The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 730: Old acquaintances also come to study

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Mi Xiaoying's speed is very fast, while reading while translating.

Her interpreting skills are strong and she almost never makes mistakes.

Soon, a document was translated, and a Chinese document was typed out with a computer.

Before waiting for Mi Xiaoying to print, Yin Yuzhan rushed over and put his chin almost on Mi Xiaoying's shoulder. He looked at the computer screen seriously and said, "Yeah, it's really fast!"

As soon as Mi Xiaoying's body is stiff, the subconscious will flee: "I have already translated it, just print it out. If there is nothing else..."

"Yes!" Yin Yuyan interrupted her directly: "I have something else!"

Mi Xiaoying almost bit her tongue!

Why don't you think so!

I have eaten twice and I don’t remember long!

This sentence cannot be said!

I am just polite and polite, others are not polite at all!

Mi Xiaoying is neither standing nor sitting.

"It's really too much to keep you busy all morning. It's better to ask you to drink something later... By the way, help me the next one." Yin Yuzhan said undoubtedly: "Xinuo and Gu Miao will come over in a while, you Just ask Xiao Nuo if he needs to do something!"

This reason is perfect!

Mi Xiaoying couldn't even find a reason to refuse!

She was originally Yin Yinuo's personal chief assistant!

Theoretically, where Yin Yinuo is, she will follow!

So, if Yin Yinuo and Yin Yuzhan drink together, she must follow!

Yin Yuzhan saw Mi Xiaoying's stiff body, and no longer continued to tease her. She straightened her body and said, "I just checked it, and I'm sure it's ok. I can print it."

Mi Xiaoying reacted this way, printing the translated documents in a hurry and binding them neatly in front of Yin Yuzhan.

At this time, there was a door opening sound outside, followed by a conversation between Gu Miao and Yin Yinuo.

Yin Yinuo: "Brother Gu Miao, is my performance too stiff today?"

"Well, just contact me more." Gu Miao's voice was calm and calm.

"That line, then you practice with me every day! I must beat my brother!" Yin Yinuo said excitedly.

"Okay." Gu Miaohong's answer drowned.

As soon as the words of the two men fell, the door of Yin Yuyan's door rang.

"Come in, Lao Yuan will hear your voice." Yin Yuyan said helplessly.

As soon as the door opened, Yin Yinuo swept in like a whirlwind, and screamed in front of Yin Yuzhan, shouting excitedly: "Brother, I will win you sooner or later!"

"Okay, I look forward to it." Yin Yuyan answered casually.

At this time, Yin Yinuo found that Mi Xiaoying, who was upset with a pestle on one side, couldn't help but yell: "Huh? Xiao Ying? Why are you here?"

Mi Xiaoying responded angrily: "Yin Shao caught Zhuang Ding and couldn't walk without trying."

This sentence is angry.

If it is Mi Xiaoying's previous temperament, it will definitely not be said.

But this morning, Mi Xiaoying didn't do anything and served Yin Yuzhan alone.

Can there be no anger?

Yin Yuyan listened clearly, but just picked the corner of his mouth.

Gu Miao's red eyes swept over Mi Xiaoying, who was angry, and glanced at Yin Yuyan again, and it became clear instantly.

It seems that Yu Yan is staring at Xiao Nuo's assistant!

Yeah, the first moon near the water tower!

Yeah, the rabbit eats the grass beside the nest!

Yeah, the Devil is about to shoot!

However, fat water does not flow outside the field.

Mi Xiaoying was also considered to have grown up with everyone since she was a child. Gu Miao's character is also very clear.

To be low-key, forbearing, smart and easy to learn, and know how to judge the situation.

When he was five years old, he knew to take care of three-year-old Yin Yinuo.

Therefore, Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao had a good impression of Mi Xiaoying.

When I grew up, I took the initiative to avoid suspicion. I never wanted to climb high branches like other women.

It was precisely because of her sensible and intelligent, Gu Xixi decided to send her to study abroad for several years, intending to cultivate her well.

Unexpectedly, I haven't seen it in a few years. The girl with yellow hair back then was so beautiful.

And it seems that he is even more afraid of Yu Yan and himself.

It is indeed an interesting little girl.

No wonder it will arouse the interest of Yu Yan.

Gu Miao received the look that Yu Yan handed over. The tacit understanding that the two developed from birth was not false. Gu Miao instantly understood the meaning of Yin Yu Yan and said to Yin Yinuo: "Xiao Nuo, let's go back to the room to wash first After a bath, we will eat something later, and we are a little hungry after playing tennis all morning. You still have lessons in the afternoon."

Yin Yinuo didn't find out about the three people at all. Well, he turned around and left.

Mi Xiaoying was about to leave with Yin Yinuo, and Yin Yuyan said slowly to Yin Yinuo: "Xiao Nuo, I'm not busy with things here, and Kui Sheng also sent me out, can I let Xiao Ying stay Help me?"

