The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 768: No one cares who's fault

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Shang Xiaojin saw Yin Yinuo walking back and forth in the classroom, trying to speak, but he could not bear it again.

At this time, a swarm of bees rushed to the window and tweeted: "Look, Master Gu Miao is playing! God! It's so handsome!"

Yin Yinuo couldn't hold back and looked out the window.


Instead of playing on a professional court, I played with a few college students on a small basketball court in the middle school.

Yin Yinuo clearly wanted to vomit, but it was a little itchy when he looked at it.

She also wanted to go out to play ball bang bang bang bang.

But Gu Miao was over there, didn't he bow his head if he passed this way?

No, absolutely not!

Hold back, you must hold back!

Yin Yinuo gritted her teeth, grabbed the schoolbag and went out.

Several classmates in the classroom looked at each other and couldn't help but ask Shang Xiaojin: "Student Shang, what's the matter with Nog?? I saw Master Gu Miao playing outside, and ran out long ago. What's going on today?"

Shang Xiaojin's eyes flashed in the direction of Yin Yinuo's departure, and said, "It's nothing, maybe it's a tantrum?"

Yin Yinuo strode out of the teaching building, planning to go back to the dormitory and wait for Mi Xiaoying.

Before reaching the parking area, a basketball clip rushed towards Mi Xiaoying with wind.

"Be careful!" The classmates around exclaimed.

Yin Yinuo didn't look, he leaned back, his waist was beautiful, his hands were on the ground, his left foot was firm, his right leg was straight, and he bounced the flying basketball back!

"Wow, so handsome!" The classmates around applauded!

"Nuo Ge, you are so handsome!" The female students screamed and cheered.

I have to admit that Yin Yinuo's hand just now was indeed impeccable.

According to her previous temperament, you must make fun of this group of beautiful classmates.

But she lost all interest today.

After standing straight from the ground, she did not look at the position of the basketball court, and walked away with her bag.

Gu Miao patted the basketball in his hand and looked at the back of Yin Yinuo's leaving. His red eyes flashed an unexplained smile.

The little girl's temper is really twisted!

"Brother Gu Miao, can't fight yet?" Jing Shaohuai shouted far away.

"Come!" Gu Miao patted the basketball and passed.

Yin Yinuo returned angrily to the dormitory.

Going to the door of the house, Gu Miao did not catch up, and Yin Yinuo became even more angry!

He did something wrong, don't he need to apologize?

Oops, I'm so mad!

Yin Yinuo kicked open the door of the room, strode meteor into it, just about to go up the stairs, but found Gu Miao was already in the living room.

Yin Yinuo's expression was a bit stiff instantly.

Isn't he playing?

Why are you in the dormitory?

Yin Yinuo reacted instantaneously, but she came back step by step. Gu Gu is estimated to have driven back?

So, walk in front of her!

Yin Yinuo was even more angry!

Would he rather come back early by car and not catch up with his apology?

Huh, angry!

Yin Yinuo glared at Gu Miao fiercely, turned and kicked upstairs.

Yin Yinuo thought that Gu Miao would at least say hello to himself, but Gu Miao just glanced at her and did not say anything.

So Yin Yinuo was even more angry!

As soon as he entered the room, Yin Yinuo threw the door back, fell to the bed all at once, and turned to and sullen.

Yin Yinuo couldn't help but call Mi Xiaoying: "Sakura, why don't you come back?"

Mi Xiaoying was walking back with Yin Yuzhan, and when she received the phone, she immediately said, "Why are you going back? Why does this sound very angry?"

"It's just very angry!" Yin Yinuo felt that his stomach was about to explode!

Mi Xiaoying and Yin Yuyan glanced at each other and said, "Okay, okay, don't be angry, we will go back immediately. What do you want to eat tonight? Is my hospitality good?"

"Forget it, I have no appetite, I'm full of gas." Yin Yinuo mumbled, "You come back soon!"

"I know! There are still half an hour!" Mi Xiaoying calmed Yin Yinuo.

"Okay." Yin Yinuo hung up the phone and continued to roll around on the bed restlessly.

Wait, wait, finally Xiao Miying and Yin Yuzhan are back.

Hearing the door outside, Yin Yinuo flew out.

Considering that Gu Miao might still be in the living room, she stopped her footsteps and lay down on the bed again.

Sure enough, after a while, Mi Xiaoying knocked on the door and came in.

Mi Xiaoying saw Yin Yinuo rolling on the bed and guessed what it was for.

Mi Xiaoying walked over and sat in a chair on the side and said, "Miss, if you roll down, you should become a cocoon."

Yin Yinuo then stopped and sat up and said to Mi Xiaoying: "Sakura, you look at Gu Miao him. You did something wrong and you don't admit it! Today you pretended not to know me! You said he Annoying?

"Who said that, and when I met later, I wouldn't know anyone?" Mi Xiaoying deliberately smiled and asked back.

