The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 753: The girl saved by Yin Yinuo

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Mi Xiaoying was a little dumbfounded. She didn't expect it to be because of this!

Looking up at Yin Yinuo's act of pulling a pretty little girl behind her, she believed a little.

In the distance, Yin Yinuo's voice came over: "Are you still a man? Why? Can't afford to lose?"

A boy who looked like he was hanging up raised his hand and pushed Yin Yinuo: "Girly, I want you to control!"

The boy's finger hadn't touched Yin Yinuo's shoulder. Yin Yinuo grabbed the opponent's wrist, twisted it, and kicked his foot on the boy's ass.

Boom-fell a dog and shit!

A sudden burst of laughter erupted from the people around.

The rescued girl looked at Yin Yinuo with admiration.

Yin Yinuo lowered her head and patted the girl's shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here, nobody dares to bully you!"

"Thank you." The girl's eyes were flushed and her lips were bitten. "You're in front of me, aren't you afraid of getting into trouble? He's very good in our school."

"How can it be even more powerful? Bullying women's scum, we must be taught!" Yin Yinuo Da Lala replied: "This is Nuoge's life creed! Girls are so cute, of course, they must be pampered. How can you bully?"

After Yin Yinuo finished speaking, he raised his hand and touched the girl's face, looking down and smiling.

Mi Xiaoying stood aside and couldn't help covering her face.

The eldest sister **** her sister again!

She has been at Sandia Noble College for more than ten years!

Now actually stretched the devil's claws to the neighboring college!

Oh my god, once the campus festival begins, does Missy intend to whip up the rhythm of all college girls?

Mi Xiaoying suddenly sympathized with Master Gu Miao.

Sure enough, the stunned girl looked at Yin Yinuo with a blushing expression on her face.

Although Yin Yinuo is only 16 years old, he is already 1.57 meters tall.

This height is really not short among boys.

In addition to the unique blood of the Yin family, the nobleness that radiated from the bones, let alone the girl who was rescued, was there any other girl in Lin Gaozhong who was also charmed?

Yin Yinuo sighed and lifted her hand to wipe away the girl's tears: "Beauty, what's your name?"

"I. My name is... Wu Xinlan, a student in the third class of Lin Senior High School." The rescued girl replied excitedly.

"It turned out to be a heart-blue beauty. Although the beauty is tearful, the beauty is beautiful, but it hurts when you look at it." Yin Yinuo is still in strength. "When you still laugh, you are the most beautiful."

Hearing Yin Yinuo's words, the female students around couldn't help but scream.

too. too. . . . . . So handsome!

The boy who was kicked by Yin Yinuo's **** guarded so many people and lost face, and then watched as he watched his sister openly at a college in Lin, where could he bear it?

He grabbed a steel pipe from the ground at once, and swept towards Yin Yinuo's back!

Mi Xiaoying exclaimed: "Be careful!"

The female students around also screamed: "Be careful!"

Yin Yinuo's corner of the mouth provoked a perfect arc, and there was still time to pity the beauty in her arms: "Beauty, you back away, I protect you!"

After finishing this sentence, Yin Yinuo pushed Wu Xinlan into the crowd at once, and a flexible rollover of the body instantly avoided the other party's attack.

At the moment of landing, the right leg was supported on the ground, and the left leg was straightened suddenly, pumping hard towards the cheek of the sneak attacking boy!

Pootong-This poor boy was directly pumped out by Yin Yinuo for four or five meters!

The people at the scene opened their mouths at the same time, and their faces were incredible!

too. too. too. . . . . . So handsome!

Mu Ziyue's smug face: "Nuo Ge has been fighting Zhang Da since he was a child, and the whole of the Holy Land sub-high school has been picked up! Dare to single out with No Ge and find the rhythm of death! Now besides Yu Yan Ge In addition to Gu Miao, Nogo is invincible!"

Mi Xiaoying rubbed his temples with a headache: "This is not something commendable, OK?"

Mu Ziyue disagreed and said, "Sister Sakura, you can't say that. Noge is strong, you won't be bullied."

Mi Xiaoying looked helpless: "Well, being protected by her own lady, this feeling, I think in this world, my chief assistant should be the only one!"

Mu Zi felt amused when he thought about it, and he laughed.

Yin Yinuo straightened his body and smiled at the boy with a smile: his right hand extended his thumb, and then pressed hard against the ground.

Suddenly there was a boo in the boys around.

The boy kicked by Yin Yinuo can no longer get up.

He lay disgraced on the ground with a disdainful face.

"Okay, well, everyone is gone!" Mi Xiaoying hurried to the court, pulling Yin Yinuo and Mu Zi away.

"Wait! What's your name?" Wu Xinlan couldn't help crying.

Yin Yinuo waved at Wu Xinlan while he kept walking: "Call me Nuoge just fine."

Wu Xinlan's eyes looked at Yin Yinuo's back with flashing eyes, and the girl's heart was a little bit sprouting.

