Before, she was the princess of the Qing Dynasty, and because of her status and status, she had royal asylum, so she could do whatever she wanted.

Now that she has lost her asylum of Miss Yun's second identity, she does have a lot of inconveniences.

But what does Linghu Wound mention to himself?

Yun Zixiao looked at Linghu Wound so calmly: "Is the injured son sympathizing with Zixiao?"

"I don't think you need sympathy." Linghu injured no longer hides his purpose: "But I think you need shelter. This is fine, join my Red Scarf Army, and I will give you the perfect training , Do things for me."

Yun Zixiao's pupil shrank suddenly!

Although she originally had to obey the orders of Lord Hou Yun, he broke into the Red Scarf Army. However, she intends to go through the official conscription system, then hide in, and then wait for the opportunity to get Yun Houye's antidote and go away!

But now Linghu injured recognized her in advance and let her directly enter the Red Scarf Army to do things for him!

Although this is the case, maybe you can get Yun Houye's antidote faster.

But the future withdrawal may not be so smooth!

Yun Zixiao felt faintly that Linghu's injury was not so easy to be knocked down by the emperor.

What exactly does Linghu hurt him?

Yun Zixiao didn't say anything, and Linghu Wound continued to say: "You can refuse, but you have seen everything here..."

Yun Zixiao got it.

She can indeed refuse, but Linghu Wound will definitely kill her!

Who let her see everything here?

Only the dead are the safest!

Yun Zixiao immediately gritted his teeth and said, "Do I have any choice?"

Linghu hurt lightly smiled, his smile was very pale, and his smile disappeared.

Even so, it still almost took Yun Zixiao's eyes.

"Here is my stronghold, responsible for intelligence contact." Linghu wounded slowly and said: "Tomorrow morning, someone will come to pick you up. Three months later, I hope to see a brand new Yunzixiao."

"Yes, hurt the son!" Yun Zixiao immediately bowed his fist and answered: "Zi Xiao, will not let the son down!"

She is a favorite of double-sided spies!

Ha ha, Linghu hurt, Yunhouye. None of you can trap me Yun Zixiao!

At that time, I see who of you can find me!

In the conscription season, people all over the city were busy.

The Red Scarf Army in the Princess Palace also opened the camp rarely, allowing outsiders to come in and visit.

Many garrisons have also opened one or two stations to attract young people who come to join the army.

Probably because of the prosperous age, there are very few people willing to join the army.

Therefore, the recruiting personnel of several military camps all took out the skills of housekeeping to recruit talents!

The light calendar 2-6-4 years is the year 2-6-4 years of the founding of the Dali dynasty.

The rule of the Dali dynasty was to recruit troops once every three years and let them go once every three years.

Three years is the time for recruits and veterans to change.

Therefore, many overage veterans will be retired this year, and if no fresh blood is added, it will directly affect the rank of this army in the entire Dali Dynasty.

Especially now that several princes have grown up, they have their own characteristics, and the emperor is suspicious and strong, so everyone wants to grab an iron-blooded army in their own hands to ensure their own safety and seek a bigger cause.

This is the case with the Princess House.

The Red Scarf Army is an army exclusively for the Princess.

It can be said that as long as the princess does not die, the Red Scarf Army will always be used by the princess palace, and the emperor has no right to transfer the army.

This is why the emperor should start with his own sister. How can others be allowed to sleep soundly on the couch?

The longest princess is immortal, and the Linghu wound is still amazing, almost surpassing the emperor's sons.

How can the emperor not be angry?

But no matter how angry he is, he has to do everything in his face.

So this year's conscription season, the Red Scarf Army continued its posture and collected various female soldiers.

The expropriation personnel of several armies next to each other exchanged glances, intending to join forces to stab the Red Scarves.

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