The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 747: What happened to the flight!

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Mi Xiaoying feels that her ears are going wrong!

The help he said turned out to be help to eat?


What else can I say!

"What? You think I'm bad at doing it?" Yin Yuyan looked at Mi Xiaoying with a look of scrutiny.

"No." Mi Xiaoying whispered, how dare she disgust!

That's the cooking prepared by the young masters of the Yin Family Foundation!

"Then, let's eat together." Yin Yuyan said with a smile: "Don't be polite to me."

Mi Xiaoying smiled bitterly and could only pick up the chopsticks and eat silently with Yin Yuyan.

Don't really say, Yin Yuzhan's talent is simply amazing.

Although he was cooking for the first time, the food he made was not unpleasant.

Maybe it’s okay to have a chef pointing next to it, right?

Mi Xiaoying didn't speak at all, so she ate in silence.

Yin Yuyan did not say anything. Although the two did not say anything quietly, the atmosphere was simply incredible.

After eating, Mi Xiaoying took the initiative to wash the dishes and then left.

As soon as he left the room, he saw the light in Yin Yinuo's room turned on.

Mi Xiaoying used to ask Yin Yinuo if he needed to do it himself.

The moment Yin Yinuo saw Mi Xiaoying, her eyes lit up instantly, pulled Mi Xiaoying into the room, and said, "Sakura, Gu Miao is going to England."

"Well, I know." Mi Xiaoying nodded.

"However, I am reluctant to let him go." Yin Yinuo said reluctantly: "When Gu Miao is gone, no one will practice with me."

Puff... Miss Yin’s reason for keeping her fiance is very special!

Mi Xiaoying said with a smile: "Why? My elder lady, you finally admitted that you fell in love with Gu Shao?"

Yin Yinuo's face was red, and her mouth was still brave: "I don't have it! I just think that only he will not hold me boyish and is willing to accompany me to practice with me!"

Mi Xiaoying smiled very treacherously: "Is it just that?"

"Ah, I hate it!" Yin Yinuo and Mi Xiaoying were in trouble together: "Even you laugh at me! Tell me about me! What's going on with my brother?"

"What's the matter?" Mi Xiaoying subconsciously denied: "There is nothing between us."

Yin Yinuo hummed and said, "I don't believe it! Recently, the whole school has spread all over, my brother is staring at you!"

Mi Xiaoying's face suddenly flashed unnaturally: "Nothing... Don't listen to other people's nonsense... How can I talk to your brother? He is the heir of the Yin family and the successor of the future Yin consortium. He 'S wife will only be someone who can match him, not a humble existence like me."

"Not at all! There is no such rule in our family!" Yin Yinuo shook his head like a rattle: "My parents don't have such an idea. My parents have already said that as long as we like it, they will never interfere. Yes, my parents really experienced too much in order to be together, so they know this feeling best. If you and my brother look right, I don’t mind if you become me. 'S sister-in-law! We grew up together since we were young, and our relationship is close, I really don't mind kissing and kissing!"

Mi Xiaoying's face was inexplicably red: "Nothing!"

Yin Yinuo didn't continue to struggle with Mi Xiaoying, but stopped Mi Xiaoying talking about Gu Miao's things.

For example, Gu Miao bought her new boxing gloves, Gu Miao bought her a lot of delicious, Gu Miao took her to watch the car secretly, Gu Miao took her to go around the most mysterious city n Corners and so on.

Anyway, Yin Yinuo is now Gu Miao.

As long as Gu Miao is mentioned, his eyes are different.

The blind all know that she is Gu Miao's sister now.

Mi Xiaoying is a qualified and competent assistant. As long as Yin Yinuo said, Mi Xiaoying listened for as long as he could.

If it wasn't for class tomorrow, Yin Yinuo probably pulled Mi Xiaoying and said that last night.

Gu Miao and Yin Yuzhan will leave for London the day after tomorrow.

The two people are here for something else, so they need to keep a low profile.

The two did not take their own private plane, but chose to travel in public.

The day before leaving, Yin Yinuo and Gu Miao were stuck together for 24 hours and did not return at night.

Mi Xiaoying was very calmly waiting for Yin Yinuo's call in her room. If there was no call, she would be considered a day off.

Mi Xiaoying originally thought that Yin Yuzhan would come and say goodbye to herself.

But he didn't.

Mi Xiaoying's heart inexplicably flashed a touch of loss.

Mi Xiaoying reached out and patted her cheek, and said to herself: "It's a hell, why would he expect him to say goodbye to himself? He wasn't tempted!"

After talking, Mi Xiaoying was lying on the bed in a sulky mood, but she couldn't sleep even tossing and turning.

The scene where he kissed himself always appeared in front of him.