Not only Wu Xinlan was moved, but many girls were also moved!

Because she is so handsome!

Mi Xiaoying forced the two into the car, then drove back to the school dormitory and said, "Zi Yue was injured and it seems that he can't go back tonight. I don't know how to face Mu Zonghepingshan Sir!"

Mu Ziyue made a pleased smile: "Sister Sakura.

"Got it! It's up to me to do this." Mi Xiaoying sighed and said, "You, every time you are with the young lady, either a fight or a disaster! It's so big, it's still the same!"

Mu Zi got a hey smile and said, "That's that, I grew up with Nuoge! It's much better than Mo Yumo and Shaohuai!"

Mi Xiaoying said: "Fortunately, the two of you did not involve the three of them, otherwise, how should I explain to the Mohists!"

Mu Ziyue said helplessly: "It's not that I don't want to pull them in, but that the three of them have been crazy about playing e-sports recently and are busy playing games every day! Oh, yes, it seems to be for the campus next month. Prepared for the festival! It is said that there will be an e-sports event at the campus festival next month, and they are inspiring to sweep all universities!"

Yin Yinuo took a shower and changed her clothes, and heard their conversation, saying: "Yes, Mo Yumo said to me, they must let other colleges know this time, what is real e-sports! So I didn’t call them this time!"

Mi Xiaoying felt more headache.

It's really messy.

At this time, the phone rang, it was Chen Yicheng's phone.

Mi Xiaoying answered the phone: "Hey, this is Mi Xiaoying."

"Sakura, I'm a trip! Are you free to have a meal at night?" Chen Yicheng said.

"Sorry, brother Cheng, there's something wrong with the lady. I may have to make an appointment." Mi Xiaoying immediately replied: "In the future, I have the opportunity to invite you to eat to indemnify yourself."

When Chen Yicheng heard Mi Xiaoying say this, she was really disappointed: "Really? That's okay! Miss Yin's business is the most important thing! You are busy first, call me when you have time."

"Okay." Mi Xiaoying simply answered and hung up the phone.

Upon hanging up the phone, Yin Yinuo and Mu Ziyue stared at her vigorously.

"Why do you look at me like this?" Mi Xiaoying's back looked hairy for a while.

"Sister Xiaoying. Frankly, is it the phone of the suitor?" Mu Ziyue made a grimace and asked.

Yin Yinuo raised her eyebrows and looked at Mi Xiaoying.

"Ah. That's right." Mi Xiaoying didn't deny it.

Anyway, sooner or later, it will be public.

Is it okay to use Chen Yicheng to end his relationship with Yin Yuzhan?

Mu Ziyue looked at Yin Yinuo immediately, and Yin Yinuo was also surprised.

Yin Yinuo felt incredible!

In this world, a man actually beat his brother!

He is a huge fan!

There are even men who are better than people who are obsessed?

Otherwise, how could Sakura agree with each other's pursuit?

Yin Yinuo immediately became interested: "Sister Sakura, who is he? Which son? I really want to see where my brother lost!"

"No. He is not a rich man. He can't compare to the young master." Mi Xiaoying bit her lip and answered slightly embarrassedly: "Miss, don't ask.

"Okay, okay, I won't ask anymore. I still say that, you just like it. As long as you like it, I support it! If you really have no idea about my brother, I will help you block it!" Yin Yinuo said righteously: "I'll say it! Although my brother is as handsome as Daddy, it makes people have nosebleeds, but what can it do? Not all women around the world have to turn around them! Uncle Mo is also very handsome! Earl Phil is also very handsome! The godfather is also very handsome! There are more handsome people in this world! Right? Ziyue!"

"Ah! Yes, yes!" Mu Zi more quickly nodded: "Sister Sakura likes it!"

Hearing what they said, Mi Xiaoying was inexplicably relieved.

But then, a little sorry.

They really didn't take themselves as outsiders.

But he was so shamelessly coveted master enthalpy master.

The mother was right because the Yin family was so kind to themselves that they were so proud of themselves that they forgot their position.

Mi Xiaoying bent her lips and said, "I have asked the family to deliver the food. I will make dinner for you later."

"Okay." Mu Zi said with a sigh of relief: "It's better Sister Sakura! I like Sister Sakura's craftsmanship the most!"

"If you say that, Mu will always be sad!" Mi Xiaoying said with a smile over her mouth.

"Don't mention it! Where is my mother cooking? My dad is even more! Oh, don't mention it!" Mu Ziyue's face was depressed: "For so many years, why do I rub my rice here every day, my dad? Moms come to rub the rice! I can imagine how hard it is at home!"

"Nonsense! You are not without a cook at home!" Mi Xiaoying said deliberately.

"That's not as good as Sister Sakura!" Mu Ziyue hugged Mi Sakura's arm at once, shaking variously: "Sister Sakura is so gentle, generous, cute and beautiful, that's what she looks like."

Yin Yinuo laughed with haha: "Zi Yue, you also learned badly!"

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