The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 758: There are people who do not know how to advance or retreat

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

In order to show his singing skills, Jing Shaohuai held a microphone and shouted at the place, causing other people to make fun of it. 135%7924?*6/810

Mu Ziyue ran over to grab a song with him, the two made a mess.

Mo Yumo said that he held the hardcover original book and crouched on the sofa and looked at it with peace of mind.

Shang Xiaojin and Yin Yinuo are still playing billiards.

Mi Xiaoying gave them food and drink back and forth, and was pulled and played for a while.

Chen Yicheng sat cramped in a corner, watching Mi Xiaoying mingled with them, except for her envy or envy.

It seems that these young masters really don't treat Mi Xiaoying as an outsider.

The most enviable thing for Chen Yicheng is that Mi Xiaoying didn't seem to regard herself as an outsider, and they played well with them.

Chen Yicheng only realized the breadth of Mi Xiaoying's knowledge at this time.

No matter what topics these young masters mentioned, Mi Xiaoying can add to their topics, and can also provide their own opinions.

Perhaps she is not the most proficient, but she must be involved.

Chen Yicheng had always thought that these rich children would gather together to eat, drink, or gamble, or play with women.

Turns out he was always wrong!

The giants have a lot of constraints on them in training their heirs.

They have undergone rigorous training almost from the moment they were born.

Those dazzling courses of study are something that Chen Yicheng, a class who considers himself to be rich second generation, has never been exposed to.

Everyone is almost playing, Mi Xiaoying looks at the time and urges everyone to return to school.

Before going out, Mi Xiaoying said to Chen Yicheng: "Yi Cheng, I'm so sorry, I didn't take care of you all night. You also saw that my work is actually very trivial and busy. So those at noon It’s not really an excuse. Will I have to pay a guilty when I have time later?"

Normal ordinary people see all this, and basically don't get too entangled.

Mi Xiaoying told him that the two were inappropriate in such a gentle way, and the smart people naturally knew how to move forward and backward.

However, there is also a person in this world who is unaware of advancing and retreating, or is someone who has longed for Shu.

It happens that Chen Yicheng is such a person.

If he didn’t know Mi Xiaoying’s relationship with these upper-class young ladies, now that he knows the close relationship between them, he can’t let go!

Because I married Mi Xiaoying, I married countless Jinshan!

At first, he simply thought that Mi Xiaoying was only fancy by the Yin consortium, and now it seems that other heirs of the chaebols also recognize Mi Xiaoying very much!

In other words, if he establishes his own company in the future and has the relationship of Mi Xiaoying, no matter which consortium will give him a glance?

Say something more in front of you.

He is now working as a floor manager in Mu's shopping mall. Mu Ziyue, the son of Mu's son, is sitting here!

As long as the young master said something, his boss, Fang, would dare to show him his face?

Chen Yicheng thought of this, so he decided not to let Mi Xiaoying live or die!

He must catch up!

When Chen Yicheng heard Mi Xiaoying say this, he straightened his spine and said, "Look what you said? The two of us are friends, and the two of us grew up together. I have no doubt! I have no time today, Well, it’s another day. We all work in the country, and there are opportunities! Yes, do you really need me to send you back?"

Mi Xiaoying sighed!

She all hinted to this extent!

Is it okay?

Yin Yinuo came to Lamy Sakura: "Sakura, let's go!"

As soon as Chen Yicheng saw Yin Yinuo, the straight spine bent down again, and a flattering face said: "Miss Yin!"

"Well. You are Sakura's friend." Yin Yinuo glanced at Chen Yicheng, instinctively disliked. This man is too utilitarian.

Yin Yinuo saw too many people.

Flattering and flattering are endless.

She, as Miss Yin Family, wants to please her, there are too many people.

She was a little sick of this identity.

Therefore, most of the time she only plays with people in the circle, and rarely deals with people outside, for this reason.

Presumably, Mu Ziyue, Jing Shaohuai and Mo Yumo said they felt the same way.

The same is true of Shang Xiaojin who has been talking a little.

Shang Xiaojin is the most typical.

He basically didn't talk to outsiders, only chatting and playing with these people.

If it weren’t for someone else to play, everyone else felt that Shang Xiaojin had autism.

Therefore, Yin Yinuo simply greeted Chen Yicheng, but his attitude was very alienated.

Chen Yicheng did not know whether to retreat and said: "Yes, my relationship with Sakura is introduced at home. I heard that Miss Yin has always been taking care of Sakura, and I am very grateful."

His remarks immediately aroused the attention of several people around him.

If he didn't say this, everyone wouldn't dislike this man.

He clearly classified Mi Xiaoying into his array, and directly regarded Mi Xiaoying as his woman!

Is it funny?

What is their relationship with Mi Xiaoying?