Yin Yinuo waved his head without looking back: "Xing Xing Xing, Sakura, please help my brother! I'll finish it in a while!"

Mi Xiaoying stepped out of her step and took it back, and tears flowed into her heart.

Miss, don't sell me!

Your brother is so dangerous!


Yin Yuyan said meaningfully: "Are you afraid of me?"

"No, it's not..." Mi Xiaoying turned back stiffly, explaining: "I just care about Miss more."

"Well, yes. After all, you are Xiao Nuo's assistant. I always let you do things for me." Yin Yuyan nodded thoughtfully.

Mi Xiaoying's heart is about to cry, right, right, you have an assistant yourself! These things should be done by Kui Sheng! Could you call Kui Sheng back quickly, okay?

I really don’t want Gao Panyin’s family!

I just want An'an to be a little assistant. Hey!

I just want to grow up smoothly and take the big dowry that Mrs. Yin gave me, find a warm man to marry!

There are so many beautiful women around you, just pick one at random, don't come too close to me!

But I heard that when the wife was with the president, don’t have too many scumbags around!

I don't want to repeat my wife's mistakes!

And I never thought about being the wife of the president!

So, Master, have you spared me?

Now let me get out of the way and let me take care of the lady?

"That's fine, I'll pay your salary later. I will give you double the salary as compensation." Yin Yuyan thought about it seriously and said, "If you are not satisfied twice, it will be tripled. By the way, you What is the current annual salary?"

Mi Xiaoying was almost choked to death by her saliva!

This is not a question of annual salary at all, okay!

What I want is freedom!

Yin Yuyan saw Mi Xiaoying's stiff fingers again for a moment, and the grin in the corner of her mouth became brighter.

"Okay, you have to clean it up first." Yin Yuzhan raised her wrist and looked at the time: "Ah, it's ten thirty at this time, and it's almost time for them to eat when they are finished after taking a bath. Let's go Dinner in the restaurant, Xiao Nuo has classes in the afternoon."

Finally got the amnesty order, Mi Xiaoying didn't stay long for a second, turned around and left.

After finally escaping from Yin Yuyan's room, Mi Xiaoying couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Hey, I still have to live under the same roof in the future, how can I live this day!

Yin Yuyan watched Mi Xiaoying escape as if she had left, and the smile on the corner of her mouth faded away.

At this time, the phone rang, Yin Yuyan looked at the number, and connected the phone.

The call came from Kui Sheng: "Master, there is new news. The school transferred a French student today called Lifia. My wife called me to say this and said that Lifia and you Gu Shao is old knowledge."

"Old knowledge?" Yin Yuzhan searched for a long time in his head, and he didn't remember knowing Liphia in France.

Kui Sheng continued: "I heard that you and Gu Shao met at a very young age when they helped the president to find his wife in France."

With such a reminder, Kui Sheng remembered Yin Yuzhan!

This is not the little girl who grabs the parking space!

Does she look as old as Gu Miao?

Does she want to go to university or graduate school?

Shouldn't it be the Ph.D. student department with myself and Gu Miao?

Yin Yuyan's brain turned fast and asked, "Pass me the information about her entrance to school!"

Kui Sheng hung up the phone for a lifetime, and quickly passed Li Feiya's information.

Yin Yuzhan glanced at the information and was suddenly happy.

Really an acquaintance!

But this Lifia seems to be just the daughter of a little nobleman in France, and he is not qualified to attend the Sainte Noble Academy.

She was transferred to China as an niece of a British marquis.

I haven't seen it in more than ten years, this Lifia seems to be very provocative!

I just don’t know, has that arrogant and arrogant temperament changed?

Scanning the information carefully, it really came to China for graduate students.

Fortunately, fortunately, it was not for doctoral students.

Such a half-familiar acquaintance, Yin Yuzhan didn't take it seriously at all and left the information directly to the side.

I have to eat in a while!

I don’t know why. I teased Mi Xiaoying today. He suddenly felt a little addicted!

Suddenly I thought it was a funny thing to tease that little girl.

Yin Yuzhan dropped the things in her hand and left the room. Looking down, she saw that Mi Xiaoying had changed into a cream-yellow spring dress. It was really gorgeous.

Mi Xiaoying also heard the movements behind her, and one turned back, her skirt fluttering, like a fairy.

Yin Yuzhan's eyes flashed a trace of stunning.

He never found out that Xiao Nuo's assistant turned out to be so... nice.

It turns out that this little girl hides so many unknown aspects.

"Yin Shao!" Mi Xiaoying found that the other party was Yin Yuzhan, and immediately bowed her salute.

"Well, don't be restrained." Yin Yuzhan suddenly discovered that he didn't like Mi Xiaoying's respect and respect to him.

At this time, Gu Miao and Yin Yinuo also came out of the room.

Yin Yuzhan immediately said: "Just, let's go eat together. At this point, it's time for dinner."

Yin Yinuo looked at Yin Yuyan and Mi Xiaoying, and they always felt strange between them?

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