The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 774: Fan Wai: Not Qi Jun’s brother

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Her face has not changed and her name has not changed.

"The two are the distinguished guests of the Hou Mansion. They can naturally play around. Zixiao, don't disturb." Yun Zixiao salutes slightly and turns to leave.

At this moment, there was a rapid footstep outside the door, and a voice came in, "Six princes, hurt the son, this place is dirty, don't dirty the clothes of the two grandfathers."

Yun Zixiao's mouth twitched a taunt.

Dirty place?

Well, the courtyard where the maidservant's daughter-in-law lived became a dirty place.

So where can Houfu go?

Linghu wounded to see Yun Zixiao's mockery at the corner of his mouth, his eyebrows bent slightly.

It's really interesting. Little girl.

Yun Zixiao is too lazy to fudge with this kind of villain. She hasn't recovered her strength now, so she can't do anything casually, so she turns around without any nostalgia.

The Sixth Prince looked at Yun Zixiao's back in amazement, and couldn't help but say: "Miss Yunjia's second person seems to have changed into a person. As soon as I saw me, I would be entangled in asking my third brother's things. All kinds of troubles. What's going on here today?"

"Probably, this is her nature." Ling Hu said lightly.

Under the pomegranate tree, there are many fallen heroes.

The petals fell on his blond hair, which matched his beautiful face, and more and more enchanted.

A middle-aged man came hurriedly outside the door. With a look of vigilance and nervousness, he saw that only the six princes and Linghu were injured in the yard. He was relieved obviously and said, "Six princes, hurt the princes. There are very few people here. It’s something that doesn’t understand the rules, so don’t run into two nobles.”

The six princes grinned and said nothing.

Linghu injured asked: "Who is the person who lives in this yard?"

The middle-aged man was asked suddenly.

If he answered truthfully, it would be equivalent to lowering the style of Hou Fu in disguise?

After all, he himself disgraced Miss Yun Jia Er first.

Linghu Wound never looked at him again, and said to the Sixth Prince, "Let's go."

After talking, Linghu wounded and turned towards the door.

The six princes laughed and followed.

The middle-aged man glanced alertly at the direction of the house and followed.

After all the uninvited guests left, Yun Zixiao asked Xiaoting: "Who is this fat man?"

Looking at the direction of the door, Xiaoting replied: "He is Jiafu, the big housekeeper of Hou House, and one of the confidants of the old lady."

"No wonder." Yun Zixiao nodded and said, "Oh, why is Linghu injured with blond hair and golden eyes? And, why doesn't he even have a title?"

Xiaoting pouted and answered, "Miss is really, how can slaves know this kind of problem? It is said that when the injured son was born, the light of the world and the earth turned into darkness instantly, which is an ominous sign. With his special identity, it is not Title?"

Yun Zixiao was very surprised.

This is a whole lot of fun!

The setting of this world is simply a miracle!

When he was born, there was a lot of light, but it turned out to be even worse than the maid in the house.

When Linghu Wound was born, it was dark in the world, but as a result it has now become the first beautiful man in the empire of the calendar and the guest of countless people.

Therefore, those nonsense prophecies are pitfalls!

At this time, Xiaoxie came in with freshly brewed tea and said: "Miss has no idea. The reason why the injured son did not have a title is because his status is too embarrassing. He is a royal family of the North Wolf Kingdom anyway. After that, the Northern Wolf Kingdom is now in civil strife, and the eldest princess is returned as a princess, and there is no serious pony. The injured son naturally cannot have a title. Otherwise, how to let other princess princesses of the empire of the Gregorian Empire hold themselves? "

Xiaoxie has read books for two years, so his knowledge will be better than others.

Yun Zixiao is also a wise man, and he will understand it at a glance.

Just afraid. When the older princess married the North Wolf Kingdom, she also had other purposes.

Otherwise, why did the Northern Wolf Kingdom become civilized soon after Princess Chang married?

Otherwise, why did the emperor of the Guangli Empire send troops to **** back the princess as soon as there was civil strife?

Otherwise, why has Princess Chang always been in poor health?

Otherwise, how can the Linghu injury grow up safely?

Some things can't just look at the surface.

Now, few people across the country can see Linghu wounds.

It is estimated that he doesn't want to see people, but can't he meet people casually?

After all, his identity is indeed too embarrassing.

As a hybrid of the Northern Wolf State and the Guangli Empire, it is said that which country is not pure, and it makes the emperor of each country feel awkward.

What a dilemma.

No wonder he never smiles, always looks cold.

Presumably, he knows his situation well.

Thinking of this, Yun Zixiao touched his chest, and even a little bit distressed him.

However, Yun Zixiao always felt that this man was definitely not as simple as it seemed.

Yun Zixiao is not a lady in a boudoir pavilion. She has been fighting for many years in the battlefield, so she is very accurate.

This Linghu injury, must have a card in his hand!

Just as Yun Zixiao was measuring Linghu injury, Linghu injury was also guessing Yun Zixiao on the way back.