Still need him to thank?

Also introduce the relationship at home?

Don't you think that a blind date, this person is yours?

Mi Xiaoying stood at the same place, her face helpless.

Everyone saw nothing in her face, but her eyes were a lot colder.

Mi Xiaoying can only say: "Brother Cheng, you should go back as soon as possible. It's too late. We should go back to school too. I might be busy lately, after all, there are a lot of things in school. When I'm free , Call you."

After saying this, Mi Xiaoying followed the others and left the room together.

Where can Chen Yicheng not hear Mi Xiaoying's rejection?

But he was not reconciled!

He can't give up!

This is his best chance to fly to the branches!

Even if Mi Xiaoying is now disgusted, he will get Mi Xiaoying!


After marrying home, it’s better to be **!

In India, women are obedient.

Chen Yicheng's mouth provoked a smile that was determined to win, and watched them leave.

Back in the car, Yin Yinuo hugged Mi Xiaoying's cheek all at once: "I said baby, seriously tell you something."

The others nodded.

Mi Xiaoying sighed: "Miss, let's go back and talk."

"No, I can't wait!" Yin Yinuo refused, and continued: "If you are for such a man and reject my brother, I disagree! Sakura, really, this man is not for you! He is too utilitarian! And, moreover, I don’t know the importance and respect for women."

"I know." Mi Xiaoying bit her lip and said, "My mother is still very optimistic about him, so, me.

"Oh my god! Why is Aunt Mi so so. Mu Zi couldn't help but yelled: "I'll say hello to Aunt Mi. "

Mi Xiaoying hurriedly said: "No need! I will handle this matter!"

"When I think of my brother losing to such a man, I feel unfair." Yin Yinuo continued to say seriously: "Even if the other party is not very good, even very mediocre, but his character must be good! Must respect respect You! Hearing what you said, he even doubted the content and nature of your work? What a joke? My Yin Yinuo's chief special assistant, where is the turn of a small fish to question?"

Yin Yinuo was really upset about Mi Xiaoying: "How many times have you met? What is his gesture? He wants to be with you. Have you asked me for your opinion?"

Seeing that Yin Yinuo was really angry, Mi Xiaoying quickly said, "Miss, I'm not angry anymore. I haven't promised him yet!"

"It's right if you don't agree!" Yin Yinuo said with a more accented tone: "I'll be angry if you agree!"

"Okay, Sister Sakura will not be inconsistent. Let's go back." Mo Yumo said to round the field: "Otherwise, the school will hold Sakura Sister accountable. We came out this time, but Sakura Sister's guarantee."

Others nodded.

Mi Xiaoying was relieved.

Chen Yicheng is really not upset!

Everyone denied it for the first time!

But fortunately, I thought I looked away.

After returning to school, Mi Xiaoying didn't have time to wash, and Chen Yicheng's message was sent: "Sakura, is my performance tonight not good enough? Did the young ladies miss me?"

Mi Xiaoying saw the message and hooked her lips, but she still seemed a bit self-aware?

However, the next message successfully restored Mi Xiaoying's lips.

"Can you say a few good things for me? Mu Ziyue is the master of the Mu family. I work in the mall of his family group now. He can save me ten years less in one sentence! Sakura, we have such a relationship You’re familiar with this, you’re not unwilling to help? I’ll be in a higher position in the future. If we are together, we can support each other."

Mi Xiaoying looked at this message on her mobile phone and felt a headache.

Probably Mi Xiaoying didn't reply to the message, and Chen Yicheng added another message: "Sakura, am I saying something wrong? Then I apologize to you first! I really ran for the purpose of getting married. I’m not like any other man, I just play tricks and don’t get married! I think, for our future, I have to work hard so that I won’t embarrass you. My dad is just a cook, and he has no big skills , So I can only rely on myself. That’s why I say that. I also think about our future. Can you understand?"

Understand your sister! Completely incomprehensible!

Seeing that Mi Xiaoying hadn't responded yet, Chen Yicheng could only send another message: "Okay, I said a little too much tonight. You take a break early. When you are not busy, I will take you to a picturesque place Have a good rest."

Seeing him finally stop, Mi Xiaoying breathed a sigh of relief.

Silently took a screenshot and sent it to Mimi's mobile phone.

Mother Mi sent a series of exclamation marks, and then sent a soothing expression.

Seeing her mother's reply, Mi Xiaoying smiled suddenly.

It seems that my mother's level has passed.

Now all that remains is. Yin Yuzhan was off.

Listening to the content of their chat tonight, it can be concluded that Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao, the two young masters, are afraid that they will come back within a few days.

At that time, how should I explain how to face it?

Will Yin Yuzhan listen to his own explanation?

Chen Yicheng, can you withstand the fighting power of Yin Yuyan?

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