Obviously it was to be forgotten, but the memory became clearer.

Mi Xiaoying sat up dejectedly.

Finished, insomnia.

Can't sleep.

I turned my head over and over, thinking about the kiss of Yin Yuyan.

Is it poisoning yourself?

Why are you stupid?

Knowing the impossible, but have a little expectation?

What are you expecting?

Looking forward to his confession to himself?

Expect him to be with him desperately?

Don't be too naive!

You can't!

Forget it, don't want to sleep!

Mi Xiaoying forced herself to sleep and kept counting sheep and fruit trees and ducks, just couldn't think of Yin Yuyan!

This method is still very effective. After almost an hour, Mi Xiaoying finally fell asleep.

In his sleep, Yin Yuzhan came to see him. Although he said nothing, he gently stroked his cheeks and hair.

This dream is so real and true that Mi Xiaoying is a little bit nostalgic.

If reality is not possible, just let it go in the dream.

Mi Xiaoying sweetly entered the dream.

When he got up the next morning, Gu Miao and Yin Yuzhan had already left.

After all, he still couldn't see the last face before he left, Mi Xiaoying's heart, the sense of loss grew stronger.

Forget it, miss it if you miss it.

Perhaps this is destiny.

Looking at Yin Yinuo's room door is still closed, you know that Yin Yinuo did not return last night.

She is always accompanied by bodyguards, and she can be assured.

It's just that she hasn't commanded herself to do things recently, which makes her a little uneasy.

Mi Xiaoying took a leave for Yin Yinuo, planning to sort out her thoughts.

At this moment, Yin Yinuo suddenly ran in from the outside in a panic, hugging Mi Xiaoying as soon as he entered the door, and his whole body was shaking.

Mi Xiaoying is very strange: "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

Yin Yinuo shook even worse, trembling and said, "Sakura, it's not good! Something went wrong! I just heard the news that one of the flights from City to London crashed!"

Mi Xiaoying just felt the brain bang, blank.

Yin Yinuo's trembling voice was still ringing in his ear: "I just called Gu Miao and my brother, and they couldn't get through. Xiao Ying, you said, they won't be..."

Mi Xiaoying shouted instinctively: "No! Absolutely not!"

Why are they having trouble?

How could they be in trouble?

No, it's not!

This must be wrong!

"Let's go to the airport right away! Don't tell anyone else until you understand what happened." Mi Xiaoying couldn't help it, but she still has the least judgment.

At this time, she can't panic!

She panicked, what about Xiao Nuo!

Yin Yinuo heard Mi Xiaoying say this, the two people almost rushed to the airport.

There are two airports in city n, but the flight information is interoperable.

The two of them rushed to the airport with almost no ventilation, and directly fetched all the flights to London today.

At this time, the airport's led TV was broadcasting the news of the plane crash.

The family of the deceased has rushed over and asked the airport to give a statement.

The situation instantly became chaotic.

Suddenly, Yin Yinuo screamed, "No, it's not!"

Mi Xiaoying hastened to the past: "Did you find it?"

Yin Yinuo pointed desperately at the information on the TV and said: "I remember Brother Gu Miao said that their flight is this trip!"

In the next second, Mi Xiaoying felt like she was spinning!

Will not!

Not so coincident!

They are so lucky, so why are they so coincident...

No, be sure to check the information first!

See if they bought this flight ticket!

Mi Xiaoying's whole body also shivered, and almost rushed in front of the person in charge of the airport, taking a list of crew members.

Summoned Yin Yinuo with all his courage and watched them one by one.

When they saw the names of Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao, both felt dizzy.

Mi Xiaoying and Yin Yinuo's face was as bad as they were. The two looked at each other and found that the other's face was pale and gone.

"No... impossible..." Yin Yinuo turned to the outside and ran to the past: "I'm going to see, I don't believe it! I want to see people in life, I see dead bodies in death! I absolutely don't believe they will be in trouble!" "

Mi Xiaoying's body shook for a while, and she knelt on the ground all at once, her tears falling down.

how come?

how is this possible?

The guy who always smiles so badly, how can he say no?

They have experienced so much and received special training. How could they not respond to the plane crash?

Although they traveled in secret this time, there were not fewer bodyguards and assistants around.

Those people are well-trained people!

But why...

At this time, the person in charge of the airport came to explain the emotional family members: "The plane was attacked by birds above the ocean, which caused mechanical damage. The forced landing was too late. Please calm down, we will definitely search and rescue! We will never give up any A person!"

Listening to the person in charge, Mi Xiaoying's chest burst into anger, and suddenly climbed up from the ground. The petite body burst into huge energy, grabbed the person in charge by the collar, and gritted his teeth. The parachute!"

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