The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 735: Try Gu Miao

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Yin Yuyan came over and took a deep breath and said, "Wow, it's so fragrant. My dad said that the first meal my mother cooked in the past was fried noodles, so our family has always eaten fried noodles."

Mi Xiaoying looked up at him and said, "But I don't have fried noodles here, only rice, so I made kimbap."

Yin Yuyan raised an eyebrow: "It's okay, you can eat seaweed with rice."

Mi Xiaoying lowered her eyes and said: "Yin Shao, you said when will the lady play tonight will you come back"

"How" Yin Yuzhan raised her eyebrows and looked at her: "Not at ease"

Mi Xiaoying said: "This is my job after all. Even if I leave the job aside, Miss is only 16 years old this year."

"Relax, in city n and city s, no one would dare to treat her." Yin Yu enthalt said with a corner of her mouth: "Moreover, there are no fewer than twenty bodyguards following her, obviously and secretly. She is not weak in combat. And, I went to the Mo's villa again, so it's okay. After eating in a while, you can go to rest. Xiao Nuo's situation there, I will inform you at any time. Tomorrow is the weekend, don't have to get up early, Xiao Nuo probably Will play games with them until late."

"But" Mi Xiaoying was still a little worried.

"Relax, Gu Miao will pass." Yin Yuyan sighed: "With him, you can always rest assured."

I heard that Gu Miao would pass, Mi Xiaoying was really relieved: "That's good."

Gu Miao at this time really wanted to go over, but he was stumbled by someone alone.

It wasn't anyone else who stumbled upon him. It was the old acquaintance, Liffeia, after the French nobleman.

At this moment Li Feiya stopped Gu Miao's footsteps and said that nothing would let Gu Miao pass.

Gu Miao's red eyes flashed a trace of impatience: "Miss Lifia, what's the matter?"

"Gu Miao, you really have no impression on me." Li Feiya stood tall and approached Gu Miao: "You forgot what happened when we were little"

Gu Miao stretched the distance between the two without trace: "Oh yeah, there seems to be no intersection between us"

From the appearance, Lifia is indeed much more mature than Yin Yinuo, who is only 16 years old.

However, what about

Don't care is to care.

"Gu Miao, don't you think that we are actually in a fate? You see, you have British blood, and I also have British blood. We are together, in fact, it is the most perfect, isn't it?" Li Feiya touched at Yin Yuyan After the nails came, Gu Miao brushed his presence.

Gu Miao looked at Li Feiya with a smile.

She really thought she didn't know what happened at the gate of the college this afternoon

This woman, this self-righteous temperament, has never changed.

"I don't think so." Gu Miao directly gave her a pot of cold water: "And I have a fiancee."

"That little girl is better than me," Lifia asked unconvincedly.

"She has a better fist than you," Gu Miaoyi replied in a serious way: "She hit the invincible of the high school of the whole Sandia Aristocrat College, you can practice with her"

Lifia was choked back suddenly and couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Her actual combat ability is very strong, although I can't compare with me, but there are really few opponents in Sandia. So, you say, is she stronger than you?" Gu Miao continued to say seriously.

Lifia was choked again.

"And she still has money and the eldest lady of the Yin's consortium, and she has the right to inherit. You said, is it stronger than you?" Gu Miaoyi's serious ability to choke on people is really a lever.

Lifia has nothing to say

Does she dare to compare with the Yin Family Foundation?

What does she compare

"Also, she is also younger than you. She is only 16 years old this year, and she is 175 cm tall. In the future, there is room to grow taller, you said, is it stronger than you?" Gu Miao is also a serious blow to Li Feiya .

Liphia's face was flushed.

It's really unprecedented to be beaten like this

"Do you want to hear other aspects that are stronger than you?" Gu Miao looked at Lifia seriously.

Liphia turned away silently to make way.

Listen to Mao

Is the face beaten enough to hurt?

Gu Miao left with satisfaction from Lifei.

Liphia thought about it.

She really can't talk to Yin Yinuobi.

But she can compare with Mi Xiaoying

Although Mi Xiaoying is Yin Yinuo's personal assistant, she is only an assistant.

To put it bluntly, Mi Xiaoying has similar social status to her.

Therefore, Li Feiya decided to put her goal on Yin Yuyan

Can't figure out Yin Yinuo and her assistant

Gu Miao was too lazy to figure out who Lilya's goal was, but he didn't care anyway.

Gu Miao drove quickly to the door of the Mo's villa, and before he entered the door, he heard the sound of a fight inside.

There was a smile in the corner of his mouth.