Yin Yinuo stayed for a while, and then said, "I'm so angry! As a man, how can he be so careful, but come talk to me?"

"Look at you, neither let others find you, but get angry that others will not come to you to apologize. Miss, you are not those self-willed and coquettish Qianjin, you are the most handsome Nogo!" Mi Xiaoying smiled. Said: "So, Master Gu Miao naturally listens to you instead of guessing your mind."

"Why are you always talking to Brother Gu Miao?" Yin Yinuo was even more frustrated.

"I'm not talking to him, but seeking truth from facts. Well my elder lady, don't be depressed." Mi Xiaoying smiled mysteriously: "Do you want to solve this problem completely?"

"What way?" Yin Yinuo lit up.

Mi Xiaoying said with ears: "The campus festival is coming soon. You know, there will be a lot of students from other schools coming to the campus festival. Since you are so unwilling, it is better to defeat Master Gu Miao at the campus festival."

Yin Yinuo looked at her suspiciously: "Is it really possible?"

Mi Xiaoying nodded with a smile: "Don't he not approve of you? Then you behave best, let him see that you are the most correct!"

Yin Yinuo immediately fisted: "Yes, you are right! Just quarreling is too boring! It is better to do better, let him submit! Well, just do it!"

Mi Xiaoying smiled and said nothing.

This method, but Yin Yuyan's idea!

I hope these two will not fight when they are on campus!

Downstairs, Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao sat at the table, slowly tasting the tea that the Yun family had just delivered.

For these three grandchildren, the Yun family is very considerate.

Their teas from small to large are the best teas selected by Yunjia.

This kind of tea is really priceless.

You can't drink it if you have money.

The annual output is only a few or two, and even the three of them rarely drink.

Only when it is more special, will you take it out and taste it.

Gu Miao poured a cup of tea to Yin Yuzhan and said, "How is it? My parents agreed?"

"Don't you even guess it?" Yin Yuyan took a sip of tea: "My thing is easy to say, as long as my parents come forward, there is nothing wrong with it. Let's talk about what happened to you and Xiao Nuo?"

Gu Miao's red eyes rolled around and said, "Don't you all know that? Wu Xinlan has a problem with it, but Xiao Nuo doesn't believe it."

"You are too. Do you have to use such a straightforward approach?" Yin Yuyan shook his head helplessly, "Even if you and Xiao Nuo have been engaged in a marriage contract since you were a child, this is not your attitude towards love!"

"I'm nothing, but Xiao Nuo's habit really has to be changed." Gu Miao said: "Now it's okay to say that everyone is small, and it's just a joke. When I grow up, I'm so romantic, But something big will happen! After all, the people in society are much more complicated. I did not deliberately defuse her, I wanted her to return to orthodoxy."

Yin Yuyan smiled mysteriously: "Gu Miao brother!"

Gu Miao looked at him: "Why are you so panic laughing?"

Yin Yuyan raised her eyebrows and said, "Don't you want her to return to orthodoxy? It's simple! Now there is a way to do it once and for all."

Gu Miao looked at him suspiciously: "Do you have any good way?"

"Isn't it a good opportunity right now? The campus festival, but a few schools joined together. By then, there will be a lot of students from outside the school who don't know the inside. You might as well let her know, what is a real male god? "Yin Yuzhan said mysteriously: "Keep the symptoms and cure the symptoms!"

"Come on, don't give me such a bad idea! You know, I don't look at other women except Xiaonuo." Gu Miao glared Yin Yuzhan angrily: "You clearly want to watch the excitement, intentionally Make me ugly? Xiao Nuo will become like this, not because of you?"

"Ah, hey, don't blame me! You also have a share!" Yin Yuzhan raised his hand and put it on Gu Miao's shoulder, whispered: "We can't look at Xiao Nuo with the thinking of an adult, Xiao Nuo is only 16 years old this year. After all, she is still small, so it is also effective to be childish once in a while."

Gu Miaohong's eyes condensed: "But would you be ridiculed for doing this kind of thing?"

"What can I do to laugh back in order to recover my sweetheart?" Yin Yuzhan continued to lower his voice and said: "Did your father chase your mom in the past, there are few things to laugh at? Now there are a lot of things to laugh at! Now, again, Who are you? Who dares to laugh at you?"

Gu Miao thought for a while, and suddenly laughed: "Okay, then do so!"

The following days, it was so fast.

Gu Miao and Yin Yinuo still ignored each other, and everyone was very busy again.

The day of the campus festival is getting closer.

The high school campus of Sandia Noble College has been fully opened, and students from other schools have also received access cards, which can freely enter and exit the high school gate, and build their own stage in their own area.

The whole high school is very lively.

Students in different school uniforms shuttled among them, bringing vitality to the entire campus.

From that day on, Yin Yinuo didn't play or play anymore, and every day with Mi Xiaoying to plan the campus festival.

Mi Xiaoying returned the management and ruling power to Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao. She took Yin Yinuo in different areas every day to solve their needs on the spot.

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