"Sixth Brother, you said that she is really the Yun family's second lady who is crazy, not asking for progress, and disgusted by the upper and lower houses of Hou Mansion?" Linghu wounded and asked the sixth prince in a low voice.

"Yeah! Otherwise? You have seen it! The yard she lives in is almost similar to the cold palace. It is really embarrassing for her. Hou's house is so disgusted that she dared to mention the marriage contract with her third brother. It was because of Hou Ye's battle for the country that this agreement was made. Now it seems that the father and emperor and the mother do not intend to fulfill this marriage contract? After all, the young lady of the Yun family is even better. Right, Hurt, how are you interested in her?" The Sixth Prince asked curiously.

"It's nothing." Ling Hu replied lightly, his golden eyes blinked.

He just smelled a belligerent smell. This kind of taste is not possessed by other women in the Empire of Light.

That woman is definitely not as simple as others think.

So, why is she always hiding her fighting intent?

Linghu Wound also had a little curiosity about Yun Zixiao.

He even saw the fighting intention from a 15-year-old girl!

Moreover, the same fighting intentions as him.

Who will she fight for, and whom will she fight against?

The sixth prince and Linghu injured just returned to the lobby, and someone immediately told them about Hou Ye.

Yun Hou is only forty years old this year. He is a strong man. His face is not necessary and he is personable. It is difficult to believe that he used to be a general in the battlefield.

Yun Hou looked at Yun Qinwen, the eldest daughter playing the piano, and turned to ask, "Where did Zi Xiao go? Why haven't she seen her shadow for several days?"

Someone replied immediately: "When I returned to Houye, Miss II had suffered from wind and cold the other day and had never recovered, so I avoided it."

"Is it better now?" Lord Yunhou asked hypocritically.

"The doctor said it was almost okay." The next man replied.

"Instructed the kitchen to stew a cup of soup for Miss II." Yunhou Ye said a gesture of a kind father: "For a few days I did not study Zixiao's homework. It seems that I have time to ask."

As soon as Yun Hou's words fell, the three princes smiled softly: "Yun Hou, let's save some energy."

The three princes are out of the queen. They are only twenty years old this year. They are really rich and handsome.

The emperor is still young and does not have a reserve. However, some people in the court have vaguely regarded the three princes as the future princes.

Therefore, during the time of the three princes, it was called a spirit.

Not only Yunhou Ye, but also several other princely generals' families, they were also very close to the three princes.

Lord Yun Hou smiled and looked at the third prince: "Why did the third prince say this?"

"With that strength, it is better to cultivate and teach the young lady." The third prince picked up the glass, directed Yun Qinwen's direction of the piano, smiled, and then wiped it out.

Linghu's golden eyes were hurt, and Yun Qinwen was beautiful, but there was something missing.

It's just a beautiful vase, but not a blooming flower.

The value of Linghu's injury is really too much.

Rao is Yun Qinwen, who admires the three princes, and can't help but watch Linghu hurt a few more times.

Seeing Linghu hurtle looking towards him, Yun Qinwen was excited, with a wrong finger, and he went away.

However, Yun Qinwen is after all the Miss Yun family, and she quickly adjusted her mind and returned to the normal tune.

"Broken, I heard that you just met Miss Yunjia II?" The five princes who hadn't spoken suddenly turned to look at Linghu Wound and asked, "She saw you for the first time, but had you bothered you?" "

The three princes heard the words and snorted without trace.

The woman he didn't look down on, nor the other men's attention.

"No." Linghu replied faintly.

After finishing this sentence, Linghu injured stood up: "The third brother, the fifth brother, the sixth brother, the Lord Yunhou, the wounded care about the mother's condition, it is inconvenient to stay for a long time, so I leave."

Yunhou Ye immediately stood up: "Congratulations to the injured son."

The third prince, the fifth prince, and the sixth prince also stood up at the same time: "Since you are anxious to go back to see your aunt, we will stay with you soon."

Linghu nodded his head and turned away.

Yun Qinwen stood silently and couldn't help looking at Linghu's wounds.

But afraid of being discovered, she immediately turned her attention to the three princes.

Sure enough, the three princes looked towards her.

The third prince saw Yun Qinwen's eyes always on his own body, and immediately smiled with satisfaction.

Yun Qinwen smiled smirkingly, really looking back and smiling.

Yun Hou pretended not to see it, and after sending away Linghu, he continued to greet others to sit down.

The fifth prince said, "Forget it, I'll go back as well. Three brothers, I'm overwhelmed with wine, so I'll take a step first."

The third prince nodded, glanced at the fifth prince meaningfully, and said, "The fifth brother is not in good health, but be careful!"

"Brother Sano misses it." The five princes smiled and turned away.

As soon as the five princes left, the six princes couldn't help but say to the third prince: "Third brother, they.

As soon as the third prince raised his hand, he interrupted the sixth prince's words: "Okay, no need to say anything."

The Sixth Prince lived in dismay.

Linghu was injured in the carriage, did not walk a few steps, and suddenly said: "Stop."

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