It seems that he didn't show his hands tonight, and his little fiancee doesn't know how powerful he really is

If you want to conquer this little girl, you must let her worship herself

Gu Miao took out his phone and fiddled with it for a few moments, then invaded the villa's net instantly.

"Ahhh. What happened, why can't I move?" Yin Yinuo shouted wildly: "Mo Yumo said, does your home network work?"

"My network is out of order," Mo Yumo said and shouted: "No, we are a dedicated line. The speed is the best."

Shang Xiaojin pushed the keyboard and said, "No need to ask, someone has invaded our network"

"It's impossible that our firewall is the best." Jing Shaohuai didn't believe it.

Mu Ziyue said, "What if Brother Gu Miao invaded?"

The family stopped talking.

Yeah, who can prevent Gu Miao?

In the last hacker hacker war, Gu Miao swept the positions of the two sides with a neutral side, and the two sides lost.

Those people can't even touch Gu Miao's clothing corner, only know that he has a title called king.

Except for a few people in the family who know the roots and know that king is Gu Miao, people outside cannot know the true identity of king.

Those who like bragging, when they hear the name king, none of them dare to speak out.

Not as good as people.

Gu Miao slowly appeared in front of everyone, calm and elegant, as if a medieval prince.

"Okay, it's time to take a break." Gu Miao said lightly: "It's already twelve o'clock, don't you want to go for some supper?"

"Gu Miao" Mu Ziyue lit up: "Are you just shooting?"

Gu Miao laughed and said nothing.

Mo Yumo said with both eyes in his heart, "Brother Gu Miao, you are too powerful in our family's firewall, but the technology that was just eliminated from my dad is not equipped in the outside market. You can crack it instantly, we I admire you so much"

Shang Xiaojin looked at Gu Miao with complicated eyes and said nothing.

Yin Yinuo looked at Gu Miao, the glory of her eyes could not be covered.

Mrs. handsome

At this time, the housekeeper came to report that the supper was ready.

Mo Yumo said that this only took everyone to the restaurant to eat.

Yin Yinuo walked beside Gu Miao and couldn't help but ask: "Just really was your cracked firewall"

Gu Miao nodded gently.

"It turns out that you are more powerful than Shang Xiaojin." Yin Yinuo sighed: "I think Xiaojin is already powerful enough."

"Stupid girl." Gu Miao touched Yin Yinuo's head with a smile: "A lot of things, hard work is very important, but talent is more important."

You know, Gu Miao was already a hacker when he was four years old.

After sixteen years of research and battle, he has long since reborn and has become a top king.

Yin Yinuo threw out his tongue and said, "No wonder Zi is treating you as an idol, because you are already so powerful."

"Fortunately." Gu Miao lifted her hand and took Yin Yinuo's finger, and walked forward together. "Just like it."

Yin Yinuo felt that her heart suddenly jumped twice.

Originally, she did not have much emotion for Gu Miao.

But Gu Miao's ability to sweep away everything just two or three times inexplicably gave her a strange emotion.

"I" Yin Yinuo blushed and replied subconsciously: "It's alright"

Gu Miao laughed softly, so she took Yin Yinuo and walked towards the restaurant together.

Shang Xiaojin walked behind, watching Gu Miao and Yin Yinuo walking together so well, his eyes dimmed.

After all, he couldn't compare with Gu Miao.

No matter from any aspect.

Therefore, Xiao Nuo will like Gu Miao, and it is justifiable.

Gu Miao walked, suddenly turned around, glanced at Shang Xiaojin, and said: "You are also very good. With this achievement, at your age, many people are already hard to look at."

Shang Xiaojin kept his mouth shut and blurted out: "But still not as good as you."

Gu Miao did not speak, Yin Yinuo said with a smile: "Xiao Jin, don't compare with Gu Miao, he is a natural hacker. Mom said that when Gu Miao was four years old, he was already a hacker. Many things , Don't try to force yourself. You are already great.":.\\\\

Hearing Yin Yinuo's praise, Shang Xiaojin's eyes brightened a bit: "Really?"

Mu Zi came over and took Shang Xiaojin's neck forward: "Compared with Gu Miao, you are stupid. We will be the heirs of the family in the future. This kind of thing is just playing as a fun. Gu Miao is not a professional hacker. Gu Miao is just purely interested."

Jing Shaohuai nodded his approval and said, "Zi Yue is right. These things are just fun for us. We set up our own Internet company in the future, and it is only for profit, not to attack others every day. "

Mo Yumo said with a smile and nodded his head in agreement: "Yeah yeah. Let's hurry up and eat supper. Let's say, Xiao Nuo, are you still eating the same as when you were a child?"

Yin Yinuo shook his fist: "to fight"

People around suddenly burst into laughter.

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